\subsection{Surface scattering models} Surface scattering models describe the manner in which light is reflected by surfaces in the scene, which is fundamentally related to the perceptual material appearance of an object. To achieve realistic results, Mitsuba comes with a library of both general-purpose models (smooth or rough glass, metal, plastic, etc.) and specializations to particular materials (woven cloth, masks, etc.). Throughout the documentation and within the scene description language, the word \emph{BSDF} is used synonymously with the term ``surface scattering model''. This is an abbreviation for \emph{Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function}, a more precise technical description of the model's properties. In Mitsuba, BSDFs are assigned to \emph{shapes}, which describe the visible surfaces in the scene. In the scene description language, this assignment can either be performed by nesting BSDFs within shapes, or they can be named and then later referenced by their name. The following fragment shows an example of both kinds of usages: \begin{xml} \end{xml} It is generally more economical to use named BSDFs when they are used in several places, since this reduces Mitsuba's internal memory usage.