307 lines
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307 lines
9.0 KiB
#include <mitsuba/render/kdtree.h>
static StatsCounter raysTraced("General", "Normal rays traced");
static StatsCounter shadowRaysTraced("General", "Shadow rays traced");
bool KDTree::rayIntersect(const Ray &ray, Intersection &its, Float mint, Float maxt,
bool shadowRay, unsigned int &shapeIndex, unsigned int &primIndex) const {
KDStackEntry stack[MTS_KD_MAXDEPTH];
const KDNode * __restrict farChild,
* __restrict currNode = &m_nodes[1];
static const int prevAxisTable[] = { 2, 0, 1 };
static const int nextAxisTable[] = { 1, 2, 0 };
Float t;
#if !defined(MTS_USE_TRIACCEL4)
Float u, v;
/* Force these to be aligned on 16-byte boundaries */
Float _tt[8], _u[8], _v[8];
Float *tt = STACK_ALIGN16(_tt),
*u = STACK_ALIGN16(_u),
*v = STACK_ALIGN16(_v);
/* Move the ray into SSE registers */
const __m128
ray_o = _mm_loadu_ps(&ray.o.x),
ray_d = _mm_loadu_ps(&ray.d.x);
/* Set up the entry point */
int enPt = 0;
stack[enPt].t = mint;
if (mint >= 0.0f)
stack[enPt].pb = ray(mint);
stack[enPt].pb = ray.o;
/* Set up the exit point */
int exPt = 1;
stack[exPt].t = maxt;
stack[exPt].pb = ray(maxt);
stack[exPt].node = NULL;
while (currNode != NULL) {
while (EXPECT_TAKEN(!currNode->isLeaf())) {
const uint8_t axis = currNode->getAxis();
const Float splitVal = currNode->getSplit();
if (stack[enPt].pb[axis] <= splitVal) {
if (stack[exPt].pb[axis] <= splitVal) {
/* Cases N1, N2, N3, P5, Z2 and Z3 (see thesis) */
currNode = currNode->getLeft();
/* stack[exPt].pb[axis] > splitVal. This seems to be
a typo in the thesis. */
if (stack[enPt].pb[axis] == splitVal) {
/* Case Z1 */
currNode = currNode->getRight();
/* Case N4 */
currNode = currNode->getLeft();
farChild = currNode + 1; // getLeft()
} else { /* stack[enPt].pb[axis] > splitVal */
if (splitVal < stack[exPt].pb[axis]) {
/* Cases P1, P2, P3 and N5 */
currNode = currNode->getRight();
/* Case P4 */
farChild = currNode->getLeft();
currNode = farChild + 1; // getRight()
/* Cases P4 or N4 - calculate the distance to the split plane */
t = (splitVal - ray.o[axis]) * ray.dRcp[axis];
/* Set up a new exit point */
const int tmp = exPt++;
if (exPt == enPt) /* Do not overwrite the entry point */
const int nextAxis = nextAxisTable[axis];
const int prevAxis = prevAxisTable[axis];
stack[exPt].prev = tmp;
stack[exPt].t = t;
stack[exPt].node = farChild;
stack[exPt].pb[axis] = splitVal;
stack[exPt].pb[nextAxis] = ray.o[nextAxis] + t*ray.d[nextAxis];
stack[exPt].pb[prevAxis] = ray.o[prevAxis] + t*ray.d[prevAxis];
const Float eps = 1e-3;
const Float eps = 1e-5;
const Float m_eps = 1-eps, p_eps = 1+eps;
/* Floating-point arithmetic.. - use both absolute and relative
epsilons when looking for intersections in the subinterval */
const Float searchStart = std::max(mint, stack[enPt].t * m_eps - eps);
Float searchEnd = std::min(maxt, stack[exPt].t * p_eps + eps);
/* Reached a leaf node */
bool foundIntersection = false;
for (unsigned int entry=currNode->getPrimStart(),
last = currNode->getPrimEnd(); entry != last; entry++) {
if (m_packedTriangles[entry].rayIntersect(ray_o, ray_d,
searchStart, searchEnd, tt, u, v, shapeIndex, primIndex)) {
if (shadowRay)
return true;
foundIntersection = true;
searchEnd = its.t = tt[0];
its.uv.x = u[0];
its.uv.y = v[0];
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(m_packedTriangles[entry].nonTriFlag)) {
const TriAccel4 &ta = m_packedTriangles[entry];
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
if (ta.index[i] != KNoTriangleFlag)
const Shape *shape = m_shapes[m_packedTriangles[entry].shapeIndex[i]];
if (shape->rayIntersect(ray, searchStart, searchEnd, t)) {
if (shadowRay)
return true;
foundIntersection = true;
searchEnd = its.t = t;
shapeIndex = ta.shapeIndex[i];
primIndex = ta.index[i];
const KDTriangle &kdTri = m_triangles[m_indices[entry]];
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(kdTri.index != KNoTriangleFlag)) {
if (kdTri.rayIntersect(ray, searchStart, searchEnd, u, v, t)) {
if (shadowRay)
return true;
foundIntersection = true;
shapeIndex = kdTri.shapeIndex;
primIndex = kdTri.index;
searchEnd = its.t = t;
its.uv.x = u;
its.uv.y = v;
} else {
if (m_shapes[kdTri.shapeIndex]->rayIntersect(ray, searchStart, searchEnd, t)) {
if (shadowRay)
return true;
foundIntersection = true;
shapeIndex = kdTri.shapeIndex;
primIndex = kdTri.index;
searchEnd = its.t = t;
/* Calculate triangle intersections using the fast algorithm by
Moeller and Trumbore (without having done any pre-computation) */
const KDTriangle &kdTri = m_triangles[m_indices[entry]];
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(kdTri.index != KNoTriangleFlag)) {
const TriMesh *mesh = m_meshes[kdTri.shapeIndex];
const Triangle &tri = mesh->getTriangles()[kdTri.index];
if (tri.rayIntersect(mesh->getVertexBuffer(), ray, u, v, t)) {
if (t >= searchStart && t < searchEnd) {
if (shadowRay)
return true;
searchEnd = its.t = t;
its.uv.x = u;
its.uv.y = v;
const KDTriangle &tri = m_triangles[m_indices[entry]];
shapeIndex = tri.shapeIndex;
primIndex = tri.index;
foundIntersection = true;
} else {
if (m_shapes[kdTri.shapeIndex].rayIntersect(ray, searchStart, searchEnd, t)) {
if (shadowRay)
return true;
foundIntersection = true;
shapeIndex = kdTri.shapeIndex;
primIndex = kdTri.index;
searchEnd = its.t = t;
if (foundIntersection)
return foundIntersection;
/* Pop from the stack and advance to the next node on the interval */
enPt = exPt;
currNode = stack[exPt].node;
exPt = stack[enPt].prev;
return false;
bool KDTree::rayIntersect(const Ray &ray, Intersection &its) const {
Float mint, maxt;
if (m_rootBounds.rayIntersect(ray, mint, maxt)) {
its.t = std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
/* Adaptive ray epsilon */
Float rayMinT = ray.mint;
if (rayMinT == Epsilon)
rayMinT *= std::max(std::max(std::abs(ray.o.x),
std::abs(ray.o.y)), std::abs(ray.o.z));
if (rayMinT > mint)
mint = rayMinT;
if (ray.maxt < maxt)
maxt = ray.maxt;
if (maxt <= mint)
return false;
unsigned int shapeIndex, primIndex;
if (rayIntersect(ray, its, mint, maxt, false, shapeIndex, primIndex)) {
const Shape *shape = m_shapes[shapeIndex];
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(its.t < mint || its.t > maxt)) // double-check without epsilons
return false;
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(primIndex != KNoTriangleFlag)) {
const TriMesh *triMesh = static_cast<const TriMesh *>(shape);
const Triangle &t = triMesh->getTriangles()[primIndex];
const Vertex &v0 = triMesh->getVertexBuffer()[t.idx[0]];
const Vertex &v1 = triMesh->getVertexBuffer()[t.idx[1]];
const Vertex &v2 = triMesh->getVertexBuffer()[t.idx[2]];
its.p = ray(its.t);
Normal faceNormal(normalize(cross(v1.v-v0.v, v2.v-v0.v)));
/* Intersection refinement step */
Float correction = -dot(its.p - v0.v, faceNormal)/dot(ray.d, faceNormal);
its.t += correction;
its.p += ray.d * correction;
if (its.t < mint || its.t > maxt) {
its.t = std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
return false;
const Vector b(1 - its.uv.x - its.uv.y,
its.uv.x, its.uv.y);
its.uv = v0.uv * b.x + v1.uv * b.y + v2.uv * b.z;
its.dpdu = v0.dpdu * b.x + v1.dpdu * b.y + v2.dpdu * b.z;
its.dpdv = v0.dpdv * b.x + v1.dpdv * b.y + v2.dpdv * b.z;
its.geoFrame.n = faceNormal;
its.shape = shape;
coordinateSystem(its.geoFrame.n, its.geoFrame.s, its.geoFrame.t);
its.shFrame.n = normalize(v0.n * b.x + v1.n * b.y + v2.n * b.z);
its.shFrame.s = normalize(its.dpdu - its.shFrame.n
* dot(its.shFrame.n, its.dpdu));
its.shFrame.t = cross(its.shFrame.n, its.shFrame.s);
its.wi = its.toLocal(-ray.d);
its.hasUVPartials = false;
} else {
/* Non-triangle shape: intersect again to fill in details */
if (!shape->rayIntersect(ray, its))
return false;
return true;
its.t = std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
return false;
bool KDTree::rayIntersect(const Ray &ray) const {
Float mint, maxt;
Intersection its;
if (m_rootBounds.rayIntersect(ray, mint, maxt)) {
its.t = std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
if (ray.mint > mint)
mint = ray.mint;
if (ray.maxt < maxt)
maxt = ray.maxt;
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(maxt > mint)) {
unsigned int shapeIndex, primIndex;
if (rayIntersect(ray, its, mint, maxt, true, shapeIndex, primIndex))
return true;
its.t = std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
return false;