\section{Basic usage} The rendering functionality of Mitsuba can be accessed through a command line interface and an interactive Qt-based frontend. This section provides some basic instructions on how to use them. \subsection{Interactive frontend} To launch the interactive frontend, run \code{Mitsuba.app} on MacOS, \code{mtsgui.exe} on Windows, and \code{mtsgui} on Linux (after sourcing \code{setpath.sh}). You can also drag and drop scene files onto the application icon or the running program to open them. A quick video tutorial on using the GUI can be found here: \url{http://vimeo.com/13480342}. \subsection{Command line interface} The \texttt{mitsuba} binary is an alternative non-interactive rendering frontend for command-line use and batch job operation. To get a listing of the parameters it supports, run the executable without parameters: \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba \end{shell} \clst{mitsuba-cli} shows the output resulting from this command. The most common mode of operation is to render a single scene, which is provided as a parameter, e.g. \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba path-to/my-scene.xml \end{shell} It is also possible to connect to network render nodes, which essentially lets Mitsuba parallelize over additional cores. To do this, pass a semicolon-separated list of machines to the \code{-c} parameter. \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -c machine1;machine2;... path-to/my-scene.xml \end{shell} There are two different ways in which you can access render nodes: \begin{itemize} \item\textbf{Direct}: Here, you create a direct connection to a running \code{mtssrv} instance on another machine (\code{mtssrv} is the Mitsuba server process). From the the performance standpoint, this approach should always be preferred over the SSH method described below when there is a choice between them. There are some disadvantages though: first, you need to manually start \code{mtssrv} on every machine you want to use. And perhaps more importantly: the direct communication protocol makes no provisions for a malicious user on the remote side. It is too costly to constantly check the communication stream for illegal data sequences, so Mitsuba simply doesn't do it. The consequence of this is that you should only use the direct communication approach within trusted networks. For direct connections, you can specify the remote port as follows: \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -c machine:1234 path-to/my-scene.xml \end{shell} When none is given, Mitsuba assumes that the server uses default port 7554. \item \textbf{SSH}: This approach works as follows: The renderer creates a SSH connection to the remote side, where it launches a Mitsuba worker instance. All subsequent communication then passes through the encrypted link. This is completely secure but slower due to the encryption overhead. If you are rendering a complex scene, there is a good chance that it won't matter much since most time is spent doing computations rather than communicating Such an SSH link can be created simply by using a slightly different syntax: \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -c username@machine path-to/my-scene.xml \end{shell} The above line assumes that the remote home directory contains a Mitsuba source directory (with compiled binaries) named \code{mitsuba}. If that is not the case, you need to provide the path to such a directory manually, e.g: \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -c username@machine:/opt/mitsuba path-to/my-scene.xml \end{shell} For the SSH connection approach to work, you \emph{must} enable passwordless authentication. Try opening a terminal window and running the command \code{ssh username@machine} (replace with the details of your remote connection). If you are asked for a password, something is not set up correctly --- please see \url{http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/152} for instructions. On Windows, the situation is a bit more difficult since there is no suitable SSH client by default. To get SSH connections to work, Mitsuba requires \code{plink.exe} (from PuTTY) to be on the path. For passwordless authentication with a Linux/OSX-based server, convert your private key to PuTTY's format using \code{puttygen.exe}. Afterwards, start \code{pageant.exe} to load and authenticate the key. All of these binaries are available from the PuTTY website, and there is also a copy in the \code{tools/windows/bin} directory in the Mitsuba repository. It is possible to mix the two approaches to access some machines directly and others over SSH. \end{itemize} When doing many network-based renders over the command line, it can become tedious to specify the connections every time. They can alternatively be loaded from a text file where each line contains a separate connection description as discussed previously: \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -s servers.txt path-to/my-scene.xml \end{shell} where \code{servers.txt} e.g. contains \begin{console} user1@machine1.domain.org:/opt/mitsuba machine2.domain.org machine3.domain.org:7346 \end{console} \subsubsection{Passing parameters} Any attribute in the scene XML file can be parameterized from the command line. For instance, you can render a scene several times with different reflectance values on a certain material by changing its description to something like \begin{xml} \end{xml} and running Mitsuba as follows: \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -Dreflectance=0.1 -o ref_0.1.exr scene.xml $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -Dreflectance=0.2 -o ref_0.2.exr scene.xml $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -Dreflectance=0.5 -o ref_0.5.exr scene.xml \end{shell} \subsubsection{Writing partial images to disk} When doing lengthy command line renders on Linux or OSX, it is possible to send a signal to the process using \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ killall -HUP mitsuba \end{shell} This causes the renderer to write out the partially finished image, after which it continues rendering. This can sometimes be useful to check if everything is working correctly. \subsubsection{Rendering an animation} The command line interface is ideally suited for rendering large amounts of files in batch operation. You can simply pass in the files using a wildcard in the filename. If you've already rendered a subset of the frames and you only want to complete the remainder, add the \texttt{-x} flag, and all files with existing output will be skipped. You can also let the scheduler work on several scenes at once using the \texttt{-j} parameter --- this is especially useful when you are parallelizing over multiple machines: as some of the participating cores finish rendering the current frame, they can immediately start working on the next one instead of having to wait for all other cores to finish. Altogether, you might start the renderer something like this \begin{shell} $\texttt{\$}$ mitsuba -xj 2 -c machine1;machine2;... animation/frame_*.xml \end{shell} \begin{console}[label=lst:mitsuba-cli,caption=Command line options of the \texttt{mitsuba} binary] Mitsuba version 0.1.1, Copyright (c) 2010 Wenzel Jakob Usage: mitsuba [options] Options/Arguments: -h Display this help text -D key=val Define a constant, which can referenced as "$\texttt{\$}$key" in the scene -o fname Write the output image to the file denoted by "fname" -a p1;p2;.. Add one or more entries to the resource search path -p count Override the detected number of processors. Useful for reducing the load or creating scheduling-only nodes in conjunction with the -c and -s parameters, e.g. -p 0 -c host1;host2;host3,... -q Quiet mode - do not print any log messages to stdout -c hosts Network rendering: connect to mtssrv instances over a network. Requires a semicolon-separated list of host names of the form host.domain[:port] for a direct connection or user@host.domain[:path] for a SSH connection (where "path" denotes the place where Mitsuba is checked out -- by default, "~/mitsuba" is used) -s file Connect to additional Mitsuba servers specified in a file with one name per line (same format as in -c) -j count Simultaneously schedule several scenes. Can sometimes accelerate rendering when large amounts of processing power are available (e.g. when running Mitsuba on a cluster. Default: 1) -n name Assign a node name to this instance (Default: host name) -t Test case mode (see Mitsuba docs for more information) -x Skip rendering of files where output already exists -b res Specify the block resolution used to split images into parallel workloads (default: 32). Only applies to some integrators. -v Be more verbose -b Disable progress bars The README file included with the distribution contains further information. \end{console}