Merge pull request #1575 from mguindin/agnoster-change

[agnoster-theme] modifying theme for dirty/staged files
Robby Russell 2013-04-23 20:17:40 -07:00
commit d6a36b1756
1 changed files with 13 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ prompt_context() {
prompt_git() { prompt_git() {
local ref dirty local ref dirty
if $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1); then if $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1); then
dirty=$(parse_git_dirty) dirty=$(parse_git_dirty)
ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || ref="➦ $(git show-ref --head -s --abbrev |head -n1 2> /dev/null)" ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || ref="➦ $(git show-ref --head -s --abbrev |head -n1 2> /dev/null)"
if [[ -n $dirty ]]; then if [[ -n $dirty ]]; then
@ -79,7 +78,19 @@ prompt_git() {
else else
prompt_segment green black prompt_segment green black
fi fi
echo -n "${ref/refs\/heads\//⭠ }$dirty"
setopt promptsubst
autoload -Uz vcs_info
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' get-revision true
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-changes true
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' stagedstr '✚'
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' unstagedstr '●'
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats ' %u%c'
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats '%u%c'
echo -n "${ref/refs\/heads\//⭠ }${vcs_info_msg_0_}"
fi fi
} }