\section{Acknowledgments} The architecture of Mitsuba as well as some individual components are based on implementations discussed in: \emph{Physically Based Rendering - From Theory To Implementation} by Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys. The architecture of the coherent path tracer traversal code was influenced by Radius from Thierry Berger-Perrin. Many thanks go to my advisor Steve Marschner, who let me spend time on this project. Some of the GUI icons were taken from the Humanity icon set by Canonical Ltd. Mitsuba makes heavy use of the following amazing libraries and tools: \begin{itemize} \item Qt 4 by Nokia \item OpenEXR by Industrial Light \& Magic \item Xerces-C+\!+ by the Apache Foundation \item The Boost C+\!+ class library \item GLEW by Milan Ikits, Marcelo E. Magallon and Lev Povalahev \item Mersenne Twister by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura \item COLLADA DOM by Sony Computer Entertainment \item libjpeg by the Independent JPEG Group \item libpng by Guy Eric Schalnat, Andreas Dilger, Glenn Randers-Pehrson and \mbox{others} \item BWToolkit by Brandon Walkin \item POSIX Threads for Win32 by Ross Johnson \item The SCons build system by the SCons Foundation \end{itemize}