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 *  $Id: XMLRecognizer.hpp 555320 2007-07-11 16:05:13Z amassari $


#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>


 *  This class provides some simple code to recognize the encodings of
 *  XML files. This recognition only does very basic sensing of the encoding
 *  in a broad sense. Basically its just enough to let us get started and
 *  read the XMLDecl line. The scanner, once it reads the XMLDecl, will
 *  tell the reader any actual encoding string it found and the reader can
 *  update itself to be more specific at that point.
public :
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Class types
    //  This enum represents the various encoding families that we have to
    //  deal with individually at the scanner level. This does not indicate
    //  the exact encoding, just the rough family that would let us scan
    //  the XML/TextDecl to find the encoding string.
    //  The 'L's and 'B's stand for little or big endian. 
    //  OtherEncoding means that its some transcoder based encoding, i.e. not
    //  one of the ones that we do internally. Its a special case and should
    //  never be used directly outside of the reader.
    //  NOTE: Keep this in sync with the name map array in the Cpp file!!
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    enum Encodings
        EBCDIC          = 0
        , UCS_4B        = 1
        , UCS_4L        = 2
        , US_ASCII      = 3
        , UTF_8         = 4
        , UTF_16B       = 5
        , UTF_16L       = 6
        , XERCES_XMLCH  = 7

        , Encodings_Count
        , Encodings_Min = EBCDIC
        , Encodings_Max = XERCES_XMLCH

        , OtherEncoding = 999

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Public, const static data
    //  These are the byte sequences for each of the encodings that we can
    //  auto sense, and their lengths.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    static const char           fgASCIIPre[];
    static const XMLSize_t      fgASCIIPreLen;
    static const XMLByte        fgEBCDICPre[];
    static const XMLSize_t      fgEBCDICPreLen;
    static const XMLByte        fgUTF16BPre[];
    static const XMLByte        fgUTF16LPre[];
    static const XMLSize_t      fgUTF16PreLen;
    static const XMLByte        fgUCS4BPre[];
    static const XMLByte        fgUCS4LPre[];
    static const XMLSize_t      fgUCS4PreLen;
    static const char           fgUTF8BOM[];
    static const XMLSize_t      fgUTF8BOMLen;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Encoding recognition methods
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    static Encodings basicEncodingProbe
        const   XMLByte* const      rawBuffer
        , const XMLSize_t           rawByteCount

    static Encodings encodingForName
        const   XMLCh* const    theEncName

    static const XMLCh* nameForEncoding(const Encodings theEncoding
        , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);

protected :
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Unimplemented constructors, operators, and destructor
    //  This class is effectively being used as a namespace for some static
    //  methods.
    //   (these functions are protected rather than private only to get rid of
    //    some annoying compiler warnings.)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    XMLRecognizer(const XMLRecognizer&);    
    XMLRecognizer& operator=(const XMLRecognizer&);

