449 lines
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449 lines
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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <mitsuba/render/scene.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/mipmap.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/mstream.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fstream.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fresolver.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/sched.h>
#include <mitsuba/hw/gputexture.h>
#include <mitsuba/hw/gpuprogram.h>
#define DISTANCE 50
/*!\plugin{envmap}{Environment map luminaire}
* \parameters{
* \parameter{intensityScale}{\Float}{
* This parameter can be used to scale the the amount of illumination
* emitted by the luminaire. \default{1}
* }
* }
* This plugin implements a simple environment map luminaire with
* importance sampling. It uses the scene's bounding sphere to simulate an
* infinitely far-away light source and expects an EXR image in
* latitude-longitude (equirectangular) format.
class EnvMapLuminaire : public Luminaire {
EnvMapLuminaire(const Properties &props) : Luminaire(props) {
m_intensityScale = props.getFloat("intensityScale", 1);
ref<Bitmap> bitmap;
if (props.hasProperty("bitmap")) {
bitmap = reinterpret_cast<Bitmap *>(props.getData("bitmap").ptr);
m_path = "<unknown>";
} else {
m_path = Thread::getThread()->getFileResolver()->resolve(props.getString("filename"));
Log(EInfo, "Loading environment map \"%s\"", m_path.leaf().c_str());
ref<Stream> is = new FileStream(m_path, FileStream::EReadOnly);
bitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap::EEXR, is);
m_mipmap = MIPMap::fromBitmap(bitmap, MIPMap::ETrilinear,
MIPMap::ERepeat, 0.0f, Spectrum::EIlluminant);
m_average = m_mipmap->triangle(m_mipmap->getLevels()-1, 0, 0) * m_intensityScale;
m_type = EOnSurface;
EnvMapLuminaire(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager)
: Luminaire(stream, manager) {
m_intensityScale = stream->readFloat();
m_path = stream->readString();
m_bsphere = BSphere(stream);
Log(EInfo, "Unserializing environment map \"%s\"", m_path.leaf().c_str());
uint32_t size = stream->readUInt();
ref<MemoryStream> mStream = new MemoryStream(size);
stream->copyTo(mStream, size);
ref<Bitmap> bitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap::EEXR, mStream);
m_mipmap = MIPMap::fromBitmap(bitmap, MIPMap::ETrilinear,
MIPMap::ERepeat, 0.0f, Spectrum::EIlluminant);
m_average = m_mipmap->triangle(m_mipmap->getLevels()-1, 0, 0) * m_intensityScale;
m_surfaceArea = 4 * m_bsphere.radius * m_bsphere.radius * M_PI;
m_invSurfaceArea = 1/m_surfaceArea;
if (Scheduler::getInstance()->hasRemoteWorkers()
&& !fs::exists(m_path)) {
/* This code is running on a machine different from
the one that created the stream. Because we might
later have to handle a call to serialize(), the
whole bitmap must be kept in memory */
m_stream = mStream;
void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const {
Luminaire::serialize(stream, manager);
if (m_stream.get()) {
stream->writeUInt((unsigned int) m_stream->getSize());
stream->write(m_stream->getData(), m_stream->getSize());
} else {
ref<Stream> is = new FileStream(m_path, FileStream::EReadOnly);
stream->writeUInt((uint32_t) is->getSize());
void configure() {
int mipMapLevel = std::min(3, m_mipmap->getLevels()-1);
m_pdfResolution = m_mipmap->getLevelResolution(mipMapLevel);
m_pdfInvResolution = Vector2(1.0f / m_pdfResolution.x,
1.0f / m_pdfResolution.y);
Log(EDebug, "Creating a %ix%i sampling density",
m_pdfResolution.x, m_pdfResolution.y);
const Spectrum *coarseImage = m_mipmap->getImageData(mipMapLevel);
int index = 0;
m_pdf = DiscretePDF(m_pdfResolution.x * m_pdfResolution.y);
for (int y=0; y<m_pdfResolution.y; ++y) {
float sinFactor = std::sin(M_PI * (y + .5f) / m_pdfResolution.y);
for (int x=0; x<m_pdfResolution.x; ++x)
m_pdf[index++] = coarseImage[x + y * m_pdfResolution.x].getLuminance() * sinFactor;
m_pdfPixelSize = Vector2(2 * M_PI / m_pdfResolution.x, M_PI / m_pdfResolution.y);
if (m_pdf.getOriginalSum() == 0)
Log(EError, "Error -- environment map does not contain any nonzero pixels!");
void preprocess(const Scene *scene) {
if (m_bsphere.isEmpty()) {
/* Get the scene's bounding sphere and slightly enlarge it */
m_bsphere = scene->getBSphere();
m_bsphere.radius *= 1.01f;
if (scene->getCamera()) {
BSphere old = m_bsphere;
if (old != m_bsphere)
m_bsphere.radius *= 1.01f;
m_surfaceArea = 4 * m_bsphere.radius * m_bsphere.radius * M_PI;
m_invSurfaceArea = 1/m_surfaceArea;
Spectrum getPower() const {
return m_average * m_surfaceArea * M_PI;
/// Sample an emission direction
inline Vector sampleDirection(Point2 sample, Float &pdf, Spectrum &value) const {
int idx = m_pdf.sampleReuse(sample.x, pdf);
int row = idx / m_pdfResolution.x;
int col = idx - m_pdfResolution.x * row;
Float x = col + sample.x, y = row + sample.y;
value = m_mipmap->triangle(0, x * m_pdfInvResolution.x,
y * m_pdfInvResolution.y) * m_intensityScale;
Float theta = m_pdfPixelSize.y * y,
phi = m_pdfPixelSize.x * x;
/* Spherical-to-cartesian coordinate mapping with
theta=0 => Y=1 */
Float cosTheta = std::cos(theta),
sinTheta = std::sqrt(1-cosTheta*cosTheta),
cosPhi = std::cos(phi),
sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
Vector sampledDirection(sinTheta * sinPhi,
cosTheta, -sinTheta*cosPhi);
pdf = pdf / (m_pdfPixelSize.x * m_pdfPixelSize.y
* std::max(Epsilon, sinTheta));
return m_luminaireToWorld(-sampledDirection);
inline Float pdfDirection(const Vector &dir) const {
const Vector d = m_worldToLuminaire(-dir);
Point2 xy = fromSphere(d);
xy.x *= m_pdfResolution.x;
xy.y *= m_pdfResolution.y;
int xPos = std::min(std::max((int) std::floor(xy.x), 0), m_pdfResolution.x-1);
int yPos = std::min(std::max((int) std::floor(xy.y), 0), m_pdfResolution.y-1);
Float pdf = m_pdf[xPos + yPos * m_pdfResolution.x];
Float sinTheta = std::sqrt(std::max((Float) Epsilon, 1-d.y*d.y));
return pdf / (m_pdfPixelSize.x * m_pdfPixelSize.y * sinTheta);
Point2 fromSphere(const Vector &d) const {
Float u = std::atan2(d.x,-d.z) * (0.5f * INV_PI),
v = std::acos(std::max((Float) -1.0f,
std::min((Float) 1.0f, d.y))) * INV_PI;
if (u < 0)
u += 1;
return Point2(u, v);
inline Spectrum Le(const Vector &direction) const {
Point2 uv = fromSphere(m_worldToLuminaire(direction));
return m_mipmap->triangle(0, uv.x, uv.y)
* m_intensityScale;
inline Spectrum Le(const Ray &ray) const {
return Le(ray.d);
void sample(const Point &p, LuminaireSamplingRecord &lRec,
const Point2 &sample) const {
Vector d = sampleDirection(sample, lRec.pdf, lRec.value);
Float nearHit, farHit;
if (m_bsphere.contains(p) && m_bsphere.rayIntersect(Ray(p, -d, 0.0f), nearHit, farHit)) {
lRec.sRec.p = p - d * nearHit;
lRec.sRec.n = normalize(m_bsphere.center - lRec.sRec.p);
lRec.d = d;
} else {
lRec.pdf = 0.0f;
Float pdf(const Point &p, const LuminaireSamplingRecord &lRec, bool delta) const {
return pdfDirection(lRec.d);
void sampleEmission(EmissionRecord &eRec,
const Point2 &sample1, const Point2 &sample2) const {
Assert(eRec.type == EmissionRecord::ENormal);
Vector d = sampleDirection(sample1, eRec.pdfArea, eRec.value);
const Float renv = m_bsphere.radius * DISTANCE,
ratio = 1.0f / DISTANCE,
cosThetaMax = std::sqrt(1-ratio*ratio);
eRec.pdfArea /= renv*renv;
eRec.sRec.p = m_bsphere.center - d * renv;
eRec.sRec.n = Normal(d);
/* Solid angle corresponding to the spherical cap
covered by the scene bounding sphere */
eRec.pdfDir = 1.0f / (2 * M_PI * (1-cosThetaMax));
eRec.d = Frame(eRec.sRec.n).toWorld(
squareToCone(cosThetaMax, sample2));
void sampleEmissionArea(EmissionRecord &eRec, const Point2 &sample) const {
Vector d = sampleDirection(sample, eRec.pdfArea, eRec.value);
const Float distance = eRec.type == EmissionRecord::EPreview ? PREVIEW_DISTANCE : DISTANCE,
renv = m_bsphere.radius * distance,
ratio = 1.0f / distance,
cosThetaMax = std::sqrt(1-ratio*ratio);
eRec.pdfArea /= renv*renv;
eRec.sRec.p = m_bsphere.center - d * renv;
eRec.sRec.n = Normal(d);
eRec.value *= 2 * M_PI * (1-cosThetaMax);
Spectrum sampleEmissionDirection(EmissionRecord &eRec, const Point2 &sample) const {
const Float distance = eRec.type == EmissionRecord::EPreview ? PREVIEW_DISTANCE : DISTANCE,
ratio = 1.0f / distance,
cosThetaMax = std::sqrt(1-ratio*ratio);
eRec.pdfDir = 1.0f / (2 * M_PI * (1-cosThetaMax));
eRec.d = Frame(eRec.sRec.n).toWorld(
squareToCone(cosThetaMax, sample));
return Spectrum(eRec.pdfDir);
void pdfEmission(EmissionRecord &eRec, bool delta) const {
Assert(eRec.type == EmissionRecord::ENormal);
if (delta) {
eRec.pdfArea = 0.0f;
eRec.pdfDir = 0.0f;
const Float renv = m_bsphere.radius * DISTANCE,
ratio = 1.0f / DISTANCE,
cosThetaMax = std::sqrt(1-ratio*ratio);
eRec.pdfArea = pdfDirection(eRec.d) / renv*renv;
/* Solid angle corresponding to the spherical cap
covered by the scene bounding sphere */
eRec.pdfDir = 1.0f / (2 * M_PI * (1-cosThetaMax));
Spectrum evalDirection(const EmissionRecord &eRec) const {
const Float distance = eRec.type == EmissionRecord::EPreview ? PREVIEW_DISTANCE : DISTANCE,
ratio = 1.0f / distance,
cosThetaMax = std::sqrt(1-ratio*ratio);
return Spectrum(1.0f / (2 * M_PI * (1-cosThetaMax)));
Spectrum evalArea(const EmissionRecord &eRec) const {
const Float ratio = 1.0f / DISTANCE,
cosThetaMax = std::sqrt(1-ratio*ratio);
return Le(normalize(eRec.sRec.p - m_bsphere.center))
* 2 * M_PI * (1-cosThetaMax);
bool createEmissionRecord(EmissionRecord &eRec, const Ray &ray) const {
Float nearHit, farHit;
BSphere sphere(m_bsphere);
sphere.radius *= DISTANCE;
if (!sphere.contains(ray.o) || !sphere.rayIntersect(ray, nearHit, farHit)) {
Log(EWarn, "Could not create an emission record -- the ray "
"in question appears to be outside of the scene bounds!");
return false;
eRec.type = EmissionRecord::ENormal;
eRec.sRec.p = ray(nearHit);
eRec.sRec.n = normalize(m_bsphere.center - eRec.sRec.p);
eRec.d = -ray.d;
eRec.value = Le(ray.d);
eRec.luminaire = this;
pdfEmission(eRec, false);
return true;
bool isBackgroundLuminaire() const {
return true;
std::string toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "EnvMapLuminaire[" << endl
<< " name = \"" << m_name << "\"," << endl
<< " path = \"" << m_path << "\"," << endl
<< " intensityScale = " << m_intensityScale << "," << endl
<< " power = " << getPower().toString() << "," << endl
<< " bsphere = " << m_bsphere.toString() << endl
<< "]";
return oss.str();
Shader *createShader(Renderer *renderer) const;
Spectrum m_average;
BSphere m_bsphere;
Float m_intensityScale;
Float m_surfaceArea;
Float m_invSurfaceArea;
fs::path m_path;
ref<MIPMap> m_mipmap;
ref<MemoryStream> m_stream;
DiscretePDF m_pdf;
Vector2i m_pdfResolution;
Vector2 m_pdfInvResolution;
Vector2 m_pdfPixelSize;
// ================ Hardware shader implementation ================
class EnvMapLuminaireShader : public Shader {
EnvMapLuminaireShader(Renderer *renderer, const fs::path &filename, ref<Bitmap> bitmap,
Float intensityScale, const Transform &worldToLuminaire) : Shader(renderer, ELuminaireShader) {
m_gpuTexture = renderer->createGPUTexture(filename.leaf(), bitmap);
/* Release the memory on the host side */
m_gpuTexture->setBitmap(0, NULL);
m_intensityScale = intensityScale;
m_worldToLuminaire = worldToLuminaire;
void cleanup(Renderer *renderer) {
void resolve(const GPUProgram *program, const std::string &evalName, std::vector<int> ¶meterIDs) const {
parameterIDs.push_back(program->getParameterID(evalName + "_texture", false));
parameterIDs.push_back(program->getParameterID(evalName + "_intensityScale", false));
parameterIDs.push_back(program->getParameterID(evalName + "_worldToLuminaire", false));
void generateCode(std::ostringstream &oss, const std::string &evalName,
const std::vector<std::string> &depNames) const {
const Float ratio = 1.0f / PREVIEW_DISTANCE,
cosThetaMax = std::sqrt(1-ratio*ratio);
oss << "uniform sampler2D " << evalName << "_texture;" << endl
<< "uniform float " << evalName << "_intensityScale;" << endl
<< "uniform mat4 " << evalName << "_worldToLuminaire;" << endl
<< endl
<< "vec3 " << evalName << "_dir(vec3 wo) {" << endl
<< " return vec3(" << 1.0f / (2*M_PI * (1-cosThetaMax)) << ");" << endl
<< "}" << endl
<< endl
<< "vec3 " << evalName << "_background(vec3 wo) {" << endl
<< " vec3 d = normalize((" << evalName << "_worldToLuminaire * vec4(wo, 0.0)).xyz);" << endl
<< " float u = atan(d.x, -d.z) * 0.15915;" << endl
<< " if (u < 0.0)" << endl
<< " u += 1.0;" << endl
<< " float v = acos(max(-1.0, min(1.0, d.y))) * 0.318309;" << endl
// The following is not very elegant, but necessary to trick GLSL
// into doing correct texture filtering across the u=0 to u=1 seam.
<< " if (u < 0.1)" << endl
<< " return texture2D(" << evalName << "_texture, vec2(u+1.0, v)).rgb * " << evalName << "_intensityScale;" << endl
<< " else" << endl
<< " return texture2D(" << evalName << "_texture, vec2(u, v)).rgb * " << evalName << "_intensityScale;" << endl
<< "}" << endl;
void bind(GPUProgram *program, const std::vector<int> ¶meterIDs,
int &textureUnitOffset) const {
program->setParameter(parameterIDs[0], m_gpuTexture.get());
program->setParameter(parameterIDs[1], m_intensityScale);
program->setParameter(parameterIDs[2], m_worldToLuminaire);
void unbind() const {
ref<GPUTexture> m_gpuTexture;
Float m_intensityScale;
Transform m_worldToLuminaire;
Shader *EnvMapLuminaire::createShader(Renderer *renderer) const {
return new EnvMapLuminaireShader(renderer, m_path, m_mipmap->getBitmap(),
m_intensityScale, m_worldToLuminaire);
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(EnvMapLuminaire, false, Luminaire)
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS(EnvMapLuminaireShader, false, Shader)
MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(EnvMapLuminaire, "Environment map luminaire");