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This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(__GLRENDERER_H)
#define __GLRENDERER_H
#include <mitsuba/hw/renderer.h>
#if defined(__OSX__)
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glext.h>
struct GLEWContextStruct;
/// Get the per-thread context for GLEW-MX
extern MTS_EXPORT_HW GLEWContextStruct *glewGetContext();
* \brief Specifies the maximum number of triangles that can
* be sent to the GPU in one batch. This is useful to
* avoid freezing the OS when dealing with huge inputs.
#define MTS_GL_MAX_QUEUED_TRIS 500000
* \brief OpenGL implementation of the \ref Renderer interface
class MTS_EXPORT_HW GLRenderer : public Renderer {
/// Construct a new OpenGL rendering interface
GLRenderer(Session *session);
/// Initialize the renderer
virtual void init(Device *device, Renderer *other = NULL);
* \brief Reconfigure the renderer for a certain device
* (e.g. after a resize event)
void reconfigure(const Device *device);
/// Shut the renderer down
virtual void shutdown();
/// Create a new GPU texture object
GPUTexture *createGPUTexture(const std::string &name,
Bitmap *bitmap = NULL);
/// Create a new GPU geometry object
GPUGeometry *createGPUGeometry(const TriMesh *mesh);
/// Create a new GPU program object
GPUProgram *createGPUProgram(const std::string &name);
/// Create a new synchronization object
GPUSync *createGPUSync();
/// Clear the viewport
void clear();
/// Configure the camera
void setCamera(const ProjectiveCamera *pCamera);
/// Configure the camera (supports a pixel offset)
void setCamera(const ProjectiveCamera *pCamera,
const Point2 &jitter);
/// Configure the camera (manual)
void setCamera(const Matrix4x4 &proj, const Matrix4x4 &view);
/// Set up the renderer for drawing triangle geometry
void beginDrawingMeshes(bool transmitOnlyPositions = false);
/// Send a triangle mesh to the renderer
void drawTriMesh(const TriMesh *mesh);
/// Draw a quad using the given texture
void blitTexture(const GPUTexture *texture,
bool flipVertically = false,
bool centerHoriz = true, bool centerVert = true,
const Vector2i &offset = Vector2i(0, 0));
/// Clean up the renderer after drawing triangle geometry
void endDrawingMeshes();
* \brief Quickly draw all geometry that has been registered
* with the renderer.
* Only transmits positions, hence this is mainly useful for
* shadow mapping.
void drawAll();
/// Blit a screen-sized quad
void blitQuad(bool flipVertically);
* Draw a line of text on the screen. The coordinates are specified
* in pixel coordinates, where the upper left corner is the origin
void drawText(const Point2i &pos,
const Font *font, const std::string &text);
/// Set the size of point primitives
void setPointSize(Float size);
/// Draw a point
void drawPoint(const Point &p);
/// Draw a line between two specified points
void drawLine(const Point &a, const Point &b);
/// Draw an ellipse with the specified center and axes
void drawEllipse(const Point &center,
const Vector &axis1, const Vector &axis2);
/// Draw a wire-frame axis-aligned box
void drawAABB(const AABB &aabb);
/// Set a depth offset for shadow mapping (0 to disable)
void setDepthOffset(Float value);
/// Set the currently active blending mode
void setBlendMode(EBlendMode mode);
/// Set the currently active culling mode
void setCullMode(ECullMode mode);
/// Activate or deactivate the writing of depth information
void setDepthMask(bool value);
/// Activate or deactivate depth testing
void setDepthTest(bool value);
/// Activate or deactivate the writing of color information
void setColorMask(bool value);
/// Set the current fixed-function pipeline color
void setColor(const Spectrum &spec);
/// Flush outstanding rendering commands
void flush();
/// Completely finish outstanding rendering commands
void finish();
/// Check for any error indications
void checkError(bool onlyWarn = true);
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~GLRenderer();
bool m_transmitOnlyPositions;
bool m_normalsEnabled;
bool m_texcoordsEnabled;
bool m_tangentsEnabled;
bool m_colorsEnabled;
size_t m_queuedTriangles;
int m_stride;
#endif /* __GLRENDERER_H */