233 lines
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233 lines
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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <mitsuba/core/triangle.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/statistics.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/kdtree.h>
#if defined(MTS_HAS_COHERENT_RT)
static StatsCounter coherentPackets("General", "Coherent ray packets");
static StatsCounter incoherentPackets("General", "Incoherent ray packets");
void KDTree::rayIntersectPacket(const RayPacket4 &packet,
const RayInterval4 &rayInterval, Intersection4 &its) const {
CoherentKDStackEntry MM_ALIGN16 stack[MTS_KD_MAXDEPTH];
RayInterval4 MM_ALIGN16 interval;
const KDNode * __restrict currNode = &m_nodes[1];
int stackIndex = 0;
/* First, intersect with the kd-tree AABB to determine
the intersection search intervals */
if (!m_rootBounds.rayIntersectPacket(packet, interval))
interval.mint.ps = _mm_max_ps(interval.mint.ps, rayInterval.mint.ps);
interval.maxt.ps = _mm_min_ps(interval.maxt.ps, rayInterval.maxt.ps);
__m128 itsFound = _mm_cmpgt_ps(interval.mint.ps, interval.maxt.ps),
masked = itsFound;
if (_mm_movemask_ps(itsFound) == 0xF)
while (currNode != NULL) {
while (EXPECT_TAKEN(!currNode->isLeaf())) {
const uint8_t axis = currNode->getAxis();
/* Calculate the plane intersection */
const __m128
splitVal = _mm_set1_ps(currNode->getSplit()),
t = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(splitVal, packet.o[axis].ps),
const __m128
startsAfterSplit = _mm_or_ps(masked,
_mm_cmplt_ps(t, interval.mint.ps)),
endsBeforeSplit = _mm_or_ps(masked,
_mm_cmpgt_ps(t, interval.maxt.ps));
currNode = currNode->getLeft() + packet.signs[axis][0];
/* The interval completely completely lies on one side
of the split plane */
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(_mm_movemask_ps(startsAfterSplit) == 15)) {
currNode = currNode->getOtherChild();
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(_mm_movemask_ps(endsBeforeSplit) == 15)) {
stack[stackIndex].node = currNode->getOtherChild();
stack[stackIndex].interval.maxt = interval.maxt;
stack[stackIndex].interval.mint.ps = _mm_max_ps(t, interval.mint.ps);
interval.maxt.ps = _mm_min_ps(t, interval.maxt.ps);
masked = _mm_or_ps(masked,
_mm_cmpgt_ps(interval.mint.ps, interval.maxt.ps));
/* Arrived at a leaf node - intersect against primitives */
unsigned int primStart = currNode->getPrimStart();
unsigned int primEnd = currNode->getPrimEnd();
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(primStart != primEnd)) {
const int count = m_packedTriangles[primStart].indirectionCount;
primStart = m_packedTriangles[primStart].indirectionIndex;
primEnd = primStart + count;
searchStart = _mm_max_ps(rayInterval.mint.ps,
_mm_mul_ps(interval.mint.ps, SSEConstants::om_eps.ps)),
searchEnd = _mm_min_ps(rayInterval.maxt.ps,
_mm_mul_ps(interval.maxt.ps, SSEConstants::op_eps.ps));
for (unsigned int entry=primStart; entry != primEnd; entry++) {
const KDTriangle &kdTri = m_triangles[m_indices[entry]];
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(kdTri.index != KNoTriangleFlag)) {
itsFound = _mm_or_ps(itsFound,
kdTri.rayIntersectPacket(packet, searchStart, searchEnd, masked, its));
} else {
/* Not a triangle - invoke the shape's intersection routine */
__m128 hasIts = m_shapes[kdTri.shapeIndex]->rayIntersectPacket(packet,
searchStart, searchEnd, masked, its);
itsFound = _mm_or_ps(itsFound, hasIts);
its.primIndex.pi = mux_epi32(pstoepi32(hasIts),
load1_epi32(kdTri.index), its.primIndex.pi);
its.shapeIndex.pi = mux_epi32(pstoepi32(hasIts),
load1_epi32(kdTri.shapeIndex), its.shapeIndex.pi);
searchEnd = _mm_min_ps(searchEnd, its.t.ps);
/* Abort if the tree has been traversed or if
intersections have been found for all four rays */
if (_mm_movemask_ps(itsFound) == 0xF || --stackIndex < 0)
/* Pop from the stack */
currNode = stack[stackIndex].node;
interval = stack[stackIndex].interval;
masked = _mm_or_ps(itsFound,
_mm_cmpgt_ps(interval.mint.ps, interval.maxt.ps));
void KDTree::rayIntersectPacket(const Ray *rays, Intersection *its) const {
RayPacket4 MM_ALIGN16 packet;
RayInterval4 MM_ALIGN16 interval(rays);
Intersection4 MM_ALIGN16 its4;
if (packet.load(rays)) {
rayIntersectPacket(packet, interval, its4);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
Intersection &it = its[i];
it.t = its4.t.f[i];
if (it.t != std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
const uint32_t shapeIndex = its4.shapeIndex.i[i];
const uint32_t primIndex = its4.primIndex.i[i];
const Shape *shape = m_shapes[shapeIndex];
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(primIndex != KNoTriangleFlag)) {
const TriMesh *triMesh = static_cast<const TriMesh *>(m_shapes[shapeIndex]);
const Triangle &t = triMesh->getTriangles()[primIndex];
const Vertex &v0 = triMesh->getVertexBuffer()[t.idx[0]];
const Vertex &v1 = triMesh->getVertexBuffer()[t.idx[1]];
const Vertex &v2 = triMesh->getVertexBuffer()[t.idx[2]];
const Vector b(1 - its4.u.f[i] - its4.v.f[i],
its4.u.f[i], its4.v.f[i]);
const Vector &rayD = rays[i].d;
it.p = rays[i].o + it.t * rayD;
Normal faceNormal(normalize(cross(v1.p-v0.p, v2.p-v0.p)));
it.geoFrame.n = faceNormal;
coordinateSystem(it.geoFrame.n, it.geoFrame.s, it.geoFrame.t);
/* Intersection refinement step */
Vector rel = it.p - v0.p;
Float correction = -dot(rel, faceNormal)/dot(rayD, faceNormal);
it.t += correction;
it.p += rayD * correction;
it.uv = v0.uv * b.x + v1.uv * b.y + v2.uv * b.z;
it.dpdu = v0.dpdu * b.x + v1.dpdu * b.y + v2.dpdu * b.z;
it.dpdv = v0.dpdv * b.x + v1.dpdv * b.y + v2.dpdv * b.z;
it.shFrame.n = normalize(v0.n * b.x + v1.n * b.y + v2.n * b.z);
it.shFrame.s = normalize(it.dpdu - it.shFrame.n
* dot(it.shFrame.n, it.dpdu));
it.geoFrame.t = cross(it.shFrame.n, it.shFrame.s);
it.wi = it.toLocal(-rayD);
it.hasUVPartials = false;
it.shape = shape;
} else {
/* Non-triangle shape: intersect again to fill in details */
shape->rayIntersect(rays[i], it);
} else {
rayIntersectPacketIncoherent(rays, its);
void KDTree::rayIntersectPacketIncoherent(const RayPacket4 &packet,
const RayInterval4 &rayInterval, Intersection4 &its4) const {
Intersection its;
unsigned int shapeIndex, primIndex;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
Ray ray;
for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
ray.o[axis] = packet.o[axis].f[i];
ray.d[axis] = packet.d[axis].f[i];
ray.dRcp[axis] = packet.dRcp[axis].f[i];
ray.mint = rayInterval.mint.f[i];
ray.maxt = rayInterval.maxt.f[i];
if (ray.mint < ray.maxt && rayIntersect(ray, its, ray.mint, ray.maxt, false, shapeIndex, primIndex)) {
its4.t.f[i] = its.t;
its4.u.f[i] = its.uv.x;
its4.v.f[i] = its.uv.y;
its4.shapeIndex.i[i] = shapeIndex;
its4.primIndex.i[i] = primIndex;
void KDTree::rayIntersectPacket(const Ray *rays, Intersection *its) const {
rayIntersectPacketIncoherent(rays, its);