This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
/* Precompute cosine/sine values for quick conversions
from quantized spherical coordinates to floating
point vectors. (Precomputation idea based on
Jensen's implementation.) */
Float PhotonMap::m_cosTheta[256];
Float PhotonMap::m_sinTheta[256];
Float PhotonMap::m_cosPhi[256];
Float PhotonMap::m_sinPhi[256];
Float PhotonMap::m_expTable[256];
bool PhotonMap::createPrecompTables() {
// Compiler sanity check
if (sizeof(Photon) != 24) {
cerr << "Internal error - incorrect photon storage size" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
Float angle = (Float) i * ((Float) M_PI / 256.0f);
m_cosPhi[i] = std::cos(2.0f * angle);
m_sinPhi[i] = std::sin(2.0f * angle);
/* Theta has twice the angular resolution */
m_cosTheta[i] = std::cos(angle);
m_sinTheta[i] = std::sin(angle);
m_expTable[i] = std::ldexp((Float) 1, i - (128+8));
m_expTable[0] = 0;
return true;
bool PhotonMap::m_precompTableReady = PhotonMap::createPrecompTables();
PhotonMap::Photon::Photon(const Point &p, const Normal &normal,
const Vector &dir, const Spectrum &P,
uint16_t _depth) {
if (P.isNaN())
Log(EWarn, "Creating an invalid photon with power: %s", P.toString().c_str());
/* Possibly convert to single precision floating point
(if Mitsuba is configured to use double precision) */
pos[0] = (float) p.x;
pos[1] = (float) p.y;
pos[2] = (float) p.z;
depth = _depth;
unused = 0;
axis = -1;
/* Convert the direction into an approximate spherical
coordinate format to reduce storage requirements */
theta = (unsigned char) std::min(255,
(int) (std::acos(dir.z) * (256.0 / M_PI)));
int tmp = std::min(255,
(int) (std::atan2(dir.y, dir.x) * (256.0 / (2.0 * M_PI))));
if (tmp < 0)
phi = (unsigned char) (tmp + 256);
phi = (unsigned char) tmp;
if (normal.isZero()) {
thetaN = phiN = 0;
} else {
thetaN = (unsigned char) std::min(255,
(int) (std::acos(normal.z) * (256.0 / M_PI)));
tmp = std::min(255,
(int) (std::atan2(normal.y, normal.x) * (256.0 / (2.0 * M_PI))));
if (tmp < 0)
phiN = (unsigned char) (tmp + 256);
phiN = (unsigned char) tmp;
power = P;
/* Pack the photon power into Greg Ward's RGBE format */
PhotonMap::PhotonMap(size_t maxPhotons)
: m_photonCount(0), m_maxPhotons(maxPhotons), m_minPhotons(8),
m_numThreads(-1), m_balanced(false), m_scale(1.0f), m_context(NULL) {
/* For convenient heap addressing, the the photon list
entries start with number 1 */
m_photons = new Photon[maxPhotons + 1];
PhotonMap::PhotonMap(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager)
: m_numThreads(-1), m_context(NULL) {
m_aabb = AABB(stream);
m_balanced = stream->readBool();
m_maxPhotons = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_minPhotons = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_lastInnerNode = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_lastRChildNode = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_scale = (Float) stream->readFloat();
m_photonCount = (size_t) stream->readULong();
m_photons = new Photon[m_maxPhotons + 1];
for (size_t i=1; i<=m_maxPhotons; ++i)
m_photons[i] = Photon(stream);
PhotonMap::~PhotonMap() {
if (m_context)
delete[] m_context;
delete[] m_photons;
std::string PhotonMap::toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "PhotonMap[" << endl
<< " aabb = " << m_aabb.toString() << "," << endl
<< " photonCount = " << m_photonCount << "," << endl
<< " maxPhotons = " << m_maxPhotons << "," << endl
<< " minPhotons = " << m_minPhotons << "," << endl
<< " balanced = " << m_balanced << "," << endl
<< " scale = " << m_scale << endl
<< "]";
return oss.str();
void PhotonMap::serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const {
Log(EDebug, "Serializing a photon map (%.2f KB)",
m_photonCount * 20.0f / 1024.0f);
for (size_t i=1; i<=m_maxPhotons; ++i)
bool PhotonMap::storePhoton(const Point &pos, const Normal &normal,
const Vector &dir, const Spectrum &power, uint16_t depth) {
/* Overflow check */
if (m_photonCount >= m_maxPhotons)
return false;
/* Keep track of the volume covered by all stored photons */
m_photons[++m_photonCount] = Photon(pos, normal, dir, power, depth);
return true;
bool PhotonMap::storePhoton(const Photon &photon) {
/* Overflow check */
if (m_photonCount >= m_maxPhotons)
return false;
/* Keep track of the volume covered by all stored photons */
m_aabb.expandBy(Point(photon.pos[0], photon.pos[1], photon.pos[2]));
m_photons[++m_photonCount] = photon;
return true;
void PhotonMap::prepareSMP(int numThreads) {
int photonsPerThread = m_maxPhotons / numThreads;
int remainder = m_maxPhotons - photonsPerThread * numThreads;
m_numThreads = numThreads;
m_context = new ThreadContext[numThreads];
for (int i=0; i= m_context[thread].maxPhotons)
return false;
/* Keep track of the volume covered by all stored photons */
int idx = m_context[thread].photonCount++;
m_photons[m_context[thread].photonOffset + idx] = Photon(pos, normal, dir, power, depth);
return true;
* Relaxed partitioning algorithm based on code in stl_algo.h and Jensen's
* reference implementation. This is *much* faster than std::partition
* by relaxing the partitioning rules, making use of random access iterators
* and assuming that there is a guard element following the right boundary.
* This function accepts *two* predicates and assumes that
* pred1(x) == !pred2(x) for all given elements except for a set S,
* where both predicates return false. After the algorithm finishes,
* elements in S may have been placed on either side. However, all elements
* for which pred1(x) is true are guaranteed to be on the left side, and
* all elements for which pred2(x) is true will have been moved to the
* right side.
* Having two predicates is important for an efficient photon map
* balancing implementation. If pred2 is simply the opposite of pred1,
* the balancing routine will slow down to a crawl when it is applied to
* an array containing lots of elements with the same value as the pivot.
* (In the context of photon mapping, this can for example happen when the
* scene contains an axis-aligned surface). Since it does not matter on
* which side of the split these elements end up, the relaxed method
* enables a much better separation into two sets.
inline _RandomAccessIterator guarded_partition(
_RandomAccessIterator start, _RandomAccessIterator end,
_Predicate1 pred1, _Predicate2 pred2) {
while (true) {
while (pred1(*start)) /* Guarded */
while (pred2(*end) && end > start)
if (start >= end)
std::iter_swap(start++, end--);
return start;
* This algorithm works similarly to QUICKSORT, although it does not sort
* the array. Instead, it creates a partition such that there is an ordering
* of all entries with respect to the value at 'pivotIndex'. It does this by
* repetetively partitioning according to some arbitrarily chosen pivot
* (currently the rightmost one) and then recursing either into the left or
* right halves.
void PhotonMap::quickPartition(photon_iterator left, photon_iterator right,
photon_iterator pivot, int axis) const {
while (right > left) {
const float pivotValue = (*right)->pos[axis];
/* Relaxed quicksort-style partitioning routine. (See above
for an explanation). */
photon_iterator mid = guarded_partition(left, right,
comparePhotonLess(axis, pivotValue),
comparePhotonGreater(axis, pivotValue)
/* Move the pivot in between the two sets */
std::swap(*mid, *right);
/* Is the requested pivot index located inside the left half? */
if (mid > pivot)
right = mid - 1;
/* Is the requested pivot index located inside the right half? */
else if (mid < pivot)
left = mid + 1;
* This algorithm is based on Donald Knuth's book
* "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching"
* (1st edition, section 5.2, page 595)
* Given a permutation and an array of values, it applies the permutation
* in linear time without requiring additional memory. This is based on
* the fact that each permutation can be decomposed into a disjoint set
* of permutations, which can then be applied individually.
template void permute_inplace(T *values, std::vector &perm) {
for (size_t i=0; i 1.
size_t PhotonMap::leftSubtreeSize(size_t treeSize) const {
/* Layer 0 contains one node */
size_t p = 1;
/* Traverse downwards until the first incompletely
filled tree level is encountered */
while (2*p <= treeSize)
p *= 2;
/* Calculate the number of filled slots in the last level */
size_t remaining = treeSize - p + 1;
if (2*remaining < p) {
/* Case 2: The last level contains too few nodes. Remove
overestimate from the left subtree node count and add
the remaining nodes */
p = (p >> 1) + remaining;
return p - 1;
void PhotonMap::balance() {
/* Unify the results from all gather threads */
if (m_context != NULL) {
for (int i=0; i photonPointers(m_photonCount + 1);
/* Destination for the final heap permutation. Indexed starting at 1 */
std::vector heapPermutation(m_photonCount + 1);
heapPermutation[0] = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<=m_photonCount; i++)
photonPointers[i] = &m_photons[i];
Log(EInfo, "Photon map: balancing %i photons ..", m_photonCount);
balanceRecursive(photonPointers.begin(), photonPointers.begin()+1,
photonPointers.end(), heapPermutation, m_aabb, 1);
/* 'heapPointers' now contains a permutation representing
the properly left-balanced photon map. Apply this permutation
to the photon array. */
permute_inplace(m_photons, heapPermutation);
/* We want to quickly be able to determine whether a node at
a given index is an inner node (e.g. it has left or right
children) and specifically, if it has a right child */
m_lastInnerNode = m_photonCount/2;
m_lastRChildNode = (m_photonCount-1)/2;
m_balanced = true;
void PhotonMap::balanceRecursive(photon_iterator basePtr,
photon_iterator sortStart,
photon_iterator sortEnd,
std::vector &heapPermutation,
AABB &aabb, size_t heapIndex) const {
/* A fully left-balanced binary tree has this many nodes on its
left subtree */
size_t leftSize = leftSubtreeSize(sortEnd - sortStart);
/* We choose a pivot index such that the resulting tree satisfies
this property */
photon_iterator pivot = sortStart + leftSize;
/* Splitting along the axis with the widest spread
works well in practice and is cheap to compute (p.71) */
int splitAxis = aabb.getLargestAxis();
/* QUICKSORT-like partitioning iterations until the entry referenced by
'pivot' imposes an ordering wrt. all other photons in the range */
quickPartition(sortStart, sortEnd, pivot, splitAxis);
Float splitPos = (*pivot)->pos[splitAxis];
/* Update the heap permutation and record the splitting axis */
heapPermutation[heapIndex] = *pivot - *basePtr;
(*pivot)->axis = splitAxis;
if (pivot > sortStart) {
if (pivot > sortStart + 1) {
/* There are more then two elements on the left
subtree. Balance them recursively */
std::swap(aabb.max[splitAxis], splitPos);
balanceRecursive(basePtr, sortStart, pivot, heapPermutation,
aabb, leftChild(heapIndex));
std::swap(aabb.max[splitAxis], splitPos);
} else {
/* Leaf node - just copy. */
heapPermutation[leftChild(heapIndex)] = *sortStart - *basePtr;
if (pivot < sortEnd - 1) {
if (pivot < sortEnd - 2) {
/* There are more then two elements on the right
subtree. Balance them recursively */
std::swap(aabb.min[splitAxis], splitPos);
balanceRecursive(basePtr, pivot+1, sortEnd, heapPermutation,
aabb, rightChild(heapIndex));
std::swap(aabb.min[splitAxis], splitPos);
} else {
/* Leaf node - just copy. */
heapPermutation[rightChild(heapIndex)] = *(sortEnd-1) - *basePtr;
unsigned int PhotonMap::nnSearch(const Point &p, Float &searchRadiusSquared,
unsigned int maxSize, search_result *results) const {
const float pos[3] = { (float) p.x, (float) p.y, (float) p.z };
size_t stack[MAX_PHOTONMAP_DEPTH];
unsigned int index = 1, stackPos = 1, fill = 0;
bool isPriorityQueue = false;
float distSquared = (float) searchRadiusSquared;
stack[0] = 0;
while (index > 0) {
const_photon_ptr photon = &m_photons[index];
/* Recurse on inner nodes */
if (isInnerNode(index)) {
float distToPlane = pos[photon->axis] - photon->pos[photon->axis];
/* Does the search region overlap with both split half-spaces? */
bool searchBoth = (distToPlane*distToPlane <= distSquared);
if (distToPlane > 0) {
/* The search query is located on the right side of the split.
Search this side first. */
if (hasRightChild(index)) {
if (searchBoth)
stack[stackPos++] = leftChild(index);
index = rightChild(index);
} else if (searchBoth) {
index = leftChild(index);
} else {
index = stack[--stackPos];
} else {
/* The search query is located on the left side of the split.
Search this side first. */
if (searchBoth && hasRightChild(index))
stack[stackPos++] = rightChild(index);
index = leftChild(index);
} else {
index = stack[--stackPos];
/* Check if the current photon is within the query's search radius */
const float photonDistSquared = photon->distSquared(pos);
if (photonDistSquared < distSquared) {
/* Similarly to Jensen's implementation, the search switches
to a priority queue when the available search result space
is exhausted */
if (fill < maxSize) {
/* There is still room, just add the photon to the search
result list */
results[fill++] = search_result(photonDistSquared, photon);
} else {
search_result *begin = results,
*end = begin + maxSize + 1;
if (!isPriorityQueue) {
/* Establish the MAX-heap property */
std::make_heap(begin, begin + maxSize, distanceMetric());
isPriorityQueue = true;
/* Add the new photon, remove the one farthest away */
results[fill] = search_result(photonDistSquared, photon);
std::push_heap(begin, end, distanceMetric());
std::pop_heap(begin, end, distanceMetric());
/* Reduce the search radius accordingly */
distSquared = results[0].first;
searchRadiusSquared = (Float) distSquared;
return fill;
Spectrum PhotonMap::estimateIrradiance(const Point &p, const Normal &n,
Float searchRadius, unsigned int maxPhotons) const {
Spectrum result(0.0f);
/* The photon map needs to be balanced before executing searches */
/* Search for photons contained within a spherical region */
Float distSquared = searchRadius*searchRadius;
search_result *results = static_cast(alloca((maxPhotons+1) * sizeof(search_result)));
unsigned int resultCount = nnSearch(p, distSquared, maxPhotons, results);
/* Avoid very noisy estimates */
if (resultCount < m_minPhotons)
return result;
/* Sum over all contributions */
for (unsigned int i=0; i(alloca((maxPhotons+1) * sizeof(search_result)));
unsigned int resultCount = nnSearch(p, distSquared, maxPhotons, results);
/* Avoid very noisy estimates */
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(resultCount < m_minPhotons))
return result;
/* Sum over all contributions */
for (unsigned int i=0; i(alloca((maxPhotons+1) * sizeof(search_result)));
unsigned int resultCount = nnSearch(p, distSquared, maxPhotons, results);
/* Avoid very noisy estimates */
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(resultCount < m_minPhotons))
return Spectrum(0.0f);
/* Sum over all contributions */
for (unsigned int i=0; i 0)
const Float sqrTerm = 1.0f - photonDistanceSqr/distSquared,
weight = sqrTerm*sqrTerm;
const __m128
mantissa = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(
_mm_set_epi32(photon.power[0], photon.power[1], photon.power[2], 0)),
exponent = _mm_load1_ps(&m_expTable[photon.power[3]]),
packedWeight = _mm_load1_ps(&weight),
value = _mm_mul_ps(packedWeight, _mm_mul_ps(mantissa, exponent));
result.ps = _mm_add_ps(value, result.ps);
/* Based on the assumption that the surface is locally flat,
the estimate is divided by the area of a disc corresponding to
the projected spherical search region */
result.ps = _mm_mul_ps(result.ps, _mm_set1_ps(m_scale * 3 * INV_PI / distSquared));
Spectrum spec;
spec.fromLinearRGB(result.f[3], result.f[2], result.f[1]);
return spec;
Spectrum PhotonMap::estimateRadianceFiltered(const Intersection &its,
Float searchRadius, unsigned int maxPhotons) const {
Spectrum result(0.0f);
const BSDF *bsdf = its.shape->getBSDF();
/* The photon map needs to be balanced before executing searches */
/* Search for photons contained within a spherical region */
Float distSquared = searchRadius*searchRadius;
search_result *results = static_cast(alloca((maxPhotons+1) * sizeof(search_result)));
unsigned int resultCount = nnSearch(its.p, distSquared, maxPhotons, results);
/* Avoid very noisy estimates */
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(resultCount < m_minPhotons))
return Spectrum(0.0f);
/* Sum over all contributions */
for (unsigned int i=0; if(BSDFQueryRecord(its, wi)) * weight);
/* Based on the assumption that the surface is locally flat,
the estimate is divided by the area of a disc corresponding to
the projected spherical search region */
return result * (m_scale * 3 * INV_PI / distSquared);
int PhotonMap::estimateRadianceRaw(const Intersection &its,
Float searchRadius, Spectrum &result, int maxDepth) const {
result = Spectrum(0.0f);
const BSDF *bsdf = its.shape->getBSDF();
/* The photon map needs to be balanced before executing searches */
const float pos[3] = { (float) its.p.x, (float) its.p.y, (float) its.p.z };
size_t stack[MAX_PHOTONMAP_DEPTH];
unsigned int index = 1, stackPos = 1, resultCount = 0;
float distSquared = (float) searchRadius*searchRadius;
stack[0] = 0;
while (index > 0) {
const_photon_ptr photon = &m_photons[index];
/* Recurse on inner nodes */
if (isInnerNode(index)) {
float distToPlane = pos[photon->axis] - photon->pos[photon->axis];
/* Does the search region overlap with both split half-spaces? */
bool searchBoth = (distToPlane*distToPlane <= distSquared);
if (distToPlane > 0) {
/* The search query is located on the right side of the split.
Search this side first. */
if (hasRightChild(index)) {
if (searchBoth)
stack[stackPos++] = leftChild(index);
index = rightChild(index);
} else if (searchBoth) {
index = leftChild(index);
} else {
index = stack[--stackPos];
} else {
/* The search query is located on the left side of the split.
Search this side first. */
if (searchBoth && hasRightChild(index))
stack[stackPos++] = rightChild(index);
index = leftChild(index);
} else {
index = stack[--stackPos];
/* Check if the current photon is within the query's search radius */
const float photonDistSquared = photon->distSquared(pos);
if (photonDistSquared < distSquared) {
Normal photonNormal(photon->getNormal());
Vector wiWorld = -photon->getDirection();
if (photon->getDepth() > maxDepth || dot(photonNormal, its.shFrame.n) < .1
|| dot(photonNormal, wiWorld) < 1e-2)
Vector wiLocal = its.toLocal(wiWorld);
BSDFQueryRecord bRec(its, wiLocal);
bRec.quantity = EImportance;
std::swap(bRec.wi, bRec.wo);
Spectrum weight(1.0f);
/* Account for non-symmetry due to shading normals */
result += photon->getPower() * bsdf->f(bRec) *
std::abs(Frame::cosTheta(wiLocal) / dot(photonNormal, wiWorld));
return resultCount;
Spectrum PhotonMap::estimateVolumeRadiance(const MediumSamplingRecord &mRec, const Ray &ray,
Float searchRadius, unsigned int maxPhotons, const Medium *medium) const {
Spectrum result(0.0f);
/* The photon map needs to be balanced before executing searches */
/* Search for photons contained within a spherical region */
Float distSquared = searchRadius*searchRadius;
search_result *results = static_cast(alloca((maxPhotons+1) * sizeof(search_result)));
unsigned int resultCount = nnSearch(ray.o, distSquared, maxPhotons, results);
/* Avoid very noisy estimates */
if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(resultCount < m_minPhotons))
return Spectrum(0.0f);
const PhaseFunction *phase = medium->getPhaseFunction();
Vector wo = -ray.d;
/* Sum over all contributions */
for (unsigned int i=0; if(mRec, photon.getDirection(), wo));
const Float volFactor = (4/(Float) 3) * (Float) M_PI *
distSquared * std::sqrt(distSquared);
return result * (m_scale / volFactor);
void PhotonMap::setScale(Float value) {
m_scale = value;
void PhotonMap::setMinPhotons(int minPhotons) {
m_minPhotons = minPhotons;
void PhotonMap::dumpOBJ(const std::string &filename) {
std::ofstream os(filename.c_str());
os << "o Photons" << endl;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=getPhotonCount(); i++) {
Point p = getPhotonPosition(i);
os << "v " << p.x << " " << p.y << " " << p.z << endl;
/// Need to generate some fake geometry so that blender will import the points
for (unsigned int i=3; i<=getPhotonCount(); i++)
os << "f " << i << " " << i-1 << " " << i-2 << endl;
MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(PhotonMap, false, Object)