85 lines
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85 lines
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#include <mitsuba/render/testcase.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/shvector.h>
class TestSphericalHarmonics : public TestCase {
void test01_shRotation() {
/* Generate a random SH expansion, rotate it and
spot-check 100 times against the original */
ref<Random> random = new Random();
int bands = 8;
SHVector vec1(bands);
for (int l=0; l<bands; ++l)
for (int m=-l; m<=l; ++m)
vec1(l, m) = random->nextFloat();
Vector axis(squareToSphere(Point2(random->nextFloat(), random->nextFloat())));
Transform trafo = Transform::rotate(axis, random->nextFloat()*360);
Transform inv = trafo.inverse();
SHRotation rot(vec1.getBands());
SHVector::rotation(trafo, rot);
SHVector vec2(bands);
rot(vec1, vec2);
for (int i=0; i<100; ++i) {
Vector dir1(squareToSphere(Point2(random->nextFloat(), random->nextFloat()))), dir2;
trafo(dir1, dir2);
Float value1 = vec1.eval(dir2);
Float value2 = vec2.eval(dir1);
Assert(std::abs(value1-value2) < Epsilon);
struct ClampedCos {
Vector axis;
ClampedCos(Vector axis) : axis(axis) { }
Float operator()(const Vector &w) const { return std::max((Float) 0, dot(w, axis)); }
void test02_shSampler() {
/* Draw 100 samples from a SH expansion of a clamped cosine-shaped
distribution and verify the returned probabilities */
int bands = 13, numSamples = 100, depth = 12;
Vector v = normalize(Vector(1, 2, 3));
ref<Random> random = new Random();
SHVector clampedCos = SHVector(bands);
clampedCos.project(ClampedCos(v), numSamples);
//Float clampedCosError = clampedCos.l2Error(ClampedCos(v), numSamples);
//cout << "Projection error = " << clampedCosError << endl;
//cout << "Precomputing mip-maps" << endl;
ref<SHSampler> sampler = new SHSampler(bands, depth);
//cout << "Done: "<< sampler->toString() << endl;
Float accum = 0;
int nsamples = 100, nInAvg = 0;
for (int i=0; i<=nsamples; ++i) {
Point2 sample(random->nextFloat(), random->nextFloat());
Float pdf1 = sampler->warp(clampedCos, sample);
Float pdf2 = dot(v, sphericalDirection(sample.x, sample.y))/M_PI;
Float relerr = std::abs(pdf1-pdf2)/pdf2;
if (pdf2 > 0.01) {
accum += relerr; ++nInAvg;
Assert(relerr < 0.08);
Assert(accum / nInAvg < 0.01);
MTS_EXPORT_TESTCASE(TestSphericalHarmonics, "Testcase for Spherical Harmonics code")