\newpage \subsection{Reconstruction filters} \label{sec:rfilters} Image reconstruction filters are responsible for converting a series of radiance samples generated jointly by the \emph{sampler} and \emph{integrator} into the final output image that will be written to disk at the end of a rendering process. This section gives a brief overview of the reconstruction filters that are available in Mitsuba. There is no universally superior filter, and the final choice depends on a trade-off between sharpness, ringing, and aliasing, and computational efficiency. Desireable properties of a reconstruction filter are that it sharply captures all of the details that are displayable at the requested image resolution, while avoiding aliasing and ringing. Aliasing is the incorrect leakage of high-frequency into low-frequency detail, and ringing denotes oscillation artifacts near discontinuities, such as a light-shadow transiton. \begin{description} \item[Box filter (\code{box}):] the fastest, but also about the worst possible reconstruction filter, since it is extremely prone to aliasing. It is included mainly for completeness, though some rare situations may warrant its use. \item[Tent filter (\code{tent}):] Simple tent, or triangle filter. This reconstruction filter never suffers from ringing and usually causes less aliasing than a naive box filter. When rendering scenes with sharp brightness discontinuities, this may be useful; otherwise, negative-lobed filters will be preferable (e.g. Mitchell-Netravali or Lanczos Sinc) \item[Gaussian filter (\code{gaussian}):] this is a windowed Gaussian filter with configurable standard deviation. It produces pleasing results and never suffers from ringing, but may occasionally introduce too much blurring. When no reconstruction filter is explicitly requested, this is the default choice in Mitsuba. \item[Mitchell-Netravali filter (\code{mitchell}):] Separable cubic spline reconstruction filter by Mitchell and Netravali \cite{Mitchell:1988:Reconstruction} This is often a good compromise between sharpness and ringing. The plugin has two \code{float}-valued parameters named \texttt{B} and \texttt{C} that correspond to the two parameters in the original research paper. By default, these are set to the recommended value of $1/3$, but can be tweaked if desired. \item[Catmull-Rom filter (\code{catmullrom}):] This is a special version of the Mitchell-Netravali filter that has the constants \texttt{B} and \texttt{C} adjusted to produce higher sharpness at the cost of increased susceptibility to ringing. \item[Lanczos Sinc filter (\code{lanczos}):] This is a windowed version of the theoretically optimal low-pass filter. It is generally one of the best available filters in terms of producing sharp high-quality output. Its main disadvantage is that it produces strong ringing around discontinuities, which can become a serious problem when rendering bright objects with sharp edges (for instance, a directly visible light source will have black fringing artifacts around it). This is also the computationally slowest reconstruction filter. This plugin has an \code{integer}-valued parameter named \code{lobes}, that sets the desired number of filter side-lobes. The higher, the closer the filter will approximate an optimal low-pass filter, but this also increases the susceptibility to ringing. Values of 2 or 3 are common (3 is the default). \end{description} The next section contains a series of comparisons between reconstruction filters. In the first case, a very high-resolution input image (corresponding to a hypothetical radiance field incident at the camera) is reconstructed at low resolutions. \newpage \subsubsection{Reconstruction filter comparison 1: frequency attenuation and aliasing} \vspace{-2mm} Here, a high frequency function is reconstructed at low resolutions. A good filter (e.g. Lanczos Sinc) will capture all oscillations that are representable at the desired resolution and attenuate the remainder to a uniform gray. The filters are ordered by their approximate level of success at this benchmark. \renderings{ \subfloat[A high resolution input image whose frequency decreases towards the borders. If you are looking at this on a computer, you may have to zoom in.]{\fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.43\textwidth]{images/rfilter_sines_input}}} \hfill } \vspace{-4mm} \renderings{ \medrendering{Box filter}{rfilter_sines_box} \medrendering{Tent filter}{rfilter_sines_tent} \medrendering{Gaussian filter}{rfilter_sines_gaussian} } \vspace{-4mm} \renderings{ \setcounter{subfigure}{3} \medrendering{Mitchell-Netravali filter}{rfilter_sines_mitchell} \medrendering{Catmull-Rom filter}{rfilter_sines_catmullrom} \medrendering{Lanczos Sinc filter}{rfilter_sines_lanczos} } \newpage \subsubsection{Reconstruction filter comparison 2: ringing} This comparison showcases the ringing artifacts that can occur when the rendered image contains extreme and discontinuous brightness transitions. The Mitchell-Netravali, Catmull-Rom, and Lanczos Sinc filters are affected by this problem. Note the black fringing around the light source in the cropped Cornell box renderings below. \renderings{ \rendering{Box filter}{rfilter_cbox_box} \rendering{Tent filter}{rfilter_cbox_tent} } \vspace{-4mm} \renderings{ \setcounter{subfigure}{2} \rendering{Gaussian filter}{rfilter_cbox_gaussian} \rendering{Mitchell-Netravali filter}{rfilter_cbox_mitchell} } \vspace{-4mm} \renderings{ \setcounter{subfigure}{4} \rendering{Catmull-Rom filter}{rfilter_cbox_catmullrom} \rendering{Lanczos Sinc filter}{rfilter_cbox_lanczos} } \subsubsection{Specifying a reconstruction filter} To specify a reconstruction filter, it must be instantiated inside the sensor's film. Below is an example: \begin{xml} <scene version=$\MtsVer$> <!-- ... scene contents ... --> <sensor type="... sensor type ..."> <!-- ... sensor parameters ... --> <film type="... film type ..."> <!-- ... film parameters ... --> <!-- Instantiate a Lanczos Sinc filter with two lobes --> <rfilter type="lanczos"> <integer name="lobes" value="2"/> </rfilter> </film> </sensor> </scene> \end{xml}