# data from www.luxpop.com database
# ;  Optical constants for cubic AlAs
# ; 
# ;   taken from:
# ;
# ;   'Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids II', Ed. by Edward D. Palik,
# ;   Academic Press, Inc., 1991.
# ;   
# ;    Lambda (A)            n            k
# ;-----------------------------------------
302.389984 2.680000
309.950012 2.490000
317.897003 2.150000
326.263000 1.300000
335.081024 0.752000
344.389008 0.519000
354.229004 0.334000
364.647003 0.233000
375.696991 0.139000
387.437988 0.115000
393.587006 0.119000
397.372009 0.115000
399.935028 0.113000
403.187012 0.110000
406.492004 0.106000
409.850983 0.099800
413.266998 0.063800
416.739990 0.031500
420.270996 0.018900
423.863007 0.011800
427.516998 0.010500
431.235016 0.010300
435.018036 0.009930
442.785980 0.001610
459.185028 0.001560
476.846008 0.001530
495.920013 0.001250
516.583008 0.000682
539.044006 0.000275
563.545044 0.000040
590.381042 0.000002
619.900024 0.000000
652.526001 0.000000
688.778015 0.000000
729.294006 0.000000
774.875000 0.000000
826.533020 0.000000
885.570984 0.000000