843 lines
27 KiB
843 lines
27 KiB
This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <mitsuba/render/trimesh.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/plugin.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fresolver.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/timer.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/emitter.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/bsdf.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/subsurface.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/medium.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/sensor.h>
#include <mitsuba/hw/basicshader.h>
#include <set>
/*!\plugin{obj}{Wavefront OBJ mesh loader}
* \order{5}
* \parameters{
* \parameter{filename}{\String}{
* Filename of the OBJ file that should be loaded
* }
* \parameter{faceNormals}{\Boolean}{
* When set to \code{true}, any existing or computed vertex normals are
* discarded and \emph{face normals} will instead be used during rendering.
* This gives the rendered object a faceted appearance.\default{\code{false}}
* }
* \parameter{maxSmoothAngle}{\Float}{
* When specified, Mitsuba will discard all vertex normals in the input mesh and rebuild
* them in a way that is sensitive to the presence of creases and corners. For more
* details on this parameter, see below. Disabled by default.
* }
* \parameter{flipNormals}{\Boolean}{
* Optional flag to flip all normals. \default{\code{false}, i.e.
* the normals are left unchanged}.
* }
* \parameter{flipTexCoords}{\Boolean}{
* Treat the vertical component of the texture as inverted? Most OBJ files use
* this convention. \default{\code{true}}
* }
* \parameter{toWorld}{\Transform\Or\Animation}{
* Specifies an optional linear object-to-world transformation.
* \default{none (i.e. object space $=$ world space)}
* }
* \parameter{shapeIndex}{\Integer}{
* When the file contains multiple meshes, this parameter can
* be used to select a single one. \default{\code{-1}, \mbox{i.e. load all}}
* }
* \parameter{collapse}{\Boolean}{
* Collapse all meshes into a single shape \default{\code{false}}
* }
* }
* \renderings{
* \label{fig:rungholt}
* \bigrendering{An example scene with both geometry and materials imported using the Wavefront OBJ mesh loader
* (Neu Rungholt model courtesy of \texttt{kescha}, converted from Minecraft to OBJ by Morgan McGuire)}{shape_obj}
* }
* This plugin implements a simple loader for Wavefront OBJ files. It handles
* meshes containing triangles and quadrilaterals, and it also imports vertex normals
* and texture coordinates.
* Loading an ordinary OBJ file is as simple as writing:
* \begin{xml}
* <shape type="obj">
* <string name="filename" value="myShape.obj"/>
* </shape>
* \end{xml}
* \paragraph{Material import:}
* When the OBJ file references a Wavefront material description (a \code{.mtl} file),
* Mitsuba attempts to reproduce the material within and associate it with the shape.
* This is restricted to fairly basic materials and textures, hence in most cases
* it will be preferable to override this behavior by specifying an
* explicit Mitsuba BSDF that should be used instead.
* This can be done by passing it as a child argument, e.g.
* \begin{xml}
* <shape type="obj">
* <string name="filename" value="myShape.obj"/>
* <bsdf type="roughplastic">
* <rgb name="diffuseReflectance" value="0.2, 0.6, 0.3"/>
* </bsdf>
* </shape>
* \end{xml}
* The \code{mtl} material attributes that are automatically handled by Mitsuba include:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item Diffuse and glossy materials (optionally textured)
* \item Smooth glass and metal
* \item Textured transparency
* \item Bump maps
* \end{itemize}
* In some cases, OBJ files contain \emph{multiple} objects with different associated
* materials. In this case, the materials can be overwritten individually, by specifying
* the corresponding names. For instance, if the OBJ file contains two materials named
* \code{Glass} and \code{Water}, these can be overwritten as follows
* \begin{xml}
* <shape type="obj">
* <string name="filename" value="myShape.obj"/>
* <bsdf name="Glass" type="dielectric">
* <float name="intIOR" value="1.5"/>
* </bsdf>
* <bsdf name="Water" type="dielectric">
* <float name="intIOR" value="1.333"/>
* </bsdf>
* </shape>
* \end{xml}
* \paragraph{The \code{maxSmoothAngle} parameter:}
* \label{sec:maxSmoothAngle}
* When given a mesh without vertex normals, Mitsuba will by default
* create a smoothly varying normal field over the entire shape. This can produce
* undesirable output when the input mesh contains regions that are intentionally
* not smooth (i.e. corners, creases). Meshes that do include vertex
* normals sometimes incorrectly interpolate normals over such regions, leading to
* much the same problem.
* The \code{maxSmoothAngle} parameter can be issued to force inspection of the dihedral angle associated with
* each edge in the input mesh and disable normal interpolation locally where this angle exceeds
* a certain threshold value. A reasonable value might be something like \code{30} (degrees).
* The underlying analysis is somewhat costly and hence this parameter should only be used when it is
* actually needed (i.e. when the mesh contains creases or edges and does not come with
* valid vertex normals).
* \remarks{
* \item Importing geometry via OBJ files should only be used as an absolutely
* last resort. Due to inherent limitations of this format, the files tend to be unreasonably
* large, and parsing them requires significant amounts of memory and processing power. What's worse
* is that the internally stored data is often truncated, causing a loss of precision.
* If possible, use the \pluginref{ply} or \pluginref{serialized} plugins instead. For convenience, it
* is also possible to convert legacy OBJ files into \code{.serialized} files using the \code{mtsimport}
* utility. Using the resulting output will significantly accelerate the scene loading time.
* }
class WavefrontOBJ : public Shape {
struct OBJTriangle {
int p[3];
int n[3];
int uv[3];
inline OBJTriangle() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(OBJTriangle));
bool fetch_line(std::istream &is, std::string &line) {
/// Fetch a line from the stream, while handling line breaks with backslashes
if (!std::getline(is, line))
return false;
if (line == "")
return true;
int lastCharacter = (int) line.size() - 1;
while (lastCharacter >= 0 &&
(line[lastCharacter] == '\r' ||
line[lastCharacter] == '\n' ||
line[lastCharacter] == '\t' ||
line[lastCharacter] == ' '))
if (lastCharacter >= 0 && line[lastCharacter] == '\\') {
std::string nextLine;
fetch_line(is, nextLine);
line = line.substr(0, lastCharacter) + nextLine;
} else {
return true;
WavefrontOBJ(const Properties &props) : Shape(props) {
ref<FileResolver> fileResolver = Thread::getThread()->getFileResolver()->clone();
fs::path path = fileResolver->resolve(props.getString("filename"));
m_name = path.stem().string();
/* By default, any existing normals will be used for
rendering. If no normals are found, Mitsuba will
automatically generate smooth vertex normals.
Setting the 'faceNormals' parameter instead forces
the use of face normals, which will result in a faceted
m_faceNormals = props.getBoolean("faceNormals", false);
/* Causes all normals to be flipped */
m_flipNormals = props.getBoolean("flipNormals", false);
/* Collapse all contained shapes / groups into a single object? */
m_collapse = props.getBoolean("collapse", false);
/* Causes all texture coordinates to be vertically flipped */
bool flipTexCoords = props.getBoolean("flipTexCoords", true);
/// When the file contains multiple meshes, this index specifies which one to load
int shapeIndex = props.getInteger("shapeIndex", -1);
/* Object-space -> World-space transformation */
Transform objectToWorld = props.getTransform("toWorld", Transform());
/* Load the geometry */
Log(EInfo, "Loading geometry from \"%s\" ..", path.filename().string().c_str());
fs::ifstream is(path);
if (is.bad() || is.fail())
Log(EError, "Wavefront OBJ file '%s' not found!", path.string().c_str());
ref<Timer> timer = new Timer();
std::string buf;
std::vector<Point> vertices;
std::vector<Normal> normals;
std::vector<Point2> texcoords;
std::vector<OBJTriangle> triangles;
std::string name = m_name, line;
std::set<std::string> geomNames;
std::vector<Vertex> vertexBuffer;
fs::path materialLibrary;
int geomIndex = 0;
bool nameBeforeGeometry = false;
std::string materialName;
while (is.good() && !is.eof() && fetch_line(is, line)) {
std::istringstream iss(line);
if (!(iss >> buf))
if (buf == "v") {
/* Parse + transform vertices */
Point p;
iss >> p.x >> p.y >> p.z;
} else if (buf == "vn") {
Normal n;
iss >> n.x >> n.y >> n.z;
} else if (buf == "g" && !m_collapse) {
std::string targetName;
std::string newName = trim(line.substr(1, line.length()-1));
/* There appear to be two different conventions
for specifying object names in OBJ file -- try
to detect which one is being used */
if (nameBeforeGeometry)
// Save geometry under the previously specified name
targetName = name;
targetName = newName;
if (triangles.size() > 0) {
/// make sure that we have unique names
if (geomNames.find(targetName) != geomNames.end())
targetName = formatString("%s_%i", targetName.c_str(), geomIndex);
geomIndex += 1;
if (shapeIndex < 0 || geomIndex-1 == shapeIndex)
createMesh(targetName, vertices, normals, texcoords,
triangles, materialName, objectToWorld, vertexBuffer);
} else {
nameBeforeGeometry = true;
name = newName;
} else if (buf == "usemtl") {
/* Flush if necessary */
if (triangles.size() > 0 && !m_collapse) {
/// make sure that we have unique names
if (geomNames.find(name) != geomNames.end())
name = formatString("%s_%i", name.c_str(), geomIndex);
geomIndex += 1;
if (shapeIndex < 0 || geomIndex-1 == shapeIndex)
createMesh(name, vertices, normals, texcoords,
triangles, materialName, objectToWorld, vertexBuffer);
name = m_name;
materialName = trim(line.substr(6, line.length()-1));
} else if (buf == "mtllib") {
materialLibrary = fileResolver->resolve(trim(line.substr(6, line.length()-1)));
} else if (buf == "vt") {
Float u, v;
iss >> u >> v;
if (flipTexCoords)
v = 1-v;
texcoords.push_back(Point2(u, v));
} else if (buf == "f") {
std::string tmp;
OBJTriangle t;
iss >> tmp; parse(t, 0, tmp);
iss >> tmp; parse(t, 1, tmp);
iss >> tmp; parse(t, 2, tmp);
/* Handle n-gons assuming a convex shape */
while (iss >> tmp) {
t.p[1] = t.p[2];
t.uv[1] = t.uv[2];
t.n[1] = t.n[2];
parse(t, 2, tmp);
} else {
/* Ignore */
if (geomNames.find(name) != geomNames.end())
/// make sure that we have unique names
name = formatString("%s_%i", m_name.c_str(), geomIndex);
if (shapeIndex < 0 || geomIndex-1 == shapeIndex)
createMesh(name, vertices, normals, texcoords,
triangles, materialName, objectToWorld, vertexBuffer);
if (props.hasProperty("maxSmoothAngle")) {
if (m_faceNormals)
Log(EError, "The properties 'maxSmoothAngle' and 'faceNormals' "
"can't be specified at the same time!");
Float maxSmoothAngle = props.getFloat("maxSmoothAngle");
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
if (!materialLibrary.empty())
loadMaterialLibrary(fileResolver, materialLibrary);
Log(EInfo, "Done with \"%s\" (took %i ms)", path.filename().string().c_str(), timer->getMilliseconds());
WavefrontOBJ(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) : Shape(stream, manager) {
m_aabb = AABB(stream);
m_name = stream->readString();
uint32_t meshCount = stream->readUInt();
for (uint32_t i=0; i<meshCount; ++i) {
m_meshes[i] = static_cast<TriMesh *>(manager->getInstance(stream));
void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const {
Shape::serialize(stream, manager);
stream->writeUInt((uint32_t) m_meshes.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
manager->serialize(stream, m_meshes[i]);
void parse(OBJTriangle &t, int i, const std::string &str) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = tokenize(str, "/");
if (tokens.size() == 1) {
t.p[i] = atoi(tokens[0].c_str());
} else if (tokens.size() == 2) {
if (str.find("//") == std::string::npos) {
t.p[i] = atoi(tokens[0].c_str());
t.uv[i] = atoi(tokens[1].c_str());
} else {
t.p[i] = atoi(tokens[0].c_str());
t.n[i] = atoi(tokens[1].c_str());
} else if (tokens.size() == 3) {
t.p[i] = atoi(tokens[0].c_str());
t.uv[i] = atoi(tokens[1].c_str());
t.n[i] = atoi(tokens[2].c_str());
} else {
Log(EError, "Invalid OBJ face format!");
Texture *loadTexture(const FileResolver *fileResolver,
std::map<std::string, Texture *> &cache,
const fs::path &mtlPath, std::string filename) {
/* Prevent Linux/OSX fs::path handling issues for DAE files created on Windows */
for (size_t i=0; i<filename.length(); ++i) {
if (filename[i] == '\\')
filename[i] = '/';
if (cache.find(filename) != cache.end())
return cache[filename];
fs::path path = fileResolver->resolve(filename);
if (!fs::exists(path)) {
path = fileResolver->resolve(fs::path(filename).filename());
if (!fs::exists(path)) {
Log(EWarn, "Unable to find texture \"%s\" referenced from \"%s\"!",
path.string().c_str(), mtlPath.string().c_str());
return new ConstantSpectrumTexture(Spectrum(0.0f));
Properties props("bitmap");
props.setString("filename", path.string());
props.setFloat("gamma", 1.0f);
ref<Texture> texture = static_cast<Texture *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(Texture), props));
cache[filename] = texture;
return texture;
void loadMaterialLibrary(const FileResolver *fileResolver, const fs::path &mtlPath) {
if (!fs::exists(mtlPath)) {
Log(EWarn, "Could not find referenced material library '%s'",
Log(EInfo, "Loading OBJ materials from \"%s\" ..", mtlPath.filename().string().c_str());
fs::ifstream is(mtlPath);
if (is.bad() || is.fail())
Log(EError, "Unexpected I/O error while accessing material file '%s'!",
std::string buf, line;
std::string mtlName;
ref<Texture> specular, diffuse, exponent, bump, mask;
int illum = 0;
specular = new ConstantSpectrumTexture(Spectrum(0.0f));
diffuse = new ConstantSpectrumTexture(Spectrum(0.0f));
exponent = new ConstantFloatTexture(0.0f);
std::map<std::string, Texture *> cache;
while (is.good() && !is.eof() && fetch_line(is, line)) {
std::istringstream iss(line);
if (!(iss >> buf))
if (buf == "newmtl") {
if (mtlName != "")
addMaterial(mtlName, diffuse, specular, exponent, bump, mask, illum);
mtlName = trim(line.substr(6, line.length()-6));
specular = new ConstantSpectrumTexture(Spectrum(0.0f));
diffuse = new ConstantSpectrumTexture(Spectrum(0.0f));
exponent = new ConstantFloatTexture(0.0f);
mask = NULL;
bump = NULL;
illum = 0;
} else if (buf == "Kd") {
Float r, g, b;
iss >> r >> g >> b;
Spectrum value;
value.fromSRGB(r, g, b);
diffuse = new ConstantSpectrumTexture(value);
} else if (buf == "map_Kd") {
std::string filename;
iss >> filename;
diffuse = loadTexture(fileResolver, cache, mtlPath, filename);
} else if (buf == "Ks") {
Float r, g, b;
iss >> r >> g >> b;
Spectrum value;
value.fromSRGB(r, g, b);
specular = new ConstantSpectrumTexture(value);
} else if (buf == "map_Ks") {
std::string filename;
iss >> filename;
specular = loadTexture(fileResolver, cache, mtlPath, filename);
} else if (buf == "bump") {
std::string filename;
iss >> filename;
bump = loadTexture(fileResolver, cache, mtlPath, filename);
} else if (buf == "map_d") {
std::string filename;
iss >> filename;
mask = loadTexture(fileResolver, cache, mtlPath, filename);
} else if (buf == "d" /* || buf == "Tr" */) {
Float value;
iss >> value;
if (value == 1)
mask = NULL;
mask = new ConstantFloatTexture(value);
} else if (buf == "Ns") {
Float value;
iss >> value;
exponent = new ConstantFloatTexture(value);
} else if (buf == "illum") {
iss >> illum;
} else {
/* Ignore */
addMaterial(mtlName, diffuse, specular, exponent, bump, mask, illum);
for (std::map<std::string, Texture *>::iterator it = cache.begin();
it != cache.end(); ++it)
void addMaterial(const std::string &name, Texture *diffuse, Texture *specular,
Texture *exponent, Texture *bump, Texture *mask, int model) {
ref<BSDF> bsdf;
Properties props;
if (model == 2 && (specular->getMaximum().isZero() || exponent->getMaximum().isZero()))
model = 1;
if (model == 2) {
bsdf = static_cast<BSDF *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(BSDF), props));
bsdf->addChild("diffuseReflectance", diffuse);
bsdf->addChild("specularReflectance", specular);
bsdf->addChild("exponent", exponent);
} else if (model == 4 || model == 6 || model == 7 || model == 9) {
bsdf = static_cast<BSDF *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(BSDF), props));
} else if (model == 5 || model == 8) {
props.setString("material", "Al");
bsdf = static_cast<BSDF *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(BSDF), props));
} else {
bsdf = static_cast<BSDF *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(BSDF), props));
bsdf->addChild("reflectance", diffuse);
if (bump) {
props = Properties("bumpmap");
ref<BSDF> bumpBSDF = static_cast<BSDF *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(BSDF), props));
bsdf = bumpBSDF;
if (mask) {
props = Properties("mask");
ref<BSDF> maskedBSDF = static_cast<BSDF *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(MTS_CLASS(BSDF), props));
maskedBSDF->addChild("opacity", mask);
bsdf = maskedBSDF;
addChild(name, bsdf, false);
struct Vertex {
Point p;
Normal n;
Point2 uv;
/// For using vertices as keys in an associative structure
struct vertex_key_order : public
std::binary_function<Vertex, Vertex, bool> {
bool operator()(const Vertex &v1, const Vertex &v2) const {
if (v1.p.x < v2.p.x) return true;
else if (v1.p.x > v2.p.x) return false;
if (v1.p.y < v2.p.y) return true;
else if (v1.p.y > v2.p.y) return false;
if (v1.p.z < v2.p.z) return true;
else if (v1.p.z > v2.p.z) return false;
if (v1.n.x < v2.n.x) return true;
else if (v1.n.x > v2.n.x) return false;
if (v1.n.y < v2.n.y) return true;
else if (v1.n.y > v2.n.y) return false;
if (v1.n.z < v2.n.z) return true;
else if (v1.n.z > v2.n.z) return false;
if (v1.uv.x < v2.uv.x) return true;
else if (v1.uv.x > v2.uv.x) return false;
if (v1.uv.y < v2.uv.y) return true;
else if (v1.uv.y > v2.uv.y) return false;
return false;
void createMesh(const std::string &name,
const std::vector<Point> &vertices,
const std::vector<Normal> &normals,
const std::vector<Point2> &texcoords,
const std::vector<OBJTriangle> &triangles,
const std::string &materialName,
const Transform &objectToWorld,
std::vector<Vertex> &vertexBuffer) {
if (triangles.size() == 0)
typedef std::map<Vertex, uint32_t, vertex_key_order> VertexMapType;
VertexMapType vertexMap;
size_t numMerged = 0;
AABB aabb;
bool hasTexcoords = false;
bool hasNormals = false;
ref<Timer> timer = new Timer();
/* Collapse the mesh into a more usable form */
Triangle *triangleArray = new Triangle[triangles.size()];
for (uint32_t i=0; i<triangles.size(); i++) {
Triangle tri;
for (uint32_t j=0; j<3; j++) {
int vertexId = triangles[i].p[j];
int normalId = triangles[i].n[j];
int uvId = triangles[i].uv[j];
uint32_t key;
Vertex vertex;
if (vertexId < 0)
vertexId += (int) vertices.size() + 1;
if (normalId < 0)
normalId += (int) normals.size() + 1;
if (uvId < 0)
uvId += (int) texcoords.size() + 1;
if (vertexId > (int) vertices.size() || vertexId <= 0)
Log(EError, "Out of bounds: tried to access vertex %i (max: %i)", vertexId, (int) vertices.size());
vertex.p = objectToWorld(vertices[vertexId-1]);
if (normalId != 0) {
if (normalId > (int) normals.size() || normalId < 0)
Log(EError, "Out of bounds: tried to access normal %i (max: %i)", normalId, (int) normals.size());
vertex.n = objectToWorld(normals[normalId-1]);
if (!vertex.n.isZero())
vertex.n = normalize(vertex.n);
hasNormals = true;
} else {
vertex.n = Normal(0.0f);
if (uvId != 0) {
if (uvId > (int) texcoords.size() || uvId < 0)
Log(EError, "Out of bounds: tried to access uv %i (max: %i)", uvId, (int) texcoords.size());
vertex.uv = texcoords[uvId-1];
hasTexcoords = true;
} else {
vertex.uv = Point2(0.0f);
VertexMapType::iterator it = vertexMap.find(vertex);
if (it != vertexMap.end()) {
key = it->second;
} else {
key = (uint32_t) vertexBuffer.size();
vertexMap[vertex] = key;
tri.idx[j] = key;
triangleArray[i] = tri;
ref<TriMesh> mesh = new TriMesh(name,
triangles.size(), vertexBuffer.size(),
hasNormals, hasTexcoords, false,
m_flipNormals, m_faceNormals);
std::copy(triangleArray, triangleArray+triangles.size(), mesh->getTriangles());
Point *target_positions = mesh->getVertexPositions();
Normal *target_normals = mesh->getVertexNormals();
Point2 *target_texcoords = mesh->getVertexTexcoords();
mesh->getAABB() = aabb;
for (size_t i=0; i<vertexBuffer.size(); i++) {
*target_positions++ = vertexBuffer[i].p;
if (hasNormals)
*target_normals++ = vertexBuffer[i].n;
if (hasTexcoords)
*target_texcoords++ = vertexBuffer[i].uv;
Log(EInfo, "%s: " SIZE_T_FMT " triangles, " SIZE_T_FMT
" vertices (merged " SIZE_T_FMT " vertices).", name.c_str(),
triangles.size(), vertexBuffer.size(), numMerged);
virtual ~WavefrontOBJ() {
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
void configure() {
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i) {
void addChild(const std::string &name, ConfigurableObject *child) {
addChild(name, child, true);
void addChild(const std::string &name, ConfigurableObject *child, bool warn) {
const Class *cClass = child->getClass();
if (cClass->derivesFrom(MTS_CLASS(BSDF))) {
Shape::addChild(name, child);
Assert(m_meshes.size() > 0);
if (name == "") {
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
m_meshes[i]->addChild(name, child);
} else {
bool found = false;
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i) {
if (m_materialAssignment[i] == name) {
found = true;
m_meshes[i]->addChild(name, child);
if (!found && warn)
Log(EWarn, "Attempted to register the material named "
"'%s', which does not occur in the OBJ file!", name.c_str());
} else if (cClass->derivesFrom(MTS_CLASS(Emitter))) {
if (m_meshes.size() > 1)
Log(EError, "Cannot attach an emitter to an OBJ file "
"containing multiple objects!");
m_emitter = static_cast<Emitter *>(child);
m_meshes[0]->addChild(name, child);
} else if (cClass->derivesFrom(MTS_CLASS(Sensor))) {
if (m_meshes.size() > 1)
Log(EError, "Cannot attach an sensor to an OBJ file "
"containing multiple objects!");
m_sensor = static_cast<Sensor *>(child);
m_meshes[0]->addChild(name, child);
} else if (cClass->derivesFrom(MTS_CLASS(Subsurface))) {
Assert(m_subsurface == NULL);
m_subsurface = static_cast<Subsurface *>(child);
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i) {
m_meshes[i]->addChild(name, child);
} else if (cClass->derivesFrom(MTS_CLASS(Medium))) {
Shape::addChild(name, child);
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
m_meshes[i]->addChild(name, child);
} else {
Shape::addChild(name, child);
bool isCompound() const {
return true;
Shape *getElement(int index) {
if (index >= (int) m_meshes.size())
return NULL;
Shape *shape = m_meshes[index];
BSDF *bsdf = shape->getBSDF();
Emitter *emitter = shape->getEmitter();
Subsurface *subsurface = shape->getSubsurface();
if (bsdf)
if (emitter)
if (subsurface)
return shape;
std::string getName() const {
return m_name;
AABB getAABB() const {
return m_aabb;
Float getSurfaceArea() const {
Float sa = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
sa += m_meshes[i]->getSurfaceArea();
return sa;
size_t getPrimitiveCount() const {
size_t result = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
result += m_meshes[i]->getPrimitiveCount();
return result;
size_t getEffectivePrimitiveCount() const {
size_t result = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<m_meshes.size(); ++i)
result += m_meshes[i]->getEffectivePrimitiveCount();
return result;
std::vector<TriMesh *> m_meshes;
std::vector<std::string> m_materialAssignment;
bool m_flipNormals, m_faceNormals;
std::string m_name;
AABB m_aabb;
bool m_collapse;
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(WavefrontOBJ, false, Shape)
MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(WavefrontOBJ, "OBJ triangle mesh loader");