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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#if !defined(__MITSUBA_CORE_PMF_H_)
#include <mitsuba/mitsuba.h>
* \brief Discrete probability distribution
* This data structure can be used to transform uniformly distributed
* samples to a stored discrete probability distribution.
* \ingroup libcore
struct DiscreteDistribution {
/// Allocate memory for a distribution with the given number of entries
explicit inline DiscreteDistribution(size_t nEntries = 0) {
/// Clear all entries
inline void clear() {
m_normalized = false;
/// Reserve memory for a certain number of entries
inline void reserve(size_t nEntries) {
/// Append an entry with the specified discrete probability
inline void append(Float pdfValue) {
m_cdf.push_back(m_cdf[m_cdf.size()-1] + pdfValue);
/// Return the number of entries so far
inline size_t size() const {
return m_cdf.size()-1;
/// Access an entry by its index
inline Float operator[](size_t entry) const {
return m_cdf[entry+1] - m_cdf[entry];
/// Have the probability densities been normalized?
inline bool isNormalized() const {
return m_normalized;
* \brief Return the original (unnormalized) sum of all PDF entries
* This assumes that \ref normalize() has previously been called
inline Float getSum() const {
return m_sum;
* \brief Return the normalization factor (i.e. the inverse of \ref getSum())
* This assumes that \ref normalize() has previously been called
inline Float getNormalization() const {
return m_normalization;
* \brief Normalize the distribution
* Throws an exception when no entries were previously
* added to the distribution.
* \return Sum of the (previously unnormalized) entries
inline Float normalize() {
SAssert(m_cdf.size() > 1);
m_sum = m_cdf[m_cdf.size()-1];
if (m_sum > 0) {
m_normalization = 1.0f / m_sum;
for (size_t i=1; i<m_cdf.size(); ++i)
m_cdf[i] *= m_normalization;
m_cdf[m_cdf.size()-1] = 1.0f;
m_normalized = true;
} else {
m_normalization = 0.0f;
return m_sum;
* \brief %Transform a uniformly distributed sample to the stored distribution
* \param[in] sampleValue
* An uniformly distributed sample on [0,1]
* \return
* The discrete index associated with the sample
inline size_t sample(Float sampleValue) const {
std::vector<Float>::const_iterator entry =
std::lower_bound(m_cdf.begin(), m_cdf.end(), sampleValue);
size_t index = std::min(m_cdf.size()-2,
(size_t) std::max((ptrdiff_t) 0, entry - m_cdf.begin() - 1));
/* Handle a rare corner-case where a entry has probability 0
but is sampled nonetheless */
while (operator[](index) == 0 && index < m_cdf.size()-1)
return index;
* \brief %Transform a uniformly distributed sample to the stored distribution
* \param[in] sampleValue
* An uniformly distributed sample on [0,1]
* \param[out] pdf
* Probability value of the sample
* \return
* The discrete index associated with the sample
inline size_t sample(Float sampleValue, Float &pdf) const {
size_t index = sample(sampleValue);
pdf = operator[](index);
return index;
* \brief %Transform a uniformly distributed sample to the stored distribution
* The original sample is value adjusted so that it can be "reused".
* \param[in, out] sampleValue
* An uniformly distributed sample on [0,1]
* \return
* The discrete index associated with the sample
inline size_t sampleReuse(Float &sampleValue) const {
size_t index = sample(sampleValue);
sampleValue = (sampleValue - m_cdf[index])
/ (m_cdf[index + 1] - m_cdf[index]);
return index;
* \brief %Transform a uniformly distributed sample.
* The original sample is value adjusted so that it can be "reused".
* \param[in,out]
* An uniformly distributed sample on [0,1]
* \param[out] pdf
* Probability value of the sample
* \return
* The discrete index associated with the sample
inline size_t sampleReuse(Float &sampleValue, Float &pdf) const {
size_t index = sample(sampleValue, pdf);
sampleValue = (sampleValue - m_cdf[index])
/ (m_cdf[index + 1] - m_cdf[index]);
return index;
* \brief Turn the underlying distribution into a
* human-readable string format
std::string toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "DiscreteDistribution[sum=" << m_sum << ", normalized="
<< (int) m_normalized << ", cdf={";
for (size_t i=0; i<m_cdf.size(); ++i) {
oss << m_cdf[i];
if (i != m_cdf.size()-1)
oss << ", ";
oss << "}]";
return oss.str();
std::vector<Float> m_cdf;
Float m_sum, m_normalization;
bool m_normalized;
namespace math {
/// Alias sampling data structure (see \ref makeAliasTable() for details)
template <typename QuantizedScalar, typename Index> struct AliasTableEntry {
/// Probability of sampling the current entry
QuantizedScalar prob;
/// Index of the alias entry
Index index;
* \brief Create the lookup table needed for Walker's alias sampling
* method implemented in \ref sampleAlias(). Runs in linear time.
* The basic idea of this method is that one can "redistribute" the
* probability mass of a distribution to make it uniform. This
* this can be done in a way such that the probability of each entry in
* the "flattened" PMF consists of probability mass from at most *two*
* entries in the original PMF. That then leads to an efficient O(1)
* sampling algorithm with a O(n) preprocessing step to set up this
* special decomposition.
* The downside of this method is that it generally does not preserve
* the nice stratification properties of QMC number sequences.
* \return The original (un-normalized) sum of all probabilities
* in \c pmf.
template <typename Scalar, typename QuantizedScalar, typename Index> float makeAliasTable(
AliasTableEntry<QuantizedScalar, Index> *tbl, Scalar *pmf, Index size) {
/* Allocate temporary storage for classification purposes */
Index *c = new Index[size],
*c_short = c - 1, *c_long = c + size;
/* Begin by computing the normalization constant */
Scalar sum = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<size; ++i)
sum += pmf[i];
Scalar normalization = (Scalar) 1 / sum;
for (Index i=0; i<size; ++i) {
/* For each entry, determine whether there is
"too little" or "too much" probability mass */
Scalar value = size * normalization * pmf[i];
if (value < 1)
*++c_short = i;
else if (value > 1)
*--c_long = i;
tbl[i].prob = value;
tbl[i].index = i;
/* Perform pairwise exchanges while there are entries
with too much probability mass */
for (Index i=0; i < size-1 && c_long - c < size; ++i) {
Index short_index = c[i],
long_index = *c_long;
tbl[short_index].index = long_index;
tbl[long_index].prob -= (Scalar) 1 - tbl[short_index].prob;
if (tbl[long_index].prob <= 1)
delete[] c;
return sum;
/// Generate a sample in constant time using the alias method
template <typename Scalar, typename QuantizedScalar, typename Index> Index sampleAlias(
const AliasTableEntry<QuantizedScalar, Index> *tbl, Index size, Scalar sample) {
Index l = std::min((Index) (sample * size), (Index) (size - 1));
Scalar prob = (Scalar) tbl[l].prob;
sample = sample * size - l;
if (prob == 1 || (prob != 0 && sample < prob))
return l;
return tbl[l].index;
* \brief Generate a sample in constant time using the alias method
* This variation shifts and scales the uniform random sample so
* that it can be reused for another sampling operation
template <typename Scalar, typename QuantizedScalar, typename Index> Index sampleAliasReuse(
const AliasTableEntry<QuantizedScalar, Index> *tbl, Index size, Scalar &sample) {
Index l = std::min((Index) (sample * size), (Index) (size - 1));
Scalar prob = (Scalar) tbl[l].prob;
sample = sample * size - l;
if (prob == 1 || (prob != 0 && sample < prob)) {
sample /= prob;
return l;
} else {
sample = (sample - prob) / (1 - prob);
return tbl[l].index;
#endif /* __MITSUBA_CORE_PMF_H_ */