\section{Python integration} \label{sec:python} A recent feature of Mitsuba is a Python interface to the renderer API. To use this interface, start your Python interpreter and simply enter \begin{python} import mitsuba \end{python} \paragraph{Mac OS:} For this to work on MacOS X, you will first have to run the ``\emph{Apple Menu}$\to$\emph{Command-line access}'' menu item from within Mitsuba. If you compiled Mitsuba yourself, then an alternative way of setting the appropriate environment variables without making changes to the system is by sourcing the \code{setpath.sh} script located in the main Mitsuba directory. \paragraph{Linux:} If you installed one of the official Mitsuba packages for your distribution, then everything should work out of the box. If you compiled Mitsuba yourself, you will need to source the \code{setpath.sh} script located in the main Mitsuba directory before starting Python. \paragraph{Windows} On Windows it is necessary to explicitly specify the required extension search path within Python before issuing the \code{import} command, e.g.: \begin{python} import os, sys # NOTE: remember to specify paths using FORWARD slashes (i.e. '/' instead of # '\' to avoid pitfalls with string escaping) # Configure the search path for the Python extension module sys.path.append('path-to-mitsuba-dist-directory/python/') # Ensure that Python will be able to find the Mitsuba core libraries os.environ['PATH'] = 'path-to-mitsuba-dist-directory' + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] import mitsuba \end{python} If you get an error message ``\code{ImportError: DLL load failed: \%1 is not a valid Win32 application}'', the Python and Mitsuba architectures are mismatched (\code{i386} vs \code{x86\_64}). \subsubsection*{Python API documentation} For an overview of the currently exposed API subset, please refer to the following page: \url{http://www.mitsuba-renderer.org/api/group__libpython.html}. The plugin also exports comprehensive Python-style docstrings, hence the following is an alternative way of getting information on classes, function, or entire namespaces within an interactive Python shell: \begin{shell} >>> help(mitsuba.core.Bitmap) # (can be applied to namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) class Bitmap(Object) | Method resolution order: | Bitmap | Object | Boost.Python.instance | __builtin__.object | | Methods defined here: | __init__(...) | __init__( (object)arg1, (EPixelFormat)arg2, (EComponentFormat)arg3, (Vector2i)arg4) -> None : | C++ signature : | void __init__(_object*,mitsuba::Bitmap::EPixelFormat,mitsuba::Bitmap::EComponentFormat,mitsuba::TVector2) | | __init__( (object)arg1, (EFileFormat)arg2, (Stream)arg3) -> None : | C++ signature : | void __init__(_object*,mitsuba::Bitmap::EFileFormat,mitsuba::Stream*) | | clear(...) | clear( (Bitmap)arg1) -> None : | C++ signature : | void clear(mitsuba::Bitmap {lvalue}) ... \end{shell} The docstrings list the currently exported functionality, as well as C++ and Python signatures, but they don't document what these functions actually do. The web API documentation is the preferred source for this information. \subsection{Basics} Generally, the Python API tries to mimic the C++ API as closely as possible. Where applicable, the Python classes and methods replicate overloaded operators, virtual function calls (which can be overridden in Python), and default arguments. Under rare circumstances, some features are inherently non-portable due to fundamental differences between the two programming languages. In this case, the API documentation will contain further information. Mitsuba's linear algebra-related classes are usable with essentially the same syntax as their C++ versions --- for example, the following snippet creates and rotates a unit vector. \begin{python} import mitsuba from mitsuba.core import * # Create a normalized direction vector myVector = normalize(Vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) # 90 deg. rotation around the Y axis trafo = Transform.rotate(Vector(0, 1, 0), 90) # Apply the rotation and display the result print(trafo * myVector) \end{python} \subsection{Recipes} The following section contains a series of ``recipes'' on how to do certain things with the help of the Python bindings. To copy and paste from this chapter, the \LaTeX source code may be more convenient. It is available at the following URL: \url{https://www.mitsuba-renderer.org/repos/mitsuba/files/tip/doc/python.tex}. \subsubsection{Loading a scene} The following script demonstrates how to use the \code{FileResolver} and \code{SceneHandler} classes to load a Mitsuba scene from an XML file: \begin{python} import mitsuba from mitsuba.core import * from mitsuba.render import SceneHandler # Get a reference to the thread's file resolver fileResolver = Thread.getThread().getFileResolver() # Register any searchs path needed to load scene resources (optional) fileResolver.appendPath('') # Optional: supply parameters that can be accessed # by the scene (e.g. as $\text{\color{lstcomment}\itshape\texttt{\$}}$myParameter) paramMap = StringMap() paramMap['myParameter'] = 'value' # Load the scene from an XML file scene = SceneHandler.loadScene(fileResolver.resolve("scene.xml"), paramMap) # Display a textual summary of the scene's contents print(scene) \end{python} \subsubsection{Rendering a loaded scene} Once a scene has been loaded, it can be rendered as follows: \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * from mitsuba.render import RenderQueue, RenderJob import multiprocessing scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance() # Start up the scheduling system with one worker per local core for i in range(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()): scheduler.registerWorker(LocalWorker(i, 'wrk%i' % i)) scheduler.start() # Create a queue for tracking render jobs queue = RenderQueue() scene.setDestinationFile('renderedResult') # Create a render job and insert it into the queue job = RenderJob('myRenderJob', scene, queue) job.start() # Wait for all jobs to finish and release resources queue.waitLeft(0) queue.join() # Print some statistics about the rendering process print(Statistics.getInstance().getStats()) \end{python} \subsubsection{Rendering over the network} To render over the network, you must first set up one or more machines that run the \code{mtssrv} server (see \secref{mtssrv}). A network node can then be registered with the scheduler as follows: \begin{python} # Connect to a socket on a named host or IP address # 7554 is the default port of 'mtssrv' stream = SocketStream('', 7554) # Create a remote worker instance that communicates over the stream remoteWorker = RemoteWorker('netWorker', stream) scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance() # Register the remote worker (and any other potential workers) scheduler.registerWorker(remoteWorker) scheduler.start() \end{python} \subsubsection{Constructing custom scenes from Python} Dynamically constructing Mitsuba scenes entails loading a series of external plugins, instantiating them with custom parameters, and finally assembling them into an object graph. For instance, the following snippet shows how to create a basic perspective sensor with a film that writes PNG images: \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * pmgr = PluginManager.getInstance() # Encodes parameters on how to instantiate the 'perspective' plugin sensorProps = Properties('perspective') sensorProps['toWorld'] = Transform.lookAt( Point(0, 0, -10), # Camera origin Point(0, 0, 0), # Camera target Vector(0, 1, 0) # 'up' vector ) sensorProps['fov'] = 45.0 # Encodes parameters on how to instantiate the 'ldrfilm' plugin filmProps = Properties('ldrfilm') filmProps['width'] = 1920 filmProps['height'] = 1080 # Load and instantiate the plugins sensor = pmgr.createObject(sensorProps) film = pmgr.createObject(filmProps) # First configure the film and then add it to the sensor film.configure() sensor.addChild('film', film) # Now, the sensor can be configured sensor.configure() \end{python} The above code fragment uses the plugin manager to construct a \code{Sensor} instance from an external plugin named \texttt{perspective.so/dll/dylib} and adds a child object named \texttt{film}, which is a \texttt{Film} instance loaded from the plugin \texttt{ldrfilm.so/dll/dylib}. Each time after instantiating a plugin, all child objects are added, and finally the plugin's \code{configure()} method must be called. Creating scenes in this manner ends up being rather laborious. Since Python comes with a powerful dynamically-typed dictionary primitive, Mitsuba additionally provides a more ``pythonic'' alternative that makes use of this facility: \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * pmgr = PluginManager.getInstance() sensor = pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'perspective', 'toWorld' : Transform.lookAt( Point(0, 0, -10), Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0) ), 'film' : { 'type' : 'ldrfilm', 'width' : 1920, 'height' : 1080 } }) \end{python} This code does exactly the same as the previous snippet. By the time \code{PluginManager.create} returns, the object hierarchy has already been assembled, and the \code{configure()} method of every object has been called. Finally, here is an full example that creates a basic scene which can be rendered. It describes a sphere lit by a point light, rendered using the direct illumination integrator. \begin{python} from mitsuba.core import * from mitsuba.render import Scene scene = Scene() # Create a sensor, film & sample generator scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'perspective', 'toWorld' : Transform.lookAt( Point(0, 0, -10), Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0) ), 'film' : { 'type' : 'ldrfilm', 'width' : 1920, 'height' : 1080 }, 'sampler' : { 'type' : 'ldsampler', 'sampleCount' : 2 } })) # Set the integrator scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'direct' })) # Add a light source scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'point', 'position' : Point(5, 0, -10), 'intensity' : Spectrum(100) })) # Add a shape scene.addChild(pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'sphere', 'center' : Point(0, 0, 0), 'radius' : 1.0, 'bsdf' : { 'type' : 'diffuse', 'reflectance' : Spectrum(0.4) } })) scene.configure() \end{python} \subsubsection{Flexible scene generation for rendering in-process and emitting XML} The following example shows how to construct a scene in a way so that it can be rendered in-process or alternatively written to an XML file for later processing. This is the recommended way of integrating Mitsuba into modeling software. Roughly, the approach is to create an ordered dictionary version of the entire scene (named \code{scene\_descr} below) that can either be passed to the \code{PluginManager} or a simple function that turns it into Mitsuba-compatible XML. The example below also does instancing via the \pluginref{shapegroup} and \pluginref{instance} plugins to show how referencing can be implemented for such an approach. \begin{python} import mitsuba from mitsuba.core import * from mitsuba.render import * from collections import OrderedDict def rgb_spectrum(r, g, b): spec = Spectrum() spec.fromLinearRGB(r, g, b) return spec # Map that explains what functionality different plugins implement plugin_type_map ={ 'sphere' : 'shape', 'instance' : 'shape', 'shapegroup' : 'shape', 'diffuse' : 'bsdf', 'orthographic' : 'sensor' # need to complete } # Scene description as a big dictionary. The outermost layer # should be ordered so that references can be processed correctly scene_descr = OrderedDict([ ('type', 'scene'), ('shapegroup_0', { 'type' : 'shapegroup', 'id' : 'my_shapegroup', 'some_child_geometry' : { 'type' : 'sphere', 'bsdf' : { 'type' : 'diffuse', 'reflectance' : rgb_spectrum(0.5, 0.7, 0.1) } } }), ('instance_0', { 'type' : 'instance', # This is how a reference is specified (type='ref') 'reference_to_shapegroup' : { 'type' : 'ref', 'id' : 'my_shapegroup' }, 'toWorld' : Transform.translate(Vector(1, 2.5, 3)) }), ('sensor_0', { 'type' : 'orthographic', 'toWorld' : Transform.lookAt(Point(0, 0, -1), Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0)) * Transform.scale(Vector(10, 10, 1)) }) ]) def scene_descr_to_xml(descr): import xml.etree.cElementTree as et from xml.dom import minidom def property_to_xml(key, value, parent): if type(value) is Transform: el = et.SubElement(parent, 'transform') el.set('name', key) el2 = et.SubElement(el, 'matrix') matrix = value.getMatrix() matrix_str = "" for i in range(4): for j in range(4): matrix_str += "%.15g " % matrix[(i, j)] el2.set('value', matrix_str[:-1]) elif type(value) is Spectrum: r, g, b = value.toLinearRGB() el = et.SubElement(parent, 'rgb') el.set('name', key) el.set('value', "%.15g %.15g %.15g" % (r, g, b)) elif type(value) is Point: el = et.SubElement(parent, 'point') el.set('name', key) el.set('x', '%.15g' % value.x) el.set('y', '%.15g' % value.y) el.set('z', '%.15g' % value.z) elif type(value) is Vector: el = et.SubElement(parent, 'vector') el.set('name', key) el.set('x', '%.15g' % value.x) el.set('y', '%.15g' % value.y) el.set('z', '%.15g' % value.z) elif type(value) is float: el = et.SubElement(parent, 'float') el.set('name', key) el.set('value', '%.15g' % value) elif type(value) is int: el = et.SubElement(parent, 'int') el.set('name', key) el.set('value', '%i' % value) elif type(value) is bool: el = et.SubElement(parent, 'boolean') el.set('name', key) el.set('value', '%s' % ('true' if value else 'false')) elif type(value) is str: el = et.SubElement(parent, 'string') el.set('name', key) el.set('value', value) else: return None # (More kinds of attributes may need to be supported here..) return el def dict_to_xml(name, item, parent): if parent is None: el = et.Element('scene') elif item['type'] == 'ref': el = et.SubElement(parent, 'ref') el.set('name', name) el.set('id', item['id']) else: el = et.SubElement(parent, plugin_type_map[item['type']]) el.set('type', item['type']) if name: el.set('name', name) if 'id' in item: el.set('id', item['id']) for key, value in item.items(): if key == 'id' or key == 'type': continue if type(value) is dict: dict_to_xml(key, value, el) else: property_to_xml(key, value, el) return el root = dict_to_xml(None, descr, None) root.set('version', $\texttt{\MitsubaVersion}$) # Indent the ElementTree output (unfortunately this involves re-parsing..) return minidom.parseString( et.tostring(root, 'utf-8')).toprettyxml(indent='\t') print('Mitsuba version: ') print(PluginManager.getInstance().create(scene_descr)) print('XML version: ') print(scene_descr_to_xml(scene_descr)) \end{python} \subsubsection{Taking control of the logging system} Many operations in Mitsuba will print one or more log messages during their execution. By default, they will be printed to the console, which may be undesirable. Similar to the C++ side, it is possible to define custom \code{Formatter} and \code{Appender} classes to interpret and direct the flow of these messages. This is also useful to keep track of the progress of rendering jobs. Roughly, a \code{Formatter} turns detailed information about a logging event into a human-readable string, and a \code{Appender} routes it to some destination (e.g. by appending it to a file or a log viewer in a graphical user interface). Here is an example of how to activate such extensions: \begin{python} import mitsuba from mitsuba.core import * class MyFormatter(Formatter): def format(self, logLevel, sourceClass, sourceThread, message, filename, line): return '%s (log level: %s, thread: %s, class %s, file %s, line %i)' % \ (message, str(logLevel), sourceThread.getName(), sourceClass, filename, line) class MyAppender(Appender): def append(self, logLevel, message): print(message) def logProgress(self, progress, name, formatted, eta): print('Progress message: ' + formatted) # Get the logger associated with the current thread logger = Thread.getThread().getLogger() logger.setFormatter(MyFormatter()) logger.clearAppenders() logger.addAppender(MyAppender()) logger.setLogLevel(EDebug) Log(EInfo, 'Test message') \end{python} \subsubsection{Rendering a turntable animation with motion blur} Rendering a turntable animation is a fairly common task that is conveniently accomplished via the Python interface. In a turntable video, the camera rotates around a completely static object or scene. The following snippet does this for the material test ball scene downloadable on the main website, complete with motion blur. It assumes that the scene and scheduler have been set up approriately using one of the previous snippets. \begin{python} sensor = scene.getSensor() sensor.setShutterOpen(0) sensor.setShutterOpenTime(1) stepSize = 5 for i in range(0,360 / stepSize): rotationCur = Transform.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 1), i*stepSize); rotationNext = Transform.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 1), (i+1)*stepSize); trafoCur = Transform.lookAt(rotationCur * Point(0,-6,4), Point(0, 0, .5), rotationCur * Vector(0, 1, 0)) trafoNext = Transform.lookAt(rotationNext * Point(0,-6,4), Point(0, 0, .5), rotationNext * Vector(0, 1, 0)) atrafo = AnimatedTransform() atrafo.appendTransform(0, trafoCur) atrafo.appendTransform(1, trafoNext) atrafo.sortAndSimplify() sensor.setWorldTransform(atrafo) scene.setDestinationFile('frame_%03i.png' % i) job = RenderJob('job_%i' % i, scene, queue) job.start() queue.waitLeft(0) queue.join() \end{python} A useful property of this approach is that scene loading and initialization must only take place once. Performance-wise, this compares favourably with running many separate rendering jobs, e.g. using the \code{mitsuba} command-line executable. \subsubsection{Simultaneously rendering multiple versions of a scene} Sometimes it is useful to be able to submit multiple scenes to the rendering scheduler at the same time, e.g. when rendering on a big cluster, where one image is not enough to keep all cores on all machines busy. This is is quite easy to do by simply launching multiple \code{RenderJob} instances before issuing the \code{queue.waitLeft} call. However, things go wrong when rendering multiple versions of the \emph{same} scene simultaneously (for instance with a slightly perturbed camera position). The reason for this is that a single \code{Scene} instance can only be associated with one \code{RenderJob} at a time. A simple workaround for this is to create a shallow copy that references the original scene, as illustrated in the following snippet: \begin{python} # in some way scene.initialize() sceneResID = scheduler.registerResource(scene) for i in range(number_of_renderings): destination = 'result_%03i' % i # Create a shallow copy of the scene so that the queue can tell apart the two # rendering processes. This takes almost no extra memory newScene = Scene(scene) pmgr = PluginManager.getInstance() newSensor = pmgr.createObject(scene.getSensor().getProperties()) # newFilm = pmgr.createObject(scene.getFilm().getProperties()) newFilm.configure() newSensor.addChild(newFilm) newSensor.configure() newScene.addSensor(newSensor) newScene.setSensor(newSensor) newScene.setSampler(scene.getSampler()) newScene.setDestinationFile(destination) # Create a render job and insert it into the queue. Note how the resource # ID of the original scene is provided to avoid sending the full scene # contents over the network multiple times. job = RenderJob('myRenderJob' + str(i), newScene, queue, sceneResID) job.start() # Wait for all jobs to finish and release resources queue.waitLeft(0) queue.join() \end{python} \subsubsection{Creating triangle-based shapes} It is possible to create new triangle-based shapes directly in Python, though doing so is discouraged: because Python is an interpreted programming language, the construction of large meshes will run very slowly. The builtin shapes and shape loaders are to be preferred when this is an option. That said, the following snippet shows how to create \code{TriMesh} objects from within Python: \begin{python} # Create a new mesh with 1 triangle, 3 vertices, # and allocate buffers for normals and texture coordinates mesh = TriMesh('Name of this mesh', 1, 3, True, True) v = mesh.getVertexPositions() v[0] = Point3(0, 0, 0) v[1] = Point3(1, 0, 0) v[2] = Point3(0, 1, 0) n = mesh.getVertexNormals() n[0] = Normal(0, 0, 1) n[1] = Normal(0, 0, 1) n[2] = Normal(0, 0, 1) t = mesh.getTriangles() # Indexed triangle list: tri 1 references vertices 0,1,2 t[0] = 0 t[1] = 1 t[2] = 2 uv = mesh.getTexcoords() uv[0] = Point2(0, 0) uv[1] = Point2(1, 0) uv[2] = Point2(0, 1) mesh.configure() # Add to a scene (assumes 'scene' is available) sensor.addChild(mesh) \end{python} \subsubsection{Calling Mitsuba functions from a multithread Python program} Mitsuba assumes that threads accessing Mitsuba-internal data structures were created by (or at least registered with) Mitsuba. By default, the main thread and subclasses of \code{mitsuba.core.Thread} satisfy this criterion. But when a Mitsuba function is called from an event dispatch thread of a multithreaded Python application that is not known to Mitsuba, an exception or crash will usually result. To avoid this, get a reference to the main thread right after loading the Mitsuba plugin and save some related state (the attached \code{FileResolver} and \code{Logger} instances). \begin{python} mainThread = Thread.getThead() saved_fresolver = mainThread.getFileResolver() saved_logger = mainThread.getLogger() \end{python} Later when accessed from an unregister thread, execute the following: \begin{python} # This rendering thread was not created by Mitsuba -- register it newThread = Thread.registerUnmanagedThread('render') newThread.setFileResolver(saved_fresolver) newThread.setLogger(saved_logger) \end{python} It is fine to execute this several times (\code{registerUnmanagedThread} just returns a reference to the associated \code{Thread} instance if it was already registered). \subsubsection{Mitsuba interaction with PyQt/PySide (simple version)} The following listing contains a complete program that renders a sphere and efficiently displays it in a PyQt window (to make this work in PySide, change all occurrences of \code{PyQt4} to \code{PySide} in the import declarations and rename the function call to \code{getNativeBuffer()} to \code{toByteArray()}, which is a tiny bit less efficient). \begin{python} import mitsuba, multiprocessing, sys from mitsuba.core import Scheduler, PluginManager, \ LocalWorker, Properties, Bitmap, Point2i, FileStream from mitsuba.render import RenderQueue, RenderJob, Scene from PyQt4.QtCore import QPoint from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPainter, QImage class MitsubaView(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MitsubaView, self).__init__() self.setWindowTitle('Mitsuba/PyQt demo') self.initializeMitsuba() self.image = self.render(self.createScene()) self.resize(self.image.width(), self.image.height()) def initializeMitsuba(self): # Start up the scheduling system with one worker per local core self.scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance() for i in range(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()): self.scheduler.registerWorker(LocalWorker(i, 'wrk%i' % i)) self.scheduler.start() # Create a queue for tracking render jobs self.queue = RenderQueue() # Get a reference to the plugin manager self.pmgr = PluginManager.getInstance() def shutdownMitsuba(self): self.queue.join() self.scheduler.stop() def createScene(self): # Create a simple scene containing a sphere sphere = self.pmgr.createObject(Properties("sphere")) sphere.configure() scene = Scene() scene.addChild(sphere) scene.configure() # Don't automatically write an output bitmap file when the # rendering process finishes (want to control this from Python) scene.setDestinationFile('') return scene def render(self, scene): # Create a render job and insert it into the queue job = RenderJob('myRenderJob', scene, self.queue) job.start() # Wait for the job to finish self.queue.waitLeft(0) # Develop the camera's film into an 8 bit sRGB bitmap film = scene.getFilm() size = film.getSize() bitmap = Bitmap(Bitmap.ERGB, Bitmap.EUInt8, size) film.develop(Point2i(0, 0), size, Point2i(0, 0), bitmap) # Write to a PNG bitmap file outFile = FileStream("rendering.png", FileStream.ETruncReadWrite) bitmap.write(Bitmap.EPNG, outFile) outFile.close() # Also create a QImage (using a fast memory copy in C++) return QImage(bitmap.getNativeBuffer(), size.x, size.y, QImage.Format_RGB888) def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), self.image) painter.end() def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) view = MitsubaView() view.show() view.raise_() retval = app.exec_() view.shutdownMitsuba() sys.exit(retval) if __name__ == '__main__': main() \end{python} \subsubsection{Mitsuba interaction with PyQt/PySide (fancy)} The following snippet is a much fancier version of the previous PyQt/PySide example. Instead of waiting for the rendering to finish and then displaying it, this example launches the rendering in the background and uses Mitsuba's \code{RenderListener} interface to update the view and show image blocks as they are being rendered. As before, some changes will be necessary to get this to run on PySide. \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/python_demo.jpg} \end{center} When using this snippet, please be wary of threading-related issues; the key thing to remember is that in Qt, only the main thread is allowed to modify Qt widgets. On the other hand, rendering and logging-related callbacks will be invoked from different Mitsuba-internal threads---this means that it's not possible to e.g. directly update the status bar message from the callback \code{finishJobEvent}. To do this, we must use use Qt's \code{QueuedConnection} to communicate this event to the main thread via signals and slots. See the code that updates the status and progress bar for more detail. \begin{python} import mitsuba, multiprocessing, sys, time from mitsuba.core import Scheduler, PluginManager, Thread, Vector, Point2i, \ Vector2i, LocalWorker, Properties, Bitmap, Spectrum, Appender, EWarn, \ Transform, FileStream from mitsuba.render import RenderQueue, RenderJob, Scene, RenderListener from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QPoint, QSize, QRect, pyqtSignal from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPainter, QImage, \ QProgressBar, QWidget, QSizePolicy Signal = pyqtSignal class MitsubaRenderBuffer(RenderListener): """ Implements the Mitsuba callback interface to capture notifications about rendering progress. Partially completed image blocks are efficiently tonemapped into a local 8-bit Mitsuba Bitmap instance and exposed as a QImage. """ RENDERING_FINISHED = 0 RENDERING_CANCELLED = 1 RENDERING_UPDATED = 2 GEOMETRY_CHANGED = 3 def __init__(self, queue, callback): super(MitsubaRenderBuffer, self).__init__() self.bitmap = self.qimage = None self.callback = callback self.time = 0 self.size = Vector2i(0, 0) queue.registerListener(self) def workBeginEvent(self, job, wu, thr): """ Callback: a worker thread started rendering an image block. Draw a rectangle to highlight this """ _ = self._get_film_ensure_initialized(job) self.bitmap.drawWorkUnit(wu.getOffset(), wu.getSize(), thr) self._potentially_send_update() def workEndEvent(self, job, wr, cancelled): """ Callback: a worker thread finished rendering an image block. Tonemap the associated pixels and store them in 'self.bitmap' """ film = self._get_film_ensure_initialized(job) film.develop(wr.getOffset(), wr.getSize(), wr.getOffset(), self.bitmap) self._potentially_send_update() def refreshEvent(self, job): """ Callback: the entire image changed (some rendering techniques do this occasionally). Hence, tonemap the full film. """ film = self._get_film_ensure_initialized(job) film.develop(Point2i(0), self.size, Point2i(0), self.bitmap) self._potentially_send_update() def finishJobEvent(self, job, cancelled): """ Callback: the rendering job has finished or was cancelled. Re-develop the image once more for the final result. """ film = self._get_film_ensure_initialized(job) film.develop(Point2i(0), self.size, Point2i(0), self.bitmap) self.callback(MitsubaRenderBuffer.RENDERING_CANCELLED if cancelled else MitsubaRenderBuffer.RENDERING_FINISHED) def _get_film_ensure_initialized(self, job): """ Ensure that all internal data structure are set up to deal with the given rendering job """ film = job.getScene().getFilm() size = film.getSize() if self.size != size: self.size = size # Round the buffer size to the next power of 4 to ensure 32-bit # aligned scanlines in the underlying buffer. This is needed so # that QtGui.QImage and mitsuba.Bitmap have exactly the same # in-memory representation. bufsize = Vector2i((size.x + 3) // 4 * 4, (size.y + 3) // 4 * 4) # Create an 8-bit Mitsuba bitmap that will store tonemapped pixels self.bitmap = Bitmap(Bitmap.ERGB, Bitmap.EUInt8, bufsize) self.bitmap.clear() # Create a QImage that is backed by the Mitsuba Bitmap instance # (i.e. without doing unnecessary bitmap copy operations) self.qimage = QImage(self.bitmap.getNativeBuffer(), self.size.x, self.size.y, QImage.Format_RGB888) self.callback(MitsubaRenderBuffer.GEOMETRY_CHANGED) return film def _potentially_send_update(self): """ Send an update request to any attached widgets, but not too often """ now = time.time() if now - self.time > .25: self.time = now self.callback(MitsubaRenderBuffer.RENDERING_UPDATED) class RenderWidget(QWidget): """ This simple widget attaches itself to a Mitsuba RenderQueue instance and displays the progress of everything that's being rendered """ renderingUpdated = Signal(int) def __init__(self, parent, queue, default_size = Vector2i(0, 0)): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.buffer = MitsubaRenderBuffer(queue, self.renderingUpdated.emit) # Need a queued conn. to avoid threading issues between Qt and Mitsuba self.renderingUpdated.connect(self._handle_update, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.default_size = default_size def sizeHint(self): size = self.buffer.size if not self.buffer.size.isZero() else self.default_size return QSize(size.x, size.y) def _handle_update(self, event): image = self.buffer.qimage # Detect when an image of different resolution is being rendered if image.width() > self.width() or image.height() > self.height(): self.updateGeometry() self.repaint() def paintEvent(self, event): """ When there is more space then necessary, display the image centered on a black background, surrounded by a light gray border """ QWidget.paintEvent(self, event) qp = QPainter(self) qp.fillRect(self.rect(), Qt.black) image = self.buffer.qimage if image is not None: offset = QPoint((self.width() - image.width()) / 2, (self.height() - image.height()) / 2) qp.setPen(Qt.lightGray) qp.drawRect(QRect(offset - QPoint(1, 1), image.size() + QSize(1, 1))) qp.drawImage(offset, image) qp.end() class MitsubaDemo(QMainWindow): renderProgress = Signal(int) def __init__(self): super(MitsubaDemo, self).__init__() # Initialize Mitsuba self.initializeMitsuba() self.job = self.createRenderJob() self.job.setInteractive(True) # Initialize the user interface status = self.statusBar() self.rwidget = RenderWidget(self, self.queue, self.scene.getFilm().getSize()) progress = QProgressBar(status) status.setContentsMargins(0,0,5,0) status.addPermanentWidget(progress) status.setSizeGripEnabled(False) self.setWindowTitle('Mitsuba/PyQt demo') self.setCentralWidget(self.rwidget) # Hide the scroll bar once the rendering is done def renderingUpdated(event): if event == MitsubaRenderBuffer.RENDERING_FINISHED: status.showMessage("Done.") progress.hide() self.renderProgress.connect(progress.setValue, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.rwidget.renderingUpdated.connect(renderingUpdated, Qt.QueuedConnection) # Start the rendering process status.showMessage("Rendering ..") self.job.start() def initializeMitsuba(self): # Start up the scheduling system with one worker per local core self.scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance() for i in range(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()): self.scheduler.registerWorker(LocalWorker(i, 'wrk%i' % i)) self.scheduler.start() # Create a queue for tracking render jobs self.queue = RenderQueue() # Get a reference to the plugin manager self.pmgr = PluginManager.getInstance() # Process Mitsuba log and progress messages within Python class CustomAppender(Appender): def append(self2, logLevel, message): print(message) def logProgress(self2, progress, name, formatted, eta): # Asynchronously notify the main thread self.renderProgress.emit(progress) logger = Thread.getThread().getLogger() logger.setLogLevel(EWarn) # Display warning & error messages logger.clearAppenders() logger.addAppender(CustomAppender()) def closeEvent(self, e): self.job.cancel() self.queue.join() self.scheduler.stop() def createRenderJob(self): self.scene = self.pmgr.create({ 'type' : 'scene', 'sphere' : { 'type' : 'sphere', }, 'envmap' : { 'type' : 'sunsky' }, 'sensor' : { 'type' : 'perspective', 'toWorld' : Transform.translate(Vector(0, 0, -5)), 'sampler' : { 'type' : 'halton', 'sampleCount' : 64 } } }) return RenderJob('rjob', self.scene, self.queue) def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: self.close() def main(): import signal # Stop the program upon Ctrl-C (SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) app = QApplication(sys.argv) demo = MitsubaDemo() demo.show() demo.raise_() retval = app.exec_() sys.exit(retval) if __name__ == '__main__': main() \end{python} \subsubsection{Mitsuba interaction with NumPy} Suppose that \code{bitmap} contains a \code{mitsuba.core.Bitmap} instance (e.g. a rendering). Then the following snippet efficiently turns the image into a NumPy array: \begin{python} import numpy as np array = np.array(bitmap.getNativeBuffer()) \end{python}