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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(__LUMINAIRE_H)
#define __LUMINAIRE_H
#include <mitsuba/render/shape.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/shader.h>
* \brief Data structure used by the direct illumination / shadow ray
* sampling methods in the class \ref Luminaire.
struct MTS_EXPORT_RENDER LuminaireSamplingRecord {
/// Create an invalid shadow ray sampling record
inline LuminaireSamplingRecord() : luminaire(NULL) { }
/// Create a shadow ray sampling record based on a surface intersection
inline LuminaireSamplingRecord(const Intersection &its, const Vector &direction);
/// Return a string representation
std::string toString() const;
/// Associated luminaire
const Luminaire *luminaire;
/// Data record of the associated shape sample
ShapeSamplingRecord sRec;
/// Direction vector pointing away from the light source
Vector d;
* \brief Probability density (wrt. solid angle) of the sampled
* point on the luminaire
Float pdf;
* \brief Emitted radiance at \c p into direction \c d divided by
* the associated probability. Already contains the geometric term
* and optionally also transmittance when generated via
* \ref Scene::sampleAttenuatedLuminaire.
Spectrum value;
* \brief Data structure used to record information associated with
* emission sampling in the class \ref Luminaire.
struct MTS_EXPORT_RENDER EmissionRecord {
* \brief This class supports a special \a preview mode when
* sampling emissions for use in a VPL-style rendering algorithm
enum ESamplingType {
/// Construct a luminaire sampling record that can be used to query a luminaire
inline EmissionRecord(const Luminaire *luminaire,
const ShapeSamplingRecord &sRec, const Vector &d)
: luminaire(luminaire), type(ENormal), sRec(sRec), d(d) { }
inline EmissionRecord() : luminaire(NULL), type(ENormal) { }
/// Return a string representation
std::string toString() const;
/// Associated luminaire
const Luminaire *luminaire;
ESamplingType type;
/// Data record of the associated shape sample
ShapeSamplingRecord sRec;
/// Direction vector pointing away from the light source
Vector d;
* \brief Stores the spatial component of the radiant
* emittance
* When the record was populated using Scene::sampleEmission(),
* \c P will also be modulated by the directional scattering
* distribution and divided by the associated sampling densities.
Spectrum value;
/// Area probability density
Float pdfArea;
/// Directional probability density (wrt. solid angle)
Float pdfDir;
* \brief Abstract implementation of a luminaire. Supports emission and
* direct illumination sampling strategies, and computes related probabilities.
class MTS_EXPORT_RENDER Luminaire : public ConfigurableObject, public HWResource {
* \brief Non-exhaustive list of flags that can be used to characterize
* light sources in \ref getType()
enum EType {
/// The light source has a degenerate directional density
EDeltaDirection = 0x1,
/// The light source is perfectly diffuse with respect to direction.
EDiffuseDirection = 0x02,
/// The light source is associated with a surface
EOnSurface = 0x04,
/// The light source has a degenerate spatial density
EDeltaPosition = 0x8,
/// The light source has a degenerate spatial \a or directional density
EDelta = EDeltaDirection | EDeltaPosition
// =============================================================
//! @{ \name General information
// =============================================================
/// Return the name of this luminaire
inline const std::string &getName() const { return m_name; }
/// Return the luminaire type (a combination of the properties in \ref EType)
inline int getType() const { return m_type; }
* \brief Return an estimate of the total amount of power emitted
* by this luminaire.
virtual Spectrum getPower() const = 0;
/// Is this luminaire intersectable (e.g. can it be encountered by a tracing a ray)?
inline bool isIntersectable() const { return m_intersectable; }
/// Specify the medium that surrounds the luminaire
inline void setMedium(Medium *medium) { m_medium = medium; }
/// Return a pointer to the medium that surrounds the luminaire
inline Medium *getMedium() { return m_medium.get(); }
/// Return a pointer to the medium that surrounds the luminaire (const version)
inline const Medium *getMedium() const { return m_medium.get(); }
* \brief Return the luminaire's sampling weight
* This is used by the luminaire importance sampling
* routines in \ref Scene.
inline Float getSamplingWeight() const { return m_samplingWeight; }
//! @}
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
//! @{ \name Direct illumination sampling strategies
// =============================================================
* \brief Shadow ray sampling routine: Given an arbitrary 3D position,
* generate a sample point on the luminaire and fill the supplied sampling
* record with relevant information.
* Sampling is ideally done with respect to solid angle at \c p.
virtual void sample(const Point &p,
LuminaireSamplingRecord &lRec, const Point2 &sample) const = 0;
* \brief Calculate the solid angle density for generating this sample
* using the luminaire sampling strategy implemented by this class.
* When \c delta is set to true, only components with a Dirac delta density
* are considered in the query. Otherwise, they are left out.
virtual Float pdf(const Point &p,
const LuminaireSamplingRecord &lRec, bool delta) const = 0;
//! @}
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
//! @{ \name Emission sampling strategies
// =============================================================
* \brief Sample a particle leaving this luminaire and return a ray
* describing its path as well as record containing detailed probability
* density information.
* Two uniformly distributed 2D samples are required. This method does
* exactly the same as calling \c sampleEmissionArea and
* \c sampleEmissionDirection in sequence, modulating \c eRec.Le
* by the return value of the latter and dividing by the product
* of the spatial and directional sampling densities.
virtual void sampleEmission(EmissionRecord &eRec,
const Point2& areaSample, const Point2 &dirSample) const = 0;
* \brief Sample only the spatial part of the emission sampling strategy
* implemented in \c sampleEmission.
* An examplary use of this method is bidirectional path tracing or MLT,
* where the area and direction sampling steps take place in different
* vertices.
* After the function call terminates, the area density as well as the
* spatially dependent emittance component will be stored in \c eRec.
virtual void sampleEmissionArea(EmissionRecord &lRec,
const Point2 &sample) const = 0;
* \brief Sample only the directional part of the emission sampling strategy
* implemented in \c sampleEmission.
* Can only be called \a after a preceding invocation of
* \ref sampleEmissionArea() with the same emission sampling record.
* The return value of this function should be used to modulate the spatial
* component of the radiant emittance obtained in \ref sampleEmissionArea.
virtual Spectrum sampleEmissionDirection(EmissionRecord &lRec,
const Point2 &sample) const = 0;
* \brief Given an emitted particle, populate the emission record with the
* relevant probability densities.
* When \c delta is set to true, only components with a Dirac delta density
* are considered in the query. Otherwise, they are left out.
virtual void pdfEmission(EmissionRecord &eRec, bool delta) const = 0;
* \brief Evaluate the spatial component of the radiant emittance at a
* point on the luminaire (ignoring any directional variations).
virtual Spectrum evalArea(const EmissionRecord &eRec) const = 0;
* \brief Evaluate the directional emission distribution of this light source
* at a given point (ignoring the spatial component).
* This function is normalized so that it integrates to one.
virtual Spectrum evalDirection(const EmissionRecord &eRec) const = 0;
//! @}
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
//! @{ \name Area luminaire support
// =============================================================
* \brief This function is specific to area luminaires (i.e. luminaires
* that can be intersected by a \ref Scene::rayIntersect). It returns the
* radiant emittance into a given direction.
* This is function is used when an area light source has been hit by a
* ray in a path tracing-style integrator, and it subsequently needs to
* be queried for the emitted radiance along the negative ray direction.
* The default implementation throws an exception, which states that
* the method is not implemented.
virtual Spectrum Le(const ShapeSamplingRecord &sRec,
const Vector &d) const;
//! @}
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
//! @{ \name Background luminaire support
// =============================================================
/// Is this a background luminaire (e.g. an environment map?)
virtual bool isBackgroundLuminaire() const;
* \brief Return the radiant emittance along a ray which does not
* intersect any scene objects.
* The default implementation throws an exception, which states that
* the method is not implemented.
virtual Spectrum Le(const Ray &ray) const;
* \brief This function fills an emission sampling record with relevant
* information for the supplied ray (which doesn't intersect \a any
* scene objects).
* The record will be populated with the radiant emittance, as well as
* the spatial and directional densities for sampling an emitted ray along
* the opposite ray direction.
* This function is only relevant to background luminaires. The
* default implementation throws an exception, which states that
* the method is not implemented.
* \return \c true upon success
virtual bool createEmissionRecord(EmissionRecord &eRec, const Ray &ray) const;
//! @}
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
//! @{ \name Miscellaneous
// =============================================================
/// Is this a compound luminaire consisting of several sub-objects?
virtual bool isCompound() const;
* \brief Return a sub-element of a compound luminaire.
* When expanding luminaires, the scene will repeatedly call this
* function with increasing indices. Returning \a NULL indicates
* that no more are available.
virtual Luminaire *getElement(int i);
/// Serialize this luminaire to a binary data stream
virtual void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const;
/// Optional pre-process step before rendering starts
virtual void preprocess(const Scene *scene);
/// Add a child (e.g. a medium reference) to this luminaire
void addChild(const std::string &name, ConfigurableObject *child);
//! @}
// =============================================================
/// Create a new luminaire
Luminaire(const Properties &props);
/// Unserialize a luminaire
Luminaire(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager);
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~Luminaire();
Transform m_worldToLuminaire, m_luminaireToWorld;
Float m_samplingWeight;
ref<Medium> m_medium;
int m_type;
bool m_intersectable;
std::string m_name;
#endif /* __LUMINAIRE_H */