<!-- This file defines a series of BSDF instances to be tested for consistency. This is done using the testcase 'test_chisquare' --> <scene> <!-- Test the rough dielectric model with the anisotropic Ashikhmin-Shirley microfacet distribution --> <bsdf type="roughdielectric"> <string name="distribution" value="as"/> <float name="alphaU" value=".1"/> <float name="alphaV" value=".3"/> <float name="intIOR" value="1.5"/> <float name="extIOR" value="1.0"/> </bsdf> <!-- Test the dielectric model --> <bsdf type="dielectric"> <string name="intIOR" value="water"/> <string name="extIOR" value="air"/> </bsdf> <!-- Test the diffuse model --> <bsdf type="diffuse"/> <!-- Test the diffuse transmission model --> <bsdf type="difftrans"/> <!-- Test a simple mixture between diffuse transmittance and reflectance --> <bsdf type="mixture"> <string name="weights" value=".5 .3"/> <bsdf type="diffuse"> <rgb name="reflectance" value=".5 0 0"/> </bsdf> <bsdf type="difftrans"> <rgb name="transmittance" value="0 .5 0"/> </bsdf> </bsdf> <!-- Test the conductor model --> <bsdf type="conductor"/> <!-- Test the rough glass model with the Beckmann microfacet distribution --> <bsdf type="roughdielectric"> <string name="distribution" value="beckmann"/> <float name="alpha" value=".3"/> <float name="intIOR" value="1.5"/> <float name="extIOR" value="1.0"/> </bsdf> <!-- Test the rough glass model with the Phong microfacet distribution --> <bsdf type="roughdielectric"> <string name="distribution" value="phong"/> <float name="alpha" value=".3"/> <float name="intIOR" value="1.5"/> <float name="extIOR" value="1.0"/> </bsdf> <!-- Test the rough glass model with the GGX microfacet distribution --> <bsdf type="roughdielectric"> <string name="distribution" value="ggx"/> <float name="alpha" value=".3"/> <float name="intIOR" value="1.5"/> <float name="extIOR" value="1.0"/> </bsdf> <!-- Test the rough dielectric model with the anisotropic Ashikhmin-Shirley microfacet distribution --> <bsdf type="roughdielectric"> <string name="distribution" value="as"/> <float name="alphaU" value=".1"/> <float name="alphaV" value=".3"/> <float name="intIOR" value="1.5"/> <float name="extIOR" value="1.0"/> </bsdf> </scene>