
552 lines
21 KiB

This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <mitsuba/render/trimesh.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fresolver.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/properties.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fstream.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/timer.h>
#include <ply/ply_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/tr1/functional.hpp>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
#include <functional>
#include <tr1/functional>
#if !MTS_USE_BOOST_TR1 && defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
# define PLY_USE_NULLPTR 1
# define PLY_USE_NULLPTR 0
using namespace std::tr1::placeholders;
/*!\plugin{ply}{PLY (Stanford Triangle Format) mesh loader}
* \order{6}
* \parameters{
* \parameter{filename}{\String}{
* Filename of the PLY file that should be loaded
* }
* \parameter{faceNormals}{\Boolean}{
* When set to \code{true}, Mitsuba will use face normals when rendering
* the object, which will give it a faceted apperance. \default{\code{false}}
* }
* \parameter{maxSmoothAngle}{\Float}{
* When specified, Mitsuba will discard all vertex normals in the input mesh and rebuild
* them in a way that is sensitive to the presence of creases and corners. For more
* details on this parameter, see page~\pageref{sec:maxSmoothAngle}. Disabled by default.
* }
* \parameter{flipNormals}{\Boolean}{
* Optional flag to flip all normals. \default{\code{false}, i.e.
* the normals are left unchanged}.
* }
* \parameter{toWorld}{\Transform\Or\Animation}{
* Specifies an optional linear object-to-world transformation.
* \default{none (i.e. object space $=$ world space)}
* }
* \parameter{srgb}{\Boolean}{
* When set to \code{true}, any vertex colors will be interpreted as sRGB,
* instead of linear RGB \default{\code{true}}.
* }
* }
* \renderings{
* \rendering{The PLY plugin is useful for loading large geometry. (Dragon
* statue courtesy of XYZ RGB)}{shape_ply_dragon}
* \rendering{The Stanford bunny loaded with \code{faceNormals=true}. Note
* the faceted appearance.}{shape_ply_bunny}
* }
* This plugin implements a fast loader for the Stanford PLY format (both
* the ASCII and binary format). It is based on the \code{libply} library by
* Ares Lagae (\url{}).
* The current plugin implementation supports triangle meshes with optional
* UV coordinates, vertex normals, and vertex colors.
* When loading meshes that contain vertex colors, note that they need to be
* explicitly referenced in a BSDF using a special texture named
* \pluginref{vertexcolors}.
class PLYLoader : public TriMesh {
PLYLoader(const Properties &props) : TriMesh(props) {
fs::path filePath = Thread::getThread()->getFileResolver()->resolve(
m_name = filePath.stem().string();
/* Determines whether vertex colors should be
treated as linear RGB or sRGB. */
m_sRGB = props.getBoolean("srgb", true);
/* Object-space -> World-space transformation */
m_objectToWorld = props.getTransform("toWorld", Transform());
/* Load the geometry */
Log(EInfo, "Loading geometry from \"%s\" ..", filePath.filename().string().c_str());
if (!fs::exists(filePath))
Log(EError, "PLY file \"%s\" could not be found!", filePath.string().c_str());
m_triangleCount = m_vertexCount = 0;
m_vertexCtr = m_faceCount = m_faceCtr = m_indexCtr = 0;
m_normal = Normal(0.0f);
m_uv = Point2(0.0f);
m_hasNormals = false;
m_hasTexCoords = false;
memset(&m_face, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)*4);
if (m_triangleCount == 0 || m_vertexCount == 0)
Log(EError, "Unable to load \"%s\" (no triangles or vertices found)!");
if (props.hasProperty("maxSmoothAngle")) {
if (m_faceNormals)
Log(EError, "The properties 'maxSmoothAngle' and 'faceNormals' "
"can't be specified at the same time!");
if (m_triangleCount < m_faceCount * 2) {
/* Needed less memory than the earlier conservative estimate -- free it! */
Triangle *temp = new Triangle[m_triangleCount];
memcpy(temp, m_triangles, sizeof(Triangle) * m_triangleCount);
delete[] m_triangles;
m_triangles = temp;
Assert(m_faceCtr == m_faceCount);
Assert(m_vertexCtr == m_vertexCount);
PLYLoader(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) : TriMesh(stream, manager) { }
void loadPLY(const fs::path &path);
void info_callback(const std::string& filename, std::size_t line_number,
const std::string& message) {
Log(EInfo, "\"%s\" [line %i] info: %s", filename.c_str(), line_number,
void warning_callback(const std::string& filename, std::size_t line_number,
const std::string& message) {
Log(EWarn, "\"%s\" [line %i] warning: %s", filename.c_str(), line_number,
void error_callback(const std::string& filename, std::size_t line_number,
const std::string& message) {
Log(EError, "\"%s\" [line %i] error: %s", filename.c_str(), line_number,
template<typename ValueType> std::tr1::function <void (ValueType)>
scalar_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name);
template<typename SizeType, typename IndexType> std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (SizeType)>,
std::tr1::function<void (IndexType)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >
list_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name);
std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void()>, std::tr1::function<void()> >
element_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name, std::size_t count) {
if (element_name == "vertex") {
m_vertexCount = count;
m_positions = new Point[m_vertexCount];
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void()>,
std::tr1::function<void()> >(
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::vertex_begin_callback, this),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::vertex_end_callback, this)
} else if (element_name == "face") {
m_faceCount = count;
m_triangles = new Triangle[m_faceCount*2];
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void()>,
std::tr1::function<void()> >(
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_begin_callback, this),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_end_callback, this)
} else {
std::tr1::function<void()> >(nullptr, nullptr);
std::tr1::function<void()> >(0, 0);
void vertex_x_callback(ply::float32 x) { m_position.x = x; }
void vertex_y_callback(ply::float32 y) { m_position.y = y; }
void vertex_z_callback(ply::float32 z) { m_position.z = z; }
void normal_x_callback(ply::float32 x) {
if (!m_normals)
m_normals = new Normal[m_vertexCount];
m_normal.x = x;
void normal_y_callback(ply::float32 y) { m_normal.y = y; }
void normal_z_callback(ply::float32 z) { m_normal.z = z; }
void texcoord_u_callback(ply::float32 x) {
if (!m_texcoords)
m_texcoords = new Point2[m_vertexCount];
m_uv.x = x;
void texcoord_v_callback(ply::float32 y) { m_uv.y = y; }
inline Float fromSRGBComponent(Float value) {
if (value <= (Float) 0.04045)
return value / (Float) 12.92;
return std::pow((value + (Float) 0.055)
/ (Float) (1.0 + 0.055), (Float) 2.4);
void vertex_begin_callback() { }
void vertex_end_callback() {
Point p = m_objectToWorld(m_position);
m_positions[m_vertexCtr] = p;
if (m_normals)
m_normals[m_vertexCtr] = normalize(m_objectToWorld(m_normal));
if (m_texcoords)
m_texcoords[m_vertexCtr] = m_uv;
if (m_colors) {
if (m_sRGB)
m_colors[m_vertexCtr] = Color3(
m_colors[m_vertexCtr] = Color3(m_red, m_green, m_blue);
void red_callback_uint8(ply::uint8 r) {
if (!m_colors)
m_colors = new Color3[m_vertexCount];
m_red = r / 255.0f;
void green_callback_uint8(ply::uint8 g) { m_green = g / 255.0f; }
void blue_callback_uint8(ply::uint8 b) { m_blue = b / 255.0f; }
void red_callback(ply::float32 r) {
if (!m_colors)
m_colors = new Color3[m_vertexCount];
m_red = r;
void green_callback(ply::float32 g) { m_green = g; }
void blue_callback(ply::float32 b) { m_blue = b; }
/* Face colors are unsupported */
void face_red_callback_uint8(ply::uint8 r) { }
void face_green_callback_uint8(ply::uint8 g) { }
void face_blue_callback_uint8(ply::uint8 b) { }
void face_red_callback(ply::float32 r) { }
void face_green_callback(ply::float32 g) { }
void face_blue_callback(ply::float32 b) { }
void face_begin_callback() { }
void face_end_callback() { }
void face_vertex_indices_begin_uint8(ply::uint8 size) {
if (size != 3 && size != 4)
Log(EError, "Only triangle and quad-based PLY meshes are supported for now.");
m_indexCtr = 0;
void face_vertex_indices_begin_uint32(ply::uint32 size) {
if (size != 3 && size != 4)
Log(EError, "Only triangle and quad-based PLY meshes are supported for now.");
m_indexCtr = 0;
void face_vertex_indices_element_int32(ply::int32 element) {
Assert(m_indexCtr < 4);
Assert((size_t) element < m_vertexCount);
m_face[m_indexCtr++] = element;
void face_vertex_indices_element_uint32(ply::uint32 element) {
Assert(m_indexCtr < 4);
Assert((size_t) element < m_vertexCount);
m_face[m_indexCtr++] = element;
void face_vertex_indices_end() {
Assert(m_indexCtr == 3 || m_indexCtr == 4);
Triangle t;
t.idx[0] = m_face[0]; t.idx[1] = m_face[1]; t.idx[2] = m_face[2];
m_triangles[m_triangleCount++] = t;
if (m_indexCtr == 4) {
t.idx[0] = m_face[3]; t.idx[1] = m_face[0]; t.idx[2] = m_face[2];
m_triangles[m_triangleCount++] = t;
Point m_position;
Normal m_normal;
Float m_red, m_green, m_blue;
Transform m_objectToWorld;
size_t m_faceCount, m_vertexCtr;
size_t m_faceCtr, m_indexCtr;
uint32_t m_face[4];
bool m_hasNormals, m_hasTexCoords;
Point2 m_uv;
bool m_sRGB;
template<> std::tr1::function <void (ply::float32)>
PLYLoader::scalar_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name) {
if (element_name == "vertex") {
if (property_name == "x") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::vertex_x_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "y") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::vertex_y_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "z") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::vertex_z_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "nx") {
m_hasNormals = true;
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::normal_x_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "ny") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::normal_y_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "nz") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::normal_z_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "u" || property_name == "texture_u" || property_name == "s") {
m_hasTexCoords = true;
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::texcoord_u_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "v" || property_name == "texture_v" || property_name == "t") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::texcoord_v_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_red" || property_name == "red") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::red_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_green" || property_name == "green") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::green_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_blue" || property_name == "blue") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::blue_callback, this, _1);
} else if (element_name == "face") {
if (property_name == "diffuse_red" || property_name == "red") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_red_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_green" || property_name == "green") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_green_callback, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_blue" || property_name == "blue") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_blue_callback, this, _1);
return nullptr;
return 0;
template<> std::tr1::function <void (ply::uint8)>
PLYLoader::scalar_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name) {
if (element_name == "vertex") {
if (property_name == "diffuse_red" || property_name == "red") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::red_callback_uint8, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_green" || property_name == "green") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::green_callback_uint8, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_blue" || property_name == "blue") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::blue_callback_uint8, this, _1);
} else if (element_name == "face") {
if (property_name == "diffuse_red" || property_name == "red") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_red_callback_uint8, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_green" || property_name == "green") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_green_callback_uint8, this, _1);
} else if (property_name == "diffuse_blue" || property_name == "blue") {
return std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_blue_callback_uint8, this, _1);
return nullptr;
return 0;
template<> std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >
PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name) {
if ((element_name == "face") && (property_name == "vertex_indices" || property_name == "vertex_index")) {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >(
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_begin_uint8, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_element_int32, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_end, this)
} else {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(0, 0, 0);
template<> std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >
PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name) {
if ((element_name == "face") && (property_name == "vertex_indices" || property_name == "vertex_index")) {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >(
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_begin_uint32, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_element_int32, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_end, this)
} else {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::int32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(0, 0, 0);
template<> std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >
PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name) {
if ((element_name == "face") && (property_name == "vertex_indices" || property_name == "vertex_index")) {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >(
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_begin_uint8, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_element_uint32, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_end, this)
} else {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint8)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(0, 0, 0);
template<> std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >
PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& property_name) {
if ((element_name == "face") && (property_name == "vertex_indices" || property_name == "vertex_index")) {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>, std::tr1::function<void ()> >(
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_begin_uint32, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_element_uint32, this, _1),
std::tr1::bind(&PLYLoader::face_vertex_indices_end, this)
} else {
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
return std::tr1::tuple<std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void (ply::uint32)>,
std::tr1::function<void ()> >(0, 0, 0);
void PLYLoader::loadPLY(const fs::path &path) {
ply::ply_parser ply_parser;
this, std::tr1::ref(m_name), _1, _2));
this, std::tr1::ref(m_name), _1, _2));
this, std::tr1::ref(m_name), _1, _2));
this, _1, _2));
ply::ply_parser::scalar_property_definition_callbacks_type scalar_property_definition_callbacks;
ply::ply_parser::list_property_definition_callbacks_type list_property_definition_callbacks;
ply::at<ply::float32>(scalar_property_definition_callbacks) = std::tr1::bind(
&PLYLoader::scalar_property_definition_callback<ply::float32>, this, _1, _2);
ply::at<ply::uint8>(scalar_property_definition_callbacks) = std::tr1::bind(
&PLYLoader::scalar_property_definition_callback<ply::uint8>, this, _1, _2);
ply::at<ply::uint8, ply::int32>(list_property_definition_callbacks) = std::tr1::bind(
&PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback<ply::uint8, ply::int32>, this, _1, _2);
ply::at<ply::uint32, ply::int32>(list_property_definition_callbacks) = std::tr1::bind(
&PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback<ply::uint32, ply::int32>, this, _1, _2);
ply::at<ply::uint8, ply::uint32>(list_property_definition_callbacks) = std::tr1::bind(
&PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback<ply::uint8, ply::uint32>, this, _1, _2);
ply::at<ply::uint32, ply::uint32>(list_property_definition_callbacks) = std::tr1::bind(
&PLYLoader::list_property_definition_callback<ply::uint32, ply::uint32>, this, _1, _2);
ref<Timer> timer = new Timer();
size_t vertexSize = sizeof(Point);
if (m_normals)
vertexSize += sizeof(Normal);
if (m_colors)
vertexSize += sizeof(Spectrum);
if (m_texcoords)
vertexSize += sizeof(Point2);
Log(EInfo, "\"%s\": Loaded " SIZE_T_FMT " triangles, " SIZE_T_FMT
" vertices (%s in %i ms).", m_name.c_str(), m_triangleCount, m_vertexCount,
memString(sizeof(uint32_t) * m_triangleCount * 3 + vertexSize * m_vertexCount).c_str(),
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(PLYLoader, false, TriMesh)
MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(PLYLoader, "PLY mesh loader");