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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <mitsuba/core/statistics.h>
#include <mitsuba/bidir/mut_caustic.h>
static StatsCounter statsAccepted("Caustic perturbation",
"Acceptance rate", EPercentage);
static StatsCounter statsGenerated("Caustic perturbation",
"Successful generation rate", EPercentage);
CausticPerturbation::CausticPerturbation(const Scene *scene, Sampler *sampler,
MemoryPool &pool, Float minJump, Float coveredArea) :
m_scene(scene), m_sampler(sampler), m_pool(pool) {
if (!scene->getSensor()->getClass()->derivesFrom(MTS_CLASS(PerspectiveCamera)))
Log(EError, "The caustic perturbation requires a perspective camera.");
const PerspectiveCamera *camera = static_cast<const PerspectiveCamera *>(scene->getSensor());
Vector2i filmSize = camera->getFilm()->getSize(),
cropSize = camera->getFilm()->getCropSize();
/* Simple heuristic for choosing a jump size: assumes that each
pixel on the camera subtends the same area on the sphere */
Float degPerPixel = std::min(
camera->getXFov() / filmSize.x,
camera->getYFov() / filmSize.y),
radPerPixel = degPerPixel * M_PI / 180.0f;
Float r1 = minJump,
r2 = std::sqrt(coveredArea * cropSize.x*cropSize.y / M_PI); /* [Veach, p. 354] */
/* These represent the *desired* angle change range as seen from the camera */
m_theta1 = radPerPixel * r1;
m_theta2 = radPerPixel * r2;
m_logRatio = -math::fastlog(m_theta2 / m_theta1);
CausticPerturbation::~CausticPerturbation() { }
Mutator::EMutationType CausticPerturbation::getType() const {
return ECausticPerturbation;
Float CausticPerturbation::suitability(const Path &path) const {
int k = path.length(), m = k - 1, l = m - 1;
if (k < 4 || !path.vertex(l)->isConnectable())
return false;
while (l >= 0 && !path.vertex(l)->isConnectable())
return l >= 1 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
bool CausticPerturbation::sampleMutation(
Path &source, Path &proposal, MutationRecord &muRec, const MutationRecord& sourceMuRec) {
int k = source.length(), m = k - 1, l = m - 1;
if (k < 4 || !source.vertex(l)->isConnectable())
return false;
while (l >= 0 && !source.vertex(l)->isConnectable())
if (l < 1)
return false;
muRec = MutationRecord(ECausticPerturbation, l, m, m-l,
source.getPrefixSuffixWeight(l, m));
/* Heuristic perturbation size computation (Veach, p.354) */
Float lengthE = source.edge(m-1)->length;
Float lengthL = 0;
for (int i=l; i<m-1; ++i)
lengthL += source.edge(i)->length;
Float factor = lengthE/lengthL,
theta1 = m_theta1 * factor,
theta2 = m_theta2 * factor;
Vector woSource = normalize(source.vertex(l+1)->getPosition()
- source.vertex(l)->getPosition());
Float phi = m_sampler->next1D() * 2 * M_PI;
Float theta = theta2 * math::fastexp(m_logRatio * m_sampler->next1D());
Vector wo = Frame(woSource).toWorld(sphericalDirection(theta, phi));
/* Allocate memory for the proposed path */
proposal.append(source, 0, l+1);
for (int i=l+1; i<m; ++i) {
proposal.append(source, m, k+1);
proposal.vertex(l) = proposal.vertex(l)->clone(m_pool);
proposal.vertex(m) = proposal.vertex(m)->clone(m_pool);
BDAssert(proposal.vertexCount() == source.vertexCount());
BDAssert(proposal.edgeCount() == source.edgeCount());
Float dist = source.edge(l)->length +
perturbMediumDistance(m_sampler, source.vertex(l+1));
/* Sample a perturbation and propagate it through specular interactions */
if (!proposal.vertex(l)->perturbDirection(m_scene,
proposal.vertex(l-1), proposal.edge(l-1),
proposal.edge(l), proposal.vertex(l+1), wo, dist,
source.vertex(l+1)->getType(), EImportance)) {
proposal.release(l, m+1, m_pool);
return false;
Vector woProposal = normalize(proposal.vertex(l+1)->getPosition()
- source.vertex(l)->getPosition());
theta = unitAngle(woSource, woProposal);
if (theta >= theta2 || theta <= theta1) {
proposal.release(l, m+1, m_pool);
return false;
/* If necessary, propagate the perturbation through a sequence of
ideally specular interactions */
for (int i=l+1; i<m-1; ++i) {
Float dist = source.edge(i)->length +
perturbMediumDistance(m_sampler, source.vertex(i+1));
if (!proposal.vertex(i)->propagatePerturbation(m_scene,
proposal.vertex(i-1), proposal.edge(i-1),
proposal.edge(i), proposal.vertex(i+1),
source.vertex(i)->getComponentType(), dist,
source.vertex(i+1)->getType(), EImportance)) {
proposal.release(l, m+1, m_pool);
return false;
if (!PathVertex::connect(m_scene,
proposal.vertex(m+1))) {
proposal.release(l, m+1, m_pool);
return false;
return true;
Float CausticPerturbation::Q(const Path &source, const Path &proposal,
const MutationRecord &muRec) const {
int m = muRec.m, l = muRec.l;
/* Heuristic perturbation size computation (Veach, p.354) */
Float lengthE = source.edge(m-1)->length;
Float lengthL = 0;
for (int i=l; i<m-1; ++i)
lengthL += source.edge(i)->length;
Float factor = lengthE/lengthL,
theta1 = m_theta1 * factor,
theta2 = m_theta2 * factor;
Vector d1 = normalize(source.vertex(l+1)->getPosition() - source.vertex(l)->getPosition());
Vector d2 = normalize(proposal.vertex(l+1)->getPosition() - source.vertex(l)->getPosition());
Float theta = unitAngle(d1, d2);
if (theta >= theta2 || theta <= theta1)
return 0.0f;
Float solidAngleDensity = 1.0f / (2*M_PI * -m_logRatio * std::sin(theta) * theta);
Spectrum weight = muRec.weight * proposal.edge(m-1)->evalCached(
proposal.vertex(m-1), proposal.vertex(m), PathEdge::EEverything);
for (int i=l; i<m-1; ++i) {
const PathVertex *v0 = proposal.vertex(i),
*v1 = proposal.vertex(i+1);
const PathEdge *edge = proposal.edge(i);
weight *= edge->evalCached(v0, v1,
PathEdge::ETransmittance | PathEdge::EValueCosineImp);
if (v1->isMediumInteraction())
weight /= pdfMediumPerturbation(source.vertex(i+1),
source.edge(i), edge);
const Float lumWeight = weight.getLuminance();
if(lumWeight <= RCPOVERFLOW)
return 0.f;
return solidAngleDensity / lumWeight;
void CausticPerturbation::accept(const MutationRecord &) {
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS(CausticPerturbation, false, Mutator)