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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <mitsuba/core/bitmap.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/sched.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/rfilter.h>
* \brief Storage for an image sub-block (a.k.a render bucket)
* This class is used by image-based parallel processes and encapsulates
* computed rectangular regions of an image. This allows for easy and efficient
* distributed rendering of large images. Image blocks usually also include a
* border region storing contribuctions that are slightly outside of the block,
* which is required to support image reconstruction filters.
* \ingroup librender
class MTS_EXPORT_RENDER ImageBlock : public WorkResult {
* Construct a new image block of the requested properties
* \param fmt
* Specifies the pixel format -- see \ref Bitmap::EPixelFormat
* for a list of possibilities
* \param size
* Specifies the block dimensions (not accounting for additional
* border pixels required to support image reconstruction filters)
* \param channels
* Specifies the number of output channels. This is only necessary
* when \ref Bitmap::EMultiChannel is chosen as the pixel format
* \param warn
* Warn when writing bad sample values?
ImageBlock(Bitmap::EPixelFormat fmt, const Vector2i &size,
const ReconstructionFilter *filter = NULL, int channels = -1, bool warn = true);
/// Set the current block offset
inline void setOffset(const Point2i &offset) { m_offset = offset; }
/// Return the current block offset
inline const Point2i &getOffset() const { return m_offset; }
/// Set the current block size
inline void setSize(const Vector2i &size) { m_size = size; }
/// Return the current block size
inline const Vector2i &getSize() const { return m_size; }
/// Return the bitmap's width in pixels
inline int getWidth() const { return m_size.x; }
/// Return the bitmap's height in pixels
inline int getHeight() const { return m_size.y; }
/// Warn when writing bad sample values?
inline bool getWarn() const { return m_warn; }
/// Warn when writing bad sample values?
inline void setWarn(bool warn) { m_warn = warn; }
/// Return the border region used by the reconstruction filter
inline int getBorderSize() const { return m_borderSize; }
/// Return the number of channels stored by the image block
inline int getChannelCount() const { return m_bitmap->getChannelCount(); }
/// Return the underlying pixel format
inline Bitmap::EPixelFormat getPixelFormat() const { return m_bitmap->getPixelFormat(); }
/// Return a pointer to the underlying bitmap representation
inline Bitmap *getBitmap() { return m_bitmap; }
/// Return a pointer to the underlying bitmap representation (const version)
inline const Bitmap *getBitmap() const { return m_bitmap.get(); }
/// Clear everything to zero
inline void clear() { m_bitmap->clear(); }
/// Accumulate another image block into this one
inline void put(const ImageBlock *block) {
Point2i(block->getOffset() - m_offset
- Vector2i(block->getBorderSize() - m_borderSize)));
* \brief Store a single sample inside the image block
* This variant assumes that the image block stores spectrum,
* alpha, and reconstruction filter weight values.
* \param pos
* Denotes the sample position in fractional pixel coordinates
* \param spec
* Spectrum value assocated with the sample
* \param alpha
* Alpha value assocated with the sample
* \return \c false if one of the sample values was \a invalid, e.g.
* NaN or negative. A warning is also printed in this case
FINLINE bool put(const Point2 &pos, const Spectrum &spec, Float alpha) {
Float temp[SPECTRUM_SAMPLES + 2];
for (int i=0; i<SPECTRUM_SAMPLES; ++i)
temp[i] = spec[i];
temp[SPECTRUM_SAMPLES] = alpha;
temp[SPECTRUM_SAMPLES + 1] = 1.0f;
return put(pos, temp);
* \brief Store a single sample inside the block
* \param _pos
* Denotes the sample position in fractional pixel coordinates
* \param value
* Pointer to an array containing each channel of the sample values.
* The array must match the length given by \ref getChannelCount()
* \return \c false if one of the sample values was \a invalid, e.g.
* NaN or negative. A warning is also printed in this case
FINLINE bool put(const Point2 &_pos, const Float *value) {
const int channels = m_bitmap->getChannelCount();
/* Check if all sample values are valid */
for (int i=0; i<channels; ++i) {
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN((!std::isfinite(value[i]) || value[i] < 0) && m_warn))
goto bad_sample;
const Float filterRadius = m_filter->getRadius();
const Vector2i &size = m_bitmap->getSize();
/* Convert to pixel coordinates within the image block */
const Point2 pos(
_pos.x - 0.5f - (m_offset.x - m_borderSize),
_pos.y - 0.5f - (m_offset.y - m_borderSize));
/* Determine the affected range of pixels */
const Point2i min(std::max((int) std::ceil (pos.x - filterRadius), 0),
std::max((int) std::ceil (pos.y - filterRadius), 0)),
max(std::min((int) std::floor(pos.x + filterRadius), size.x - 1),
std::min((int) std::floor(pos.y + filterRadius), size.y - 1));
/* Lookup values from the pre-rasterized filter */
for (int x=min.x, idx = 0; x<=max.x; ++x)
m_weightsX[idx++] = m_filter->evalDiscretized(x-pos.x);
for (int y=min.y, idx = 0; y<=max.y; ++y)
m_weightsY[idx++] = m_filter->evalDiscretized(y-pos.y);
/* Rasterize the filtered sample into the framebuffer */
for (int y=min.y, yr=0; y<=max.y; ++y, ++yr) {
const Float weightY = m_weightsY[yr];
Float *dest = m_bitmap->getFloatData()
+ (y * (size_t) size.x + min.x) * channels;
for (int x=min.x, xr=0; x<=max.x; ++x, ++xr) {
const Float weight = m_weightsX[xr] * weightY;
for (int k=0; k<channels; ++k)
*dest++ += weight * value[k];
return true;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Invalid sample value : [";
for (int i=0; i<channels; ++i) {
oss << value[i];
if (i+1 < channels)
oss << ", ";
oss << "]";
Log(EWarn, "%s", oss.str().c_str());
return false;
/// Create a clone of the entire image block
ref<ImageBlock> clone() const {
ref<ImageBlock> clone = new ImageBlock(m_bitmap->getPixelFormat(),
m_bitmap->getSize() - Vector2i(2*m_borderSize, 2*m_borderSize), m_filter, m_bitmap->getChannelCount());
return clone;
/// Copy the contents of this image block to another one with the same configuration
void copyTo(ImageBlock *copy) const {
memcpy(copy->getBitmap()->getUInt8Data(), m_bitmap->getUInt8Data(), m_bitmap->getBufferSize());
copy->m_size = m_size;
copy->m_offset = m_offset;
copy->m_warn = m_warn;
// ======================================================================
//! @{ \name Implementation of the WorkResult interface
// ======================================================================
void load(Stream *stream);
void save(Stream *stream) const;
std::string toString() const;
//! @}
// ======================================================================
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~ImageBlock();
ref<Bitmap> m_bitmap;
Point2i m_offset;
Vector2i m_size;
int m_borderSize;
const ReconstructionFilter *m_filter;
Float *m_weightsX, *m_weightsY;
bool m_warn;