
738 lines
26 KiB

This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <mitsuba/bidir/pathsampler.h>
#include <mitsuba/bidir/rsampler.h>
#include <mitsuba/bidir/util.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/bitmap.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/plugin.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
PathSampler::PathSampler(ETechnique technique, const Scene *scene, Sampler *sensorSampler,
Sampler *emitterSampler, Sampler *directSampler, int maxDepth, int rrDepth,
bool excludeDirectIllum, bool sampleDirect, bool lightImage)
: m_technique(technique), m_scene(scene), m_emitterSampler(emitterSampler),
m_sensorSampler(sensorSampler), m_directSampler(directSampler), m_maxDepth(maxDepth),
m_rrDepth(rrDepth), m_excludeDirectIllum(excludeDirectIllum), m_sampleDirect(sampleDirect),
m_lightImage(lightImage) {
if (technique == EUnidirectional) {
/* Instantiate a volumetric path tracer */
Properties props("volpath");
props.setInteger("maxDepth", maxDepth);
props.setInteger("rrDepth", rrDepth);
m_integrator = static_cast<SamplingIntegrator *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(SamplingIntegrator), props));
/* Determine the necessary random walk depths based on properties of the endpoints */
m_emitterDepth = m_sensorDepth = maxDepth;
/* Go one extra step if the sensor can be intersected */
if (!m_scene->hasDegenerateSensor() && m_emitterDepth != -1)
/* Go one extra step if there are emitters that can be intersected */
if (!m_scene->hasDegenerateEmitters() && m_sensorDepth != -1)
PathSampler::~PathSampler() {
if (!m_pool.unused())
Log(EWarn, "Warning: memory pool still contains used objects!");
void PathSampler::sampleSplats(const Point2i &offset, SplatList &list) {
const Sensor *sensor = m_scene->getSensor();
switch (m_technique) {
case EBidirectional: {
/* Uniformly sample a scene time */
Float time = sensor->getShutterOpen();
if (sensor->needsTimeSample())
time = sensor->sampleTime(m_sensorSampler->next1D());
/* Initialize the path endpoints */
m_emitterSubpath.initialize(m_scene, time, EImportance, m_pool);
m_sensorSubpath.initialize(m_scene, time, ERadiance, m_pool);
/* Perform two random walks from the sensor and emitter side */
m_emitterSubpath.randomWalk(m_scene, m_emitterSampler, m_emitterDepth,
m_rrDepth, EImportance, m_pool);
if (offset == Point2i(-1))
m_sensorSubpath.randomWalk(m_scene, m_sensorSampler,
m_sensorDepth, m_rrDepth, ERadiance, m_pool);
m_sensorSubpath.randomWalkFromPixel(m_scene, m_sensorSampler,
m_sensorDepth, offset, m_rrDepth, m_pool);
/* Compute the combined weights along the two subpaths */
Spectrum *importanceWeights = (Spectrum *) alloca(m_emitterSubpath.vertexCount() * sizeof(Spectrum)),
*radianceWeights = (Spectrum *) alloca(m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount() * sizeof(Spectrum));
importanceWeights[0] = radianceWeights[0] = Spectrum(1.0f);
for (size_t i=1; i<m_emitterSubpath.vertexCount(); ++i)
importanceWeights[i] = importanceWeights[i-1] *
m_emitterSubpath.vertex(i-1)->weight[EImportance] *
m_emitterSubpath.vertex(i-1)->rrWeight *
for (size_t i=1; i<m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount(); ++i)
radianceWeights[i] = radianceWeights[i-1] *
m_sensorSubpath.vertex(i-1)->weight[ERadiance] *
m_sensorSubpath.vertex(i-1)->rrWeight *
if (m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount() > 2) {
Point2 samplePos(0.0f);
m_sensorSubpath.vertex(1)->getSamplePosition(m_sensorSubpath.vertex(2), samplePos);
list.append(samplePos, Spectrum(0.0f));
PathVertex tempEndpoint, tempSample;
PathEdge tempEdge, connectionEdge;
Point2 samplePos(0.0f);
for (int s = (int) m_emitterSubpath.vertexCount()-1; s >= 0; --s) {
/* Determine the range of sensor vertices to be traversed,
while respecting the specified maximum path length */
int minT = std::max(2-s, m_lightImage ? 0 : 2),
maxT = (int) m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount() - 1;
if (m_maxDepth != -1)
maxT = std::min(maxT, m_maxDepth + 1 - s);
for (int t = maxT; t >= minT; --t) {
*vsPred = m_emitterSubpath.vertexOrNull(s-1),
*vtPred = m_sensorSubpath.vertexOrNull(t-1),
*vs = m_emitterSubpath.vertex(s),
*vt = m_sensorSubpath.vertex(t);
*vsEdge = m_emitterSubpath.edgeOrNull(s-1),
*vtEdge = m_sensorSubpath.edgeOrNull(t-1);
RestoreMeasureHelper rmh0(vs), rmh1(vt);
/* Will be set to true if direct sampling was used */
bool sampleDirect = false;
/* Number of edges of the combined subpaths */
int depth = s + t - 1;
/* Allowed remaining number of ENull vertices that can
be bridged via pathConnect (negative=arbitrarily many) */
int remaining = m_maxDepth - depth;
/* Will receive the path weight of the (s, t)-connection */
Spectrum value;
/* Account for the terms of the measurement contribution
function that are coupled to the connection endpoints */
if (vs->isEmitterSupernode()) {
/* If possible, convert 'vt' into an emitter sample */
if (!vt->cast(m_scene, PathVertex::EEmitterSample) || vt->isDegenerate())
value = radianceWeights[t] *
vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance) *
vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
} else if (vt->isSensorSupernode()) {
/* If possible, convert 'vs' into an sensor sample */
if (!vs->cast(m_scene, PathVertex::ESensorSample) || vs->isDegenerate())
/* Make note of the changed pixel sample position */
if (!vs->getSamplePosition(vsPred, samplePos))
value = importanceWeights[s] *
vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance) *
vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
} else if (m_sampleDirect && ((t == 1 && s > 1) || (s == 1 && t > 1))) {
/* s==1/t==1 path: use a direct sampling strategy if requested */
if (s == 1) {
if (vt->isDegenerate())
/* Generate a position on an emitter using direct sampling */
value = radianceWeights[t] * vt->sampleDirect(m_scene, m_directSampler,
&tempEndpoint, &tempEdge, &tempSample, EImportance);
if (value.isZero())
vs = &tempSample; vsPred = &tempEndpoint; vsEdge = &tempEdge;
value *= vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
vt->measure = EArea;
} else {
if (vs->isDegenerate())
/* Generate a position on the sensor using direct sampling */
value = importanceWeights[s] * vs->sampleDirect(m_scene, m_directSampler,
&tempEndpoint, &tempEdge, &tempSample, ERadiance);
if (value.isZero())
vt = &tempSample; vtPred = &tempEndpoint; vtEdge = &tempEdge;
value *= vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance);
vs->measure = EArea;
sampleDirect = true;
} else {
/* Can't connect degenerate endpoints */
if (vs->isDegenerate() || vt->isDegenerate())
value = importanceWeights[s] * radianceWeights[t] *
vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance) *
vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
/* Temporarily force vertex measure to EArea. Needed to
handle BSDFs with diffuse + specular components */
vs->measure = vt->measure = EArea;
/* Attempt to connect the two endpoints, which could result in
the creation of additional vertices (index-matched boundaries etc.) */
int interactions = remaining;
if (value.isZero() || !connectionEdge.pathConnectAndCollapse(
m_scene, vsEdge, vs, vt, vtEdge, interactions))
depth += interactions;
if (m_excludeDirectIllum && depth <= 2)
/* Account for the terms of the measurement contribution
function that are coupled to the connection edge */
if (!sampleDirect)
value *= connectionEdge.evalCached(vs, vt, PathEdge::EGeneralizedGeometricTerm);
value *= connectionEdge.evalCached(vs, vt, PathEdge::ETransmittance |
(s == 1 ? PathEdge::ECosineRad : PathEdge::ECosineImp));
if (sampleDirect) {
/* A direct sampling strategy was used, which generated
two new vertices at one of the path ends. Temporarily
modify the path to reflect this change */
if (t == 1)
m_sensorSubpath.swapEndpoints(vtPred, vtEdge, vt);
m_emitterSubpath.swapEndpoints(vsPred, vsEdge, vs);
/* Compute the multiple importance sampling weight */
value *= Path::miWeight(m_scene, m_emitterSubpath, &connectionEdge,
m_sensorSubpath, s, t, m_sampleDirect, m_lightImage);
if (sampleDirect) {
/* Now undo the previous change */
if (t == 1)
m_sensorSubpath.swapEndpoints(vtPred, vtEdge, vt);
m_emitterSubpath.swapEndpoints(vsPred, vsEdge, vs);
/* Determine the pixel sample position when necessary */
if (vt->isSensorSample() && !vt->getSamplePosition(vs, samplePos))
if (t < 2) {
list.append(samplePos, value);
} else {
BDAssert(m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount() > 2);
list.accum(0, value);
/* Release any used edges and vertices back to the memory pool */
case EUnidirectional: {
Point2 apertureSample(0.5f);
Float timeSample = 0.5f;
if (sensor->needsApertureSample())
apertureSample = m_sensorSampler->next2D();
if (sensor->needsTimeSample())
timeSample = m_sensorSampler->next1D();
const Vector2i cropSize = sensor->getFilm()->getCropSize();
Point2 samplePos = m_sensorSampler->next2D();
if (offset == Point2i(-1)) {
samplePos.x *= cropSize.x;
samplePos.y *= cropSize.y;
} else {
samplePos.x += offset.x;
samplePos.y += offset.y;
RayDifferential sensorRay;
Spectrum value = sensor->sampleRayDifferential(
sensorRay, samplePos, apertureSample, timeSample);
RadianceQueryRecord rRec(m_scene, m_sensorSampler);
m_excludeDirectIllum ? (RadianceQueryRecord::ERadiance
& ~(RadianceQueryRecord::EDirectSurfaceRadiance | RadianceQueryRecord::EEmittedRadiance))
: RadianceQueryRecord::ERadiance, sensor->getMedium());
value *= m_integrator->Li(sensorRay, rRec);
list.append(samplePos, value);
Log(EError, "PathSampler::sample(): invalid technique!");
void PathSampler::samplePaths(const Point2i &offset, PathCallback &callback) {
BDAssert(m_technique == EBidirectional);
const Sensor *sensor = m_scene->getSensor();
/* Uniformly sample a scene time */
Float time = sensor->getShutterOpen();
if (sensor->needsTimeSample())
time = sensor->sampleTime(m_sensorSampler->next1D());
/* Initialize the path endpoints */
m_emitterSubpath.initialize(m_scene, time, EImportance, m_pool);
m_sensorSubpath.initialize(m_scene, time, ERadiance, m_pool);
/* Perform two random walks from the sensor and emitter side */
m_emitterSubpath.randomWalk(m_scene, m_emitterSampler, m_emitterDepth,
m_rrDepth, EImportance, m_pool);
if (offset == Point2i(-1))
m_sensorSubpath.randomWalk(m_scene, m_sensorSampler,
m_sensorDepth, m_rrDepth, ERadiance, m_pool);
m_sensorSubpath.randomWalkFromPixel(m_scene, m_sensorSampler,
m_sensorDepth, offset, m_rrDepth, m_pool);
/* Compute the combined weights along the two subpaths */
Spectrum *importanceWeights = (Spectrum *) alloca(m_emitterSubpath.vertexCount() * sizeof(Spectrum)),
*radianceWeights = (Spectrum *) alloca(m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount() * sizeof(Spectrum));
importanceWeights[0] = radianceWeights[0] = Spectrum(1.0f);
for (size_t i=1; i<m_emitterSubpath.vertexCount(); ++i)
importanceWeights[i] = importanceWeights[i-1] *
m_emitterSubpath.vertex(i-1)->weight[EImportance] *
m_emitterSubpath.vertex(i-1)->rrWeight *
for (size_t i=1; i<m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount(); ++i)
radianceWeights[i] = radianceWeights[i-1] *
m_sensorSubpath.vertex(i-1)->weight[ERadiance] *
m_sensorSubpath.vertex(i-1)->rrWeight *
PathVertex tempEndpoint, tempSample, vsTemp, vtTemp;
PathEdge tempEdge, connectionEdge;
Point2 samplePos(0.0f);
for (int s = (int) m_emitterSubpath.vertexCount()-1; s >= 0; --s) {
/* Determine the range of sensor vertices to be traversed,
while respecting the specified maximum path length */
int minT = std::max(2-s, m_lightImage ? 0 : 2),
maxT = (int) m_sensorSubpath.vertexCount() - 1;
if (m_maxDepth != -1)
maxT = std::min(maxT, m_maxDepth + 1 - s);
for (int t = maxT; t >= minT; --t) {
*vsPred = m_emitterSubpath.vertexOrNull(s-1),
*vtPred = m_sensorSubpath.vertexOrNull(t-1),
*vs = m_emitterSubpath.vertex(s),
*vt = m_sensorSubpath.vertex(t);
*vsEdge = m_emitterSubpath.edgeOrNull(s-1),
*vtEdge = m_sensorSubpath.edgeOrNull(t-1);
RestoreMeasureHelper rmh0(vs), rmh1(vt);
/* Will be set to true if direct sampling was used */
bool sampleDirect = false;
/* Number of edges of the combined subpaths */
int depth = s + t - 1;
/* Allowed remaining number of ENull vertices that can
be bridged via pathConnect (negative=arbitrarily many) */
int remaining = m_maxDepth - depth;
/* Will receive the path weight of the (s, t)-connection */
Spectrum value;
/* Measure associated with the connection vertices */
EMeasure vsMeasure = EArea, vtMeasure = EArea;
/* Account for the terms of the measurement contribution
function that are coupled to the connection endpoints */
if (vs->isEmitterSupernode()) {
/* If possible, convert 'vt' into an emitter sample */
if (!vt->cast(m_scene, PathVertex::EEmitterSample) || vt->isDegenerate())
value = radianceWeights[t] *
vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance) *
vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
} else if (vt->isSensorSupernode()) {
/* If possible, convert 'vs' into an sensor sample */
if (!vs->cast(m_scene, PathVertex::ESensorSample) || vs->isDegenerate())
/* Make note of the changed pixel sample position */
if (!vs->getSamplePosition(vsPred, samplePos))
value = importanceWeights[s] *
vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance) *
vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
} else if (m_sampleDirect && ((t == 1 && s > 1) || (s == 1 && t > 1))) {
/* s==1/t==1 path: use a direct sampling strategy if requested */
if (s == 1) {
if (vt->isDegenerate())
/* Generate a position on an emitter using direct sampling */
value = radianceWeights[t] * vt->sampleDirect(m_scene, m_directSampler,
&tempEndpoint, &tempEdge, &tempSample, EImportance);
if (value.isZero())
vs = &tempSample; vsPred = &tempEndpoint; vsEdge = &tempEdge;
value *= vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
vsMeasure = vs->getAbstractEmitter()->needsDirectionSample() ? EArea : EDiscrete;
vt->measure = EArea;
} else {
if (vs->isDegenerate())
/* Generate a position on the sensor using direct sampling */
value = importanceWeights[s] * vs->sampleDirect(m_scene, m_directSampler,
&tempEndpoint, &tempEdge, &tempSample, ERadiance);
if (value.isZero())
vt = &tempSample; vtPred = &tempEndpoint; vtEdge = &tempEdge;
value *= vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance);
vtMeasure = vt->getAbstractEmitter()->needsDirectionSample() ? EArea : EDiscrete;
vs->measure = EArea;
sampleDirect = true;
} else {
/* Can't connect degenerate endpoints */
if (vs->isDegenerate() || vt->isDegenerate())
value = importanceWeights[s] * radianceWeights[t] *
vs->eval(m_scene, vsPred, vt, EImportance) *
vt->eval(m_scene, vtPred, vs, ERadiance);
/* Temporarily force vertex measure to EArea. Needed to
handle BSDFs with diffuse + specular components */
vs->measure = vt->measure = EArea;
/* Attempt to connect the two endpoints, which could result in
the creation of additional vertices (index-matched boundaries etc.) */
if (value.isZero() || !PathEdge::pathConnect(m_scene, vsEdge,
vs, m_connectionSubpath, vt, vtEdge, remaining, m_pool))
depth += (int) m_connectionSubpath.vertexCount();
if (m_excludeDirectIllum && depth <= 2)
PathEdge connectionEdge;
/* Account for the terms of the measurement contribution
function that are coupled to the connection edge */
if (!sampleDirect)
value *= connectionEdge.evalCached(vs, vt, PathEdge::EGeneralizedGeometricTerm);
value *= connectionEdge.evalCached(vs, vt, PathEdge::ETransmittance |
(s == 1 ? PathEdge::ECosineRad : PathEdge::ECosineImp));
if (sampleDirect) {
/* A direct sampling strategy was used, which generated
two new vertices at one of the path ends. Temporarily
modify the path to reflect this change */
if (t == 1)
m_sensorSubpath.swapEndpoints(vtPred, vtEdge, vt);
m_emitterSubpath.swapEndpoints(vsPred, vsEdge, vs);
/* Compute the multiple importance sampling weight */
value *= Path::miWeight(m_scene, m_emitterSubpath, &connectionEdge,
m_sensorSubpath, s, t, m_sampleDirect, m_lightImage);
if (!value.isZero()) {
int k = (int) m_connectionSubpath.vertexCount();
/* Construct the full path, make a temporary backup copy of the connection vertices */
m_fullPath.append(m_emitterSubpath, 0, s+1);
m_fullPath.append(m_sensorSubpath, 0, t+1, true);
m_fullPath.vertex(s) = &vsTemp;
m_fullPath.vertex(s+k+1) = &vtTemp;
vsTemp = *m_emitterSubpath.vertex(s);
vtTemp = *m_sensorSubpath.vertex(t);
if (vsTemp.update(m_scene, m_fullPath.vertexOrNull(s-1), m_fullPath.vertex(s+1), EImportance, vsMeasure) &&
vtTemp.update(m_scene, m_fullPath.vertexOrNull(s+k+2), m_fullPath.vertex(s+k), ERadiance, vtMeasure)) {
if (vtTemp.isSensorSample())
callback(s, t, value.getLuminance(), m_fullPath);
} else {
Log(EWarn, "samplePaths(): internal error in update() "
"failed! : %s, %s", vs->toString().c_str(), vt->toString().c_str());
if (sampleDirect) {
/* Now undo the previous change */
if (t == 1)
m_sensorSubpath.swapEndpoints(vtPred, vtEdge, vt);
m_emitterSubpath.swapEndpoints(vsPred, vsEdge, vs);
/* Release any used edges and vertices back to the memory pool */
* \brief Sort predicate used to order \ref PathSeed instances by
* their index into the underlying random number stream
struct PathSeedSortPredicate {
bool operator()(const PathSeed &left, const PathSeed &right) {
return left.sampleIndex < right.sampleIndex;
Float PathSampler::computeAverageLuminance(size_t sampleCount) {
Log(EInfo, "Integrating luminance values over the image plane ("
SIZE_T_FMT " samples)..", sampleCount);
ref<Timer> timer = new Timer();
SplatList splatList;
Float mean = 0.0f, variance = 0.0f;
for (size_t i=0; i<sampleCount; ++i) {
/* Run the path sampling strategy */
sampleSplats(Point2i(-1), splatList);
Float lum = splatList.luminance,
delta = lum - mean;
mean += delta / (Float) (i+1);
variance += delta * (lum - mean);
Float stddev = std::sqrt(variance / (sampleCount-1));
Log(EInfo, "Done -- average luminance value = %f, stddev = %f (took %i ms)",
mean, stddev, timer->getMilliseconds());
if (mean == 0)
Log(EError, "The average image luminance appears to be zero! This could indicate "
"a problem with the scene setup. Aborting the rendering process.");
return mean;
static void seedCallback(std::vector<PathSeed> &output, int s, int t, Float weight, Path &) {
output.push_back(PathSeed(0, weight, s, t));
Float PathSampler::generateSeeds(size_t sampleCount, size_t seedCount,
bool fineGrained, std::vector<PathSeed> &seeds) {
Log(EInfo, "Integrating luminance values over the image plane ("
SIZE_T_FMT " samples)..", sampleCount);
BDAssert(m_sensorSampler == m_emitterSampler);
ref<Timer> timer = new Timer();
std::vector<PathSeed> tempSeeds;
SplatList splatList;
PathCallback callback = boost::bind(&seedCallback,
boost::ref(tempSeeds), _1, _2, _3, _4);
Float mean = 0.0f, variance = 0.0f;
for (size_t i=0; i<sampleCount; ++i) {
size_t seedIndex = tempSeeds.size();
size_t sampleIndex = m_sensorSampler->getSampleIndex();
Float lum = 0.0f;
if (fineGrained) {
samplePaths(Point2i(-1), callback);
/* Fine seed granularity (e.g. for Veach-MLT).
Set the correct the sample index value */
for (size_t j = seedIndex; j<tempSeeds.size(); ++j) {
tempSeeds[j].sampleIndex = sampleIndex;
lum += tempSeeds[j].luminance;
} else {
/* Run the path sampling strategy */
sampleSplats(Point2i(-1), splatList);
lum = splatList.luminance;
/* Coarse seed granularity (e.g. for PSSMLT) */
if (lum != 0)
tempSeeds.push_back(PathSeed(sampleIndex, lum));
/* Numerically robust online variance estimation using an
algorithm proposed by Donald Knuth (TAOCP vol.2, 3rd ed., p.232) */
Float delta = lum - mean;
mean += delta / (Float) (i+1);
variance += delta * (lum - mean);
Float stddev = std::sqrt(variance / (sampleCount-1));
Log(EInfo, "Done -- average luminance value = %f, stddev = %f (took %i ms)",
mean, stddev, timer->getMilliseconds());
if (mean == 0)
Log(EError, "The average image luminance appears to be zero! This could indicate "
"a problem with the scene setup. Aborting the MLT rendering process.");
Log(EDebug, "Sampling " SIZE_T_FMT "/" SIZE_T_FMT " MLT seeds",
seedCount, tempSeeds.size());
DiscreteDistribution seedPDF(tempSeeds.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<tempSeeds.size(); ++i)
for (size_t i=0; i<seedCount; ++i)
/* Sort the seeds to avoid unnecessary rewinds in the ReplayableSampler */
std::sort(seeds.begin(), seeds.end(), PathSeedSortPredicate());
return mean;
static void reconstructCallback(const PathSeed &seed, Path &result, MemoryPool &pool,
int s, int t, Float weight, Path &path) {
if (s == seed.s && t == seed.t) {
if (seed.luminance != weight)
SLog(EError, "Internal error in reconstructPath(): luminances "
"don't match (%f vs %f)!", weight, seed.luminance);
path.clone(result, pool);
void PathSampler::reconstructPath(const PathSeed &seed, Path &result) {
ReplayableSampler *rplSampler = static_cast<ReplayableSampler *>(m_sensorSampler.get());
Assert(result.length() == 0);
/* Generate the initial sample by replaying the seeding random
number stream at the appropriate position. */
PathCallback callback = boost::bind(&reconstructCallback,
boost::cref(seed), boost::ref(result), boost::ref(m_pool), _1, _2, _3, _4);
samplePaths(Point2i(-1), callback);
if (result.length() == 0)
Log(EError, "Internal error in reconstructPath(): desired configuration was never created!");
void SplatList::normalize(const Bitmap *importanceMap) {
if (importanceMap) {
luminance = 0.0f;
/* Two-stage MLT -- weight contributions using a luminance image */
const Float *luminanceValues = importanceMap->getFloatData();
Vector2i size = importanceMap->getSize();
for (size_t i=0; i<splats.size(); ++i) {
if (splats[i].second.isZero())
const Point2 &pos = splats[i].first;
Point2i intPos(
std::min(std::max(0, (int) pos.x), size.x-1),
std::min(std::max(0, (int) pos.y), size.y-1));
Float lumValue = luminanceValues[intPos.x + intPos.y * size.x];
splats[i].second /= lumValue;
luminance += splats[i].second.getLuminance();
if (luminance > 0) {
/* Normalize the contributions */
Float invLuminance = 1.0f / luminance;
for (size_t i=0; i<splats.size(); ++i)
splats[i].second *= invLuminance;
std::string SplatList::toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "SplatList[" << endl
<< " luminance = " << luminance << "," << endl
<< " splats = {" << endl;
for (size_t i=0; i<splats.size(); ++i) {
oss << " " << splats[i].first.toString()
<< " => " << splats[i].second.toString();
if (i+1 < splats.size())
oss << ",";
oss << endl;
oss << " }" << endl
<< "]";
return oss.str();
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PathSampler, false, Object)
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS(SeedWorkUnit, false, WorkUnit)