some fixes to the cylinder shape concerning the 'flipNormals' parameter

Wenzel Jakob 2012-10-18 11:05:58 -04:00
parent 42f9677f40
commit c7892f5bdc
1 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ public:
Vector dpdu = Vector(-local.y, local.x, 0) * (2*M_PI);
Vector dpdv = Vector(0, 0, m_length);
if (m_flipNormals)
dpdu *= -1;
its.shape = this;
its.dpdu = m_objectToWorld(dpdu);
its.dpdv = m_objectToWorld(dpdv);
its.geoFrame.n = Normal(normalize(m_objectToWorld(cross(dpdu, dpdv))));
if (m_flipNormals)
its.geoFrame.n *= -1;
its.geoFrame.n = Normal(normalize(cross(its.dpdu, its.dpdv)));
its.geoFrame.s = normalize(its.dpdu);
its.geoFrame.t = normalize(its.dpdv);
its.shFrame = its.geoFrame;
@ -452,9 +452,9 @@ public:
Float cosPhi = std::cos(phi * dPhi);
uint32_t idx0 = (uint32_t) vertexIdx, idx1 = idx0+1;
uint32_t idx2 = (vertexIdx+2) % (2*phiSteps), idx3 = idx2+1;
normals[vertexIdx] = m_objectToWorld(Normal(cosPhi, sinPhi, 0));
normals[vertexIdx] = m_objectToWorld(Normal(cosPhi, sinPhi, 0) * (m_flipNormals ? (Float) -1 : (Float) 1));
vertices[vertexIdx++] = m_objectToWorld(Point(cosPhi*m_radius, sinPhi*m_radius, 0));
normals[vertexIdx] = m_objectToWorld(Normal(cosPhi, sinPhi, 0));
normals[vertexIdx] = m_objectToWorld(Normal(cosPhi, sinPhi, 0) * (m_flipNormals ? (Float) -1 : (Float) 1));
vertices[vertexIdx++] = m_objectToWorld(Point(cosPhi*m_radius, sinPhi*m_radius, m_length));
triangles[triangleIdx].idx[0] = idx0;