\newpage \subsection{Integrators} \label{sec:integrators} In Mitsuba, the different rendering techniques are collectively referred to as \emph{integrators}, since they perform integration over a high-dimensional space. Each integrator represents a specific approach for solving the light transport equation---usually favored in certain scenarios, but at the same time affected by its own set of intrinsic limitations. Therefore, it is important to carefully select an integrator based on user-specified accuracy requirements and properties of the scene to be rendered. In Mitsuba's XML description language, a single integrator is usually instantiated by declaring it at the top level within the scene, e.g. \begin{xml} <scene version=$\MtsVer$> <!-- Instantiate a unidirectional path tracer that renders paths up to a depth of 5 --> <integrator type="path"> <integer name="maxDepth" value="5"/> </integrator> <!-- Some geometry to be rendered --> <shape type="sphere"> <bsdf type="lambertian"/> </shape> </scene> \end{xml} This section gives a brief overview of the available choices along with their parameters. \subsubsection*{Path length} \begin{figure}[htb!] \centering \hfill \smallrendering{Max. length = 1}{pathlength-1} \smallrendering{Max. length = 2}{pathlength-2} \smallrendering{Max. length = 3}{pathlength-3} \smallrendering{Max. length = $\infty$}{pathlength-all} \caption{ \label{fig:pathlengths} These Cornell box renderings demonstrate the visual effect of a maximum path length. As the paths are allowed to grow longer, the color saturation increases due to multiple scattering interactions with the colored surfaces. At the same time, the computation time increases. } \end{figure} Almost all integrators use the concept of \emph{path length}. Here, a path refers to a chain of scattering events that starts at the light source and ends at the eye or camera. It is often useful to limit the path length (\figref{pathlengths}) when rendering scenes for preview purposes, since this reduces the amount of computation that is necessary per pixel. Furthermore, such renderings usually converge faster and therefore need fewer samples per pixel. When reference-quality is desired, one should always leave the path length unlimited. \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \vspace{-5mm} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/path_explanation.pdf} \vspace{-5mm} \caption{ \label{fig:path-explanation} A ray of emitted light is scattered by an object and subsequently reaches the eye/camera. In Mitsuba, this is a \emph{length-2} path, since it has two edges. } \end{figure} Mitsuba counts lengths starting at $1$, which correspond to visible light sources (i.e. a path that starts at the light source and ends at the eye or camera without any scattering interaction in between). A length-$2$ path (also known as ``direct illumination'') includes a single scattering event (\figref{path-explanation}). \subsubsection*{Progressive versus non-progressive} Some of the rendering techniques in Mitsuba are \emph{progressive}. What this means is that they display a rough preview, which improves over time. Leaving them running indefinitely will continually reduce noise (e.g. in Metropolis Light Transport) or both noise and bias (e.g. in Progressive Photon Mapping).