added support for the IPT color space by Ebner and Fairchild
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ public:
* \brief Convert XYZ tristimulus into a plausible spectral
* power distribution
* reflectance or spectral power distribution
* The \ref EConversionIntent parameter can be used to provide more
* information on how to solve this highly under-constrained problem.
@ -727,6 +727,34 @@ public:
void fromXYZ(Float x, Float y, Float z,
EConversionIntent intent = EReflectance);
* \brief Convert from a spectral power distribution to
* the perceptually uniform IPT color space by Ebner and Fairchild
* This is useful e.g. for computing color differences.
* \c I encodes intensity, \c P (protan) roughly encodes
* red-green color opponency, and \c T (tritan) encodes
* blue-red color opponency. For normalized input, the
* range of attainable values is given by
* \f I\in $[0,1], P,T\in [-1,1]\f$.
* In the Python API, this function returns a 3-tuple
* with the result of the operation.
void toIPT(Float &I, Float &P, Float &T) const;
* \brief Convert a color value represented in the IPT
* space into a plausible spectral reflectance or
* spectral power distribution.
* The \ref EConversionIntent parameter can be used to provide more
* information on how to solve this highly under-constrained problem.
* The default is \ref EReflectance.
void fromIPT(Float I, Float P, Float T,
EConversionIntent intent = EReflectance);
* \brief Convert to linear RGB
@ -262,6 +262,15 @@ void Spectrum::toLinearRGB(Float &r, Float &g, Float &b) const {
b = 0.055648f * x + -0.204043f * y + 1.057311f * z;
void Spectrum::fromXYZ(Float x, Float y, Float z, EConversionIntent intent) {
/* Convert from XYZ tristimulus values to ITU-R Rec. BT.709 linear RGB */
Float r = 3.240479f*x - 1.537150f*y - 0.498535f*z;
Float g = -0.969256f*x + 1.875991f*y + 0.041556f*z;
Float b = 0.055648f*x - 0.204043f*y + 1.057311f*z;
fromLinearRGB(r, g, b, intent);
void Spectrum::fromLinearRGB(Float r, Float g, Float b, EConversionIntent intent) {
Spectrum result(0.0f);
@ -342,6 +351,43 @@ void Spectrum::fromLinearRGB(Float r, Float g, Float b, EConversionIntent intent
void Spectrum::toIPT(Float &I, Float &P, Float &T) const {
/* Based on "High Dynamic Range Imaging" by Reinhard et al. */
Float X, Y, Z;
toXYZ(X, Y, Z);
/* Convert to LMS cone excitation space (assumes D65 illum.) */
Float L = 0.4002 * X + 0.7075 * Y - 0.0807 * Z;
Float M = - 0.2280 * X + 1.1500 * Y + 0.0612 * Z;
Float S = 0.0000 * X + 0.0000 * Y + 0.9184 * Z;
/* Nonlinear transformation for perceptual uniformity */
Float Lp = math::signum(L) * std::pow(std::abs(L), (Float) 0.43);
Float Mp = math::signum(M) * std::pow(std::abs(M), (Float) 0.43);
Float Sp = math::signum(S) * std::pow(std::abs(S), (Float) 0.43);
/* Second linear transformation to get to IPT space */
I = 0.4000 * Lp + 0.4000 * Mp + 0.2000 * Sp;
P = 4.4550 * Lp - 4.8510 * Mp + 0.3960 * Sp;
T = 0.8056 * Lp + 0.3572 * Mp - 1.1628 * Sp;
void Spectrum::fromIPT(Float I, Float P, Float T, EConversionIntent intent) {
Float Lp = 1.0000 * I + 0.0976 * P + 0.2052 * T;
Float Mp = 1.0000 * I - 0.1139 * P + 0.1332 * T;
Float Sp = 1.0000 * I + 0.0326 * P - 0.6769 * T;
Float L = math::signum(Lp) * std::pow(std::abs(Lp), (Float) (1.0/0.43));
Float M = math::signum(Mp) * std::pow(std::abs(Mp), (Float) (1.0/0.43));
Float S = math::signum(Sp) * std::pow(std::abs(Sp), (Float) (1.0/0.43));
Float X = 1.8502 * L - 1.1383 * M + 0.2384 * S;
Float Y = 0.3668 * L + 0.6439 * M - 0.0107 * S;
Float Z = 0.0000 * L + 0.0000 * M + 1.0889 * S;
fromXYZ(X, Y, Z, intent);
inline Float toSRGBComponent(Float value) {
if (value <= (Float) 0.0031308)
return (Float) 12.92 * value;
@ -347,6 +347,12 @@ static bp::tuple spectrum_toXYZ(const Spectrum &s) {
return bp::make_tuple(x, y, z);
static bp::tuple spectrum_toIPT(const Spectrum &s) {
Float I, P, T;
s.toIPT(I, P, T);
return bp::make_tuple(I, P, T);
void aabb_expandby_aabb(AABB *aabb, const AABB &aabb2) { aabb->expandBy(aabb2); }
void aabb_expandby_point(AABB *aabb, const Point &p) { aabb->expandBy(p); }
Float aabb_distanceto_aabb(AABB *aabb, const AABB &aabb2) { return aabb->distanceTo(aabb2); }
@ -526,9 +532,10 @@ Transform transform_glOrthographic2(Float clipLeft, Float clipRight,
clipBottom, clipTop, clipNear, clipFar);
BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(fromLinearRGB_overloads, fromLinearRGB, 3, 4)
void export_core() {
bp::to_python_converter<fs::path, path_to_python_str>();
@ -981,6 +988,8 @@ void export_core() {
.def("getLuminance", &Spectrum::getLuminance)
.def("fromXYZ", &Spectrum::fromXYZ, fromXYZ_overloads())
.def("toXYZ", &spectrum_toXYZ)
.def("fromIPT", &Spectrum::fromIPT, fromIPT_overloads())
.def("toIPT", &spectrum_toIPT)
.def("fromLinearRGB", &Spectrum::fromLinearRGB, fromLinearRGB_overloads())
.def("toLinearRGB", &spectrum_toLinearRGB)
.def("fromSRGB", &Spectrum::fromSRGB)
Reference in New Issue