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// BWSelectableToolbar.h
// BWToolkit
// Created by Brandon Walkin (
// All code is provided under the New BSD license.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@class BWSelectableToolbarHelper;
// Notification that gets sent when a toolbar item has been clicked. You can get the button that was clicked by getting the object
// for the key @"BWClickedItem" in the supplied userInfo dictionary.
extern NSString * const BWSelectableToolbarItemClickedNotification;
@interface BWSelectableToolbar : NSToolbar
BWSelectableToolbarHelper *helper;
NSMutableArray *itemIdentifiers;
NSMutableDictionary *itemsByIdentifier, *enabledByIdentifier;
// For the IB inspector
int selectedIndex;
BOOL isPreferencesToolbar;
// Call one of these methods to set the active tab.
- (void)setSelectedItemIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier; // Use if you want an action in the tabbed window to change the tab.
- (void)setSelectedItemIdentifierWithoutAnimation:(NSString *)itemIdentifier; // Use if you want to show the window with a certain item selected.
// Programmatically disable or enable a toolbar item.
- (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)flag forIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier;