# data from www.luxpop.com database
# ;  Optical constants for MgO
# ; 
# ;   taken from:
# ;
# ;   'Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids II', Ed. by Edward D. Palik,
# ;   Academic Press, Inc., 1991.
# ;   
# ;    Lambda (A)            n            k
# ;-----------------------------------------
309.950012 1.798000
330.613007 1.785000
351.118988 1.776800
355.549011 1.775500
360.932007 1.773200
361.141998 1.773180
364.968994 1.771860
382.065002 1.766800
386.712006 1.765500
393.337982 1.763800
404.634003 1.761040
430.935028 1.755700
435.781982 1.754710
457.829010 1.751200
477.949036 1.748300
486.004974 1.747110
487.918030 1.746900
499.919006 1.745400
502.350006 1.745300
508.531982 1.744460
514.440002 1.743900
546.166992 1.740770
589.258972 1.737370
632.874023 1.734600
643.718018 1.734000
656.325989 1.733350
667.635986 1.732770
690.695984 1.731910
706.439026 1.731010
767.677979 1.728720