# Macros to build the mitsuba targets. They are to be used by the CMake scripts # only, otherwise they don't make any sense at all. include (CMakeParseArguments) include (CMakeDependentOption) include (PCHTargets) # Function to check that the assumed configurations exist function (mts_check_configurations) if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(WARNING "The build type is not set. Set the value of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.") return () endif () if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set (configs ${ARGN}) list (FIND configs ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} idx) if (idx LESS 0) message (AUTHOR_WARNING "Unexpected configuration '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' Check the value of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.") endif () return () endif () set (configs "") foreach (cfg ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) set (configs ${configs} ${cfg}) endforeach () set (myconfigs "") foreach (cfg ${ARGN}) set (myconfigs ${myconfigs} ${cfg}) list (FIND configs ${cfg} idx) if (idx LESS 0) message (AUTHOR_WARNING "The assumed configuration '${cfg}' is not available.") endif () endforeach () foreach (cfg ${configs}) list (FIND myconfigs ${cfg} idx) if (idx LESS 0) message (AUTHOR_WARNING "Unexpected configuration '${cfg}' found.") endif () endforeach () endfunction() # Check the standard configurations mts_check_configurations (Debug Release MinSizeRel RelWithDebInfo) # Option to enable interprocedural optimizations option(MTS_LTCG "Enable interprocedural optimizations on Release targets" ON) mark_as_advanced (MTS_LTCG) # Macro to enable interprocedural optimizations on a target macro (mts_target_ltcg target) if (MTS_LTCG) set_target_properties (${target} PROPERTIES INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION_RELEASE 1 ) endif() endmacro() # Macro to enable parallel compilation on MSVC macro (mts_msvc_mp target) if (MSVC_IDE AND MSVC_VERSION GREATER 1400) set_property (TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " /MP") endif () endmacro() # Option for precompiled headers if (PCH_MSVC OR PCH_GCC) set (MTS_PCH_DEFAULT ON) else () set (MTS_PCH_DEFAULT OFF) endif () CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (MTS_USE_PCH "Use precompiled headers (PCH)." ${MTS_PCH_DEFAULT} "PCH_SUPPORTED" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (MTS_USE_PCH_ALL_PLUGINS "Use PCH for all plugins irrespective of their number of source files." OFF "MTS_USE_PCH" OFF) # Default project-wide header to be precompiled set (MTS_DEFAULT_PCH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/pch/mitsuba_precompiled.hpp") # Function to configure the output path according to the configurations # The output path configure expression, contained in "path_cfgstr" should # have the placeholder @CFGNAME@ for proper substitution function (SET_OUTPATH_CFG target_name property_suffix path_cfgstr) if (CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) foreach (CFGNAME ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) string (TOUPPER ${CFGNAME} cfg_upper) string (CONFIGURE "${path_cfgstr}" outpath @ONLY) set_target_properties (${target_name} PROPERTIES ${property_suffix}_${cfg_upper} "${outpath}") endforeach () else () set (CFGNAME ".") string (CONFIGURE "${path_cfgstr}" outpath @ONLY) set_target_properties (${target_name} PROPERTIES ${property_suffix} "${outpath}") endif () endfunction () # Function to set up the default windows resource file: # target_filename - where to write the configured file # name - base name WITHOUT extension, eg "mitsuba" # extension - file extension including the . ".exe" # description - File description to be presented to users # ICON <iconfile> - icon to be shown for executables function(mts_win_resource target_filename name ext description) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_res "" "ICON" "" ${ARGN}) if (NOT WIN32) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "This is not a Windows build!") elseif(NOT MTS_VERSION) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "The mitsuba version variable is not set") endif() set(RC_FILE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/windows/mitsuba_res.rc.in") #TODO Set up the VS_FF_PRERELEASE and VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD flags adequately string(TOLOWER "${ext}" ext_lower) if(ext_lower STREQUAL ".dll") set(RC_FILETYPE "VFT_DLL") elseif(ext_lower STREQUAL ".exe") set(RC_FILETYPE "VFT_APP") elseif(ext_lower STREQUAL ".lib") set(RC_FILETYPE "VFT_STATIC_LIB") else() message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Unknown windows file type: ${ext_lower}") set(RC_FILETYPE "VFT_UNKNOWN") endif() if(_res_ICON) get_filename_component(_res_dir "${target_filename}" PATH) file(RELATIVE_PATH RC_ICON "${_res_dir}" "${_res_ICON}") else() set(RC_ICON "") endif() set(RC_DESCRIPTION "${description}") if (MTS_HAS_VALID_REV) set(RC_VERSION "${MTS_VERSION}-${MTS_VERSION_BUILD}hg${MTS_REV_ID}") else() set(RC_VERSION "${MTS_VERSION}") endif() set(RC_VERSION_COMMA "${MTS_VERSION_MAJOR},${MTS_VERSION_MINOR},${MTS_VERSION_PATCH},0") set(RC_FILENAME "${name}${ext}") set(RC_NAME "${name}") # MTS_DATE has the format YYYY.MM.DD string(SUBSTRING "${MTS_DATE}" 0 4 RC_YEAR) configure_file("${RC_FILE}" "${target_filename}" ESCAPE_QUOTES @ONLY) endfunction() # Constant with the bundle name for Mitsuba set(MTS_BUNDLE_NAME "Mitsuba.app") set(MTS_BUNDLE_RESOURCES "${MTS_BUNDLE_NAME}/Contents/Resources") # Flag to use either simple or traditional Unix paths (e.g. share/mitsuba/...) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(MTS_SIMPLE_PATHS "Use a simple, Windows-like dir structure instead of the typical Unix one." ON "NOT WIN32; NOT APPLE" OFF) # Constant with the destination for the Python bindings if (WIN32 OR MTS_SIMPLE_PATHS) set(MTS_PYTHON_DEST "python") elseif (APPLE) set(MTS_PYTHON_DEST "${MTS_BUNDLE_NAME}/python") else() set(MTS_PYTHON_DEST "share/mitsuba/python") endif() # Constant with the destination for the core libraries if (WIN32 OR MTS_SIMPLE_PATHS) set(MTS_LIB_DEST ".") elseif (APPLE) set(MTS_LIB_DEST "${MTS_BUNDLE_NAME}/Contents/Frameworks") else () set(MTS_LIB_DEST "lib") endif () # Macro to add a build target for a mitsuba core library. # # Usage: # # add_mts_corelib (name source1 [source2 ...] # [LINK_LIBRARIES external_lib1 ...] ) # # The plugin name is taken from the first argument. Additional libraries # (for example, libpng) may be specified after the optionl LINK_LIBRARIES # keyword. # # Each time this macro adds a target, it adds a new element to the # variable "MTS_CORELIBS", which will contain all the generated core libs # macro (add_mts_corelib _corelib_name) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_corelib "" "" "LINK_LIBRARIES" ${ARGN}) set (_corelib_srcs ${_corelib_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) set(MTS_CORELIBS ${MTS_CORELIBS} ${_corelib_name} PARENT_SCOPE) if (WIN32) set(_corelib_res "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_corelib_name}_res.rc") set(_corelib_description "Mitsuba core library: ${_corelib_name}") mts_win_resource("${_corelib_res}" "lib${_corelib_name}" ".dll" "${_corelib_description}") list(APPEND _corelib_srcs "${_corelib_res}") endif() if (MTS_USE_PCH) pch_add_library (${_corelib_name} SHARED PCH_HEADER "${MTS_DEFAULT_PCH}" ${_corelib_srcs}) else () add_library (${_corelib_name} SHARED ${_corelib_srcs}) endif () target_link_libraries (${_corelib_name} ${_corelib_LINK_LIBRARIES}) if (WIN32) set_target_properties (${_corelib_name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "lib" VERSION "${MTS_VERSION}") endif() if (WIN32) set (_corelib_property_suffix "RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY") else () set (_corelib_property_suffix "LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY") endif () SET_OUTPATH_CFG (${_corelib_name} ${_corelib_property_suffix} "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/binaries/@CFGNAME@/${MTS_LIB_DEST}" ) mts_target_ltcg (${_corelib_name}) mts_msvc_mp (${_corelib_name}) install(TARGETS ${_corelib_name} RUNTIME DESTINATION "${MTS_LIB_DEST}" COMPONENT Runtime LIBRARY DESTINATION "${MTS_LIB_DEST}" COMPONENT Runtime ARCHIVE DESTINATION "sdk/lib" COMPONENT Developer ) endmacro() # Constant with the destination for the plugins if (WIN32 OR MTS_SIMPLE_PATHS) set(MTS_PLUGIN_DEST "plugins") elseif (APPLE) set(MTS_PLUGIN_DEST "${MTS_BUNDLE_NAME}/plugins") else() set(MTS_PLUGIN_DEST "share/mitsuba/plugins") endif() # Macro to add a build target for a mitsuba plugin (based on the OIIO one). # # Usage: # # add_mts_plugin (name source1 [source2 ...] # [LINK_LIBRARIES external_lib1 ...] # [MTS_HW] [MTS_BIDIR] # [NO_MTS_PCH] # [TYPE plugin_type] ) # # The plugin name is taken from the first argument and the # source is automatically linked against mitsuba libraries. Additional # libraries (for example, libpng) may be specified after the optional # LINK_LIBRARIES keyword. NO_MTS_PCH makes the target not to use the # default mitsuba precompiled header (on supported platforms). # # By default the plugins are linked against mitsuba-core and mitsuba-render. # When MTS_HW is set, the plugin will be linked against with mitsuba-hw. When # MTS_BIDIR is specified, the plugin will also be linked against mitsuba-bidir. # # The plugin type (i.e. camera, bsdf, luminaire) may be specified # after the TYPE keyword. Currently doing this modifies the IDE project name # in order to have a nicer organization. # macro (add_mts_plugin _plugin_name) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_plugin "MTS_HW;MTS_BIDIR;NO_MTS_PCH" "TYPE" "LINK_LIBRARIES" ${ARGN}) set (_plugin_srcs ${_plugin_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if (WIN32) set(_plugin_res "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_plugin_name}_res.rc") if (_plugin_TYPE) set(_plugin_description "Mitsuba ${_plugin_TYPE} plugin: ${_plugin_name}") else() set(_plugin_description "Mitsuba plugin: ${_plugin_name}") endif() mts_win_resource("${_plugin_res}" "${_plugin_name}" ".dll" "${_plugin_description}") list(APPEND _plugin_srcs "${_plugin_res}") endif() # Use the PCH only with the plugins with 2 or more source files set(_plugin_cxx_count "0") foreach(_src ${_plugin_srcs}) if(_src MATCHES ".+\\.[cC][^.]*$") math(EXPR _plugin_cxx_count "${_plugin_cxx_count} + 1") endif() endforeach() if (NOT _plugin_NO_MTS_PCH AND MTS_USE_PCH AND (MTS_USE_PCH_ALL_PLUGINS OR _plugin_cxx_count GREATER 1)) pch_add_library (${_plugin_name} MODULE PCH_HEADER "${MTS_DEFAULT_PCH}" ${_plugin_srcs}) else () add_library (${_plugin_name} MODULE ${_plugin_srcs}) endif () set(_plugin_core_libraries "mitsuba-core" "mitsuba-render") if (_plugin_MTS_HW) list(APPEND _plugin_core_libraries "mitsuba-hw") endif() if (_plugin_MTS_BIDIR) list(APPEND _plugin_core_libraries "mitsuba-bidir") endif() target_link_libraries (${_plugin_name} ${_plugin_core_libraries} ${_plugin_LINK_LIBRARIES}) set_target_properties (${_plugin_name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") if (APPLE) set_target_properties (${_plugin_name} PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".dylib") endif () if (WIN32) set_target_properties (${_plugin_name} PROPERTIES VERSION "${MTS_VERSION}") endif() set (_plugin_FOLDER "plugins") if (_plugin_TYPE) if (CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") set (_plugin_FOLDER "plugins/${_plugin_TYPE}") else() set_target_properties (${_plugin_name} PROPERTIES PROJECT_LABEL "${_plugin_TYPE}-${_plugin_name}") endif() endif() set_target_properties (${_plugin_name} PROPERTIES FOLDER ${_plugin_FOLDER}) unset (_plugin_FOLDER) SET_OUTPATH_CFG (${_plugin_name} LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/binaries/@CFGNAME@/${MTS_PLUGIN_DEST}" ) mts_target_ltcg (${_plugin_name}) mts_msvc_mp (${_plugin_name}) install(TARGETS ${_plugin_name} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${MTS_PLUGIN_DEST} COMPONENT Runtime LIBRARY DESTINATION ${MTS_PLUGIN_DEST} COMPONENT Runtime) endmacro () # Constant with the executables destination if (WIN32 OR MTS_SIMPLE_PATHS) set (MTS_EXE_DEST ".") elseif (APPLE) set (MTS_EXE_DEST "${MTS_BUNDLE_NAME}/Contents/MacOS") else() set (MTS_EXE_DEST "bin") endif() # Macro to add a build target for a mitsuba application. # # Usage: # # add_mts_exe (name [WIN32] source1 [source2 ...] # [LINK_LIBRARIES external_lib1 ...] # [RES_ICON filename] # [RES_DESCRIPTION "Description string"] # [NO_INSTALL] # [MTS_HW] [MTS_BIDIR] # [NO_MTS_PCH | PCH pch_header] ) # # The executable name is taken from the first argument. The target gets # automatically linked against mitusba's core libraries, as defined # in the "MTS_CORELIBS" variable Additional libraries # (for example, libpng) may be specified after the optionl LINK_LIBRARIES # keyword. # # By default the executables are linked against mitsuba-core and mitsuba-render. # When MTS_HW is set, the executable will be linked against with mitsuba-hw. # When MTS_BIDIR is specified, the executable will also be linked against # mitsuba-bidir. # # The optional keyword WIN32, if presents, gets passed to add_executable(...) # to produce a Windows executable using winmain, thus it won't have a # console. The NO_INSTALL keyword causes the target not to be installed. # NO_MTS_PCH makes the target not to use the default mitsuba precompiled header # (on supported platforms). PCH specifies a custom precompiler header to use # which is more suitable for the application. # # The optional RES_ICON parameter specified an icon to be bundled into the # executable. This only works on Windows builds. The optional RES_DESCRIPTION # parameters sets a specific executable description to be used in the Windows # builds; other platforms simply ignore this value as with RES_ICON. # macro (add_mts_exe _exe_name) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_exe "WIN32;NO_INSTALL;MTS_HW;MTS_BIDIR;NO_MTS_PCH" "PCH;RES_ICON;RES_DESCRIPTION" "LINK_LIBRARIES" ${ARGN}) set (_exe_srcs ${_exe_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if (_exe_WIN32) set(_exe_TYPE WIN32) endif() if (WIN32) set(_exe_res "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_exe_name}_res.rc") set(_exe_res_args "${_exe_res}" "${_exe_name}" ".exe") if (_exe_RES_DESCRIPTION) set(_exe_description "${_exe_RES_DESCRIPTION}") else() set(_exe_description "Mitsuba application: ${_exe_name}") endif() list(APPEND _exe_res_args "${_exe_description}") if (_exe_RES_ICON) list(APPEND _exe_res_args "ICON" "${_exe_RES_ICON}") endif() mts_win_resource(${_exe_res_args}) list(APPEND _exe_srcs "${_exe_res}") endif() if (MTS_USE_PCH AND (NOT _exe_NO_MTS_PCH OR _exe_PCH)) set (_exe_pch_header "${MTS_DEFAULT_PCH}") if (_exe_PCH) set (_exe_pch_header "${_exe_PCH}") if (_exe_NO_MTS_PCH) message (AUTHOR_WARNING "'NO_MTS_PCH' ignored due to 'PCH ${_exe_PCH}'.") endif () endif () pch_add_executable (${_exe_name} ${_exe_TYPE} PCH_HEADER "${_exe_pch_header}" ${_exe_srcs}) else () add_executable (${_exe_name} ${_exe_TYPE} ${_exe_srcs}) endif () set(_exe_core_libraries "mitsuba-core" "mitsuba-render") if (_exe_MTS_HW) list(APPEND _exe_core_libraries "mitsuba-hw") endif() if (_exe_MTS_BIDIR) list(APPEND _exe_core_libraries "mitsuba-bidir") endif() target_link_libraries (${_exe_name} ${_exe_core_libraries} ${_exe_LINK_LIBRARIES}) if (WIN32) set_target_properties (${_exe_name} PROPERTIES VERSION "${MTS_VERSION}") endif() set_target_properties (${_exe_name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "apps") SET_OUTPATH_CFG (${_exe_name} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/binaries/@CFGNAME@/${MTS_EXE_DEST}" ) mts_target_ltcg (${_exe_name}) mts_msvc_mp (${_exe_name}) if (NOT _exe_NO_INSTALL) install(TARGETS ${_exe_name} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${MTS_EXE_DEST} COMPONENT Runtime) endif() endmacro() # Constant with the headers destination if (WIN32 OR MTS_SIMPLE_PATHS) set (MTS_HEADER_DEST "sdk/include") elseif (APPLE) set (MTS_HEADER_DEST "${MTS_BUNDLE_NAME}/Headers") else() set (MTS_HEADER_DEST "include") endif() # Macro to install header files. The FOLDER option specifies a subdirectory # on which the given headers will be installed. Usage: # mts_install_headers(header1 header2 ... [FOLDER subdir]) macro (mts_install_headers) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_hdrs "" "FOLDER" "" ${ARGN}) set (_hdrs_files ${_hdrs_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if (NOT _hdrs_FOLDER) set (_hdrs_FOLDER ".") endif () install (FILES ${_hdrs_files} PERMISSIONS "OWNER_READ" "GROUP_READ" "WORLD_READ" DESTINATION "${MTS_HEADER_DEST}/${_hdrs_FOLDER}" COMPONENT Developer) endmacro () # Function to get a list of paths contained in variables which match the regex # "LIBRAR(Y|IES)$". This is intended to be used with the FIXUP_BUNDLE macro. # Example usage: # mts_library_paths (paths) # message (${paths}) function (mts_library_paths outvar_name) set (library_paths "") get_cmake_property (variables VARIABLES) foreach (var ${variables}) if (var MATCHES "LIBRAR(Y|IES)$") foreach (path ${${var}}) get_filename_component (libpath "${path}" PATH) if (libpath AND EXISTS "${libpath}") get_filename_component (libpath "${libpath}" REALPATH) set (library_paths ${library_paths} ${libpath}) endif () endforeach () endif () endforeach () list (REMOVE_DUPLICATES library_paths) # Try to add the "bin" directories that might exist as well set (bin_paths "") if (WIN32) foreach (libpath ${library_paths}) if (EXISTS "${libpath}/../bin") get_filename_component (binpath "${libpath}/../bin" REALPATH) set (bin_paths ${bin_paths} ${binpath}) endif () if (EXISTS "${libpath}/bin") get_filename_component (binpath "${libpath}/bin" REALPATH) set (bin_paths ${bin_paths} ${binpath}) endif () endforeach () endif () list (REMOVE_DUPLICATES bin_paths) set (${outvar_name} ${bin_paths} ${library_paths} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction ()