# data from www.luxpop.com database
# ;  Optical constants for Ir
# ; 
# ;   taken from:
# ;
# ;   'Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids', Ed. by Edward D. Palik,
# ;   Academic Press, Inc., 1985.
# ;   
# ;    Lambda (A)            n            k
# ;-----------------------------------------
302.389984 1.620000
309.950012 1.640000
317.897003 1.640000
326.263000 1.610000
335.081024 1.570000
344.389008 1.520000
354.229004 1.500000
364.647003 1.530000
375.696991 1.570000
387.437988 1.620000
399.935028 1.680000
413.266998 1.730000
427.516998 1.770000
442.785980 1.810000
459.185028 1.850000
476.846008 1.910000
495.920013 1.980000
516.583008 2.070000
539.044006 2.180000
563.545044 2.290000
590.381042 2.400000
619.900024 2.500000
652.526001 2.570000
688.778015 2.640000
729.294006 2.690000
774.875000 2.680000
826.533020 2.650000
885.570984 2.720000