231 lines
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231 lines
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#include <mitsuba/render/scene.h>
* Volumetric path tracer, which solves the full radiative transfer
* equation in the presence of participating media. Simplified version
* without multiple importance sampling - this version can be much
* faster than the multiple importance sampling version when when
* rendering heterogeneous participating media using the
* [Coleman et al.] sampling technique, since fewer attenuation
* evaluations will be required.
class SimpleVolumetricPathTracer : public MonteCarloIntegrator {
SimpleVolumetricPathTracer(const Properties &props) : MonteCarloIntegrator(props) {
/// Unserialize from a binary data stream
SimpleVolumetricPathTracer(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager)
: MonteCarloIntegrator(stream, manager) {
Spectrum Li(const RayDifferential &r, RadianceQueryRecord &rRec) const {
/* Some aliases and local variables */
const Scene *scene = rRec.scene;
Intersection &its = rRec.its;
LuminaireSamplingRecord lRec;
MediumSamplingRecord mRec;
RayDifferential ray(r);
Intersection prevIts;
Spectrum Li(0.0f);
/* Perform the first ray intersection (or ignore if the
intersection has already been provided). */
Spectrum pathThroughput(1.0f);
bool computeIntersection = false;
while (rRec.depth < m_maxDepth || m_maxDepth < 0) {
if (computeIntersection)
scene->rayIntersect(ray, its);
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Radiative Transfer Equation sampling */
/* ==================================================================== */
if (scene->sampleDistance(ray, its.t, mRec, rRec.sampler)) {
const PhaseFunction *phase = mRec.medium->getPhaseFunction();
Vector wo, wi = -ray.d;
/* Sample the integral
\int_x^y tau(x, x') [ \sigma_s \int_{S^2} \rho(\omega,\omega') L(x,\omega') d\omega' ] dx'
pathThroughput *= mRec.sigmaS * mRec.attenuation * mRec.miWeight / mRec.pdf;
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Luminaire sampling */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Estimate the single scattering component if this is requested */
if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EInscatteredDirectRadiance &&
scene->sampleLuminaireAttenuated(mRec.p, lRec, rRec.nextSample2D())) {
Li += pathThroughput * lRec.Le * phase->f(mRec, -ray.d, -lRec.d);
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Phase function sampling */
/* ==================================================================== */
PhaseFunction::ESampledType sampledType;
Spectrum phaseVal = phase->sample(mRec, wi, wo, sampledType, rRec.nextSample2D());
if (phaseVal.max() == 0)
prevIts = its;
/* Trace a ray in this direction */
ray = Ray(mRec.p, wo);
computeIntersection = true;
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Multiple scattering */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Set the recursive query type */
if (!(rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EInscatteredIndirectRadiance)) {
/* Stop if multiple scattering was not requested (except: sampled a delta phase function
- look for emitted radiance only) */
if (sampledType == PhaseFunction::EDelta)
rRec.type = RadianceQueryRecord::EEmittedRadiance;
} else {
if (sampledType != PhaseFunction::EDelta || !(rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EInscatteredDirectRadiance)) {
/* Emitted radiance is only included in the recursive query if:
- the sampled phase function component had a Dirac delta distribution AND
- the current query asks for single scattering
rRec.type = RadianceQueryRecord::ERadianceNoEmission;
} else {
rRec.type = RadianceQueryRecord::ERadiance;
/* Russian roulette - Possibly stop the recursion */
if (rRec.depth >= m_rrDepth) {
if (rRec.nextSample1D() > mRec.albedo)
pathThroughput /= mRec.albedo;
pathThroughput *= phaseVal;
} else {
/* Sample
tau(x, y) (Surface integral). This happens with probability mRec.pdf
Divide this out and multiply with the proper per-color-channel attenuation.
pathThroughput *= mRec.attenuation * mRec.miWeight / mRec.pdf;
if (!its.isValid()) {
/* If no intersection could be found, possibly return
attenuated radiance from a background luminaire */
if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EEmittedRadiance)
Li += pathThroughput * scene->LeBackground(ray);
const BSDF *bsdf = its.getBSDF(ray);
/* Possibly include emitted radiance if requested */
if (its.isLuminaire() && (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EEmittedRadiance))
Li += pathThroughput * its.Le(-ray.d);
/* Include radiance from a subsurface integrator if requested */
if (its.hasSubsurface() && (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::ESubsurfaceRadiance))
Li += pathThroughput * its.LoSub(rRec.scene, -ray.d);
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Luminaire sampling */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Estimate the direct illumination if this is requested */
if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EDirectRadiance &&
scene->sampleLuminaireAttenuated(its, lRec, rRec.nextSample2D())) {
/* Allocate a record for querying the BSDF */
const BSDFQueryRecord bRec(rRec, its, its.toLocal(-lRec.d));
Li += pathThroughput * lRec.Le * bsdf->fCos(bRec);
/* ==================================================================== */
/* BSDF sampling */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Sample BSDF * cos(theta) */
BSDFQueryRecord bRec(rRec, its, rRec.nextSample2D());
Spectrum bsdfVal = bsdf->sampleCos(bRec);
if (bsdfVal.isBlack())
prevIts = its;
/* Trace a ray in this direction */
ray = Ray(its.p, its.toWorld(bRec.wo));
computeIntersection = true;
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Indirect illumination */
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Stop if indirect illumination was not requested */
if (!(rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EIndirectRadiance)) {
/* Stop if indirect illumination was not requested (except: sampled a delta BSDF
- look for emitted radiance only) */
if (bRec.sampledType & BSDF::EDelta)
rRec.type = RadianceQueryRecord::EEmittedRadiance;
} else {
if (!(bRec.sampledType & BSDF::EDelta) || !(rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EDirectRadiance)) {
/* Emitted radiance is only included in the recursive query if:
- the sampled BSDF component had a Dirac delta distribution AND
- the current query asks for direct illumination
rRec.type = RadianceQueryRecord::ERadianceNoEmission;
} else {
rRec.type = RadianceQueryRecord::ERadiance;
/* Russian roulette - Possibly stop the recursion */
if (rRec.depth >= m_rrDepth) {
/* Assuming that BSDF importance sampling is perfect,
the following should equal the maximum albedo
over all spectral samples */
Float approxAlbedo = std::min((Float) 0.9, bsdfVal.max());
if (rRec.nextSample1D() > approxAlbedo)
pathThroughput /= approxAlbedo;
pathThroughput *= bsdfVal;
return Li;
void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const {
MonteCarloIntegrator::serialize(stream, manager);
std::string toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "SimpleVolumetricPathTracer[" << std::endl
<< " maxDepth = " << m_maxDepth << "," << std::endl
<< " rrDepth = " << m_rrDepth << std::endl
<< "]";
return oss.str();
Float m_beta;
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(SimpleVolumetricPathTracer, false, MonteCarloIntegrator)
MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(SimpleVolumetricPathTracer, "Simple volumetric path tracer");