New version of the automatic differentiation code for Eigen

Wenzel Jakob 2013-11-01 11:14:26 +01:00
parent 3f3e72b897
commit cbf7b8ef4c
1 changed files with 845 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
Automatic differentiation data type for C++, depends on the Eigen
linear algebra library.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Wenzel Jakob. Based on code by Jon Kaldor
and Eitan Grinspun.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#if !defined(__AUTODIFF_H)
#define __AUTODIFF_H
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
* \brief Base class of all automatic differentiation types
* This class records the number of independent variables with respect
* to which derivatives are computed.
struct DiffScalarBase {
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Configuration
// ======================================================================
* \brief Set the independent variable count used by the automatic
* differentiation layer
* This function must be called before doing any computations with
* \ref DScalar1 or \ref DScalar2. The value will be recorded in
* thread-local storage.
static inline void setVariableCount(size_t value) {
m_variableCount = value;
/// Get the variable count used by the automatic differentiation layer
static inline size_t getVariableCount() {
return m_variableCount;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
static __thread size_t m_variableCount;
__thread size_t DiffScalarBase::m_variableCount = 0
* \brief Automatic differentiation scalar with first-order derivatives
* This class provides an instrumented "scalar" value, which may be dependent on
* a number of independent variables. The implementation keeps tracks of
* first -order drivatives with respect to these variables using a set
* of overloaded operations and implementations of special functions (sin,
* tan, exp, ..).
* This is extremely useful for numerical zero-finding, particularly when
* analytic derivatives from programs like Maple or Mathematica suffer from
* excessively complicated expressions.
* The class relies on templates, which makes it possible to fix the
* number of independent variables at compile-time so that instances can
* be allocated on the stack. Otherwise, they will be placed on the heap.
* This is an extended C++ port of Jon Kaldor's implementation, which is
* based on a C version by Eitan Grinspun at Caltech)
* \sa DScalar2
* \author Wenzel Jakob
template <typename _Scalar, typename _Gradient = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >
struct DScalar1 : public DiffScalarBase {
typedef _Scalar Scalar;
typedef _Gradient Gradient;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<DScalar1, 2, 1> DVector2;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<DScalar1, 3, 1> DVector3;
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Constructors and accessors
// ======================================================================
/// Create a new constant automatic differentiation scalar
explicit DScalar1(Scalar value = (Scalar) 0) : value(value) {
size_t variableCount = getVariableCount();
grad.resize(Eigen::NoChange_t(), variableCount);
/// Construct a new scalar with the specified value and one first derivative set to 1
DScalar1(size_t index, const Scalar &value)
: value(value) {
size_t variableCount = getVariableCount();
grad.resize(Eigen::NoChange_t(), variableCount);
grad(index) = 1;
/// Construct a scalar associated with the given gradient
DScalar1(Scalar value, const Gradient &grad)
: value(value), grad(grad) { }
/// Copy constructor
DScalar1(const DScalar1 &s)
: value(s.value), grad(s.grad) { }
inline const Scalar &getValue() const { return value; }
inline const Gradient &getGradient() const { return grad; }
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Addition
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar1 operator+(const DScalar1 &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
return DScalar1(lhs.value+rhs.value, lhs.grad+rhs.grad);
friend DScalar1 operator+(const DScalar1 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
return DScalar1(lhs.value+rhs, lhs.grad);
friend DScalar1 operator+(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
return DScalar1(rhs.value+lhs, rhs.grad);
inline DScalar1& operator+=(const DScalar1 &s) {
value += s.value;
grad += s.grad;
return *this;
inline DScalar1& operator+=(const Scalar &v) {
value += v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Subtraction
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar1 operator-(const DScalar1 &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
return DScalar1(lhs.value-rhs.value, lhs.grad-rhs.grad);
friend DScalar1 operator-(const DScalar1 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
return DScalar1(lhs.value-rhs, lhs.grad);
friend DScalar1 operator-(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
return DScalar1(lhs-rhs.value, -rhs.grad);
friend DScalar1 operator-(const DScalar1 &s) {
return DScalar1(-s.value, -s.grad);
inline DScalar1& operator-=(const DScalar1 &s) {
value -= s.value;
grad -= s.grad;
return *this;
inline DScalar1& operator-=(const Scalar &v) {
value -= v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Division
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar1 operator/(const DScalar1 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
if (rhs == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("DScalar1: Division by zero!");
Scalar inv = 1.0f / rhs;
return DScalar1(lhs.value*inv, lhs.grad*inv);
friend DScalar1 operator/(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
return lhs * inverse(rhs);
friend DScalar1 operator/(const DScalar1 &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
return lhs * inverse(rhs);
friend DScalar1 inverse(const DScalar1 &s) {
Scalar valueSqr = s.value*s.value,
invValueSqr = (Scalar) 1 / valueSqr;
// vn = 1/v, Dvn = -1/(v^2) Dv
return DScalar1((Scalar) 1 / s.value, s.grad * -invValueSqr);
inline DScalar1& operator/=(const Scalar &v) {
value /= v;
grad /= v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Multiplication
// ======================================================================
inline friend DScalar1 operator*(const DScalar1 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
return DScalar1(lhs.value*rhs, lhs.grad*rhs);
inline friend DScalar1 operator*(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
return DScalar1(rhs.value*lhs, rhs.grad*lhs);
inline friend DScalar1 operator*(const DScalar1 &lhs, const DScalar1 &rhs) {
// Product rule
return DScalar1(lhs.value*rhs.value,
rhs.grad * lhs.value + lhs.grad * rhs.value);
inline DScalar1& operator*=(const Scalar &v) {
value *= v;
grad *= v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Miscellaneous functions
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar1 sqrt(const DScalar1 &s) {
Scalar sqrtVal = std::sqrt(s.value),
temp = (Scalar) 1 / ((Scalar) 2 * sqrtVal);
// vn = sqrt(v)
// Dvn = 1/(2 sqrt(v)) Dv
return DScalar1(sqrtVal, s.grad * temp);
friend DScalar1 pow(const DScalar1 &s, const Scalar &a) {
Scalar powVal = std::pow(s.value, a),
temp = a * std::pow(s.value, a-1);
// vn = v ^ a, Dvn = a*v^(a-1) * Dv
return DScalar1(powVal, s.grad * temp);
friend DScalar1 exp(const DScalar1 &s) {
Scalar expVal = std::exp(s.value);
// vn = exp(v), Dvn = exp(v) * Dv
return DScalar1(expVal, s.grad * expVal);
friend DScalar1 log(const DScalar1 &s) {
Scalar logVal = std::log(s.value);
// vn = log(v), Dvn = Dv / v
return DScalar1(logVal, s.grad / s.value);
friend DScalar1 sin(const DScalar1 &s) {
// vn = sin(v), Dvn = cos(v) * Dv
return DScalar1(std::sin(s.value), s.grad * std::cos(s.value));
friend DScalar1 cos(const DScalar1 &s) {
// vn = cos(v), Dvn = -sin(v) * Dv
return DScalar1(std::cos(s.value), s.grad * -std::sin(s.value));
friend DScalar1 acos(const DScalar1 &s) {
if (std::abs(s.value) >= 1)
throw std::runtime_error("acos: Expected a value in (-1, 1)");
Scalar temp = -std::sqrt((Scalar) 1 - s.value*s.value);
// vn = acos(v), Dvn = -1/sqrt(1-v^2) * Dv
return DScalar1(std::acos(s.value),
s.grad * ((Scalar) 1 / temp));
friend DScalar1 asin(const DScalar1 &s) {
if (std::abs(s.value) >= 1)
throw std::runtime_error("asin: Expected a value in (-1, 1)");
Scalar temp = std::sqrt((Scalar) 1 - s.value*s.value);
// vn = asin(v), Dvn = 1/sqrt(1-v^2) * Dv
return DScalar1(std::asin(s.value),
s.grad * ((Scalar) 1 / temp));
friend DScalar1 atan2(const DScalar1 &y, const DScalar1 &x) {
Scalar denom = x.value*x.value + y.value*y.value;
// vn = atan2(y, x), Dvn = (x*Dy - y*Dx) / (x^2 + y^2)
return DScalar1(std::atan2(y.value, x.value),
y.grad * (x.value / denom) - x.grad * (y.value / denom));
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Comparison and assignment
// ======================================================================
inline void operator=(const DScalar1& s) { value = s.value; grad = s.grad; }
inline void operator=(const Scalar &v) { value = v; grad.setZero(); }
inline bool operator<(const DScalar1& s) const { return value < s.value; }
inline bool operator<=(const DScalar1& s) const { return value <= s.value; }
inline bool operator>(const DScalar1& s) const { return value > s.value; }
inline bool operator>=(const DScalar1& s) const { return value >= s.value; }
inline bool operator<(const Scalar& s) const { return value < s; }
inline bool operator<=(const Scalar& s) const { return value <= s; }
inline bool operator>(const Scalar& s) const { return value > s; }
inline bool operator>=(const Scalar& s) const { return value >= s; }
inline bool operator==(const Scalar& s) const { return value == s; }
inline bool operator!=(const Scalar& s) const { return value != s; }
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Comparison and assignment
// ======================================================================
#if defined(__MITSUBA_MITSUBA_H_) /* Mitsuba-specific */
/// Initialize a constant two-dimensional vector
static inline DVector2 vector(const mitsuba::TVector2<Scalar> &v) {
return DVector2(DScalar1(v.x), DScalar1(v.y));
/// Initialize a constant two-dimensional vector
static inline DVector2 vector(const mitsuba::TPoint2<Scalar> &p) {
return DVector2(DScalar1(p.x), DScalar1(p.y));
/// Create a constant three-dimensional vector
static inline DVector3 vector(const mitsuba::TVector3<Scalar> &v) {
return DVector3(DScalar1(v.x), DScalar1(v.y), DScalar1(v.z));
/// Create a constant three-dimensional vector
static inline DVector3 vector(const mitsuba::TPoint3<Scalar> &p) {
return DVector3(DScalar1(p.x), DScalar1(p.y), DScalar1(p.z));
/// @}
// ======================================================================
Scalar value;
Gradient grad;
template <typename Scalar, typename VecType>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DScalar1<Scalar, VecType> &s) {
out << "[" << s.getValue()
<< ", grad=" << s.getGradient().format(Eigen::IOFormat(4, 1, ", ", "; ", "", "", "[", "]"))
<< "]";
return out;
* \brief Automatic differentiation scalar with first- and second-order derivatives
* This class provides an instrumented "scalar" value, which may be dependent on
* a number of independent variables. The implementation keeps tracks of first
* and second-order drivatives with respect to these variables using a set
* of overloaded operations and implementations of special functions (sin,
* tan, exp, ..).
* This is extremely useful for numerical optimization, particularly when
* analytic derivatives from programs like Maple or Mathematica suffer from
* excessively complicated expressions.
* The class relies on templates, which makes it possible to fix the
* number of independent variables at compile-time so that instances can
* be allocated on the stack. Otherwise, they will be placed on the heap.
* This is an extended C++ port of Jon Kaldor's implementation, which is
* based on a C version by Eitan Grinspun at Caltech)
* \sa DScalar1
* \author Wenzel Jakob
template <typename _Scalar, typename _Gradient = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>,
typename _Hessian = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> >
struct DScalar2 : public DiffScalarBase {
typedef _Scalar Scalar;
typedef _Gradient Gradient;
typedef _Hessian Hessian;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<DScalar2, 2, 1> DVector2;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<DScalar2, 3, 1> DVector3;
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Constructors and accessors
// ======================================================================
/// Create a new constant automatic differentiation scalar
explicit DScalar2(Scalar value = (Scalar) 0) : value(value) {
size_t variableCount = getVariableCount();
grad.resize(Eigen::NoChange_t(), variableCount);
hess.resize(variableCount, variableCount);
/// Construct a new scalar with the specified value and one first derivative set to 1
DScalar2(size_t index, const Scalar &value)
: value(value) {
size_t variableCount = getVariableCount();
grad.resize(Eigen::NoChange_t(), variableCount);
grad(index) = 1;
hess.resize(variableCount, variableCount);
/// Construct a scalar associated with the given gradient and Hessian
DScalar2(Scalar value, const Gradient &grad, const Hessian &hess)
: value(value), grad(grad), hess(hess) { }
/// Copy constructor
DScalar2(const DScalar2 &s)
: value(s.value), grad(s.grad), hess(s.hess) { }
inline const Scalar &getValue() const { return value; }
inline const Gradient &getGradient() const { return grad; }
inline const Hessian &getHessian() const { return hess; }
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Addition
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar2 operator+(const DScalar2 &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
return DScalar2(lhs.value+rhs.value,
lhs.grad+rhs.grad, lhs.hess+rhs.hess);
friend DScalar2 operator+(const DScalar2 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
return DScalar2(lhs.value+rhs, lhs.grad, lhs.hess);
friend DScalar2 operator+(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
return DScalar2(rhs.value+lhs, rhs.grad, rhs.hess);
inline DScalar2& operator+=(const DScalar2 &s) {
value += s.value;
grad += s.grad;
hess += s.hess;
return *this;
inline DScalar2& operator+=(const Scalar &v) {
value += v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Subtraction
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar2 operator-(const DScalar2 &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
return DScalar2(lhs.value-rhs.value, lhs.grad-rhs.grad, lhs.hess-rhs.hess);
friend DScalar2 operator-(const DScalar2 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
return DScalar2(lhs.value-rhs, lhs.grad, lhs.hess);
friend DScalar2 operator-(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
return DScalar2(lhs-rhs.value, -rhs.grad, -rhs.hess);
friend DScalar2 operator-(const DScalar2 &s) {
return DScalar2(-s.value, -s.grad, -s.hess);
inline DScalar2& operator-=(const DScalar2 &s) {
value -= s.value;
grad -= s.grad;
hess -= s.hess;
return *this;
inline DScalar2& operator-=(const Scalar &v) {
value -= v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Division
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar2 operator/(const DScalar2 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
if (rhs == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("DScalar2: Division by zero!");
Scalar inv = 1.0f / rhs;
return DScalar2(lhs.value*inv, lhs.grad*inv, lhs.hess*inv);
friend DScalar2 operator/(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
return lhs * inverse(rhs);
friend DScalar2 operator/(const DScalar2 &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
return lhs * inverse(rhs);
friend DScalar2 inverse(const DScalar2 &s) {
Scalar valueSqr = s.value*s.value,
valueCub = valueSqr * s.value,
invValueSqr = (Scalar) 1 / valueSqr;
// vn = 1/v
DScalar2 result((Scalar) 1 / s.value);
// Dvn = -1/(v^2) Dv
result.grad = s.grad * -invValueSqr;
// D^2vn = -1/(v^2) D^2v + 2/(v^3) Dv Dv^T
result.hess = s.hess * -invValueSqr;
result.hess += s.grad * s.grad.transpose()
* ((Scalar) 2 / valueCub);
return result;
inline DScalar2& operator/=(const Scalar &v) {
value /= v;
grad /= v;
hess /= v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Multiplication
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar2 operator*(const DScalar2 &lhs, const Scalar &rhs) {
return DScalar2(lhs.value*rhs, lhs.grad*rhs, lhs.hess*rhs);
friend DScalar2 operator*(const Scalar &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
return DScalar2(rhs.value*lhs, rhs.grad*lhs, rhs.hess*lhs);
friend DScalar2 operator*(const DScalar2 &lhs, const DScalar2 &rhs) {
DScalar2 result(lhs.value*rhs.value);
/// Product rule
result.grad = rhs.grad * lhs.value + lhs.grad * rhs.value;
// (i,j) = g*F_xixj + g*G_xixj + F_xi*G_xj + F_xj*G_xi
result.hess = rhs.hess * lhs.value;
result.hess += lhs.hess * rhs.value;
result.hess += lhs.grad * rhs.grad.transpose();
result.hess += rhs.grad * lhs.grad.transpose();
return result;
inline DScalar2& operator*=(const Scalar &v) {
value *= v;
grad *= v;
hess *= v;
return *this;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Miscellaneous functions
// ======================================================================
friend DScalar2 sqrt(const DScalar2 &s) {
Scalar sqrtVal = std::sqrt(s.value),
temp = (Scalar) 1 / ((Scalar) 2 * sqrtVal);
// vn = sqrt(v)
DScalar2 result(sqrtVal);
// Dvn = 1/(2 sqrt(v)) Dv
result.grad = s.grad * temp;
// D^2vn = 1/(2 sqrt(v)) D^2v - 1/(4 v*sqrt(v)) Dv Dv^T
result.hess = s.hess * temp;
result.hess += s.grad * s.grad.transpose()
* (-(Scalar) 1 / ((Scalar) 4 * s.value * sqrtVal));
return result;
friend DScalar2 pow(const DScalar2 &s, const Scalar &a) {
Scalar powVal = std::pow(s.value, a),
temp = a * std::pow(s.value, a-1);
// vn = v ^ a
DScalar2 result(powVal);
// Dvn = a*v^(a-1) * Dv
result.grad = s.grad * temp;
// D^2vn = a*v^(a-1) D^2v - 1/(4 v*sqrt(v)) Dv Dv^T
result.hess = s.hess * temp;
result.hess += s.grad * s.grad.transpose()
* (a * (a-1) * std::pow(s.value, a-2));
return result;
friend DScalar2 exp(const DScalar2 &s) {
Scalar expVal = std::exp(s.value);
// vn = exp(v)
DScalar2 result(expVal);
// Dvn = exp(v) * Dv
result.grad = s.grad * expVal;
// D^2vn = exp(v) * Dv*Dv^T + exp(v) * D^2v
result.hess = (s.grad * s.grad.transpose()
+ s.hess) * expVal;
return result;
friend DScalar2 log(const DScalar2 &s) {
Scalar logVal = std::log(s.value);
// vn = log(v)
DScalar2 result(logVal);
// Dvn = Dv / v
result.grad = s.grad / s.value;
// D^2vn = (v*D^2v - Dv*Dv^T)/(v^2)
result.hess = s.hess / s.value -
(s.grad * s.grad.transpose() / (s.value*s.value));
return result;
friend DScalar2 sin(const DScalar2 &s) {
Scalar sinVal = std::sin(s.value),
cosVal = std::cos(s.value);
// vn = sin(v)
DScalar2 result(sinVal);
// Dvn = cos(v) * Dv
result.grad = s.grad * cosVal;
// D^2vn = -sin(v) * Dv*Dv^T + cos(v) * Dv^2
result.hess = s.hess * cosVal;
result.hess += s.grad * s.grad.transpose() * -sinVal;
return result;
friend DScalar2 cos(const DScalar2 &s) {
Scalar sinVal = std::sin(s.value),
cosVal = std::cos(s.value);
// vn = cos(v)
DScalar2 result(cosVal);
// Dvn = -sin(v) * Dv
result.grad = s.grad * -sinVal;
// D^2vn = -cos(v) * Dv*Dv^T - sin(v) * Dv^2
result.hess = s.hess * -sinVal;
result.hess += s.grad * s.grad.transpose() * -cosVal;
return result;
friend DScalar2 acos(const DScalar2 &s) {
if (std::abs(s.value) >= 1)
throw std::runtime_error("acos: Expected a value in (-1, 1)");
Scalar temp = -std::sqrt((Scalar) 1 - s.value*s.value);
// vn = acos(v)
DScalar2 result(std::acos(s.value));
// Dvn = -1/sqrt(1-v^2) * Dv
result.grad = s.grad * ((Scalar) 1 / temp);
// D^2vn = -1/sqrt(1-v^2) * D^2v - v/[(1-v^2)^(3/2)] * Dv*Dv^T
result.hess = s.hess * ((Scalar) 1 / temp);
result.hess += s.grad * s.grad.transpose()
* s.value / (temp*temp*temp);
return result;
friend DScalar2 asin(const DScalar2 &s) {
if (std::abs(s.value) >= 1)
throw std::runtime_error("asin: Expected a value in (-1, 1)");
Scalar temp = std::sqrt((Scalar) 1 - s.value*s.value);
// vn = asin(v)
DScalar2 result(std::asin(s.value));
// Dvn = 1/sqrt(1-v^2) * Dv
result.grad = s.grad * ((Scalar) 1 / temp);
// D^2vn = 1/sqrt(1-v*v) * D^2v + v/[(1-v^2)^(3/2)] * Dv*Dv^T
result.hess = s.hess * ((Scalar) 1 / temp);
result.hess += s.grad * s.grad.transpose()
* s.value / (temp*temp*temp);
return result;
friend DScalar2 atan2(const DScalar2 &y, const DScalar2 &x) {
// vn = atan2(y, x)
DScalar2 result(std::atan2(y.value, x.value));
// Dvn = (x*Dy - y*Dx) / (x^2 + y^2)
Scalar denom = x.value*x.value + y.value*y.value,
denomSqr = denom*denom;
result.grad = y.grad * (x.value / denom)
- x.grad * (y.value / denom);
// D^2vn = (Dy*Dx^T + xD^2y - Dx*Dy^T - yD^2x) / (x^2+y^2)
// - [(x*Dy - y*Dx) * (2*x*Dx + 2*y*Dy)^T] / (x^2+y^2)^2
result.hess = (y.hess*x.value
+ y.grad * x.grad.transpose()
- x.hess*y.value
- x.grad*y.grad.transpose()
) / denom;
result.hess -=
(y.grad*(x.value/denomSqr) - x.grad*(y.value/denomSqr)) *
(x.grad*((Scalar) 2 * x.value) + y.grad*((Scalar) 2 * y.value)).transpose();
return result;
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Comparison and assignment
// ======================================================================
inline void operator=(const DScalar2& s) { value = s.value; grad = s.grad; hess = s.hess; }
inline void operator=(const Scalar &v) { value = v; grad.setZero(); hess.setZero(); }
inline bool operator<(const DScalar2& s) const { return value < s.value; }
inline bool operator<=(const DScalar2& s) const { return value <= s.value; }
inline bool operator>(const DScalar2& s) const { return value > s.value; }
inline bool operator>=(const DScalar2& s) const { return value >= s.value; }
inline bool operator<(const Scalar& s) const { return value < s; }
inline bool operator<=(const Scalar& s) const { return value <= s; }
inline bool operator>(const Scalar& s) const { return value > s; }
inline bool operator>=(const Scalar& s) const { return value >= s; }
inline bool operator==(const Scalar& s) const { return value == s; }
inline bool operator!=(const Scalar& s) const { return value != s; }
/// @}
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
/// @{ \name Comparison and assignment
// ======================================================================
#if defined(__MITSUBA_MITSUBA_H_) /* Mitsuba-specific */
/// Initialize a constant two-dimensional vector
static inline DVector2 vector(const mitsuba::TVector2<Scalar> &v) {
return DVector2(DScalar2(v.x), DScalar2(v.y));
/// Initialize a constant two-dimensional vector
static inline DVector2 vector(const mitsuba::TPoint2<Scalar> &p) {
return DVector2(DScalar2(p.x), DScalar2(p.y));
/// Create a constant three-dimensional vector
static inline DVector3 vector(const mitsuba::TVector3<Scalar> &v) {
return DVector3(DScalar2(v.x), DScalar2(v.y), DScalar2(v.z));
/// Create a constant three-dimensional vector
static inline DVector3 vector(const mitsuba::TPoint3<Scalar> &p) {
return DVector3(DScalar2(p.x), DScalar2(p.y), DScalar2(p.z));
/// @}
// ======================================================================
Scalar value;
Gradient grad;
Hessian hess;
template <typename Scalar, typename VecType, typename MatType>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DScalar2<Scalar, VecType, MatType> &s) {
out << "[" << s.getValue()
<< ", grad=" << s.getGradient().format(Eigen::IOFormat(4, 1, ", ", "; ", "", "", "[", "]"))
<< ", hess=" << s.getHessian().format(Eigen::IOFormat(4, 0, ", ", "; ", "", "", "[", "]"))
<< "]";
return out;
#endif /* __AUTODIFF_H */