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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#if !defined(__MITSUBA_CORE_THREAD_H_)
#include <mitsuba/mitsuba.h>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
* \headerfile mitsuba/core/thread.h mitsuba/mitsuba.h
* \brief Cross-platform thread implementation
* \ingroup libcore
* \ingroup libpython
class MTS_EXPORT_CORE Thread : public Object {
/// Possible priority values for \ref Thread::setPriority()
enum EThreadPriority {
EIdlePriority = 0,
* \brief Create a new thread object
* \param name An identifying name of this thread
* (will be shown in debug messages)
* \remark Note that it is currently not possible to
* construct Thread instances from Python
Thread(const std::string &name);
* \brief Set the thread priority
* This does not always work -- for instance, Linux
* requires root privileges for this operation.
* \return \c true upon success.
bool setPriority(EThreadPriority priority);
/// Return the thread priority
EThreadPriority getPriority() const;
* \brief Set the core affinity
* This function provides a hint to the operating system
* scheduler that the thread should preferably run
* on the specified processor core. By default, the parameter
* is set to -1, which means that there is no affinity.
void setCoreAffinity(int core);
/// Return the core affinity
int getCoreAffinity() const;
* \brief Specify whether or not this thread is critical
* When an thread marked critical crashes from an uncaught
* exception, the whole process is brought down.
* The default is \c false.
void setCritical(bool critical);
/// Return the value of the critical flag
bool getCritical() const;
/// Return the thread ID
static int getID();
/// Return the name of this thread
const std::string &getName() const;
/// Set the name of this thread
void setName(const std::string &name);
/// Return the parent thread
Thread *getParent();
/// Return the parent thread (const version)
const Thread *getParent() const;
/// Set the logger instance used to process log messages from this thread
void setLogger(Logger *logger);
/// Return the thread's logger instance
Logger *getLogger();
/// Set the thread's file resolver
void setFileResolver(FileResolver *fresolver);
/// Return the thread's file resolver
FileResolver *getFileResolver();
/// Return the current thread
static Thread *getThread();
/// Is this thread still running?
bool isRunning() const;
/// Start the thread
void start();
* \brief Detach the thread and release resources
* After a call to this function, \ref join()
* cannot be used anymore. This releases resources, which
* would otherwise be held until a call to \ref join().
void detach();
/// Wait until the thread finishes
void join();
/// Return a string representation
virtual std::string toString() const;
/// Sleep for a certain amount of time
static void sleep(unsigned int ms);
/// Initialize the threading system
static void staticInitialization();
/// Shut down the threading system
static void staticShutdown();
/// Initialize Mitsuba's threading system for simultaneous use of OpenMP
static void initializeOpenMP(size_t threadCount);
* \brief Register an unmanaged thread with Mitsuba (i.e. one that
* doesn't derive from \c mitsuba::Thread)
* Should be called from the thread in question. The function returns
* a Mitsuba handle to the thread
static Thread *registerUnmanagedThread(const std::string &name);
* \brief Register a thread crash handler
* A crash handler is called whenever a thread fails with an uncaught
* exception. This can be used to implement more useful error messages
* in certain circumstances
static void registerCrashHandler(bool (*handler)(void));
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~Thread();
/// Thread dispatch function
static void dispatch(Thread *thread);
* Exit the thread, should be called from
* inside the thread
void exit();
/// Yield to another processor
void yield();
/// The thread's run method
virtual void run() = 0;
struct ThreadPrivate;
boost::scoped_ptr<ThreadPrivate> d;
#if defined(MTS_OPENMP)
#if defined(__OSX__)
/// Variant of \c omp_get_max_threads that works on OSX
extern MTS_EXPORT_CORE int mts_omp_get_max_threads();
/// Variant of \c omp_get_thread_num that works on OSX
extern MTS_EXPORT_CORE int mts_omp_get_thread_num();
#define mts_omp_get_max_threads omp_get_max_threads
#define mts_omp_get_thread_num omp_get_thread_num
#define mts_omp_get_max_threads() 1
#define mts_omp_get_thread_num() 0
#endif /* __MITSUBA_CORE_THREAD_H_ */