AddServerDialog 0 0 313 238 Add a compute server Please specify the details of this connection : Host : hostName Connection type : directConnection Direct true SSH Port : port 7554 Username : userName false localuser Mitsuba directory : installDir false ~/mitsuba Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok hostName directConnection sshConnection port userName installDir buttons buttons accepted() AddServerDialog accept() 227 214 157 237 buttons rejected() AddServerDialog reject() 295 220 286 237 hostName textChanged(QString) AddServerDialog validate() 199 47 5 72 sshConnection clicked() AddServerDialog validate() 231 74 105 104 directConnection clicked() AddServerDialog validate() 178 76 121 140 port textChanged(QString) AddServerDialog validate() 187 106 121 114 userName textChanged(QString) AddServerDialog validate() 187 142 49 157 installDir textEdited(QString) AddServerDialog validate() 199 179 74 191 validate()