/* This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system. Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Wenzel Jakob and others. Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include MTS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN SparseMipmap3D::SparseMipmap3D(const AABB &aabb, size_t size, const float *data, Float maxError, Float offset) : m_aabb(aabb), m_size(size) { Assert(isPowerOfTwo(m_size)); m_levels = 1 + log2i(m_size); m_aabbSum = m_aabb.min + m_aabb.max; float **pyramid = new float*[m_levels]; // Stored efficiently due to a partial template specialization std::vector *bitPyramid = new std::vector[m_levels]; Log(EDebug, "Pass 1: Building a dense %ix%ix%i mipmap", size, size, size); ref timer = new Timer(); size_t nEntries = size*size*size; pyramid[0] = new float[nEntries]; bitPyramid[0].resize(nEntries); pyramid[0] = const_cast(data); for (size_t i=0; i> level, res2 = res << 1, slab = res*res, slab2 = slab << 2; float *children = pyramid[level-1], *currentLevel; pyramid[level] = currentLevel = new float[res*res*res]; std::vector &used = bitPyramid[level]; used.resize(res*res*res); for (size_t z2=0, z=0; zgetMilliseconds()); timer->reset(); Log(EDebug, "Pass 2: Compressing ..."); size_t innerCount = 0, leafCount = 0, discardedCount = 0; for (size_t level=0; level> level, halfRes = res >> 1, res2 = res << 1, slab = res*res, halfSlab = slab >> 2, slab2 = slab << 2; float *parentLevel = pyramid[level+1]; for (size_t z2=0, z=0; z 0) { const std::vector &childUsed = bitPyramid[level-1]; /* To be able to discard this node, all of its descendants must be unused */ if (childUsed[ z2*slab2 + y2 * res2 + x2 ] || childUsed[ z2*slab2 + y2 * res2 + (x2+1)] || childUsed[ z2*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + x2 ] || childUsed[ z2*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + (x2+1)] || childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + y2 * res2 + x2 ] || childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + y2 * res2 + (x2+1)] || childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + x2 ] || childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + (x2+1)]) { innerCount++; continue; } } /* Test whether discarding this node would produce an excessive relative error */ float parentValue = parentLevel[(z>>1)*halfSlab+(y>>1)*halfRes+(x>>1)]; int support = 1<= maxError) goto stop; /* Argh :) */ } } } stop: if (error >= maxError) { leafCount++; continue; } bitPyramid[level][z*slab+y*res + x] = false; ++discardedCount; } } } } Log(EDebug, "Pass 2: Done. (%i ms)", timer->getMilliseconds()); timer->reset(); Log(EDebug, "Pass 3: Building an octree (%i inner nodes, %i leaf nodes, %i discarded, %i KiB/%i KiB) ...", innerCount, leafCount, discardedCount, (leafCount+innerCount*sizeof(Node)) / 1024, (nEntries * sizeof(float)) / 1024); m_nodes.reserve(innerCount+1); int nodeID = build(m_levels-1, Point3i(0, 0, 0), pyramid, bitPyramid); Assert(nodeID == 0); Log(EDebug, "Pass 3: Done. (%i ms)", timer->getMilliseconds()); for (size_t i=1; ireadUInt(); size_t nodeCount = (size_t) stream->readULong(); m_nodes.resize(nodeCount); for (size_t i=0; ireadIntArray(m_nodes[i].child, 8); m_nodes[i].value = stream->readFloat(); } m_levels = 1 + log2i(m_size); m_aabbSum = m_aabb.min + m_aabb.max; } void SparseMipmap3D::serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const { m_aabb.serialize(stream); stream->writeUInt(m_size); stream->writeULong(m_nodes.size()); for (size_t i=0; iwriteIntArray(m_nodes[i].child, 8); stream->writeFloat(m_nodes[i].value); } } uint32_t SparseMipmap3D::build(int level, const Point3i &p, float **pyramid, std::vector *bitPyramid) { bool leaf = (level == 0); int x2 = p.x << 1, y2 = p.y << 1, z2 = p.z << 1, res = m_size >> level, res2 = res << 1, slab = res*res, slab2 = slab << 2; Assert(p.x < res); Assert(p.y < res); Assert(p.z < res); if (level > 0) { const std::vector &childUsed = bitPyramid[level-1]; if (!childUsed[ z2*slab2 + y2 * res2 + x2 ] && !childUsed[ z2*slab2 + y2 * res2 + (x2+1)] && !childUsed[ z2*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + x2 ] && !childUsed[ z2*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + (x2+1)] && !childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + y2 * res2 + x2 ] && !childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + y2 * res2 + (x2+1)] && !childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + x2 ] && !childUsed[(z2+1)*slab2 + (y2+1) * res2 + (x2+1)]) leaf = true; } float value = pyramid[level][p.z * slab + p.y * res + p.x] ; if (leaf) { union { float floatVal; uint32_t intVal; } tmp; tmp.floatVal = value; /* Sacrifice 1 bit of accuracy to avoid creating an extra node */ return (tmp.intVal >> 1) | 0x80000000; } if (m_nodes.size()+1 > m_nodes.capacity()) Log(EError, "Overflow!"); m_nodes.push_back(Node(value)); int entry = m_nodes.size()-1; Node &node = m_nodes[entry]; for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) node.child[i] = build(level-1, Point3i(x2 + ((i&4)>>2), y2 + ((i&2)>>1), z2 + (i&1)), pyramid, bitPyramid); return entry; } /* Octree traversal algorithm presented in "An Efficient Parametric Algorithm for Octree Traversal" by J. Revelles, C. Urena, M. Lastra */ /* Tables 1 and 2 */ inline int first_node(Float tx0, Float ty0, Float tz0, Float txm, Float tym, Float tzm) { uint8_t result = 0; if (tx0 > ty0 && tx0 > tz0) { if (tym < tx0) result |= 2; if (tzm < tx0) result |= 1; } else if (ty0 > tz0) { if (txm < ty0) result |= 4; if (tzm < ty0) result |= 1; } else { if (txm < tz0) result |= 4; if (tym < tz0) result |= 2; } return result; } /* Table 3 */ inline int new_node(Float t1, int a, Float t2, int b, Float t3, int c) { return ((t1 < t2 && t1 < t3) ? a : (t2 < t3 ? b : c)); } Float SparseMipmap3D::lineIntegral(const Ray &r) const { Float length = r.d.length(); Ray ray(r(r.mint), r.d/length, 0, (r.maxt-r.mint)*length); uint8_t a = 0; if (ray.d.x < 0) { ray.o.x = m_aabbSum.x-ray.o.x; ray.d.x = -ray.d.x; ray.dRcp.x = -ray.dRcp.x; a |= 4; } if (ray.d.y < 0) { ray.o.y = m_aabbSum.y-ray.o.y; ray.d.y = -ray.d.y; ray.dRcp.y = -ray.dRcp.y; a |= 2; } if (ray.d.z < 0) { ray.o.z = m_aabbSum.z-ray.o.z; ray.d.z = -ray.d.z; ray.dRcp.z = -ray.dRcp.z; a |= 1; } Float tx0 = (m_aabb.min.x-ray.o.x)*ray.dRcp.x, ty0 = (m_aabb.min.y-ray.o.y)*ray.dRcp.y, tz0 = (m_aabb.min.z-ray.o.z)*ray.dRcp.z, tx1 = (m_aabb.max.x-ray.o.x)*ray.dRcp.x, ty1 = (m_aabb.max.y-ray.o.y)*ray.dRcp.y, tz1 = (m_aabb.max.z-ray.o.z)*ray.dRcp.z, mint = std::max(std::max(tx0, ty0), tz0), maxt = std::min(ray.maxt, std::min(std::min(tx1, ty1), tz1)); if (mint >= maxt) return 0.0f; const QueryContext ctx(a, maxt); return lineIntegral(0, tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1, ctx); } bool SparseMipmap3D::invertLineIntegral(const Ray &r, Float desiredDensity, Float &accumDensity, Float &samplePos, Float &sampleDensity) const { Float length = r.d.length(); Ray ray(r(r.mint), r.d/length, 0, (r.maxt-r.mint)*length); uint8_t a = 0; if (ray.d.x < 0) { ray.o.x = m_aabbSum.x-ray.o.x; ray.d.x = -ray.d.x; ray.dRcp.x = -ray.dRcp.x; a |= 4; } if (ray.d.y < 0) { ray.o.y = m_aabbSum.y-ray.o.y; ray.d.y = -ray.d.y; ray.dRcp.y = -ray.dRcp.y; a |= 2; } if (ray.d.z < 0) { ray.o.z = m_aabbSum.z-ray.o.z; ray.d.z = -ray.d.z; ray.dRcp.z = -ray.dRcp.z; a |= 1; } Float tx0 = (m_aabb.min.x-ray.o.x)*ray.dRcp.x, ty0 = (m_aabb.min.y-ray.o.y)*ray.dRcp.y, tz0 = (m_aabb.min.z-ray.o.z)*ray.dRcp.z, tx1 = (m_aabb.max.x-ray.o.x)*ray.dRcp.x, ty1 = (m_aabb.max.y-ray.o.y)*ray.dRcp.y, tz1 = (m_aabb.max.z-ray.o.z)*ray.dRcp.z, mint = std::max(std::max(tx0, ty0), tz0), maxt = std::min(ray.maxt, std::min(std::min(tx1, ty1), tz1)); if (mint >= maxt) { accumDensity = 0.0f; return false; } QueryContext ctx(a, maxt); ctx.samplePos = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); ctx.sampleDensity = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); ctx.remaining = desiredDensity; invertLineIntegral(0, tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1, ctx); if (ctx.remaining == 0) { accumDensity = desiredDensity; sampleDensity = ctx.sampleDensity; samplePos = r.mint*length + ctx.samplePos; return true; } else { accumDensity = desiredDensity - ctx.remaining; return false; } } Float SparseMipmap3D::lineIntegral(int32_t idx, Float tx0, Float ty0, Float tz0, Float tx1, Float ty1, Float tz1, const QueryContext &ctx) const { /* Stop if we're outside of the ray bounds */ if (tx1 < 0 || ty1 < 0 || tz1 < 0 || tx0 > ctx.maxt || ty0 > ctx.maxt || tz0 > ctx.maxt) return 0.0f; if (idx < 0) { /* Arrived at a leaf node */ Float overlap = std::min(std::min(std::min(tx1, ty1), tz1), ctx.maxt) - std::max((Float) 0, std::max(std::max(tx0, ty0), tz0)); union { float floatValue; int intValue; } tmp; tmp.intValue = idx << 1; return tmp.floatValue * overlap; } const Node &node = m_nodes[idx]; const Float txm = .5f * (tx0+tx1), tym = .5f * (ty0+ty1), tzm = .5f * (tz0+tz1); unsigned int curChild = first_node(tx0, ty0, tz0, txm, tym, tzm); Float result = 0; do { switch (curChild) { case 0: result += lineIntegral(node.child[ctx.a], tx0, ty0, tz0, txm, tym, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 4, tym, 2, tzm, 1); break; case 1: result += lineIntegral(node.child[1^ctx.a], tx0, ty0, tzm, txm, tym, tz1, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 5, tym, 3, tz1, 8); break; case 2: result += lineIntegral(node.child[2^ctx.a], tx0, tym, tz0, txm, ty1, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 6, ty1, 8, tzm, 3); break; case 3: result += lineIntegral(node.child[3^ctx.a], tx0, tym, tzm, txm, ty1, tz1, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 7, ty1, 8, tz1, 8); break; case 4: result += lineIntegral(node.child[4^ctx.a], txm, ty0, tz0, tx1, tym, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(tx1, 8, tym, 6, tzm, 5); break; case 5: result += lineIntegral(node.child[5^ctx.a], txm, ty0, tzm, tx1, tym, tz1, ctx); curChild = new_node(tx1, 8, tym, 7, tz1, 8); break; case 6: result += lineIntegral(node.child[6^ctx.a], txm, tym, tz0, tx1, ty1, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(tx1, 8, ty1, 8, tzm, 7); break; case 7: result += lineIntegral(node.child[7^ctx.a], txm, tym, tzm, tx1, ty1, tz1, ctx); curChild = 8; break; } } while (curChild < 8); return result; } void SparseMipmap3D::invertLineIntegral(int32_t idx, Float tx0, Float ty0, Float tz0, Float tx1, Float ty1, Float tz1, QueryContext &ctx) const { /* Stop if we're outside of the ray bounds */ if (tx1 < 0 || ty1 < 0 || tz1 < 0 || tx0 > ctx.maxt || ty0 > ctx.maxt || tz0 > ctx.maxt) return; if (idx < 0) { /* Arrived at a leaf node */ Float overlap = std::min(std::min(std::min(tx1, ty1), tz1), ctx.maxt) - std::max((Float) 0, std::max(std::max(tx0, ty0), tz0)); union { float floatValue; int intValue; } tmp; tmp.intValue = idx << 1; const Float dist = ctx.remaining/tmp.floatValue; if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(dist <= overlap)) { ctx.samplePos = std::max(std::max(tx0, ty0), tz0) + dist; ctx.sampleDensity = tmp.floatValue; ctx.remaining = 0; } else { ctx.remaining -= tmp.floatValue * overlap; } return; } const Node &node = m_nodes[idx]; const Float txm = .5f * (tx0+tx1), tym = .5f * (ty0+ty1), tzm = .5f * (tz0+tz1); unsigned int curChild = first_node(tx0, ty0, tz0, txm, tym, tzm); do { switch (curChild) { case 0: invertLineIntegral(node.child[ctx.a], tx0, ty0, tz0, txm, tym, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 4, tym, 2, tzm, 1); break; case 1: invertLineIntegral(node.child[1^ctx.a], tx0, ty0, tzm, txm, tym, tz1, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 5, tym, 3, tz1, 8); break; case 2: invertLineIntegral(node.child[2^ctx.a], tx0, tym, tz0, txm, ty1, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 6, ty1, 8, tzm, 3); break; case 3: invertLineIntegral(node.child[3^ctx.a], tx0, tym, tzm, txm, ty1, tz1, ctx); curChild = new_node(txm, 7, ty1, 8, tz1, 8); break; case 4: invertLineIntegral(node.child[4^ctx.a], txm, ty0, tz0, tx1, tym, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(tx1, 8, tym, 6, tzm, 5); break; case 5: invertLineIntegral(node.child[5^ctx.a], txm, ty0, tzm, tx1, tym, tz1, ctx); curChild = new_node(tx1, 8, tym, 7, tz1, 8); break; case 6: invertLineIntegral(node.child[6^ctx.a], txm, tym, tz0, tx1, ty1, tzm, ctx); curChild = new_node(tx1, 8, ty1, 8, tzm, 7); break; case 7: invertLineIntegral(node.child[7^ctx.a], txm, tym, tzm, tx1, ty1, tz1, ctx); curChild = 8; break; } if (EXPECT_NOT_TAKEN(ctx.remaining == 0)) break; } while (curChild < 8); } std::string SparseMipmap3D::toString() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "SparseMipmap3D[" << endl << " res = " << m_size << "," << endl << " levels = " << m_levels << "," << endl << " aabb = " << m_aabb.toString() << "," << endl << " mem = " << m_nodes.size() * sizeof(Node) / 1024 << " KiB" << endl << "]"; return oss.str(); } MTS_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_S(SparseMipmap3D, false, SerializableObject) MTS_NAMESPACE_END