\section{Python integration} \label{sec:python} A recent feature of Mitsuba is a simple Python interface to the renderer API. While the interface is still limited at this point, it can already be used for many useful purposes. To access the API, start your Python interpreter and enter \begin{python} import mitsuba \end{python} For this to work on MacOS X, you will first have to run the ``\emph{Apple Menu}$\to$\emph{Command-line access}'' menu item from within Mitsuba. On Windows and non-packaged Linux builds, you may have to update the extension search path before issuing the \code{import} command, e.g.: \begin{python} import sys # Update the extension search path # (may vary depending on your setup) sys.path.append('dist/python') import mitsuba \end{python} For an overview of the currently exposed API subset, please refer to the following page: \url{http://www.mitsuba-renderer.org/api/group__libpython.html}. \subsection{Basics} Generally, the Python API tries to mimic the C++ API as closely as possible. Where applicable, the Python classes and methods replicate overloaded operators, overridable virtual function calls, and default arguments. Under rare circumstances, some features are inherently non-portable due to fundamental differences between the two programming languages. In this case, the API documentation will contain further information. Mitsuba's linear algebra-related classes are usable with essentially the same syntax as their C++ versions --- for example, the following snippet creates and rotates a unit vector. \begin{python} import mitsuba from mitsuba.core import * # Create a normalized direction vector myVector = normalize(Vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) # 90 deg. rotation around the Y axis trafo = Transform.rotate(Vector(0, 1, 0), 90) # Apply the rotation and display the result print(trafo * myVector) \end{python} \subsection{Recipes} The following section contains a series of ``recipes'' on how to do certain things with the help of the Python bindings. \subsubsection{Loading a scene} The following script demonstrates how to use the \code{FileResolver} and \code{SceneHandler} classes to load a Mitsuba scene from an XML file: \begin{python} import mitsuba from mitsuba.core import * from mitsuba.render import SceneHandler # Get a reference to the thread's file resolver fileResolver = Thread.getThread().getFileResolver() # Add the search path needed to load plugins fileResolver.addPath('') # Add the search path needed to load scene resources fileResolver.addPath('') # Optional: supply parameters that can be accessed # by the scene (e.g. as $\text{\color{lstcomment}\itshape\texttt{\$}}$myParameter) paramMap = StringMap() paramMap['myParameter'] = 'value' # Load the scene from an XML file scene = SceneHandler.loadScene(fileResolver, paramMap) # Display a textual summary of the scene's contents print(scene) \end{python} \subsubsection{Rendering a loaded scene} Once a scene has been loaded, it can be rendered as follows: \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * from mitsuba.render import RenderQueue, RenderJob import multiprocessing scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance() # Start up the scheduling system with one worker per local core for i in range(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()): scheduler.registerWorker(LocalWorker('wrk%i' % i)) scheduler.start() # Create a queue for tracking render jobs queue = RenderQueue() scene.setDestinationFile('renderedResult') # Create a render job and insert it into the queue job = RenderJob('myRenderJob', scene, queue) job.start() # Wait for all jobs to finish and release resources queue.waitLeft(0) queue.join() # Print some statistics about the rendering process print(Statistics.getInstance().getStats()) \end{python} \subsubsection{Rendering over the network} To render over the network, you must first set up one or more machines that run the \code{mtssrv} server (see \secref{mtssrv}). A network node can then be registered with the scheduler as follows: \begin{python} # Connect to a socket on a named host or IP address # 7554 is the default port of 'mtssrv' stream = SocketStream('', 7554) # Create a remote worker instance that communicates over the stream remoteWorker = RemoteWorker('netWorker', stream) scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance() # Register the remote worker (and any other potential workers) scheduler.registerWorker(remoteWorker) scheduler.start() \end{python} \subsubsection{Constructing custom scenes from Python} Dynamically constructing Mitsuba scenes entails loading a series of external plugins, instantiating them with custom parameters, and finally assembling them into an object graph. For instance, the following snippet shows how to create a basic perspective camera with a film that writes PNG images: \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * pmgr = PluginManager.getInstance() # Encodes parameters on how to instantiate the 'perspective' plugin cameraProps = Properties('perspective') cameraProps['toWorld'] = Transform.lookAt( Point(0, 0, -10), # Camera origin Point(0, 0, 0), # Camera target Vector(0, 1, 0) # 'up' vector ) cameraProps['fov'] = 45.0 # Encodes parameters on how to instantiate the 'pngfilm' plugin filmProps = Properties('pngfilm') filmProps['width'] = 1920 filmProps['height'] = 1080 # Load and instantiate the plugins camera = pmgr.createObject(cameraProps) film = pmgr.createObject(filmProps) # First configure the film and then add it to the camera film.configure() camera.addChild('film', film) # Now, the camera can be configured camera.configure() \end{python} The above code fragment uses the plugin manager to construct a \code{Camera} instance from an external plugin named \texttt{perspective.so/dll/dylib} and adds a child object named \texttt{film}, which is a \texttt{Film} instance loaded from the plugin \texttt{pngfilm.so/dll/dylib}. Each time after instantiating a plugin, all child objects are added, and finally the plugin's \code{configure()} method must be called. Creating scenes in this manner ends up being rather laborious. Since Python comes with a powerful dynamically-typed dictionary primitive, Mitsuba additionally provides a more ``pythonic'' alternative that makes use of this facility: \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * pmgr = PluginManager.getInstance() camera = pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'perspective', 'toWorld' : Transform.lookAt( Point(0, 0, -10), Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0) ), 'film' : { 'type' : 'pngfilm', 'width' : 1920, 'height' : 1080 } }) \end{python} This code does exactly the same as the previous snippet. By the time \code{PluginManager.create} returns, the object hierarchy has already been assembled, and the \code{configure()} method of every object has been called. Finally, here is an full example that creates a basic scene which can be rendered. It describes a sphere lit by a point light, rendered using the direct illumination integrator. \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * from mitsuba.render import Scene scene = Scene() # Create a camera, film & sample generator scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'perspective', 'toWorld' : Transform.lookAt( Point(0, 0, -10), Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0) ), 'film' : { 'type' : 'pngfilm', 'width' : 1920, 'height' : 1080 }, 'sampler' : { 'type' : 'ldsampler', 'sampleCount' : 2 } })) # Set the integrator scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'direct' })) # Add a light source scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'point', 'position' : Point(5, 0, -10), 'intensity' : Spectrum(100) })) # Add a shape scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'sphere', 'center' : Point(0, 0, 0), 'radius' : 1.0, 'bsdf' : { 'type' : 'diffuse', 'reflectance' : Spectrum(0.4) } })) \end{python} \subsubsection{Taking control of the logging system} Many operations in Mitsuba will print one or more log messages during their execution. By default, they will be printed to the console, which may be undesirable. Similar to the C++ side, it is possible to define custom \code{Formatter} and \code{Appender} classes to interpret and direct the flow of these messages. Roughly, a \code{Formatter} turns detailed information about a logging event into a human-readable string, and a \code{Appender} routes it to some destination (e.g. by appending it to a file or a log viewer in a graphical user interface). Here is an example of how to activate such extensions: \begin{python} import mitsuba from mitsuba.core import * class MyFormatter(Formatter): def format(self, logLevel, sourceClass, sourceThread, message, filename, line): return '%s (log level: %s, thread: %s, class %s, file %s, line %i)' % \ (message, str(logLevel), sourceThread.getName(), sourceClass, filename, line) class MyAppender(Appender): def append(self, logLevel, message): print(message) def logProgress(self, progress, name, formatted, eta): print('Progress message: ' + formatted) # Get the logger associated with the current thread logger = Thread.getThread().getLogger() logger.setFormatter(MyFormatter()) logger.clearAppenders() logger.addAppender(MyAppender()) logger.setLogLevel(EDebug) Log(EInfo, 'Test message') \end{python}