378 lines
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378 lines
15 KiB
#include <mitsuba/core/plugin.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/gatherproc.h>
* Parallel photon gathering, SSE-accelerated lookups, RGBE encoding
* Numbers for caustic/volume are ignored when no specular objects or participating
* media are present.
class PhotonMapIntegrator : public SampleIntegrator {
PhotonMapIntegrator(const Properties &props) : SampleIntegrator(props) {
/* Number of luminaire samples for direct illumination */
m_directSamples = props.getInteger("directSamples", 1);
/* Number of BSDF samples when intersecting a glossy material */
m_glossySamples = props.getInteger("glossySamples", 32);
/* Depth to start using russian roulette when tracing photons */
m_rrDepth = props.getInteger("rrDepth", 10);
/* Depth cutoff when tracing photons */
m_maxDepth = props.getInteger("maxDepth", 40);
/* Depth cutoff when recursively tracing specular materials */
m_maxSpecularDepth = props.getInteger("maxSpecularDepth", 6);
/* Granularity of photon tracing work units (in shot particles) */
m_granularity = props.getInteger("granularity", 1000);
/* Number of photons to collect for the global photon map */
m_globalPhotons = (size_t) props.getLong("globalPhotons", 200000);
/* Number of photons to collect for the caustic photon map */
m_causticPhotons = (size_t) props.getLong("causticPhotons", 200000);
/* Number of photons to collect for the volumetric photon map */
m_volumePhotons = (size_t) props.getLong("volumePhotons", 200000);
/* Radius of lookups in the global photon map (relative to the scene size) */
m_globalLookupRadiusRel = props.getFloat("globalLookupRadius", 0.05f);
/* Radius of lookups in the caustic photon map (relative to the scene size) */
m_causticLookupRadiusRel = props.getFloat("causticLookupRadius", 0.0125f);
/* Radius of lookups in the volumetric photon map (relative to the scene size) */
m_volumeLookupRadiusRel = props.getFloat("volumeLookupRadius", 0.05f);
/* Minimum amount of photons to consider a global photon map lookup valid */
m_globalMinPhotons = props.getInteger("globalMinPhotons", 8);
/* Minimum amount of photons to consider a caustic photon map lookup valid */
m_causticMinPhotons = props.getInteger("causticMinPhotons", 100);
/* Minimum amount of photons to consider a volumetric photon map lookup valid */
m_volumeMinPhotons = props.getInteger("volumeMinPhotons", 8);
/* Maximum number of results for global photon map lookups */
m_globalLookupSize = props.getInteger("globalLookupSize", 200);
/* Maximum number of results for caustic photon map lookups */
m_causticLookupSize = props.getInteger("causticLookupSize", 200);
/* Maximum number of results for volumetric photon map lookups */
m_volumeLookupSize = props.getInteger("volumeLookupSize", 200);
/// Unserialize from a binary data stream
PhotonMapIntegrator(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager)
: SampleIntegrator(stream, manager) {
m_directSamples = stream->readInt();
m_glossySamples = stream->readInt();
m_maxSpecularDepth = stream->readInt();
m_globalPhotons = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_causticPhotons = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_volumePhotons = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_globalLookupRadius = stream->readFloat();
m_causticLookupRadius = stream->readFloat();
m_volumeLookupRadius = stream->readFloat();
m_globalMinPhotons = stream->readInt();
m_causticMinPhotons = stream->readInt();
m_volumeMinPhotons = stream->readInt();
m_globalLookupSize = stream->readInt();
m_causticLookupSize = stream->readInt();
m_volumeLookupSize = stream->readInt();
void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const {
SampleIntegrator::serialize(stream, manager);
/// Configure the sampler for a specified amount of direct illumination samples
void configureSampler(Sampler *sampler) {
if (m_directSamples > 1)
void preprocess(const Scene *scene, RenderQueue *queue, const RenderJob *job,
int sceneResID, int cameraResID, int samplerResID) {
SampleIntegrator::preprocess(scene, queue, job, sceneResID, cameraResID, samplerResID);
/* Create a deterministic sampler for the photon gathering step */
ref<Scheduler> sched = Scheduler::getInstance();
ref<Sampler> sampler = static_cast<Sampler *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(Sampler::m_theClass, Properties("halton")));
int qmcSamplerID = sched->registerResource(sampler);
/* Don't create a caustic photon map if the scene does not contain specular materials */
const std::vector<Shape *> &shapes = scene->getShapes();
bool foundSpecular = false;
for (size_t i=0; i<shapes.size(); ++i) {
if (shapes[i]->getBSDF()->getType() & BSDF::EDelta) {
foundSpecular = true;
if (!foundSpecular)
m_causticPhotons = 0;
/* Don't create a volumetric photon map if there are no participating media */
if (!scene->hasMedia())
m_volumePhotons = 0;
if (m_globalPhotonMap.get() == NULL && m_globalPhotons > 0) {
/* Adapt to scene extents */
m_globalLookupRadius = m_globalLookupRadiusRel * scene->getBSphere().radius;
/* Generate the global photon map */
ref<GatherPhotonProcess> proc = new GatherPhotonProcess(
GatherPhotonProcess::ESurfacePhotons, m_globalPhotons,
m_granularity, m_maxDepth, m_rrDepth, job);
proc->bindResource("scene", sceneResID);
proc->bindResource("sampler", qmcSamplerID);
m_globalPhotonMap = proc->getPhotonMap();
m_globalPhotonMap->setScale(1 / (Float) proc->getShotPhotons());
Log(EDebug, "Global photon map full. Shot " SIZE_T_FMT " photons, excess due to parallelism: "
SIZE_T_FMT, proc->getShotPhotons(), proc->getExcess());
m_globalPhotonMapID = sched->registerResource(m_globalPhotonMap);
if (m_causticPhotonMap.get() == NULL && m_causticPhotons > 0) {
/* Adapt to scene extents */
m_causticLookupRadius = m_causticLookupRadiusRel * scene->getBSphere().radius;
/* Generate the caustic photon map */
ref<GatherPhotonProcess> proc = new GatherPhotonProcess(
GatherPhotonProcess::ECausticPhotons, m_causticPhotons,
m_granularity, 2, m_rrDepth, job);
proc->bindResource("scene", sceneResID);
proc->bindResource("sampler", qmcSamplerID);
m_causticPhotonMap = proc->getPhotonMap();
m_causticPhotonMap->setScale(1 / (Float) proc->getShotPhotons());
Log(EDebug, "Caustic photon map - excess photons due to parallelism: "
SIZE_T_FMT, proc->getExcess());
m_causticPhotonMapID = sched->registerResource(m_causticPhotonMap);
if (m_volumePhotonMap.get() == NULL && m_volumePhotons > 0) {
/* Adapt to scene extents */
m_volumeLookupRadius = m_volumeLookupRadiusRel * scene->getBSphere().radius;
/* Generate the volume photon map */
ref<GatherPhotonProcess> proc = new GatherPhotonProcess(
GatherPhotonProcess::EVolumePhotons, m_volumePhotons,
m_granularity, m_maxDepth, m_rrDepth, job);
proc->bindResource("scene", sceneResID);
proc->bindResource("sampler", qmcSamplerID);
m_volumePhotonMap = proc->getPhotonMap();
m_volumePhotonMap->setScale(1 / (Float) proc->getShotPhotons());
Log(EDebug, "Volumetric photon map - excess photons due to parallelism: "
SIZE_T_FMT, proc->getExcess());
m_volumePhotonMapID = sched->registerResource(m_volumePhotonMap);
/// Specify globally shared resources
void bindUsedResources(ParallelProcess *proc) const {
if (m_globalPhotonMap.get())
proc->bindResource("globalPhotonMap", m_globalPhotonMapID);
if (m_causticPhotonMap.get())
proc->bindResource("causticPhotonMap", m_causticPhotonMapID);
if (m_volumePhotonMap.get())
proc->bindResource("volumePhotonMap", m_volumePhotonMapID);
/// Connect to globally shared resources
void wakeup(std::map<std::string, SerializableObject *> ¶ms) {
if (!m_globalPhotonMap.get() && params.find("globalPhotonMap") != params.end())
m_globalPhotonMap = static_cast<PhotonMap *>(params["globalPhotonMap"]);
if (!m_causticPhotonMap.get() && params.find("causticPhotonMap") != params.end())
m_causticPhotonMap = static_cast<PhotonMap *>(params["causticPhotonMap"]);
if (!m_volumePhotonMap.get() && params.find("volumetricPhotonMap") != params.end())
m_volumePhotonMap = static_cast<PhotonMap *>(params["volumetricPhotonMap"]);
if (getParent() != NULL && getParent()->getClass()->derivesFrom(SampleIntegrator::m_theClass))
m_parentIntegrator = static_cast<SampleIntegrator *>(getParent());
m_parentIntegrator = this;
Spectrum Li(const RayDifferential &ray, RadianceQueryRecord &rRec) const {
Spectrum Li(0.0f), LiVol(0.0f);
Intersection &its = rRec.its;
LuminaireSamplingRecord lRec;
/* Perform the first ray intersection (or ignore if the
intersection has already been provided). */
if (!its.isValid()) {
/* If no intersection could be found, possibly return
attenuated radiance from a background luminaire */
if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EEmittedRadiance)
Li += rRec.scene->LeBackgroundAttenuated(ray);
return Li;
/* Possibly include emitted radiance if requested */
if (its.isLuminaire() && (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EEmittedRadiance))
Li += its.Le(-ray.d);
/* Include radiance from a subsurface integrator if requested */
if (its.hasSubsurface() && (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::ESubsurfaceRadiance))
Li += its.LoSub(-ray.d);
const BSDF *bsdf = its.getBSDF(ray);
int bsdfType = bsdf->getType();
Point2 *sampleArray, sample;
int numDirectSamples = (rRec.depth == 1) ? m_directSamples : 1;
/* When this integrator is used recursively by another integrator,
Be less accurate as this sample will not be directly observed. */
if (numDirectSamples > 1) {
sampleArray = rRec.sampler->next2DArray(numDirectSamples);
} else {
sample = rRec.nextSample2D();
sampleArray = &sample;
/* Estimate the direct illumination if this is requested */
if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EDirectRadiance) {
Float weight = 1 / (Float) numDirectSamples;
for (int i=0; i<numDirectSamples; ++i) {
if (rRec.scene->sampleLuminaireAttenuated(its, lRec, sampleArray[i])) {
/* Allocate a record for querying the BSDF */
const BSDFQueryRecord bRec(rRec, its, its.toLocal(-lRec.d));
/* Evaluate BSDF * cos(theta) */
const Spectrum bsdfVal = bsdf->fCos(bRec);
Li += lRec.Le * bsdfVal * weight;
// if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord:EVolumeRadiance) {
/* Ray marching */
// }
if (bsdfType == BSDF::EDiffuseReflection) {
/* Hit a diffuse material - do a direct photon map visualization. */
if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::EIndirectRadiance)
Li += m_globalPhotonMap->estimateIrradianceFiltered(its.p,
its.shFrame.n, m_globalLookupRadius, m_globalLookupSize)
* bsdf->getDiffuseReflectance(its) * INV_PI;
if (rRec.type & RadianceQueryRecord::ECausticRadiance && m_causticPhotonMap.get())
Li += m_causticPhotonMap->estimateIrradianceFiltered(its.p,
its.shFrame.n, m_causticLookupRadius, m_causticLookupSize)
* bsdf->getDiffuseReflectance(its) * INV_PI;
} else if ((bsdfType & BSDF::EDelta) != 0
&& (bsdfType & ~BSDF::EDelta) == 0 && !rRec.extra) {
RadianceQueryRecord rRec2;
RayDifferential recursiveRay;
/* Ideal specular material -> recursive ray tracing.
Deliberately risk exponential ray growth by spawning
several child rays. The impact on the final image is huge
and well worth the extra computation. */
if (rRec.depth+1 < m_maxSpecularDepth) {
int compCount = bsdf->getComponentCount();
for (int i=0; i<compCount; i++) {
/* Sample the BSDF and recurse */
BSDFQueryRecord bRec(its, Point2(0,0));
bRec.component = i;
Spectrum bsdfVal = bsdf->sampleCos(bRec);
if (bsdfVal.isBlack())
rRec2.recursiveQuery(rRec, RadianceQueryRecord::ERadiance);
recursiveRay = Ray(its.p, its.toWorld(bRec.wo));
Li += m_parentIntegrator->Li(recursiveRay, rRec2) * bsdfVal;
} else if (rRec.depth == 1 && (bsdf->getType() & BSDF::EGlossy)) {
/* Hit a glossy material - MC integration over the hemisphere
using BSDF importance sampling */
sampleArray = rRec.sampler->next2DArray(m_glossySamples);
RadianceQueryRecord rRec2;
RayDifferential recursiveRay;
Float weight = 1 / (Float) m_glossySamples;
for (int i=0; i<m_glossySamples; ++i) {
BSDFQueryRecord bRec(rRec, its, sampleArray[i]);
Spectrum bsdfVal = bsdf->sampleCos(bRec);
rRec2.recursiveQuery(rRec, RadianceQueryRecord::ERadianceNoEmission);
recursiveRay = Ray(its.p, its.toWorld(bRec.wo));
Li += m_parentIntegrator->Li(recursiveRay, rRec2) * bsdfVal * weight;
} else {
Li += m_globalPhotonMap->estimateRadianceFiltered(its,
m_globalLookupRadius, m_globalLookupSize);
return Li * rRec.attenuation + LiVol;
std::string toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "PhotonMapIntegrator[" << std::endl
<< " directSamples = " << m_directSamples << "," << std::endl
<< " glossySamples = " << m_glossySamples << "," << std::endl
<< " globalPhotons = " << m_globalPhotons << "," << std::endl
<< " causticPhotons = " << m_causticPhotons << "," << std::endl
<< " volumePhotons = " << m_volumePhotons << std::endl
<< "]";
return oss.str();
ref<PhotonMap> m_globalPhotonMap;
ref<PhotonMap> m_causticPhotonMap;
ref<PhotonMap> m_volumePhotonMap;
SampleIntegrator *m_parentIntegrator;
int m_globalPhotonMapID, m_causticPhotonMapID, m_volumePhotonMapID;
size_t m_globalPhotons, m_causticPhotons, m_volumePhotons;
int m_globalMinPhotons, m_globalLookupSize;
int m_causticMinPhotons, m_causticLookupSize;
int m_volumeMinPhotons, m_volumeLookupSize;
Float m_globalLookupRadiusRel, m_globalLookupRadius;
Float m_causticLookupRadiusRel, m_causticLookupRadius;
Float m_volumeLookupRadiusRel, m_volumeLookupRadius;
int m_granularity;
int m_directSamples, m_glossySamples;
int m_rrDepth;
int m_maxDepth, m_maxSpecularDepth;
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(PhotonMapIntegrator, false, SampleIntegrator)
MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(PhotonMapIntegrator, "Photon map integrator");