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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id: XMLUniDefs.hpp 527149 2007-04-10 14:56:39Z amassari $
#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants for the Unicode characters of interest to us in an XML parser
// We don't put these inside the class because then they could not be const
// inline values, which would have significant performance ramifications.
// We cannot use a namespace because of the requirement to support old
// compilers.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const XMLCh chNull = 0x00;
const XMLCh chHTab = 0x09;
const XMLCh chLF = 0x0A;
const XMLCh chVTab = 0x0B;
const XMLCh chFF = 0x0C;
const XMLCh chCR = 0x0D;
const XMLCh chAmpersand = 0x26;
const XMLCh chAsterisk = 0x2A;
const XMLCh chAt = 0x40;
const XMLCh chBackSlash = 0x5C;
const XMLCh chBang = 0x21;
const XMLCh chCaret = 0x5E;
const XMLCh chCloseAngle = 0x3E;
const XMLCh chCloseCurly = 0x7D;
const XMLCh chCloseParen = 0x29;
const XMLCh chCloseSquare = 0x5D;
const XMLCh chColon = 0x3A;
const XMLCh chComma = 0x2C;
const XMLCh chDash = 0x2D;
const XMLCh chDollarSign = 0x24;
const XMLCh chDoubleQuote = 0x22;
const XMLCh chEqual = 0x3D;
const XMLCh chForwardSlash = 0x2F;
const XMLCh chGrave = 0x60;
const XMLCh chNEL = 0x85;
const XMLCh chOpenAngle = 0x3C;
const XMLCh chOpenCurly = 0x7B;
const XMLCh chOpenParen = 0x28;
const XMLCh chOpenSquare = 0x5B;
const XMLCh chPercent = 0x25;
const XMLCh chPeriod = 0x2E;
const XMLCh chPipe = 0x7C;
const XMLCh chPlus = 0x2B;
const XMLCh chPound = 0x23;
const XMLCh chQuestion = 0x3F;
const XMLCh chSingleQuote = 0x27;
const XMLCh chSpace = 0x20;
const XMLCh chSemiColon = 0x3B;
const XMLCh chTilde = 0x7E;
const XMLCh chUnderscore = 0x5F;
const XMLCh chSwappedUnicodeMarker = XMLCh(0xFFFE);
const XMLCh chUnicodeMarker = XMLCh(0xFEFF);
const XMLCh chDigit_0 = 0x30;
const XMLCh chDigit_1 = 0x31;
const XMLCh chDigit_2 = 0x32;
const XMLCh chDigit_3 = 0x33;
const XMLCh chDigit_4 = 0x34;
const XMLCh chDigit_5 = 0x35;
const XMLCh chDigit_6 = 0x36;
const XMLCh chDigit_7 = 0x37;
const XMLCh chDigit_8 = 0x38;
const XMLCh chDigit_9 = 0x39;
const XMLCh chLatin_A = 0x41;
const XMLCh chLatin_B = 0x42;
const XMLCh chLatin_C = 0x43;
const XMLCh chLatin_D = 0x44;
const XMLCh chLatin_E = 0x45;
const XMLCh chLatin_F = 0x46;
const XMLCh chLatin_G = 0x47;
const XMLCh chLatin_H = 0x48;
const XMLCh chLatin_I = 0x49;
const XMLCh chLatin_J = 0x4A;
const XMLCh chLatin_K = 0x4B;
const XMLCh chLatin_L = 0x4C;
const XMLCh chLatin_M = 0x4D;
const XMLCh chLatin_N = 0x4E;
const XMLCh chLatin_O = 0x4F;
const XMLCh chLatin_P = 0x50;
const XMLCh chLatin_Q = 0x51;
const XMLCh chLatin_R = 0x52;
const XMLCh chLatin_S = 0x53;
const XMLCh chLatin_T = 0x54;
const XMLCh chLatin_U = 0x55;
const XMLCh chLatin_V = 0x56;
const XMLCh chLatin_W = 0x57;
const XMLCh chLatin_X = 0x58;
const XMLCh chLatin_Y = 0x59;
const XMLCh chLatin_Z = 0x5A;
const XMLCh chLatin_a = 0x61;
const XMLCh chLatin_b = 0x62;
const XMLCh chLatin_c = 0x63;
const XMLCh chLatin_d = 0x64;
const XMLCh chLatin_e = 0x65;
const XMLCh chLatin_f = 0x66;
const XMLCh chLatin_g = 0x67;
const XMLCh chLatin_h = 0x68;
const XMLCh chLatin_i = 0x69;
const XMLCh chLatin_j = 0x6A;
const XMLCh chLatin_k = 0x6B;
const XMLCh chLatin_l = 0x6C;
const XMLCh chLatin_m = 0x6D;
const XMLCh chLatin_n = 0x6E;
const XMLCh chLatin_o = 0x6F;
const XMLCh chLatin_p = 0x70;
const XMLCh chLatin_q = 0x71;
const XMLCh chLatin_r = 0x72;
const XMLCh chLatin_s = 0x73;
const XMLCh chLatin_t = 0x74;
const XMLCh chLatin_u = 0x75;
const XMLCh chLatin_v = 0x76;
const XMLCh chLatin_w = 0x77;
const XMLCh chLatin_x = 0x78;
const XMLCh chLatin_y = 0x79;
const XMLCh chLatin_z = 0x7A;
const XMLCh chYenSign = 0xA5;
const XMLCh chWonSign = 0x20A9;
const XMLCh chLineSeparator = 0x2028;
const XMLCh chParagraphSeparator = 0x2029;