BUILDDIR = '#build/release' DISTDIR = '#dist' CXX = 'cl' CC = 'cl' # /Ox=optimize for speed, global optimizations, intrinsic functions, favor fast code, frame pointer omission # /EHsc=C++ exceptions, /fp:fast=Enable reasonable FP optimizations, /GS-=No buffer security checks, /GL=whole program optimizations # To include debug information add '/Z7' to CXXFLAGS and '/DEBUG' to LINKFLAGS CXXFLAGS = ['/nologo', '/Ox', '/fp:fast', '/arch:SSE2' ,'/D', 'WIN32', '/W3', '/EHsc', '/GS-', '/GL', '/MD', '/D', 'MTS_DEBUG', '/D', 'SINGLE_PRECISION', '/D', 'SPECTRUM_SAMPLES=3', '/D', 'MTS_SSE', '/D', 'MTS_HAS_COHERENT_RT', '/D', '_CONSOLE', '/D', 'NDEBUG', '/openmp'] SHCXXFLAGS = CXXFLAGS TARGET_ARCH = 'x86' MSVC_VERSION = '10.0' LINKFLAGS = ['/nologo', '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE', '/MACHINE:X86', '/FIXED:NO', '/OPT:REF', '/OPT:ICF', '/LTCG', '/NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT', '/MANIFEST'] BASEINCLUDE = ['#include', '#dependencies/windows/include'] BASELIB = ['pthreadVCE2', 'msvcrt', 'ws2_32'] OEXRINCLUDE = ['#dependencies/windows/include/OpenEXR'] OEXRFLAGS = ['/D', 'OPENEXR_DLL'] OEXRLIB = ['IlmImf', 'IlmThread', 'zlib1', 'Half'] BOOSTINCLUDE = ['#dependencies'] BOOSTLIB = ['boost_system-vc100-mt-1_44', 'boost_filesystem-vc100-mt-1_44'] COLLADAINCLUDE = ['#dependencies/windows/include/colladadom', '#dependencies/windows/include/colladadom/1.4'] COLLADALIB = ['libcollada14dom23'] XERCESLIB = ['xerces-c_3'] PNGLIB = ['libpng13'] JPEGLIB = ['jpeg62'] GLLIB = ['opengl32', 'glu32', 'glew32mx', 'gdi32', 'user32'] GLFLAGS = ['/D', 'GLEW_MX'] BASELIBDIR = ['#dependencies/windows/lib32', '#dependencies/windows/lib32/vc100'] SHLIBPREFIX = 'lib' SHLIBSUFFIX = '.dll' PROGSUFFIX = '.exe'