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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(__QUADRATURE_H)
#define __QUADRATURE_H
#include <mitsuba/mitsuba.h>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
* \brief Computes the integral of a one-dimensional function
* using adaptive Gauss-Lobatto quadrature.
* Given a target error \f$ \epsilon \f$, the integral of
* a function \f$ f \f$ between \f$ a \f$ and \f$ b \f$ is
* calculated by means of the Gauss-Lobatto formula.
* References:
* This algorithm is a C++ implementation of the algorithm outlined in
* W. Gander and W. Gautschi, Adaptive Quadrature - Revisited.
* BIT, 40(1):84-101, March 2000. CS technical report:
* ftp.inf.ethz.ch/pub/publications/tech-reports/3xx/306.ps.gz
* The original MATLAB version can be downloaded here
* http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/gander/adaptlob.m
* This particular implementation is based on code in QuantLib,
* a free-software/open-source library for financial quantitative
* analysts and developers - http://quantlib.org/
* \ingroup libcore
class MTS_EXPORT_CORE GaussLobattoIntegrator {
typedef boost::function<Float (Float)> Integrand;
* Initialize a Gauss-Lobatto integration scheme
* \param maxEvals Maximum number of function evaluations. The
* integrator will print a warning when this limit is
* exceeded. It will then stop the recursion, but a few
* further evaluations may still take place. Hence the limit
* is not a strict one.
* \param absError Absolute error requirement (0 to disable)
* \param relError Relative error requirement (0 to disable)
* \param useConvergenceEstimate Estimate the convergence behavior
* of the GL-quadrature by comparing the 4, 7 and 13-point
* variants and increase the absolute tolerance accordingly.
* \param warn Should the integrator warn when the number of
* function evaluations is exceeded?
GaussLobattoIntegrator(size_t maxEvals,
Float absError = 0,
Float relError = 0,
bool useConvergenceEstimate = true,
bool warn = true);
* \brief Integrate the function \c f from \c a to \c b.
* Also returns the total number of evaluations if requested
Float integrate(const Integrand &f, Float a, Float b,
size_t *evals = NULL) const;
* \brief Perform one step of the 4-point Gauss-Lobatto rule, then
* compute the same integral using a 7-point Kronrod extension and
* compare. If the accuracy is deemed too low, recurse.
* \param f Function to integrate
* \param a Lower integration limit
* \param b Upper integration limit
* \param fa Function evaluated at the lower limit
* \param fb Function evaluated at the upper limit
* \param is Absolute tolerance in epsilons
Float adaptiveGaussLobattoStep(const boost::function<Float (Float)>& f,
Float a, Float b, Float fa, Float fb, Float is, size_t &evals) const;
* Compute the absolute error tolerance using a 13-point
* Gauss-Lobatto rule.
Float calculateAbsTolerance(const boost::function<Float (Float)>& f,
Float a, Float b, size_t &evals) const;
Float m_absError, m_relError;
size_t m_maxEvals;
bool m_useConvergenceEstimate;
bool m_warn;
static const Float m_alpha;
static const Float m_beta;
static const Float m_x1;
static const Float m_x2;
static const Float m_x3;
* \brief Adaptively computes the integral of a multidimensional function using
* either a Gauss-Kronod (1D) or a Genz-Malik (>1D) cubature rule.
* This class is a C++ wrapper around the \c cubature code by Steven G. Johnson
* (http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Cubature)
* The original implementation is based on algorithms proposed in
* A. C. Genz and A. A. Malik, "An adaptive algorithm for numeric integration
* over an N-dimensional rectangular region," J. Comput. Appl. Math. 6 (4),
* 295–302 (1980).
* and
* J. Berntsen, T. O. Espelid, and A. Genz, "An adaptive algorithm for the
* approximate calculation of multiple integrals," ACM Trans. Math. Soft. 17
* (4), 437–451 (1991).
* \ingroup libcore
class MTS_EXPORT_CORE NDIntegrator {
typedef boost::function<void (const Float *, Float *)> Integrand;
typedef boost::function<void (size_t, const Float *, Float *)> VectorizedIntegrand;
enum EResult {
ESuccess = 0,
EFailure = 1
* Initialize the Cubature integration scheme
* \param fDim Number of integrands (i.e. dimensions of the image space)
* \param nDim Number of integration dimensions (i.e. dimensions of the
* function domain)
* \param maxEvals Maximum number of function evaluationn (0 means no
* limit). The error bounds will likely be exceeded when the
* integration is forced to stop prematurely. Note: the actual
* number of evaluations may somewhat exceed this value.
* \param absError Absolute error requirement (0 to disable)
* \param relError Relative error requirement (0 to disable)
NDIntegrator(size_t fDim, size_t dim,
size_t maxEvals, Float absError = 0, Float relError = 0);
* \brief Integrate the function \c f over the rectangular domain
* bounded by \c min and \c max.
* The supplied function should have the interface
* <code>
* void integrand(const Float *in, Float *out);
* </code>
* The input array \c in consists of one set of input parameters
* having \c dim entries. The function is expected to store the
* results of the evaluation into the \c out array using \c fDim entries.
EResult integrate(const Integrand &f, const Float *min, const Float *max,
Float *result, Float *error, size_t &evals) const;
* \brief Integrate the function \c f over the rectangular domain
* bounded by \c min and \c max.
* This function implements a vectorized version of the above
* integration function, which is more efficient by evaluating
* the integrant in `batches'. The supplied function should
* have the interface
* <code>
* void integrand(int numPoints, const Float *in, Float *out);
* </code>
* Note that \c in in is not a single point, but an array of \c numPoints points
* (length \c numPoints x \c dim), and upon return the values of all \c fDim
* integrands at all \c numPoints points should be stored in \c out
* (length \c fDim x \c numPoints). In particular, out[i*dim + j] is the j-th
* coordinate of the i-th point, and the k-th function evaluation (k<fDim)
* for the i-th point is returned in out[k*npt + i].
* The size of \c numPoints will vary with the dimensionality of the problem;
* higher-dimensional problems will have (exponentially) larger numbers,
* allowing for the possibility of more parallelism. Currently, \c numPoints
* starts at 15 in 1d, 17 in 2d, and 33 in 3d, but as the integrator
* calls your integrand more and more times the value will grow. e.g. if you end
* up requiring several thousand points in total, \c numPoints may grow to
* several hundred.
EResult integrateVectorized(const VectorizedIntegrand &f, const Float *min,
const Float *max, Float *result, Float *error, size_t &evals) const;
size_t m_fdim, m_dim, m_maxEvals;
Float m_absError, m_relError;
#endif /* __QUADRATURE_H */