# data from www.luxpop.com database
# ;  Optical constants for Nb
# ; 
# ;   taken from:
# ;
# ;   'Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids II', Ed. by Edward D. Palik,
# ;   Academic Press, Inc., 1991.
# ;   
# ;    Lambda (A)            n            k
# ;-----------------------------------------
309.950012 2.330000
317.897003 2.290000
326.263000 2.280000
335.081024 2.270000
344.389008 2.290000
354.229004 2.330000
364.647003 2.380000
375.696991 2.450000
387.437988 2.530000
399.935028 2.600000
413.266998 2.680000
435.018036 2.800000
450.835999 2.860000
467.849030 2.900000
486.196014 2.920000
506.041016 2.900000
527.575012 2.880000
551.022034 2.870000
576.651001 2.870000
604.781006 2.870000
635.795044 2.860000
670.162048 2.890000
708.456970 2.990000
751.393982 3.130000
799.871033 3.370000
855.033997 3.680000