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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <mitsuba/core/aabb.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/gkdtree.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/warp.h>
* \brief Implements the 2D surface area heuristic for use
* by the \ref GenericKDTree construction algorithm.
* \ingroup librender
class SurfaceAreaHeuristic2 {
* \brief Initialize the surface area heuristic with the bounds of
* a parent node
* Precomputes some information so that traversal probabilities
* of potential split planes can be evaluated efficiently
inline SurfaceAreaHeuristic2(const AABB2 &aabb) {
m_extents = aabb.getExtents();
m_normalization = 1.0f / (m_extents.x + m_extents.y);
* Given a split on axis \a axis that produces children having extents
* \a leftWidth and \a rightWidth along \a axis, compute the probability
* of traversing the left and right child during a typical query
* operation.
inline std::pair<Float, Float> operator()(int axis, Float leftWidth, Float rightWidth) const {
return std::pair<Float, Float>(
(m_extents[1-axis] + leftWidth) * m_normalization,
(m_extents[1-axis] + rightWidth) * m_normalization);
* Compute the underlying quantity used by the tree construction
* heuristic. This is used to compute the final cost of a kd-tree.
inline static Float getQuantity(const AABB2 &aabb) {
return aabb.getSurfaceArea();
Float m_normalization;
Vector2 m_extents;
* \brief Specializes \ref GenericKDTree to a two-dimensional
* tree to be used for flatland ray tracing.
* One additional function call must be implemented by subclasses:
* \code
* /// Check whether a primitive is intersected by the given ray.
* /// Some temporary space is supplied, which can be used to cache
* /// information about the intersection
* bool intersect(const Ray2 &ray, IndexType idx,
* Float mint, Float maxt, Float &t, void *tmp);
* \endcode
* This class implements an epsilon-free version of the optimized ray
* traversal algorithm (TA^B_{rec}), which is explained in Vlastimil
* Havran's PhD thesis "Heuristic Ray Shooting Algorithms".
* \author Wenzel Jakob
* \ingroup librender
template <typename Derived>
class SAHKDTree2D : public GenericKDTree<AABB2, SurfaceAreaHeuristic2, Derived> {
typedef GenericKDTree<AABB2, SurfaceAreaHeuristic2, Derived> Parent;
typedef typename KDTreeBase<AABB2>::SizeType SizeType;
typedef typename KDTreeBase<AABB2>::IndexType IndexType;
typedef typename KDTreeBase<AABB2>::KDNode KDNode;
using Parent::m_nodes;
using Parent::m_aabb;
using Parent::m_indices;
void buildInternal() {
SizeType primCount = cast()->getPrimitiveCount();
KDLog(EInfo, "Constructing a SAH kd-tree (%i primitives) ..", primCount);
GenericKDTree<AABB2, SurfaceAreaHeuristic2, Derived>::buildInternal();
/// Cast to the derived class
inline Derived *cast() {
return static_cast<Derived *>(this);
/// Cast to the derived class (const version)
inline const Derived *cast() const {
return static_cast<const Derived *>(this);
/// Ray traversal stack entry for Wald-style incoherent ray tracing
struct KDStackEntry {
const KDNode * __restrict node;
Float mint, maxt;
/// Ray traversal stack entry for Havran-style incoherent ray tracing
struct KDStackEntryHavran {
/* Pointer to the far child */
const KDNode * __restrict node;
/* Distance traveled along the ray (entry or exit) */
Float t;
/* Previous stack item */
uint32_t prev;
/* Associated point */
Point2 p;
* \brief Ray tracing kd-tree traversal loop (Havran variant)
* This is generally the most robust and fastest traversal routine
* of the methods implemented in this class.
FINLINE bool rayIntersectHavran(const Ray2 &ray, Float mint, Float maxt,
Float &t, void *temp) const {
KDStackEntryHavran stack[MTS_KD_MAXDEPTH];
/* Set up the entry point */
uint32_t enPt = 0;
stack[enPt].t = mint;
stack[enPt].p = ray(mint);
/* Set up the exit point */
uint32_t exPt = 1;
stack[exPt].t = maxt;
stack[exPt].p = ray(maxt);
stack[exPt].node = NULL;
bool foundIntersection = false;
const KDNode * __restrict currNode = m_nodes;
while (currNode != NULL) {
while (EXPECT_TAKEN(!currNode->isLeaf())) {
const Float splitVal = (Float) currNode->getSplit();
const int axis = currNode->getAxis();
const KDNode * __restrict farChild;
if (stack[enPt].p[axis] <= splitVal) {
if (stack[exPt].p[axis] <= splitVal) {
/* Cases N1, N2, N3, P5, Z2 and Z3 (see thesis) */
currNode = currNode->getLeft();
/* Typo in Havran's thesis:
(it specifies "stack[exPt].p == splitVal", which
is clearly incorrect) */
if (stack[enPt].p[axis] == splitVal) {
/* Case Z1 */
currNode = currNode->getRight();
/* Case N4 */
currNode = currNode->getLeft();
farChild = currNode + 1; // getRight()
} else { /* stack[enPt].p[axis] > splitVal */
if (splitVal < stack[exPt].p[axis]) {
/* Cases P1, P2, P3 and N5 */
currNode = currNode->getRight();
/* Case P4 */
farChild = currNode->getLeft();
currNode = farChild + 1; // getRight()
/* Cases P4 and N4 -- calculate the distance to the split plane */
Float distToSplit = (splitVal - ray.o[axis]) * ray.dRcp[axis];
/* Set up a new exit point */
const uint32_t tmp = exPt++;
if (exPt == enPt) /* Do not overwrite the entry point */
stack[exPt].prev = tmp;
stack[exPt].t = distToSplit;
stack[exPt].node = farChild;
/* Intrestingly, this appears to be faster than the
original code with the prevAxis & nextAxis table */
stack[exPt].p = ray(distToSplit);
stack[exPt].p[axis] = splitVal;
/* Reached a leaf node */
for (IndexType entry=currNode->getPrimStart(),
last = currNode->getPrimEnd(); entry != last; entry++) {
const IndexType primIdx = m_indices[entry];
bool result = cast()->intersect(ray, primIdx, mint, maxt, t, temp);
if (result) {
maxt = t;
foundIntersection = true;
if (stack[exPt].t > maxt)
/* Pop from the stack and advance to the next node on the interval */
enPt = exPt;
currNode = stack[exPt].node;
exPt = stack[enPt].prev;
return foundIntersection;