/* This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system. Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Wenzel Jakob and others. Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include MTS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /*!\plugin{ward}{Anisotropic Ward BRDF} * \order{13} * \parameters{ * \parameter{variant}{\String}{ * Determines the variant of the Ward model to use: * \begin{enumerate}[(i)] * \item \code{ward}: The original model by Ward \cite{Ward1992Measuring} * --- suffers from energy loss at grazing angles. * \item \code{ward-duer}: Corrected Ward model with lower energy loss * at grazing angles \cite{Dur2006Improved}. * Does not always conserve energy. * \item \code{balanced}: Improved version of the \code{ward-duer} * model with energy balance at all angles \cite{Geisler2010New}. * \vspace{-4mm} * \end{enumerate} * } * \parameter{alphaU, alphaV}{\Float\Or\Texture}{ * Specifies the anisotropic roughness values along the tangent and * bitangent directions. * \default{0.1}. * } * \parameter{specular\showbreak Reflectance}{\Spectrum\Or\Texture}{ * Specifies the weight of the specular reflectance component.\default{0.2}} * \parameter{diffuse\showbreak Reflectance}{\Spectrum\Or\Texture}{ * Specifies the weight of the diffuse reflectance component\default{0.5}} * } * \renderings{ * \rendering{$\alpha_u=0.1,\ \alpha_v=0.3$}{bsdf_ward_01_03} * \rendering{$\alpha_u=0.3,\ \alpha_v=0.1$}{bsdf_ward_03_01} * } * This plugin implements the anisotropic Ward reflectance model and * several extensions. They are described in the papers * \begin{enumerate}[(i)] * \item ``Measuring and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection'' * by Greg Ward \cite{Ward1992Measuring} * \item ``Notes on the Ward BRDF'' by Bruce Walter \cite{Walter2005Notes} * \item ``An Improved Normalization for the Ward Reflectance Model'' * by Arne D\"ur \cite{Dur2006Improved} * \item ``A New Ward BRDF Model with Bounded Albedo'' by * Geisler-Moroder et al. \cite{Geisler2010New} * \end{enumerate} * * Like the Phong BRDF, the Ward model does not take the Fresnel reflectance * of the material into account. In an experimental study by Ngan et al. * \cite{Ngan2005Experimental}, the Ward model performed noticeably worse than * models based on microfacets. * * For this reason, it is usually preferable to switch to a microfacet model * that incorporates knowledge about the material's index of refraction. In Mitsuba, * two such alternatives to \pluginref{ward} are given by the plugins * \pluginref{roughconductor} and \pluginref{roughplastic} (depending on the * material type). * * When using this plugin, note that the diffuse and specular reflectance * components should add up to a value less than or equal to one (for each * color channel). Otherwise, they will automatically be scaled appropriately * to ensure energy conservation. */ class Ward : public BSDF { public: /// Supported model types enum EModelVariant { /// The original Ward model EWard = 0, /// Ward model with correction by Arne Duer EWardDuer = 1, /// Energy-balanced Ward model EBalanced = 2 }; Ward(const Properties &props) : BSDF(props) { m_diffuseReflectance = new ConstantSpectrumTexture( props.getSpectrum("diffuseReflectance", Spectrum(0.5f))); m_specularReflectance = new ConstantSpectrumTexture( props.getSpectrum("specularReflectance", Spectrum(0.2f))); std::string type = boost::to_lower_copy(props.getString("variant", "balanced")); if (type == "ward") m_modelVariant = EWard; else if (type == "ward-duer") m_modelVariant = EWardDuer; else if (type == "balanced") m_modelVariant = EBalanced; else Log(EError, "Specified an invalid model type \"%s\", must be " "\"ward\", \"ward-duer\", or \"balanced\"!", type.c_str()); Float alpha = props.getFloat("alpha", 0.1f), alphaU = props.getFloat("alphaU", alpha), alphaV = props.getFloat("alphaV", alpha); m_alphaU = new ConstantFloatTexture(alphaU); if (alphaU == alphaV) m_alphaV = m_alphaU; else m_alphaV = new ConstantFloatTexture(alphaV); m_specularSamplingWeight = 0.0f; } Ward(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) : BSDF(stream, manager) { m_modelVariant = (EModelVariant) stream->readUInt(); m_diffuseReflectance = static_cast(manager->getInstance(stream)); m_specularReflectance = static_cast(manager->getInstance(stream)); m_alphaU = static_cast(manager->getInstance(stream)); m_alphaV = static_cast(manager->getInstance(stream)); configure(); } void configure() { unsigned int extraFlags = 0; if (m_alphaU != m_alphaV) extraFlags |= EAnisotropic; m_components.clear(); m_components.push_back(EGlossyReflection | EFrontSide | extraFlags | ((!m_specularReflectance->isConstant() || !m_alphaU->isConstant() || !m_alphaV->isConstant()) ? ESpatiallyVarying : 0)); m_components.push_back(EDiffuseReflection | EFrontSide | extraFlags | (m_diffuseReflectance->isConstant() ? 0 : ESpatiallyVarying)); /* Verify the input parameters and fix them if necessary */ std::pair result = ensureEnergyConservation( m_specularReflectance, m_diffuseReflectance, "specularReflectance", "diffuseReflectance", 1.0f); m_specularReflectance = result.first; m_diffuseReflectance = result.second; /* Compute weights that steer samples towards the specular or diffuse components */ Float dAvg = m_diffuseReflectance->getAverage().getLuminance(), sAvg = m_specularReflectance->getAverage().getLuminance(); m_specularSamplingWeight = sAvg / (dAvg + sAvg); m_usesRayDifferentials = m_diffuseReflectance->usesRayDifferentials() || m_specularReflectance->usesRayDifferentials() || m_alphaU->usesRayDifferentials() || m_alphaV->usesRayDifferentials(); BSDF::configure(); } Spectrum getDiffuseReflectance(const Intersection &its) const { return m_diffuseReflectance->getValue(its); } Spectrum eval(const BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, EMeasure measure) const { if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi) <= 0 || Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) <= 0 || measure != ESolidAngle) return Spectrum(0.0f); bool hasSpecular = (bRec.typeMask & EGlossyReflection) && (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0); bool hasDiffuse = (bRec.typeMask & EDiffuseReflection) && (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1); Spectrum result(0.0f); if (hasSpecular) { Vector H = bRec.wi+bRec.wo; Float alphaU = m_alphaU->getValue(bRec.its).average(); Float alphaV = m_alphaV->getValue(bRec.its).average(); Float factor1 = 0.0f; switch (m_modelVariant) { case EWard: factor1 = 1.0f / (4.0f * M_PI * alphaU * alphaV * std::sqrt(Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi)*Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo))); break; case EWardDuer: factor1 = 1.0f / (4.0f * M_PI * alphaU * alphaV * Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi)*Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo)); break; case EBalanced: factor1 = dot(H,H) / (M_PI * alphaU * alphaV * std::pow(Frame::cosTheta(H),4)); break; default: Log(EError, "Unknown model type!"); } Float factor2 = H.x / alphaU, factor3 = H.y / alphaV; Float exponent = -(factor2*factor2+factor3*factor3)/(H.z*H.z); Float specRef = factor1 * std::fastexp(exponent); /* Important to prevent numeric issues when evaluating the sampling density of the Ward model in places where it takes on miniscule values (Veach-MLT does this for instance) */ if (specRef > 1e-10f) result += m_specularReflectance->getValue(bRec.its) * specRef; } if (hasDiffuse) result += m_diffuseReflectance->getValue(bRec.its) * INV_PI; return result * Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo); } Float pdf(const BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, EMeasure measure) const { if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi) <= 0 || Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) <= 0 || measure != ESolidAngle) return 0.0f; bool hasSpecular = (bRec.typeMask & EGlossyReflection) && (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0); bool hasDiffuse = (bRec.typeMask & EDiffuseReflection) && (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1); Float diffuseProb = 0.0f, specProb = 0.0f; if (hasSpecular) { Float alphaU = m_alphaU->getValue(bRec.its).average(); Float alphaV = m_alphaV->getValue(bRec.its).average(); Vector H = normalize(bRec.wi+bRec.wo); Float factor1 = 1.0f / (4.0f * M_PI * alphaU * alphaV * dot(H, bRec.wi) * std::pow(Frame::cosTheta(H), 3)); Float factor2 = H.x / alphaU, factor3 = H.y / alphaV; Float exponent = -(factor2*factor2+factor3*factor3)/(H.z*H.z); specProb = factor1 * std::fastexp(exponent); } if (hasDiffuse) diffuseProb = Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) * INV_PI; if (hasDiffuse && hasSpecular) return m_specularSamplingWeight * specProb + (1-m_specularSamplingWeight) * diffuseProb; else if (hasDiffuse) return diffuseProb; else if (hasSpecular) return specProb; else return 0.0f; } inline Spectrum sample(BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, Float &_pdf, const Point2 &_sample) const { Point2 sample(_sample); bool hasSpecular = (bRec.typeMask & EGlossyReflection) && (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0); bool hasDiffuse = (bRec.typeMask & EDiffuseReflection) && (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1); if (!hasSpecular && !hasDiffuse) return Spectrum(0.0f); bool choseSpecular = hasSpecular; if (hasDiffuse && hasSpecular) { if (sample.x <= m_specularSamplingWeight) { sample.x /= m_specularSamplingWeight; } else { sample.x = (sample.x - m_specularSamplingWeight) / (1-m_specularSamplingWeight); choseSpecular = false; } } if (choseSpecular) { Float alphaU = m_alphaU->getValue(bRec.its).average(); Float alphaV = m_alphaV->getValue(bRec.its).average(); Float phiH = std::atan(alphaV/alphaU * std::tan(2.0f * M_PI * sample.y)); if (sample.y > 0.5f) phiH += M_PI; Float cosPhiH = std::cos(phiH); Float sinPhiH = std::sqrt(std::max((Float) 0.0f, 1.0f-cosPhiH*cosPhiH)); Float thetaH = std::atan(std::sqrt(std::max((Float) 0.0f, -std::fastlog(sample.x) / ( (cosPhiH*cosPhiH) / (alphaU*alphaU) + (sinPhiH*sinPhiH) / (alphaV*alphaV) )))); Vector H = sphericalDirection(thetaH, phiH); bRec.wo = H * (2.0f * dot(bRec.wi, H)) - bRec.wi; bRec.sampledComponent = 1; bRec.sampledType = EGlossyReflection; if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) <= 0.0f) return Spectrum(0.0f); } else { bRec.wo = squareToHemispherePSA(sample); bRec.sampledComponent = 0; bRec.sampledType = EDiffuseReflection; } _pdf = pdf(bRec, ESolidAngle); if (_pdf == 0) return Spectrum(0.0f); else return eval(bRec, ESolidAngle) / _pdf; } Spectrum sample(BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, const Point2 &sample) const { Float pdf; return Ward::sample(bRec, pdf, sample); } void addChild(const std::string &name, ConfigurableObject *child) { if (child->getClass()->derivesFrom(MTS_CLASS(Texture))) { if (name == "alphaU") m_alphaU = static_cast(child); else if (name == "alphaV") m_alphaV = static_cast(child); else if (name == "diffuseReflectance") m_diffuseReflectance = static_cast(child); else if (name == "specularReflectance") m_specularReflectance = static_cast(child); else BSDF::addChild(name, child); } else { BSDF::addChild(name, child); } } void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const { BSDF::serialize(stream, manager); stream->writeUInt(m_modelVariant); manager->serialize(stream, m_diffuseReflectance.get()); manager->serialize(stream, m_specularReflectance.get()); manager->serialize(stream, m_alphaU.get()); manager->serialize(stream, m_alphaV.get()); } Shader *createShader(Renderer *renderer) const; std::string toString() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Ward[" << endl << " name = \"" << getName() << "\"," << endl << " variant = "; switch (m_modelVariant) { case EWard: oss << "ward," << endl; break; case EWardDuer: oss << "wardDuer," << endl; break; case EBalanced: oss << "balanced," << endl; break; default: Log(EError, "Unknown model type!"); } oss << " diffuseReflectance = " << indent(m_diffuseReflectance->toString()) << "," << endl << " specularReflectance = " << indent(m_specularReflectance->toString()) << "," << endl << " specularSamplingWeight = " << m_specularSamplingWeight << "," << endl << " alphaU = " << indent(m_alphaU->toString()) << "," << endl << " alphaV = " << indent(m_alphaV->toString()) << endl << "]"; return oss.str(); } MTS_DECLARE_CLASS() private: EModelVariant m_modelVariant; ref m_diffuseReflectance; ref m_specularReflectance; ref m_alphaU; ref m_alphaV; Float m_specularSamplingWeight; }; // ================ Hardware shader implementation ================ /** * GLSL port of the Ward shader. This version only implements the variant * with energy balance. When the roughness is lower than * \alpha < 0.2, the shader clamps it to 0.2 so that it will still perform * reasonably well in a VPL-based preview. */ class WardShader : public Shader { public: WardShader(Renderer *renderer, const Texture *diffuseColor, const Texture *specularColor, const Texture *alphaU, const Texture *alphaV) : Shader(renderer, EBSDFShader), m_diffuseReflectance(diffuseColor), m_specularReflectance(specularColor), m_alphaU(alphaU), m_alphaV(alphaV) { m_diffuseReflectanceShader = renderer->registerShaderForResource(m_diffuseReflectance.get()); m_specularReflectanceShader = renderer->registerShaderForResource(m_specularReflectance.get()); m_alphaUShader = renderer->registerShaderForResource(m_alphaU.get()); m_alphaVShader = renderer->registerShaderForResource(m_alphaV.get()); } bool isComplete() const { return m_diffuseReflectanceShader.get() != NULL && m_specularReflectanceShader.get() != NULL && m_alphaU.get() != NULL && m_alphaV.get() != NULL; } void putDependencies(std::vector &deps) { deps.push_back(m_diffuseReflectanceShader.get()); deps.push_back(m_specularReflectanceShader.get()); deps.push_back(m_alphaUShader.get()); deps.push_back(m_alphaVShader.get()); } void cleanup(Renderer *renderer) { renderer->unregisterShaderForResource(m_diffuseReflectance.get()); renderer->unregisterShaderForResource(m_specularReflectance.get()); renderer->unregisterShaderForResource(m_alphaU.get()); renderer->unregisterShaderForResource(m_alphaV.get()); } void generateCode(std::ostringstream &oss, const std::string &evalName, const std::vector &depNames) const { oss << "vec3 " << evalName << "(vec2 uv, vec3 wi, vec3 wo) {" << endl << " if (wi.z <= 0.0 || wo.z <= 0.0)" << endl << " return vec3(0.0);" << endl << " vec3 H = wi + wo;" << endl << " float cosSqr = H.z * H.z;" << endl << " float alphaU = max(0.3, " << depNames[2] << "(uv)[0]);" << endl << " float alphaV = max(0.3, " << depNames[3] << "(uv)[0]);" << endl << " float factor1 = dot(H, H)/(3.1415*alphaU*alphaV*cosSqr*cosSqr);" << endl << " float factor2 = H.x / alphaU, factor3 = H.y / alphaV;" << endl << " float exponent = -(factor2*factor2 + factor3*factor3)/(H.z*H.z);" << endl << " float specRef = factor1 * exp(exponent);" << endl << " return (" << depNames[0] << "(uv) * inv_pi" << endl << " + " << depNames[1] << "(uv) * specRef) * cosTheta(wo);" << endl << "}" << endl << "vec3 " << evalName << "_diffuse(vec2 uv, vec3 wi, vec3 wo) {" << endl << " if (wi.z <= 0.0 || wo.z <= 0.0)" << endl << " return vec3(0.0);" << endl << " return " << depNames[0] << "(uv) * (inv_pi * cosTheta(wo));" << endl << "}" << endl; } MTS_DECLARE_CLASS() private: ref m_diffuseReflectance; ref m_specularReflectance; ref m_alphaU; ref m_alphaV; ref m_diffuseReflectanceShader; ref m_specularReflectanceShader; ref m_alphaUShader; ref m_alphaVShader; }; Shader *Ward::createShader(Renderer *renderer) const { return new WardShader(renderer, m_diffuseReflectance.get(), m_specularReflectance.get(), m_alphaU.get(), m_alphaV.get()); } MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS(WardShader, false, Shader) MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(Ward, false, BSDF); MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(Ward, "Anisotropic Ward BRDF"); MTS_NAMESPACE_END