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\section{Compiling the renderer}
To compile Mitsuba, you will need a recent C++ compiler (e.g. GCC 4.1+ or
Visual Studio 2008+) and some additional libraries, which Mitsuba uses internally.
Builds on all three supported platforms are done using a unified system
based on SCons (\url{}), a flexible python-based
software construction tool. There are some minor differences between operating systems though: for
more details, please refer to one of the next sections depending on which one you use.
\subsection{Common steps}
To get started, you will need to download a recent version of Mitsuba: make sure that you have the Mercurial (\url{})
versioning system installed and enter the following at the command prompt:
$\texttt{\$}$ hg clone
On Windows, you can instead use the more convenient TortoiseHG shell extension (\url{})
to do this directly from the Explorer.
Common to all platforms is that a build configuration file must be chosen: amongst the
following, please copy the best matching file into a new file to the root of the Mitsuba
directory and rename it into \code{}.
Some minor adjustments may have to be made to this file based on your configuration.
You may also set adjust certain compilation flags here:
\item[\texttt{MTS\_DEBUG}] Enable assertions etc. Usually a good idea.
\item[\texttt{MTS\_KD\_DEBUG}] Enable additional checks in the kd-Tree. This
is quite slow and mainly useful to track down bugs when they are suspected.
\item[\texttt{MTS\_KD\_CONSERVE\_MEMORY}] Use less memory for storing geometry (at the cost of speed).
Off by default.
\item[\texttt{SINGLE\_PRECISION}] Do all computation in single precision. This is usually sufficient.
\item[\texttt{DOUBLE\_PRECISION}] Do all computation in double precision. Incompatible with
\texttt{MTS\_SSE}, \texttt{MTS\_HAS\_COHERENT\_RT}, and \texttt{MTS\_DEBUG\_FP}.
\item[\texttt{MTS\_SSE}]Activate optimized SSE routines.
\item[\texttt{MTS\_HAS\_COHERENT\_RT}]Include coherent ray tracing support (depends on \texttt{MTS\_SSE}).
\item[\texttt{MTS\_DEBUG\_FP}]Generated NaNs will cause floating point exceptions, which can be caught in a debugger. Warning: This is slow!
All default configurations use the flags \code{MTS\_DEBUG}, \code{SINGLE\_PRECISION}, \code{MTS\_SSE}, \code{MTS\_HAS\_COHERENT\_RT}.
Initially, it is a good idea to just leave the configuration the way it is.
\subsection{Building on Ubuntu Linux}
You'll first need to install a number of dependencies. It is assumed here
that you are using Ubuntu Linux, hence some of the package may be named differently if you are
using another distribution.
First, run
$\text{\$}$ sudo apt-get install build-essential scons qt4-dev-tools scons libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev libxerces-c-dev libboost-dev libglewmx1.5-dev libxxf86vm-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev
To get COLLADA support, you will also need to install the \texttt{collada-dom} packages or build them from scratch. Here, we install the \code{x86\_64} binaries and development headers included with Mitsuba:
$\text{\$}$ sudo dpkg --install tools/linux/collada-dom2.2_2.2-1_amd64.deb tools/linux/collada-dom-dev_2.2-1_amd64.deb
Afterwards, simply run
$\text{\$}$ scons
inside the Mitsuba directory. In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the command.
If all goes well, SCons should finish successfully within a few minutes:
scons: $\texttt{done}$ building targets.
To be able to run the renderer from the command line, you will also have to import it into your path:
$\text{\$}$ .
(note the period at the beginning -- this assumes that you are using \code{bash}).
\subsection{Building on Fedora Core}
You'll first need to install a number of dependencies. It is assumed here
that you are using Fedora Core, hence some of the package may be named differently if you are
using another distribution.
First, run
$\text{\$}$ yum install mercurial gcc-c++ scons boost-devel qt4-devel OpenEXR-devel xerces-c-devel
You will also need the \texttt{glew-mx} and \texttt{collada-dom} packages, which are not included in the Fedora package repository.
You can grab source, \texttt{i386}, and \text{x86\_64} \texttt{RPM} files here: \texttt{}.
Afterwards, simply run
$\text{\$}$ scons
inside the Mitsuba directory. In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the command.
If all goes well, SCons should finish successfully within a few minutes:
scons: $\texttt{done}$ building targets.
To be able to run the renderer from the command line, you will also have to import it into your path:
$\text{\$}$ .
(note the period at the beginning -- this assumes that you are using \code{bash}).
\subsection{Building on Arch Linux}
You'll first need to install a number of dependencies.
First, run
$\text{\$}$ pacman -S mercurial openexr gcc xerces-c boost libjpeg libpng qt libxmu libxi mesa pcre libxml2 scons
Some of the extra dependencies must be built manually:
$\text{\$}$ wget
$\text{\$}$ makepkg
$\text{\$}$ sudo pacman -U glewmx-*.xz
and similar for \texttt{}-
Afterwards, simply run
$\text{\$}$ scons
inside the Mitsuba directory. In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the command.
If all goes well, SCons should finish successfully within a few minutes:
scons: $\texttt{done}$ building targets.
To be able to run the renderer from the command line, you will also have to import it into your path:
$\text{\$}$ .
(note the period at the beginning -- this assumes that you are using \code{bash}).
\subsection{Building on Windows}
This section assumes that Visual Studio 2008 is installed, but the instructions should work analogously for other versions.
On the Windows platform, Mitsuba already includes most of the dependencies in precompiled form.
You will still need to set up a few things though: first, you need to install Python
(\url{}) and SCons (\url{}) and ensure that they are contained
in the \code{\%PATH\%} environment variable so that entering \code{scons} on the command prompt
(\code{cmd.exe}) launches the build system (it will complain about not finding a project file though).
scons: ** No SConstruct file found.
\emph{Note: }On some setups, the SCons installer generates a warning about not finding Python in the registry. In this case, you can instead run \code{python install} within the source release of SCons.
Next, install Qt (\url{} -- you should get the release for Visual Studio 2008). Again, you need to make sure that the
Qt utilities are reachable through the \code{\%PATH\%} environment variable so that you can for example launch \code{moc.exe} from the command line.
Because the official release of Qt currently only contains 32-bit binaries, you will accordingly have to
build Mitsuba in 32-bit mode (i.e. you should use the configuration file \code{}). If you would rather like compile it in 64-bit mode, you have to create
your own 64-bit Qt binaries.
Having installed these dependencies, run the ``Visual Studio 2008 Command
Prompt'' from the Start Menu (pick the \code{x86} version if you have the choice beetween \code{x86} and \code{x64}). Afterwards,
navigate to the Mitsuba directory and run \code{scons}.
In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the \code{scons} command.
If all goes well, the build process will finish successfully after a few
minutes. In comparison to the other platforms, you don't have to run the \code{} script at this point.
All binaries are now located in the \code{dist} directory, and they should be executed directly from there.
\subsubsection{Integration with the Visual Studio interface}
If you plan to modify Mitsuba and you enjoy working within the Visual
Studio interface, the following steps should help you integrate the two
(thanks to Marios Papas for this description!). The instructions are for Visual Studio 2008,
hence some changes may be necessary on other versions. Also, they assume
that you followed all of the previous steps.
\item Create a copy of \code{} in the Mitsuba root directory and
name it \code{config\}. This will later be used to support debug
builds. Open the file and make the following changes:
\item In \code{CXXFLAGS}, replace \code{/Ox} by \code{/Od} (this disables
optimizations, which is necessary to see variable contents in the debugger)
\item In \code{CXXFLAGS}, add an entry \code{'/Z7'}.
\item In \code{LINKFLAGS}, add an entry \code{'/DEBUG'}.
\item Now, start a fresh instance of Visual Studio and click on
the \emph{File$\to$New$\to$Project From Existing Code} menu entry.
\item Choose \emph{Visual C++} from the drop-down menu and press \emph{Next}
\item Specify the Mitsuba root directory at the top and enter \emph{mitsuba}
as the project name. Uncheck \emph{Show all files in Solution explorer} and
press \emph{Next}.
\item Choose \emph{Use external build systen} and press \emph{Next}.
\item In the following, feel free to replace any occurrence of
\code{scons} by \code{scons -jX}, where \code{X} is the number of
cores in your machine (this will provide faster build times).
Fill in the following values:
\emph{Build command line}:&\code{scons}\\
\emph{Rebuild command line}:&\code{scons -c \&\& scons}\\
\emph{Clean command line}:&\code{scons -c}\\
\emph{Output}:&\code{dist\textbackslash mtsgui.exe}\\
\emph{Include search paths}:&\code{C:\textbackslash Qt\textbackslash
include} (your Qt path may be different)
\item On the next page, uncheck \emph{Same as Debug configuration}.
Afterwards, enter exactly the same values as before except replacing
every occurrence of \code{scons} by \code{scons {-}-cfg=config\}.
\item Click \emph{Finish} and wait for IntelliSense to finish (this might take
a while).
\item Switch to the Release configuration.
\subsection{Building on Mac OS X}
On Mac OS X, you will need to install both scons (\code{}) and
a recent release of XCode. You will also need to get Qt 4.7.0 or a newer version
--- make sure that you get the normal Cocoa release (i.e. \emph{not} the one based on Carbon). All of the
other dependencies are already included in precompiled form.
Now open a Terminal and run
$\text{\$}$ scons
inside the Mitsuba directory. In the case that you have multiple processors, you might want to parallelize the build by appending \code{-j }\emph{core count} to the command.
If all goes well, SCons should finish successfully within a few minutes:
scons: $\texttt{done}$ building targets.
To be able to run the renderer from the command line, you will have to import it into your path:
$\text{\$}$ .
(note the period at the beginning -- this assumes that you are using \code{bash}).