/* This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system. Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Wenzel Jakob and others. Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #if !defined(__ROUGH_TRANSMITTANCE_H) #define __ROUGH_TRANSMITTANCE_H #include #include #include "microfacet.h" MTS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /** * \brief Utility class for evaluating the transmittance through rough * dielectric surfaces modeled using microfacet distributions. * * The transmittance through a rough dielectric boundary based on * a microfacet model depends on several quantities: * * 1. the relative index of refraction * 2. the angle of incidence (of incoming illumination) * 3. the used microfacet distribution (beckmann, phong, ggx, ..) * 4. the roughness parameter of the microfacet distribution * * Since a numerical integration over the microfacet distribution is involved * in every transmittance evaluation, this function is usually prohibitively * expensive. That is the motivation for this class, which instead performs * lookups into an extensive precomputed three-dimensional table containing * appropriately spaced evaluations of this function. The lookups are combined * using tricubic interpolation (more specifically, Catmull-Rom splines). * * The 3D array is parameterized in a way so that the transmittance * function is well-behaved throughout the domain, hence lookups will be * quite accurate over a large parameter range (avg. abs. error < 1e-4, * for eta in [1, 4] and RMS roughness in [0, 4]) * * In many cases, the flexibility to evaluate the rough transmittance * function for any (ior, roughness, angle)-triple is not actually * needed, since the index of refraction parameter might always be * constant (and potentially also the roughness). * * This class therefore provides the operations \ref setEta() * and \ref setAlpha(), which reduce the heavy 3D table to * an (again spline-interpolated) 1D or 2D slice, which accelerates * subsequent lookups. * * As a final bonus, this class also has support for evaluating the \a diffuse * rough transmittance, which is defined as a cosine-weighted integral * of the rough transmittance over the incident hemisphere. */ class RoughTransmittance : public Object { public: /** * \brief Load a rough transmittance data file from disk * * \param type * Denotes the type of a microfacet distribution, * i.e. Beckmann or GGX */ RoughTransmittance(MicrofacetDistribution::EType type) : m_trans(NULL), m_diffTrans(NULL) { std::string name; switch (type) { case MicrofacetDistribution::EBeckmann: name = "beckmann"; break; case MicrofacetDistribution::EPhong: name = "phong"; break; case MicrofacetDistribution::EGGX: name = "ggx"; break; default: SLog(EError, "RoughTransmittance: unsupported distribution type!"); } /* Resolve the precomputed data file */ fs::path sourceFile = Thread::getThread()->getFileResolver()->resolve( formatString("data/microfacet/%s.dat", name.c_str())); ref fstream = new FileStream(sourceFile, FileStream::EReadOnly); fstream->setByteOrder(Stream::ELittleEndian); const char header[] = "MTS_TRANSMITTANCE"; char *fileHeader = (char *) alloca(strlen(header)); fstream->read(fileHeader, strlen(header)); if (memcmp(fileHeader, header, strlen(header)) != 0) SLog(EError, "Encountered an invalid transmittance data file!"); m_etaSamples = fstream->readSize(); m_alphaSamples = fstream->readSize(); m_thetaSamples = fstream->readSize(); m_transSize = 2 * m_etaSamples * m_alphaSamples * m_thetaSamples; m_diffTransSize = 2 * m_etaSamples * m_alphaSamples; SLog(EDebug, "Loading " SIZE_T_FMT "x" SIZE_T_FMT "x" SIZE_T_FMT " (%s) rough transmittance samples from \"%s\"", 2*m_etaSamples, m_alphaSamples, m_thetaSamples, memString((m_transSize + m_diffTransSize) * sizeof(float)).c_str(), sourceFile.file_string().c_str()); m_trans = new Float[m_transSize]; m_diffTrans = new Float[m_diffTransSize]; m_etaFixed = false; m_alphaFixed = false; m_etaMin = (Float) fstream->readSingle(); m_etaMax = (Float) fstream->readSingle(); m_alphaMin = (Float) fstream->readSingle(); m_alphaMax = (Float) fstream->readSingle(); SLog(EDebug, "Precomputed data is available for the IOR range " "[%.4f, %.1f] and roughness range [%.4f, %.1f]", m_etaMin, m_etaMax, m_alphaMin, m_alphaMax); float *temp = new float[m_transSize + m_diffTransSize]; fstream->readSingleArray(temp, m_transSize + m_diffTransSize); float *ptr = temp; size_t fdrEntry = 0, dataEntry = 0; for (size_t i=0; i<2*m_etaSamples; ++i) { for (size_t j=0; jgetPos() == fstream->getSize()); } /// Release all memory virtual ~RoughTransmittance() { if (m_trans) delete[] m_trans; if (m_diffTrans) delete[] m_diffTrans; } /// Return the minimum roughness value that is available in the precomputed data inline Float getAlphaMin() { return m_alphaMin; } /// Return the maximum roughness value that is available in the precomputed data inline Float getAlphaMax() { return m_alphaMax; } /// Return the minimum index of refraction that is available in the precomputed data inline Float getEtaMin() { return m_etaMin; } /// Return the maximum index of refraction that is available in the precomputed data inline Float getEtaMax() { return m_etaMax; } /** * \brief Evaluate the rough transmittance for a given index of refraction, * roughness, and angle of incidence. * * \param cosTheta * Cosine of the angle of incidence * \param alpha * Roughness parameter * \param eta * Relative index of refraction */ Float eval(Float cosTheta, Float alpha = 0, Float eta = 0) const { Float warpedCosTheta = std::pow(std::abs(cosTheta), 0.25f), result; if (m_alphaFixed && m_etaFixed) { SAssert(cosTheta >= 0); result = interpCubic1D(warpedCosTheta, m_trans, 0.0f, 1.0f, m_thetaSamples); } else if (m_etaFixed) { SAssert(cosTheta >= 0); Float warpedAlpha = std::pow((alpha - m_alphaMin) / (m_alphaMax-m_alphaMin), 0.25f); result = interpCubic2D(Point2(warpedCosTheta, warpedAlpha), m_trans, Point2(0.0f), Point2(1.0f), Size2(m_thetaSamples, m_alphaSamples)); } else { if (cosTheta < 0) { cosTheta = -cosTheta; eta = 1.0f / eta; } Float *data = m_trans; if (eta < 1) { /* Entering a less dense medium -- skip ahead to the second data block */ data += m_etaSamples * m_alphaSamples * m_thetaSamples; eta = 1.0f / eta; } if (eta < m_etaMin) eta = m_etaMin; /* Transform the roughness and IOR values into the warped parameter space */ Float warpedAlpha = std::pow((alpha - m_alphaMin) / (m_alphaMax-m_alphaMin), 0.25f); Float warpedEta = std::pow((eta - m_etaMin) / (m_etaMax-m_etaMin), 0.25f); result = interpCubic3D(Point3(warpedCosTheta, warpedAlpha, warpedEta), data, Point3(0.0f), Point3(1.0f), Size3(m_thetaSamples, m_alphaSamples, m_etaSamples)); } return std::min((Float) 1.0f, std::max((Float) 0.0f, result)); } /** * \brief Evaluate the \a diffuse rough transmittance for a given * index of refraction, roughness, and angle of incidence. * * The diffuse rough transmittance is cosine-weighted integral * of the rough transmittance over the incident hemisphere. * * \param eta * Relative index of refraction * \param alpha * Roughness parameter */ Float evalDiffuse(Float alpha = 0, Float eta = 0) const { Float result; if (m_alphaFixed && m_etaFixed) { result = m_diffTrans[0]; } else if (m_etaFixed) { Float warpedAlpha = std::pow((alpha - m_alphaMin) / (m_alphaMax-m_alphaMin), 0.25f); result = interpCubic1D(warpedAlpha, m_diffTrans, 0.0f, 1.0f, m_alphaSamples); } else { Float *data = m_diffTrans; if (eta < 1) { /* Entering a less dense medium -- skip ahead to the second data block */ data += m_etaSamples * m_alphaSamples; eta = 1.0f / eta; } if (eta < m_etaMin) eta = m_etaMin; /* Transform the roughness and IOR values into the warped parameter space */ Float warpedAlpha = std::pow((alpha - m_alphaMin) / (m_alphaMax-m_alphaMin), 0.25f); Float warpedEta = std::pow((eta - m_etaMin) / (m_etaMax-m_etaMin), 0.25f); result = interpCubic2D(Point2(warpedAlpha, warpedEta), data, Point2(0.0f), Point2(1.0f), Size2(m_alphaSamples, m_etaSamples)); } return std::min((Float) 1.0f, std::max((Float) 0.0f, result)); } /** * \brief Reduce the internal 3D table to 2D by specializing * to a constant relative index of refraction * * Should only be called once! */ void setEta(Float eta) { if (m_etaFixed) return; m_transSize = m_alphaSamples * m_thetaSamples; m_diffTransSize = m_alphaSamples; SLog(EDebug, "Reducing dimension from 3D to 2D (%s), eta = %f", memString((m_transSize + m_diffTransSize) * sizeof(Float)).c_str(), eta); Float *trans = m_trans, *diffTrans = m_diffTrans; if (eta < 1) { /* Entering a less dense medium -- skip ahead to the second data block */ trans += m_etaSamples * m_alphaSamples * m_thetaSamples; diffTrans += m_etaSamples * m_alphaSamples; eta = 1.0f / eta; } if (eta < m_etaMin) eta = m_etaMin; Float warpedEta = std::pow((eta - m_etaMin) / (m_etaMax-m_etaMin), 0.25f); Float *newTrans = new Float[m_transSize]; Float *newDiffTrans = new Float[m_diffTransSize]; Float dAlpha = 1.0f / (m_alphaSamples - 1), dTheta = 1.0f / (m_thetaSamples - 1); for (size_t i=0; i m_alphaMax) { SLog(EError, "Error: the requested roughness value alpha=%f is" " outside of the supported range [%f, %f]! Please scale " " your roughness value/texture to lie within this range.", alpha, m_alphaMin, m_alphaMax); } } void checkEta(Float eta) { if (eta < 1) eta = 1/eta; if (eta < m_etaMin || eta > m_etaMax) SLog(EError, "Error: the requested relative index of refraction " "eta=%f is outside of the supported range [%f, %f]! Please " "update your scene so that it uses realistic IOR values.", eta, m_etaMin, m_etaMax); } /// Create a deep copy of the current instance ref clone() const { RoughTransmittance *result = new RoughTransmittance(); result->m_name = m_name; result->m_etaSamples = m_etaSamples; result->m_alphaSamples = m_alphaSamples; result->m_thetaSamples = m_thetaSamples; result->m_etaFixed = m_etaFixed; result->m_alphaFixed = m_alphaFixed; result->m_etaMin = m_etaMin; result->m_etaMax = m_etaMax; result->m_alphaMin = m_alphaMin; result->m_alphaMax = m_alphaMax; result->m_transSize = m_transSize; result->m_diffTransSize = m_diffTransSize; result->m_trans = new Float[m_transSize]; result->m_diffTrans = new Float[m_diffTransSize]; memcpy(result->m_trans, m_trans, m_transSize * sizeof(Float)); memcpy(result->m_diffTrans, m_diffTrans, m_diffTransSize * sizeof(Float)); return result; } protected: inline RoughTransmittance() { } protected: std::string m_name; size_t m_etaSamples; size_t m_alphaSamples; size_t m_thetaSamples; bool m_etaFixed; bool m_alphaFixed; Float m_etaMin, m_etaMax; Float m_alphaMin, m_alphaMax; size_t m_transSize; size_t m_diffTransSize; Float *m_trans, *m_diffTrans; }; MTS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* __ROUGH_TRANSMITTANCE_H */