\section{Scene file format} Mitsuba uses a very simple and general XML-based format to represent scenes. Since the framework's philosophy is to represent discrete blocks of functionality as plugins, a scene file can essentially be interpreted as description that determines which plugins should be instantiated and how they should interface with each other. In the following, we'll look at a few examples to get a feeling for the scope of the format. An simple scene with a single mesh and the default lighting and camera setup might look something like this: \begin{xml} \end{xml} The scene version attribute denotes the release of Mitsuba that was used to create the scene. This information allows Mitsuba to always correctly process the file irregardless of any potential future changes in the scene description language. This example already contains the most important things to know about format: you can have \emph{objects} (such as the objects instantiated by the \code{scene} or \code{shape} tags), which are allowed to be nested within each other. Each object optionally accepts \emph{properties} (such as the \code{string} tag), which further characterize its behavior. All objects except for the root object (the \code{scene}) cause the renderer to search and load a plugin from disk, hence you must provide the plugin name using \code{type=".."} parameter. The object tags also let the renderer know \emph{what kind} of object is to be instantiated: for instance, any plugin loaded using the \code{shape} tag must conform to the \emph{Shape} interface, which is certainly the case for the plugin named \code{obj} (it contains a WaveFront OBJ loader). Similarly, you could write \begin{xml} \end{xml} This loads a different plugin (\code{sphere}) which is still a \emph{Shape}, but instead represents a sphere configured with a radius of 10 world-space units. Mitsuba ships with a large number of plugins; please refer to the next chapter for a detailed overview of them. The most common scene setup is to declare an integrator, some geometry, a camera, a film, a sampler and one or more luminaires. Here is a more complex example: \begin{xml} \end{xml} \newpage This example introduces several new object types (\code{integrator, camera, bsdf, sampler, film}, and \code{luminaire}) and property types (\code{integer}, \code{transform}, and \code{rgb}). As you can see in the example, objects are usually declared at the top level except if there is some inherent relation that links them to another object. For instance, BSDFs are usually specific to a certain geometric object, so they appear as a child object of a shape. Similarly, the sampler and film affect the way in which rays are generated from the camera and how it records the resulting radiance samples, hence they are nested inside it. \subsection{Property types} This section documents all of the ways in which properties can be supplied to objects. If you are more interested in knowing which properties a certain plugin accepts, you should look at the next section instead. \subsubsection{Numbers} Integer and floating point values can be passed as follows: \begin{xml} \end{xml} Note that you must adhere to the format expected by the object, i.e. you can't pass an integer property to an object, which expects a floating-point value associated with that name. \subsubsection{Strings} Passing strings is very straightforward: \begin{xml} \end{xml} \subsubsection{Color spectra} There are several different ways of passing color spectra to objects, which can be used interchangeably. The most basic one is to supply linear RGB or sRGB values as floating-point triplets or hex values \begin{xml} \end{xml} When Mitsuba is compiled with the default settings, it internally uses linear RGB to represent colors, so these values are directly used. The renderer can also be configured to sample the color spectrum using a specified number of samples, in which case the RGB values are first converted into spectra using a simple heuristic. You can also directly supply the spectral color samples that Mitsuba internally uses if spectral rendering is active. This unfortunately closely couples the interpretation of a scene to how Mitsuba is compiled, which can be a disadvantage. For instance, the below example assumes that 6 spectral samples in the 400-700nm range are being used: \begin{xml} \end{xml} A safer way is to specify a linearly interpolated spectral power distribution, which is converted into the internal spectral representation when the scene is loaded. \begin{xml} \end{xml} This is essentially a mapping from wavelength in nanometers (before the colon) to a reflectance or intensity value (after the colon). Missing values are linearly interpolated from the two closest neighbors. When spectral power distributions are obtained from measurements (e.g. at 10nm intervals), they are usually quite unwiedy and can clutter the scene description. For this reason, there is yet another way to pass a spectrum by loading it from an external file: \begin{xml} \end{xml} The file should contain a single measurement per line, with the corresponding wavelength in nanometers and the measured value separated by a space. Comments are allowed. Here is an example: \begin{xml} # This file contains a measured spectral power distribution 406.13 0.703313 413.88 0.744563 422.03 0.791625 430.62 0.822125 435.09 0.834000 ... \end{xml} Passing a single value to \texttt{spectrum} will result in a a completely flat spectral power distribution: \begin{xml} \end{xml} Finally, it is also possible to specify the spectral distribution of a black body emitter, where the temperature is given in Kelvin. \begin{xml} \end{xml} Note that attaching a black body spectrum to the \texttt{intensity} property of a luminaire introduces physical units into the rendering process of Mitsuba, which is ordinarily a unitless system\footnote{This means that the units of pixel values in a rendering are completely dependent on the units of the user input, including the unit of world-space distance and the units of the light source emission profile.}. Specifically, the black body spectrum has units of power ($W$) per unit area ($m^{-2}$) per steradian ($sr^{-1}$) per unit wavelength ($nm^{-1}$). Assuming that the scene is modeled in units of meters, the spectral power distribution of pixels rendered by a perspective camera will then have the exact same units (i.e. $W\cdot m^{-2}\cdot sr^{-1} \cdot nm^{-1}$). If these units are inconsistent with your scene, you may use the optional \texttt{multiplier} attribute: \begin{xml} \end{xml} \subsubsection{Vectors, Positions} Points and vectors can be specified as follows: \begin{xml} \end{xml} It is important that whatever you choose as world-space units (meters, inches, etc.) is used consistently in all places. \subsubsection{Transformations} Transformations are the only kind of property that require more than a single tag. The idea is that, starting with the identity, one can build up a transformation using a sequence of commands. For instance, a transformation that does a translation followed by a rotation might be written like this: \begin{xml} \end{xml} Mathematically, each incremental transformation in the sequence is left-multiplied onto the current one. The following choices are available: \begin{itemize} \item Translations, e.g. \begin{xml} \end{xml} \item Rotations around a specified direction. The angle is given in degrees, e.g. \begin{xml} \end{xml} \item Scaling operations. The coefficients may also be negative to obtain a flip, e.g. \begin{xml} \end{xml} \item Explicit 4$\times$4 matrices, e.g \begin{xml} \end{xml} \item LookAt transformations --- this is useful for setting up the camera. The \textbf{o} coordinates provide the camera origin, \textbf{t} specifies the target and \textbf{u} is the ``up'' direction. \begin{xml} \end{xml} \end{itemize} Cordinates that are zero (for \code{translate} and \code{rotate}) or one (for \code{scale}) do not explicitly have to be specified. \newpage \subsection{Instancing} Quite often, you will find yourself using an object (such as a material) in many places. To avoid having to declare it over and over again, which wastes memory, you can make use of references. Here is an example of how this works: \begin{xml} \end{xml} By providing a unique \texttt{id} attribute in the object declaration, the object is bound to that identifier upon instantiation. Referencing this identifier at a later point (using the \texttt{} tag) will add the instance to the parent object, with no further memory allocation taking place. Note that some plugins expect their child objects to be named\footnote{For instance, material plugins such as \pluginref{diffuse} require that nested texture instances explicitly specify the parameter to which they want to bind (e.g. ``\texttt{reflectance}'').}. For this reason, a name can also be associated with the reference. Note that while this feature is meant to efficiently handle materials, textures, and participating media that are referenced from multiple places, it cannot be used to instantiate geometry---if this functionality is needed, take a look at the \pluginref{instance} plugin. \subsection{Including external files} A scene can be split into multiple pieces for better readability. to include an external file, please use the following command: \begin{xml} \end{xml} In this case, the file \code{nested-scene.xml} must be a proper scene file with a \code{} tag at the root. This feature is sometimes very convenient in conjunction with the \code{-D key=value} flag of the \code{mitsuba} command line renderer (see the previous section for details). This lets you include different parts of a scene configuration by changing the command line parameters (and without having to touch the XML file): \begin{xml} \end{xml}