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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(__CAMERA_H)
#define __CAMERA_H
#include <mitsuba/render/film.h>
/** \brief Abstract camera base class. A camera turns a sample on
* the image plane into a 3D ray. For this, it requires two
* supporting objects: a <tt>Sampler</tt> and a <tt>Film</tt> instance.
class MTS_EXPORT_RENDER Camera : public ConfigurableObject {
/// Create a ray from the given sample
virtual void generateRay(const Point2 &sample, const Point2 &lensSample,
Ray &ray) const = 0;
/// Create ray differentials from the given sample
void generateRayDifferential(const Point2 &sample,
const Point2 &lensSample, RayDifferential &ray) const;
* Turn a world-space position into fractional pixel coordinates.
* Returns false if the computed position is not visible through
* the film's crop window
virtual bool positionToSample(const Point &p, Point2 &sample) const = 0;
/// Does generateRay() expect a proper lens sample?
virtual bool needsLensSample() const = 0;
/// Return the camera position (approximate in the case of finite sensor area)
inline const Point &getPosition() const { return m_position; }
/// Return the camera position at the provided screen sample
virtual Point getPosition(const Point2 &sample) const;
* Calculate the pixel area density at a position on the image plane.
* Returns zero for cameras with an infinitesimal sensor (e.g. pinhole cameras).
virtual Float areaDensity(const Point2 &p) const = 0;
/// Return the camera's sampler
inline Sampler *getSamplerX() { return m_sampler; }
* Return the camera's sampler. This is the 'root' sampler,
* which will later be replicated for submission to all
* participating workers.
inline const Sampler *getSamplerX() const { return m_sampler.get(); }
/// Return the image plane normal
inline Normal getImagePlaneNormal() const {
return Normal(normalize(m_cameraToWorld(Vector(0, 0, 1))));
/// Return the view transformation
inline const Transform &getViewTransform() const { return m_worldToCamera; }
/// Return the inverse view transformation
inline const Transform &getInverseViewTransform() const { return m_cameraToWorld; }
/// Set the view transformation
inline void setViewTransform(const Transform &pTransform) {
m_worldToCamera = pTransform;
m_cameraToWorld = m_worldToCamera.inverse();
m_position = m_cameraToWorld(Point(0,0,0));
/// Set the inverse view transformation
inline void setInverseViewTransform(const Transform &pTransform) {
m_cameraToWorld = pTransform;
m_worldToCamera = m_cameraToWorld.inverse();
m_position = m_cameraToWorld(Point(0,0,0));
/// Set the camera's film
void setFilm(Film *film);
/// Return the camera's film
inline Film *getFilm() { return m_film; }
/// Return the camera's film
inline const Film *getFilm() const { return m_film.get(); }
/// Add a child ConfigurableObject
virtual void addChild(const std::string &name, ConfigurableObject *child);
/// Serialize this camera to disk
virtual void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const;
// Set the parent node
void setParent(ConfigurableObject *parent);
/// Return the properties of this camera
inline const Properties &getProperties() const { return m_properties; }
/// Create a new camera
Camera(const Properties &props);
/// Unserialize a new camera
Camera(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager);
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~Camera();
ref<Film> m_film;
ref<Sampler> m_sampler;
Transform m_worldToCamera, m_cameraToWorld;
Point m_position;
Properties m_properties;
class MTS_EXPORT_RENDER ProjectiveCamera : public Camera {
/// Return the projection transformation
inline const Transform &getProjectionTransform() const { return m_cameraToScreen; }
/// Return the projection transformation (using GL clip space coordinates)
inline const Transform &getGLProjectionTransform() const { return m_cameraToScreenGL; }
/// Return a projection transformation that includes a pixel offset (using GL clip space coordinates)
virtual Transform getGLProjectionTransform(const Point2 &jitter) const = 0;
/// Serialize this camera to disk
virtual void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const;
/** \brief Configure the object (called _once_ after construction
and addition of all child ConfigurableObjects. */
virtual void configure();
inline ProjectiveCamera(const Properties &props) : Camera(props) { }
ProjectiveCamera(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager);
virtual ~ProjectiveCamera() { }
Transform m_cameraToScreen, m_cameraToScreenGL;
Float m_aspect;
* Base class of all pinhole cameras. Provides solid angle computation
* routines useful for importance-based integrators.
class MTS_EXPORT_RENDER PinholeCamera : public ProjectiveCamera {
/** \brief Configure the object (called _once_ after construction
and addition of all child ConfigurableObjects. */
virtual void configure();
/// Serialize this camera to disk
virtual void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const;
/// Calculate the image plane size for a plane of the given distance
Vector2 getImagePlaneSize(Float dist) const;
* Calculate the solid angle subtended by the area [xs,xe]x[ys,ye]
* on the image plane (in pixel coordinates starting at 0).
Float solidAngle(Float xs, Float xe, Float ys, Float ye) const;
* Calculate the importance of the given image-plane point
* expressed in fractional pixel coordinates. Note that this value
* varies even within the individual pixels due to the non-uniformity
* of rays generated by a strategy that uniformly samples points on
* the image plane.
Float importance(const Point2 &p) const;
/// Similar to importanceCamera(), but instead takes a world-space direction
Float importance(const Vector &v) const;
/// Return the field of view along the X axis
inline Float getXFov() const { return m_xfov; }
/// Return the field of view along the Y axis
inline Float getYFov() const { return m_yfov; }
/// Get the field of view as specified in the scene file
inline Float getFov() const { return m_fov; }
/// Set the field of view as specified in the scene file
void setFov(float fov) { m_fov = fov; }
PinholeCamera(const Properties &props);
PinholeCamera(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager);
virtual ~PinholeCamera() { }
Float m_fov, m_xfov, m_yfov;
Vector2 m_imagePlaneSize;
Vector2 m_imagePlanePixelSize;
Float m_imagePlaneInvArea;
bool m_mapSmallerSide;
#endif /* __CAMERA_H */