
1102 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
#ifndef __domAsset_h__
#define __domAsset_h__
#include <dae/daeDocument.h>
#include <dom/domTypes.h>
#include <dom/domElements.h>
class DAE;
* The asset element defines asset management information regarding its parent
* element.
class domAsset : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::ASSET; }
static daeInt ID() { return 664; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
class domContributor;
typedef daeSmartRef<domContributor> domContributorRef;
typedef daeTArray<domContributorRef> domContributor_Array;
* The contributor element defines authoring information for asset management
class domContributor : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::CONTRIBUTOR; }
static daeInt ID() { return 665; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
class domAuthor;
typedef daeSmartRef<domAuthor> domAuthorRef;
typedef daeTArray<domAuthorRef> domAuthor_Array;
* The author element contains a string with the author's name. There may
* be only one author element.
class domAuthor : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::AUTHOR; }
static daeInt ID() { return 666; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domAuthor(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domAuthor() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domAuthor &operator=( const domAuthor &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domAuthoring_tool;
typedef daeSmartRef<domAuthoring_tool> domAuthoring_toolRef;
typedef daeTArray<domAuthoring_toolRef> domAuthoring_tool_Array;
* The authoring_tool element contains a string with the authoring tool's
* name. There may be only one authoring_tool element.
class domAuthoring_tool : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::AUTHORING_TOOL; }
static daeInt ID() { return 667; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domAuthoring_tool(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domAuthoring_tool() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domAuthoring_tool &operator=( const domAuthoring_tool &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domComments;
typedef daeSmartRef<domComments> domCommentsRef;
typedef daeTArray<domCommentsRef> domComments_Array;
* The comments element contains a string with comments from this contributor.
* There may be only one comments element.
class domComments : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::COMMENTS; }
static daeInt ID() { return 668; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domComments(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domComments() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domComments &operator=( const domComments &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domCopyright;
typedef daeSmartRef<domCopyright> domCopyrightRef;
typedef daeTArray<domCopyrightRef> domCopyright_Array;
* The copyright element contains a string with copyright information. There
* may be only one copyright element.
class domCopyright : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::COPYRIGHT; }
static daeInt ID() { return 669; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domCopyright(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domCopyright() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domCopyright &operator=( const domCopyright &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domSource_data;
typedef daeSmartRef<domSource_data> domSource_dataRef;
typedef daeTArray<domSource_dataRef> domSource_data_Array;
* The source_data element contains a URI reference to the source data used
* for this asset. There may be only one source_data element.
class domSource_data : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::SOURCE_DATA; }
static daeInt ID() { return 670; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsAnyURI value of the text data of this element.
xsAnyURI _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsAnyURI of the value.
xsAnyURI &getValue() { return _value; }
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a constant xsAnyURI of the value.
const xsAnyURI &getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( const xsAnyURI &val ) { _value = val; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { _value = val; }
* Constructor
domSource_data(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value(dae, *this) {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domSource_data() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domSource_data &operator=( const domSource_data &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
protected: // Elements
* The author element contains a string with the author's name. There may
* be only one author element. @see domAuthor
domAuthorRef elemAuthor;
* The authoring_tool element contains a string with the authoring tool's
* name. There may be only one authoring_tool element. @see domAuthoring_tool
domAuthoring_toolRef elemAuthoring_tool;
* The comments element contains a string with comments from this contributor.
* There may be only one comments element. @see domComments
domCommentsRef elemComments;
* The copyright element contains a string with copyright information. There
* may be only one copyright element. @see domCopyright
domCopyrightRef elemCopyright;
* The source_data element contains a URI reference to the source data used
* for this asset. There may be only one source_data element. @see domSource_data
domSource_dataRef elemSource_data;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the author element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the author element.
const domAuthorRef getAuthor() const { return elemAuthor; }
* Gets the authoring_tool element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the authoring_tool element.
const domAuthoring_toolRef getAuthoring_tool() const { return elemAuthoring_tool; }
* Gets the comments element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the comments element.
const domCommentsRef getComments() const { return elemComments; }
* Gets the copyright element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the copyright element.
const domCopyrightRef getCopyright() const { return elemCopyright; }
* Gets the source_data element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the source_data element.
const domSource_dataRef getSource_data() const { return elemSource_data; }
* Constructor
domContributor(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), elemAuthor(), elemAuthoring_tool(), elemComments(), elemCopyright(), elemSource_data() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domContributor() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domContributor &operator=( const domContributor &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domCreated;
typedef daeSmartRef<domCreated> domCreatedRef;
typedef daeTArray<domCreatedRef> domCreated_Array;
* The created element contains the date and time that the parent element
* was created and is represented in an ISO 8601 format. The created element
* may appear zero or one time.
class domCreated : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::CREATED; }
static daeInt ID() { return 671; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsDateTime value of the text data of this element.
xsDateTime _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsDateTime of the value.
xsDateTime getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsDateTime val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domCreated(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domCreated() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domCreated &operator=( const domCreated &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domKeywords;
typedef daeSmartRef<domKeywords> domKeywordsRef;
typedef daeTArray<domKeywordsRef> domKeywords_Array;
* The keywords element contains a list of words used as search criteria for
* the parent element. The keywords element may appear zero or more times.
class domKeywords : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::KEYWORDS; }
static daeInt ID() { return 672; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domKeywords(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domKeywords() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domKeywords &operator=( const domKeywords &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domModified;
typedef daeSmartRef<domModified> domModifiedRef;
typedef daeTArray<domModifiedRef> domModified_Array;
* The modified element contains the date and time that the parent element
* was last modified and represented in an ISO 8601 format. The modified
* element may appear zero or one time.
class domModified : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::MODIFIED; }
static daeInt ID() { return 673; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsDateTime value of the text data of this element.
xsDateTime _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsDateTime of the value.
xsDateTime getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsDateTime val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domModified(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domModified() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domModified &operator=( const domModified &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domRevision;
typedef daeSmartRef<domRevision> domRevisionRef;
typedef daeTArray<domRevisionRef> domRevision_Array;
* The revision element contains the revision information for the parent element.
* The revision element may appear zero or one time.
class domRevision : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::REVISION; }
static daeInt ID() { return 674; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domRevision(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domRevision() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domRevision &operator=( const domRevision &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domSubject;
typedef daeSmartRef<domSubject> domSubjectRef;
typedef daeTArray<domSubjectRef> domSubject_Array;
* The subject element contains a description of the topical subject of the
* parent element. The subject element may appear zero or one time.
class domSubject : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::SUBJECT; }
static daeInt ID() { return 675; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domSubject(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domSubject() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domSubject &operator=( const domSubject &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domTitle;
typedef daeSmartRef<domTitle> domTitleRef;
typedef daeTArray<domTitleRef> domTitle_Array;
* The title element contains the title information for the parent element.
* The title element may appear zero or one time.
class domTitle : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::TITLE; }
static daeInt ID() { return 676; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The xsString value of the text data of this element.
xsString _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return Returns a xsString of the value.
xsString getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( xsString val ) { *(daeStringRef*)&_value = val; }
* Constructor
domTitle(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domTitle() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domTitle &operator=( const domTitle &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domUnit;
typedef daeSmartRef<domUnit> domUnitRef;
typedef daeTArray<domUnitRef> domUnit_Array;
* The unit element contains descriptive information about unit of measure.
* It has attributes for the name of the unit and the measurement with respect
* to the meter. The unit element may appear zero or one time.
class domUnit : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::UNIT; }
static daeInt ID() { return 677; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Attributes
* The meter attribute specifies the measurement with respect to the meter.
* The default value for the meter attribute is “1.0”.
domFloat attrMeter;
* The name attribute specifies the name of the unit. The default value for
* the name attribute is “meter”.
xsNMTOKEN attrName;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the meter attribute.
* @return Returns a domFloat of the meter attribute.
domFloat getMeter() const { return attrMeter; }
* Sets the meter attribute.
* @param atMeter The new value for the meter attribute.
void setMeter( domFloat atMeter ) { attrMeter = atMeter; _validAttributeArray[0] = true; }
* Gets the name attribute.
* @return Returns a xsNMTOKEN of the name attribute.
xsNMTOKEN getName() const { return attrName; }
* Sets the name attribute.
* @param atName The new value for the name attribute.
void setName( xsNMTOKEN atName ) { *(daeStringRef*)&attrName = atName; _validAttributeArray[1] = true; }
* Constructor
domUnit(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), attrMeter(), attrName() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domUnit() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domUnit &operator=( const domUnit &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
class domUp_axis;
typedef daeSmartRef<domUp_axis> domUp_axisRef;
typedef daeTArray<domUp_axisRef> domUp_axis_Array;
* The up_axis element contains descriptive information about coordinate system
* of the geometric data. All coordinates are right-handed by definition.
* This element specifies which axis is considered up. The default is the
* Y-axis. The up_axis element may appear zero or one time.
class domUp_axis : public daeElement
virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::UP_AXIS; }
static daeInt ID() { return 678; }
virtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }
protected: // Value
* The domUpAxisType value of the text data of this element.
domUpAxisType _value;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the value of this element.
* @return a domUpAxisType of the value.
domUpAxisType getValue() const { return _value; }
* Sets the _value of this element.
* @param val The new value for this element.
void setValue( domUpAxisType val ) { _value = val; }
* Constructor
domUp_axis(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), _value() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domUp_axis() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domUp_axis &operator=( const domUp_axis &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);
protected: // Elements
* The contributor element defines authoring information for asset management
* @see domContributor
domContributor_Array elemContributor_array;
* The created element contains the date and time that the parent element
* was created and is represented in an ISO 8601 format. The created element
* may appear zero or one time. @see domCreated
domCreatedRef elemCreated;
* The keywords element contains a list of words used as search criteria for
* the parent element. The keywords element may appear zero or more times.
* @see domKeywords
domKeywordsRef elemKeywords;
* The modified element contains the date and time that the parent element
* was last modified and represented in an ISO 8601 format. The modified
* element may appear zero or one time. @see domModified
domModifiedRef elemModified;
* The revision element contains the revision information for the parent element.
* The revision element may appear zero or one time. @see domRevision
domRevisionRef elemRevision;
* The subject element contains a description of the topical subject of the
* parent element. The subject element may appear zero or one time. @see
* domSubject
domSubjectRef elemSubject;
* The title element contains the title information for the parent element.
* The title element may appear zero or one time. @see domTitle
domTitleRef elemTitle;
* The unit element contains descriptive information about unit of measure.
* It has attributes for the name of the unit and the measurement with respect
* to the meter. The unit element may appear zero or one time. @see domUnit
domUnitRef elemUnit;
* The up_axis element contains descriptive information about coordinate system
* of the geometric data. All coordinates are right-handed by definition.
* This element specifies which axis is considered up. The default is the
* Y-axis. The up_axis element may appear zero or one time. @see domUp_axis
domUp_axisRef elemUp_axis;
public: //Accessors and Mutators
* Gets the contributor element array.
* @return Returns a reference to the array of contributor elements.
domContributor_Array &getContributor_array() { return elemContributor_array; }
* Gets the contributor element array.
* @return Returns a constant reference to the array of contributor elements.
const domContributor_Array &getContributor_array() const { return elemContributor_array; }
* Gets the created element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the created element.
const domCreatedRef getCreated() const { return elemCreated; }
* Gets the keywords element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the keywords element.
const domKeywordsRef getKeywords() const { return elemKeywords; }
* Gets the modified element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the modified element.
const domModifiedRef getModified() const { return elemModified; }
* Gets the revision element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the revision element.
const domRevisionRef getRevision() const { return elemRevision; }
* Gets the subject element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the subject element.
const domSubjectRef getSubject() const { return elemSubject; }
* Gets the title element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the title element.
const domTitleRef getTitle() const { return elemTitle; }
* Gets the unit element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the unit element.
const domUnitRef getUnit() const { return elemUnit; }
* Gets the up_axis element.
* @return a daeSmartRef to the up_axis element.
const domUp_axisRef getUp_axis() const { return elemUp_axis; }
* Constructor
domAsset(DAE& dae) : daeElement(dae), elemContributor_array(), elemCreated(), elemKeywords(), elemModified(), elemRevision(), elemSubject(), elemTitle(), elemUnit(), elemUp_axis() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~domAsset() {}
* Overloaded assignment operator
virtual domAsset &operator=( const domAsset &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }
* Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
* @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.
static DLLSPEC daeElementRef create(DAE& dae);
* Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.
* If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.
* @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.
static DLLSPEC daeMetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);