335 lines
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335 lines
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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <mitsuba/core/plugin.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/bitmap.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/gatherproc.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/renderqueue.h>
#if !defined(__OSX__)
#include <omp.h>
* Stochastic progressive photon mapping implementation. Only handles surface
* interactions. Parallelization is limited to the local cores.
class StochasticProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator : public Integrator {
struct GatherPoint {
Intersection its;
Float radius;
Spectrum weight;
Spectrum flux;
Spectrum emission;
Float N;
int depth;
Point2i pos;
inline GatherPoint() : weight(0.0f), flux(0.0f), emission(0.0f), N(0.0f) {
StochasticProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator(const Properties &props) : Integrator(props) {
/* Initial photon query radius (0 = infer based on scene size and camera resolution) */
m_initialRadius = props.getFloat("initialRadius", 0);
/* Alpha parameter from the paper (influences the speed, at which the photon radius is reduced) */
m_alpha = props.getFloat("alpha", .7);
/* Number of photons to shoot in each iteration */
m_photonCount = props.getInteger("photonCount", 250000);
/* Granularity of the work units used in parallelizing the
particle tracing task (default: 100 samples). */
m_granularity = props.getInteger("granularity", 500);
/* Longest visualized path length (<tt>-1</tt>=infinite). When a positive value is
specified, it must be greater or equal to <tt>2</tt>, which corresponds to single-bounce
(direct-only) illumination */
m_maxDepth = props.getInteger("maxDepth", 5);
/* Depth to start using russian roulette */
m_rrDepth = props.getInteger("rrDepth", 3);
/* Block size used to parallelize the photon query passes (default: 32x32 pixels). */
m_blockSize = props.getInteger("blockSize", 32);
m_mutex = new Mutex();
#if defined(__OSX__)
Log(EError, "Stochastic progressive photon mapping currently doesn't work "
"on OSX due to a bug in OpenMP that affects Leopard & Snow Leopard");
if (m_maxDepth <= 1)
Log(EError, "Maximum depth must be set to \"2\" or higher!");
StochasticProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager)
: Integrator(stream, manager) {
void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const {
Integrator::serialize(stream, manager);
Log(EError, "Network rendering is not supported!");
void cancel() {
m_running = false;
bool preprocess(const Scene *scene, RenderQueue *queue, const RenderJob *job,
int sceneResID, int cameraResID, int samplerResID) {
Integrator::preprocess(scene, queue, job, sceneResID, cameraResID, samplerResID);
if (m_initialRadius == 0) {
/* Guess an initial radius if not provided
(use scene width / horizontal or vertical pixel count) * 5 */
Float rad = scene->getBSphere().radius;
Vector2i filmSize = scene->getCamera()->getFilm()->getSize();
m_initialRadius = std::min(rad / filmSize.x, rad / filmSize.y) * 5;
return true;
bool render(Scene *scene, RenderQueue *queue,
const RenderJob *job, int sceneResID, int cameraResID, int unused) {
ref<Scheduler> sched = Scheduler::getInstance();
ref<Camera> camera = scene->getCamera();
ref<Film> film = camera->getFilm();
size_t nCores = sched->getCoreCount();
Log(EInfo, "Starting render job (%ix%i, " SIZE_T_FMT " %s, " SSE_STR ") ..",
film->getCropSize().x, film->getCropSize().y,
nCores, nCores == 1 ? "core" : "cores");
Vector2i cropSize = film->getCropSize();
Point2i cropOffset = film->getCropOffset();
m_running = true;
m_totalEmitted = 0;
ref<Sampler> sampler = static_cast<Sampler *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(Sampler::m_theClass, Properties("independent")));
/* Allocate memory */
m_bitmap = new Bitmap(film->getSize().x, film->getSize().y, 128);
for (int yofs=0; yofs<cropSize.y; yofs += m_blockSize) {
for (int xofs=0; xofs<cropSize.x; xofs += m_blockSize) {
m_offset.push_back(Point2i(cropOffset.x + xofs, cropOffset.y + yofs));
std::vector<GatherPoint> &gatherPoints = m_gatherBlocks[m_gatherBlocks.size()-1];
int nPixels = std::min(m_blockSize, cropSize.y-yofs)
* std::min(m_blockSize, cropSize.x-xofs);
for (int i=0; i<nPixels; ++i)
gatherPoints[i].radius = m_initialRadius;
/* Create a sampler instance for every core */
std::vector<SerializableObject *> samplers(sched->getCoreCount());
for (size_t i=0; i<sched->getCoreCount(); ++i) {
ref<Sampler> clonedSampler = sampler->clone();
samplers[i] = clonedSampler.get();
int samplerResID = sched->registerManifoldResource(
static_cast<std::vector<SerializableObject*> &>(samplers));
#if !defined(__OSX__)
int it=0;
while (m_running) {
distributedRTPass(scene, samplers);
photonMapPass(++it, queue, job, film, sceneResID, samplerResID);
for (size_t i=0; i<sched->getCoreCount(); ++i)
return true;
void distributedRTPass(Scene *scene, std::vector<SerializableObject *> &samplers) {
ref<Camera> camera = scene->getCamera();
bool needsLensSample = camera->needsLensSample();
ref<Film> film = camera->getFilm();
Vector2i cropSize = film->getCropSize();
Point2i cropOffset = film->getCropOffset();
/* Process the image in parallel using blocks for better memory locality */
Log(EInfo, "Creating %i gather points", cropSize.x*cropSize.y);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int i=-1; i<(int) m_gatherBlocks.size(); ++i) {
std::vector<GatherPoint> &gatherPoints = m_gatherBlocks[i];
#if !defined(__OSX__)
Sampler *sampler = static_cast<Sampler *>(samplers[omp_get_thread_num()]);
Sampler *sampler = static_cast<Sampler *>(samplers[0]);
int xofs = m_offset[i].x, yofs = m_offset[i].y;
int index = 0;
for (int yofsInt = 0; yofsInt < m_blockSize; ++yofsInt) {
if (yofsInt + yofs - cropOffset.y >= cropSize.y)
for (int xofsInt = 0; xofsInt < m_blockSize; ++xofsInt) {
if (xofsInt + xofs - cropOffset.x >= cropSize.x)
Point2 lensSample, sample;
GatherPoint &gatherPoint = gatherPoints[index++];
if (needsLensSample)
lensSample = sampler->next2D();
gatherPoint.pos = Point2i(xofs + xofsInt, yofs + yofsInt);
sample = sampler->next2D();
sample += Vector2((Float) gatherPoint.pos.x, (Float) gatherPoint.pos.y);
RayDifferential ray;
camera->generateRayDifferential(sample, lensSample, ray);
Spectrum weight(1.0f);
int depth = 1;
while (true) {
if (depth > m_maxDepth) {
gatherPoint.depth = -1;
if (scene->rayIntersect(ray, gatherPoint.its)) {
const BSDF *bsdf = gatherPoint.its.shape->getBSDF();
/* Create hit point if this is a diffuse material or a glossy
one, and there has been a previous interaction with
a glossy material */
if (bsdf->getType() == BSDF::EDiffuseReflection ||
bsdf->getType() == BSDF::EDiffuseTransmission) {
gatherPoint.weight = weight;
gatherPoint.depth = depth;
if (gatherPoint.its.isLuminaire())
gatherPoint.emission = gatherPoint.its.Le(-ray.d);
gatherPoint.emission = Spectrum(0.0f);
} else {
/* Recurse for dielectric materials and (specific to SPPM):
recursive "final gathering" for glossy materials */
BSDFQueryRecord bRec(gatherPoint.its, sampler->next2D());
weight *= bsdf->sampleCos(bRec);
if (weight.isBlack()) {
gatherPoint.depth = -1;
ray = RayDifferential(gatherPoint.its.p, gatherPoint.its.toWorld(bRec.wo));
} else {
/* Generate an invalid sample */
gatherPoint.depth = -1;
void photonMapPass(int it, RenderQueue *queue, const RenderJob *job,
Film *film, int sceneResID, int samplerResID) {
Log(EInfo, "Performing a photon mapping pass %i", it);
ref<Scheduler> sched = Scheduler::getInstance();
/* Generate the global photon map */
ref<GatherPhotonProcess> proc = new GatherPhotonProcess(
GatherPhotonProcess::EAllSurfacePhotons, m_photonCount,
m_granularity, m_maxDepth-1, m_rrDepth, job);
proc->bindResource("scene", sceneResID);
proc->bindResource("sampler", samplerResID);
ref<PhotonMap> photonMap = proc->getPhotonMap();
Log(EInfo, "Global photon map full. Shot " SIZE_T_FMT " photons, excess due to parallelism: "
SIZE_T_FMT, proc->getShotPhotons(), proc->getExcess());
Log(EInfo, "Gathering ..");
m_totalEmitted += proc->getShotPhotons();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int blockIdx = 0; blockIdx<(int) m_gatherBlocks.size(); ++blockIdx) {
std::vector<GatherPoint> &gatherPoints = m_gatherBlocks[blockIdx];
float *target = m_bitmap->getFloatData();
for (size_t i=0; i<gatherPoints.size(); ++i) {
GatherPoint &gp = gatherPoints[i];
Float M, N = gp.N;
Spectrum flux, contrib;
if (gp.depth != -1) {
M = photonMap->estimateRadianceRaw(
gp.its, gp.radius, flux, m_maxDepth-gp.depth);
} else {
M = 0;
flux = Spectrum(0.0f);
if (N+M == 0) {
gp.flux = contrib = Spectrum(0.0f);
} else {
Float ratio = (N + m_alpha * M) / (N + M);
gp.flux = (gp.flux + gp.weight * (flux +
gp.emission * proc->getShotPhotons() * M_PI * gp.radius*gp.radius)) * ratio;
gp.radius = gp.radius * std::sqrt(ratio);
gp.N = N + m_alpha * M;
contrib = gp.flux / ((Float) m_totalEmitted * gp.radius*gp.radius * M_PI);
Float r, g, b;
contrib.toLinearRGB(r, g, b);
int pos = (gp.pos.y * m_bitmap->getWidth() + gp.pos.x)*4;
target[pos + 0] = r; target[pos + 1] = g;
target[pos + 2] = b; target[pos + 3] = 1;
std::string toString() const {
return "StochasticProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator[]";
std::vector<std::vector<GatherPoint> > m_gatherBlocks;
std::vector<Point2i> m_offset;
ref<Mutex> m_mutex;
ref<Bitmap> m_bitmap;
Float m_initialRadius, m_alpha;
int m_photonCount, m_granularity;
int m_maxDepth, m_rrDepth, m_totalEmitted;
int m_blockSize;
bool m_running;
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(StochasticProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator, false, Integrator)
MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(StochasticProgressivePhotonMapIntegrator, "Stochastic progressive photon mapper");