# Experimental CMake file for Mitusba # Tested only on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 10.10) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3 FATAL_ERROR) # Internal variable to know whether this is the first time CMake runs if (NOT DEFINED MTS_CMAKE_INIT) set(MTS_CMAKE_INIT ON CACHE INTERNAL "Is this the initial CMake run?") else() set(MTS_CMAKE_INIT OFF CACHE INTERNAL "Is this the initial CMake run?") endif() # Allow to override the default project name "mitsuba" if (NOT DEFINED MTS_PROJECT_NAME) set(MTS_PROJECT_NAME "mitsuba") endif() project(${MTS_PROJECT_NAME}) # Tell cmake where to find the additional modules list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/cmake") # Make sure the cmake-provided modules use the versions they expect if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.8.4") cmake_policy(SET CMP0017 NEW) endif() # Enable folders for projects in Visual Studio if (CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) endif() # Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release by default if (MTS_CMAKE_INIT AND DEFINED CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel." FORCE) endif() # Load the required modules include (MitsubaUtil) include (MtsGetVersionInfo) include (CheckCXXSourceCompiles) include (CMakeDependentOption) # Read the version information MTS_GET_VERSION_INFO() if (MTS_HAS_VALID_REV) message(STATUS "mitsuba ${MTS_VERSION}-hg${MTS_REV_ID} (${MTS_DATE})") else() message(STATUS "mitsuba ${MTS_VERSION} (${MTS_DATE})") endif() # Setup the build options include (MitsubaBuildOptions) # Find the external libraries and setup the paths include (MitsubaExternal) # Main mitsuba include directory include_directories("include") # ===== Prerequisite resources ===== # Process the XML schemas add_subdirectory(data/schema) # Add the IOR database add_subdirectory(data/ior) # Microfacet precomputed data add_subdirectory(data/microfacet) # ===== Build the support libraries ==== # Core support library add_subdirectory(src/libcore) # Rendering-related APIs add_subdirectory(src/librender) # Hardware acceleration add_subdirectory(src/libhw) # Bidirectional support library add_subdirectory(src/libbidir) # Python binding library if (BUILD_PYTHON) add_subdirectory(src/libpython) elseif(NOT PYTHON_FOUND) message(STATUS "Python was not found. The bindings will not be built.") endif() # Additional files to add to main executables if(APPLE) set(MTS_DARWIN_STUB "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/mitsuba/darwin_stub.mm") set(MTS_WINDOWS_STUB "") elseif(WIN32) set(MTS_DARWIN_STUB "") set(MTS_WINDOWS_STUB "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/windows/wmain_stub.cpp") else() set(MTS_DARWIN_STUB "") set(MTS_WINDOWS_STUB "") endif() # ===== Build the applications ===== # Build the command-line binaries add_subdirectory(src/mitsuba) # Build the COLLADA converter if (COLLADA_FOUND) add_subdirectory(src/converter) else() message(STATUS "Collada DOM was not found. The importer will not be built.") endif() # Build the Qt-based GUI binaries if (BUILD_GUI) add_subdirectory(src/mtsgui) elseif(NOT QT4_FOUND) message(STATUS "Qt4 was not found. The mitsuba gui will not be built.") endif() # ===== Build the plugins ===== # Utilities add_subdirectory(src/utils) # Surface scattering models add_subdirectory(src/bsdfs) # Phase functions add_subdirectory(src/phase) # Intersection shapes add_subdirectory(src/shapes) # Sample generators add_subdirectory(src/samplers) # Reconstruction filters add_subdirectory(src/rfilters) # Film implementations add_subdirectory(src/films) # Sensors add_subdirectory(src/sensors) # Emitters add_subdirectory(src/emitters) # Participating media add_subdirectory(src/medium) # Volumetric data sources add_subdirectory(src/volume) # Sub-surface integrators add_subdirectory(src/subsurface) # Texture types add_subdirectory(src/textures) # Integrators add_subdirectory(src/integrators) # Testcases add_subdirectory(src/tests) # ===== Packaging ===== # Use a subdirectory to enforce that packaging runs after all other targets add_subdirectory(data/cmake/packaging)