a few more optimizations after profiling the builder

Wenzel Jakob 2010-10-11 19:40:40 +02:00
parent db444cd87f
commit d09655dbe6
2 changed files with 199 additions and 118 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
/// Activate lots of extra checks
#define MTS_KD_DEBUG 1
/// Compile-time KD-tree depth limit
#define MTS_KD_MAX_DEPTH 48
@ -32,14 +35,14 @@
/// Min-max bin count
#define MTS_KD_MINMAX_BINS 128
/// OrderedChunkAllocator: don't create chunks smaller than 512KiB
/// OrderedChunkAllocator: don't create chunks smaller than 512 KiB
#define MTS_KD_MIN_ALLOC 512*1024
/// Allocate nodes & index lists in blocks of 512 KiB
#define MTS_KD_BLOCKSIZE_KD (512*1024/sizeof(KDNode))
#define MTS_KD_BLOCKSIZE_IDX (512*1024/sizeof(uint32_t))
#if defined(MTS_KD_DEBUG)
#define KDAssert(expr) Assert(expr)
#define KDAssertEx(expr, text) AssertEx(expr, text)
@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ public:
for (std::vector<Chunk>::iterator it = m_chunks.begin();
it != m_chunks.end(); ++it) {
Chunk &chunk = *it;
if (chunk.getRemainder() >= size) {
if (chunk.remainder() >= size) {
T* result = reinterpret_cast<T *>(chunk.cur);
chunk.cur += size;
return result;
@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ public:
* \brief Return the total amount of chunk memory in bytes
size_t getSize() const {
size_t size() const {
size_t result = 0;
for (std::vector<Chunk>::const_iterator it = m_chunks.begin();
it != m_chunks.end(); ++it)
@ -201,11 +204,11 @@ public:
* \brief Return the total amount of used memory in bytes
size_t getUsed() const {
size_t used() const {
size_t result = 0;
for (std::vector<Chunk>::const_iterator it = m_chunks.begin();
it != m_chunks.end(); ++it)
result += (*it).getUsed();
result += (*it).used();
return result;
@ -226,18 +229,18 @@ private:
size_t size;
uint8_t *start, *cur;
inline size_t getUsed() const {
inline size_t used() const {
return cur - start;
inline size_t getRemainder() const {
return size - getUsed();
inline size_t remainder() const {
return size - used();
std::string toString() const {
return formatString("0x%llx-0x%llx (size=" SIZE_T_FMT
", used=" SIZE_T_FMT ")", start, start+size,
size, getUsed());
size, used());
@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ public:
return (*ptr >> shift) & 3;
inline size_t getSize() const {
inline size_t size() const {
return m_bufferSize;
@ -463,7 +466,7 @@ public:
* \brief Create a new kd-tree instance initialized with
* the default parameters.
GenericKDTree() : m_nodes(NULL), m_primIndices(NULL) {
GenericKDTree() : m_nodes(NULL), m_indices(NULL) {
m_traversalCost = 15;
m_intersectionCost = 20;
m_emptySpaceBonus = 0.9f;
@ -471,14 +474,14 @@ public:
m_stopPrims = 4;
m_maxBadRefines = 3;
m_exactPrimThreshold = 16384;
m_maxDepth = 1024;
m_maxDepth = 0;
m_retract = true;
m_parallel = true;
virtual ~GenericKDTree() {
if (m_primIndices)
delete[] m_primIndices;
if (m_indices)
delete[] m_indices;
if (m_nodes)
delete[] m_nodes;
@ -498,8 +501,8 @@ public:
m_maxDepth = (int) (8 + 1.3f * log2i(primCount));
m_maxDepth = std::min(m_maxDepth, (size_type) MTS_KD_MAX_DEPTH);
Log(EDebug, "Creating a preliminary index list (%.2f KiB)",
primCount * sizeof(index_type) / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, "Creating a preliminary index list (%s)",
memString(primCount * sizeof(index_type)).c_str());
OrderedChunkAllocator &leftAlloc = ctx.leftAlloc;
index_type *indices = leftAlloc.allocate<index_type>(primCount);
@ -522,7 +525,7 @@ public:
Log(EDebug, " Scene bounding box (min) : %s", m_aabb.min.toString().c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Scene bounding box (max) : %s", m_aabb.max.toString().c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Min-max bins : %i", MTS_KD_MINMAX_BINS);
Log(EDebug, " Greedy SAH optimization : <= %i primitives", m_exactPrimThreshold);
Log(EDebug, " Greedy SAH optimization : use for <= %i primitives", m_exactPrimThreshold);
Log(EDebug, " Perfect splits : %s", m_clip ? "yes" : "no");
Log(EDebug, " Retract bad splits : %s", m_retract ? "yes" : "no");
Log(EDebug, " Stopping primitive count : %i", m_stopPrims);
@ -545,12 +548,12 @@ public:
m_indirectionLock = new Mutex();
KDNode *prelimRoot = ctx.nodes.allocate(1);
Float finalSAHCost = buildTreeMinMax(ctx, 1, prelimRoot,
m_aabb, m_aabb, indices, primCount, true, 0);
buildTreeMinMax(ctx, 1, prelimRoot, m_aabb, m_aabb,
indices, primCount, true, 0);
KDAssert(ctx.leftAlloc.getUsed() == 0);
KDAssert(ctx.rightAlloc.getUsed() == 0);
KDAssert(ctx.leftAlloc.used() == 0);
KDAssert(ctx.rightAlloc.used() == 0);
if (m_parallel) {
m_interface.done = true;
@ -563,14 +566,16 @@ public:
Log(EDebug, "");
Log(EDebug, "Temporary memory statistics:");
Log(EDebug, " Classification storage : %.2f KiB",
(ctx.classStorage.getSize() * (1+procCount)) / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Indirection entries : " SIZE_T_FMT " (%.2f KiB)",
* sizeof(KDNode *) / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Classification storage : %s",
memString((ctx.classStorage.size() * (1+procCount))).c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Indirection entries : " SIZE_T_FMT " (%s)",
m_indirections.size(), memString(m_indirections.capacity()
* sizeof(KDNode *)).c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Main thread:");
size_t totalUsage = m_indirections.capacity()
* sizeof(KDNode *) + ctx.size();
/// Clean up event lists and print statistics
@ -579,49 +584,71 @@ public:
Log(EDebug, " Worker thread %i:", i+1);
BuildContext &subCtx = m_builders[i]->getContext();
totalUsage += subCtx.size();
Log(EDebug, " Total: %s", memString(totalUsage).c_str());
Log(EDebug, "");
Log(EDebug, "Optimizing memory layout ..");
std::stack<boost::tuple<const KDNode *, KDNode *, BuildContext *, AABB> > stack;
std::stack<boost::tuple<const KDNode *, KDNode *,
const BuildContext *, AABB> > stack;
Float expTraversalSteps = 0;
Float expLeavesVisited = 0;
Float expPrimitivesIntersected = 0;
Float sahCost = 0;
size_type nodePtr = 0, indexPtr = 0;
m_nodes = new KDNode[ctx.innerNodeCount + ctx.leafNodeCount];
m_primIndices = new index_type[ctx.primIndexCount];
m_indices = new index_type[ctx.primIndexCount];
stack.push(boost::make_tuple(prelimRoot, &m_nodes[nodePtr++], &ctx, m_aabb));
while (!stack.empty()) {
const KDNode *node = boost::get<0>(stack.top());
KDNode *target = boost::get<1>(stack.top());
BuildContext *context = boost::get<2>(stack.top());
const BuildContext *context = boost::get<2>(stack.top());
AABB aabb = boost::get<3>(stack.top());
if (node->isLeaf()) {
size_t primCount = node->getPrimEnd() - node->getPrimStart();
expLeavesVisited += aabb.getSurfaceArea();
expPrimitivesIntersected += aabb.getSurfaceArea() * primCount;
size_type primStart = node->getPrimStart(),
primEnd = node->getPrimEnd(),
primCount = primEnd-primStart;
target->initLeafNode(indexPtr, primCount);
indexPtr += primCount;
Float sa = aabb.getSurfaceArea(), weightedSA = sa * primCount;
expLeavesVisited += aabb.getSurfaceArea();
expPrimitivesIntersected += weightedSA;
sahCost += weightedSA * m_intersectionCost;
const BlockedVector<index_type, MTS_KD_BLOCKSIZE_IDX> &indices
= context->indices;
for (size_type idx = primStart; idx<primEnd; ++idx)
m_indices[indexPtr++] = indices[idx];
} else {
expTraversalSteps += aabb.getSurfaceArea();
typename std::map<const KDNode *, index_type>::const_iterator it
= m_interface.threadMap.find(node);
// Check if we're switching to a subtree built by a worker thread
if (it != m_interface.threadMap.end())
context = &m_builders[(*it).second]->getContext();
Float sa = aabb.getSurfaceArea();
expTraversalSteps += sa;
sahCost += sa * m_traversalCost;
const KDNode *left;
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(!node->isIndirection()))
left = node->getLeft();
left = m_indirections[node->getIndirectionIndex()];
KDNode *children = &m_nodes[nodePtr];
nodePtr += 2;
uint8_t axis = node->getAxis();
int axis = node->getAxis();
float split = node->getSplit();
bool result = target->initInnerNode(axis, split, children - target);
if (!result)
@ -664,21 +691,26 @@ public:
expTraversalSteps /= rootSA;
expLeavesVisited /= rootSA;
expPrimitivesIntersected /= rootSA;
sahCost /= rootSA;
Log(EDebug, "Detailed kd-tree statistics:");
Log(EDebug, " Inner nodes : %i", ctx.innerNodeCount);
Log(EDebug, " Leaf nodes : %i", ctx.leafNodeCount);
Log(EDebug, " Nonempty leaf nodes : %i", ctx.nonemptyLeafNodeCount);
Log(EDebug, " Node storage cost : %.2f KiB",
(nodePtr * sizeof(KDNode)) / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Index storage cost : %.2f KiB",
(indexPtr * sizeof(index_type)) / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Retracted splits : %i", ctx.retractedSplits);
Log(EDebug, " Pruned primitives : %i", ctx.pruned);
Log(EDebug, " Exp. traversals/ray : %.2f", expTraversalSteps);
Log(EDebug, " Exp. leaf visits/ray : %.2f", expLeavesVisited);
Log(EDebug, " Exp. prim. visits/ray : %.2f", expPrimitivesIntersected);
Log(EDebug, " Final SAH cost : %.2f", finalSAHCost);
Log(EDebug, " Inner nodes : %i", ctx.innerNodeCount);
Log(EDebug, " Leaf nodes : %i", ctx.leafNodeCount);
Log(EDebug, " Nonempty leaf nodes : %i", ctx.nonemptyLeafNodeCount);
Log(EDebug, " Node storage cost : %s",
memString(nodePtr * sizeof(KDNode)).c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Index storage cost : %s",
memString(indexPtr * sizeof(index_type)).c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Parallel work units : " SIZE_T_FMT,
Log(EDebug, " Retracted splits : %i", ctx.retractedSplits);
Log(EDebug, " Pruned primitives : %i", ctx.pruned);
Log(EDebug, " Avg. prims/nonempty leaf : %.2f",
ctx.primIndexCount / (Float) ctx.nonemptyLeafNodeCount);
Log(EDebug, " Expected traversals/ray : %.2f", expTraversalSteps);
Log(EDebug, " Expected leaf visits/ray : %.2f", expLeavesVisited);
Log(EDebug, " Expected prim. visits/ray : %.2f", expPrimitivesIntersected);
Log(EDebug, " Final SAH cost : %.2f", sahCost);
Log(EDebug, "");
@ -713,7 +745,7 @@ protected:
inline EdgeEvent() { }
/// Create a new edge event
inline EdgeEvent(uint16_t type, uint16_t axis, float pos, index_type index)
inline EdgeEvent(uint16_t type, int axis, float pos, index_type index)
: pos(pos), index(index), type(type), axis(axis) { }
/// Return a string representation
@ -742,9 +774,9 @@ protected:
/// Primitive index
index_type index;
/// Event type: end/planar/start
uint16_t type;
unsigned int type:2;
/// Event axis
uint16_t axis;
unsigned int axis:2;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(EdgeEvent) == 12);
@ -817,15 +849,22 @@ protected:
pruned = 0;
size_t size() {
return leftAlloc.size() + rightAlloc.size()
+ nodes.capacity() * sizeof(KDNode)
+ indices.capacity() * sizeof(index_type)
+ classStorage.size();
void printStats() {
Log(EDebug, " Left events : " SIZE_T_FMT " chunks (%.2f KiB)",
leftAlloc.getChunkCount(), leftAlloc.getSize() / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Right events : " SIZE_T_FMT " chunks (%.2f KiB)",
rightAlloc.getChunkCount(), rightAlloc.getSize() / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " kd-tree nodes : " SIZE_T_FMT " entries, " SIZE_T_FMT " blocks (%.2f KiB)",
nodes.size(), nodes.blockCount(), (nodes.capacity() * sizeof(KDNode)) / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Indices : " SIZE_T_FMT " entries, " SIZE_T_FMT " blocks (%.2f KiB)",
indices.size(), indices.blockCount(), (indices.capacity() * sizeof(index_type)) / 1024.0f);
Log(EDebug, " Left events : " SIZE_T_FMT " chunks (%s)",
leftAlloc.getChunkCount(), memString(leftAlloc.size()).c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Right events : " SIZE_T_FMT " chunks (%s)",
rightAlloc.getChunkCount(), memString(rightAlloc.size()).c_str());
Log(EDebug, " kd-tree nodes : " SIZE_T_FMT " entries, " SIZE_T_FMT " blocks (%s)",
nodes.size(), nodes.blockCount(), memString(nodes.capacity() * sizeof(KDNode)).c_str());
Log(EDebug, " Indices : " SIZE_T_FMT " entries, " SIZE_T_FMT " blocks (%s)",
indices.size(), indices.blockCount(), memString(indices.capacity() * sizeof(index_type)).c_str());
void accumulateStatisticsFrom(const BuildContext &ctx) {
@ -846,6 +885,7 @@ protected:
/* Communcation */
ref<Mutex> mutex;
ref<ConditionVariable> cond, condJobTaken;
std::map<const KDNode *, index_type> threadMap;
bool done;
/* Job description for building a subtree */
@ -997,8 +1037,9 @@ protected:
class SAHTreeBuilder : public Thread {
SAHTreeBuilder(size_type idx, GenericKDTree *parent)
: Thread(formatString("bld%i", idx+1)),
SAHTreeBuilder(index_type id, GenericKDTree *parent)
: Thread(formatString("bld%i", id)),
m_interface(parent->m_interface) {
@ -1006,8 +1047,8 @@ protected:
~SAHTreeBuilder() {
KDAssert(m_context.leftAlloc.getUsed() == 0);
KDAssert(m_context.rightAlloc.getUsed() == 0);
KDAssert(m_context.leftAlloc.used() == 0);
KDAssert(m_context.rightAlloc.used() == 0);
void run() {
@ -1029,6 +1070,7 @@ protected:
EdgeEvent *eventStart = leftAlloc.allocate<EdgeEvent>(eventCount),
*eventEnd = eventStart + eventCount;
memcpy(eventStart, m_interface.eventStart, eventCount * sizeof(EdgeEvent));
m_interface.threadMap[node] = m_id;
m_interface.node = NULL;
@ -1045,6 +1087,7 @@ protected:
index_type m_id;
GenericKDTree *m_parent;
BuildContext m_context;
BuildInterface &m_interface;
@ -1060,6 +1103,19 @@ protected:
return static_cast<Derived *>(this);
/// Turn a memory size into a human-readable string
inline static std::string memString(size_t size) {
Float value = (Float) size;
const char *prefixes[] = {
"B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB"
int prefix = 0;
while (prefix < 4 && value > 1024.0f) {
value /= 1024.0f; ++prefix;
return formatString("%.2f %s", value, prefixes[prefix]);
* \brief Create an edge event list for a given list of primitives.
@ -1181,9 +1237,11 @@ protected:
node->initLeafNode(start, primCount);
size_t actualCount = ctx.indices.size() - start;
if (primCount > 0)
if (actualCount != primCount) {
KDAssert(primCount > 0);
OrderedChunkAllocator &alloc = ctx.leftAlloc;
/* A temporary list is allocated to do the sorting (the indices
@ -1271,6 +1329,7 @@ protected:
// Never tear down this subtree (return a SAH cost of -infinity)
sahCost = -std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
} else {
@ -1376,7 +1435,6 @@ protected:
} else {
/* In the end, splitting didn't help to reduce the SAH cost.
Tear up everything below this node and create a leaf */
ctx.leafNodeCount = leafNodeCountBeforeSplit;
@ -1427,7 +1485,6 @@ protected:
SplitCandidate bestSplit;
Float invSA = 1.0f / nodeAABB.getSurfaceArea();
/* ==================================================================== */
/* Split candidate search */
@ -1440,7 +1497,6 @@ protected:
/* Initially, the split plane is placed left of the scene
and thus all geometry is on its right side */
size_type numLeft[3], numRight[3];
AABB aabb(nodeAABB);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
numLeft[i] = 0;
numRight[i] = primCount;
@ -1449,28 +1505,43 @@ protected:
int eventsByAxisCtr = 1;
eventsByAxis[0] = eventStart;
const Vector extents(nodeAABB.getExtents());
const Float invSA = 0.5f / (extents.x * extents.y
+ extents.y*extents.z + extents.x*extents.z);
const Vector temp0 = Vector(
(extents[1] * extents[2]),
(extents[0] * extents[2]),
(extents[0] * extents[1])) * 2 * invSA;
const Vector temp1 = Vector(
(extents[1] + extents[2]),
(extents[0] + extents[2]),
(extents[0] + extents[1])) * 2 * invSA;
/* Iterate over all events on the current axis */
for (EdgeEvent *event = eventStart; event < eventEnd; ) {
/* Record the current position and count all
other events, which are also here */
uint16_t axis = event->axis;
/* Record the current position and count the number
and type of remaining events, which are also here.
Due to the sort ordering, there is no need to worry
about an axis change in the loops below */
int axis = event->axis;
float pos = event->pos;
size_type numStart = 0, numEnd = 0, numPlanar = 0;
/* Count "end" events */
while (event < eventEnd && event->pos == pos && event->axis == axis
while (event < eventEnd && event->pos == pos
&& event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgeEnd) {
++numEnd; ++event;
/* Count "planar" events */
while (event < eventEnd && event->pos == pos && event->axis == axis
while (event < eventEnd && event->pos == pos
&& event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgePlanar) {
++numPlanar; ++event;
/* Count "start" events */
while (event < eventEnd && event->pos == pos && event->axis == axis
while (event < eventEnd && event->pos == pos
&& event->type == EdgeEvent::EEdgeStart) {
++numStart; ++event;
@ -1487,37 +1558,47 @@ protected:
/* Calculate a score using the surface area heuristic */
if (EXPECT_TAKEN(pos >= nodeAABB.min[axis] && pos <= nodeAABB.max[axis])) {
size_type nL = numLeft[axis], nR = numRight[axis];
Float tmp = nodeAABB.max[axis];
aabb.max[axis] = pos;
Float pLeft = invSA * aabb.getSurfaceArea();
aabb.max[axis] = tmp;
tmp = aabb.min[axis];
aabb.min[axis] = pos;
Float pRight = invSA * aabb.getSurfaceArea();
aabb.min[axis] = tmp;
Float sahCostPlanarLeft = m_traversalCost + m_intersectionCost
* (pLeft * (nL + numPlanar) + pRight * nR);
Float sahCostPlanarRight = m_traversalCost + m_intersectionCost
* (pLeft * nL + pRight * (nR + numPlanar));
if (nL + numPlanar == 0 || nR == 0)
sahCostPlanarLeft *= m_emptySpaceBonus;
if (nL == 0 || nR + numPlanar == 0)
sahCostPlanarRight *= m_emptySpaceBonus;
const size_type nL = numLeft[axis], nR = numRight[axis];
const Float nLF = (Float) nL, nRF = (Float) nR;
if (sahCostPlanarLeft < bestSplit.sahCost || sahCostPlanarRight < bestSplit.sahCost) {
bestSplit.pos = pos;
bestSplit.axis = axis;
if (sahCostPlanarLeft < sahCostPlanarRight) {
bestSplit.sahCost = sahCostPlanarLeft;
bestSplit.numLeft = nL + numPlanar;
bestSplit.numRight = nR;
bestSplit.planarLeft = true;
} else {
bestSplit.sahCost = sahCostPlanarRight;
Float pLeft = temp0[axis] + temp1[axis] * (pos - nodeAABB.min[axis]);
Float pRight = temp0[axis] + temp1[axis] * (nodeAABB.max[axis] - pos);
if (numPlanar == 0) {
Float sahCost = m_intersectionCost + m_traversalCost
* (pLeft * nLF + pRight * nRF);
if (nL == 0 || nR == 0)
sahCost *= m_emptySpaceBonus;
if (sahCost < bestSplit.sahCost) {
bestSplit.pos = pos;
bestSplit.axis = axis;
bestSplit.sahCost = sahCost;
bestSplit.numLeft = nL;
bestSplit.numRight = nR + numPlanar;
bestSplit.planarLeft = false;
bestSplit.numRight = nR;
} else {
Float sahCostPlanarLeft = m_intersectionCost + m_traversalCost
* (pLeft * (nL+numPlanar) + pRight * nRF);
Float sahCostPlanarRight = m_intersectionCost + m_traversalCost
* (pLeft * nLF + pRight * (nR+numPlanar));
if (nL + numPlanar == 0 || nR == 0)
sahCostPlanarLeft *= m_emptySpaceBonus;
if (nL == 0 || nR + numPlanar == 0)
sahCostPlanarRight *= m_emptySpaceBonus;
if (sahCostPlanarLeft < bestSplit.sahCost || sahCostPlanarRight < bestSplit.sahCost) {
bestSplit.pos = pos;
bestSplit.axis = axis;
if (sahCostPlanarLeft < sahCostPlanarRight) {
bestSplit.sahCost = sahCostPlanarLeft;
bestSplit.numLeft = nL + numPlanar;
bestSplit.numRight = nR;
bestSplit.planarLeft = true;
} else {
bestSplit.sahCost = sahCostPlanarRight;
bestSplit.numLeft = nL;
bestSplit.numRight = nR + numPlanar;
bestSplit.planarLeft = false;
} else {
@ -2083,7 +2164,7 @@ protected:
KDNode *m_nodes;
index_type *m_primIndices;
index_type *m_indices;
Float m_traversalCost;
Float m_intersectionCost;
Float m_emptySpaceBonus;

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public:
void test02_buildSimple() {
Properties bunnyProps("ply");
bunnyProps.setString("filename", "tools/tests/happy.ply");
bunnyProps.setString("filename", "tools/tests/xyzrgb_statuette.ply");
ref<TriMesh> mesh = static_cast<TriMesh *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
createObject(TriMesh::m_theClass, bunnyProps));